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Business plan for the installation of a hotel in pisco, peru



Tourism is an activity that can substantially modify the economic structure of any country. It is one of the main generators of economic and social development not only because of its source of foreign exchange, but also because it is a fundamental factor in achieving peace, promoting national identity and unifying society.


To speak of tourism is to think of the hotel industry, as it is sustained and perfected with it.

Currently it is not news to see, day by day, the opening of new lodging establishments, especially of a category equal to or less than two stars with a vision of growth and improvement of existing structures and the deployment of new collateral services.

Remember that times change, people adopt new forms of relaxation, fun and rest. Consequently, a simple hotel room is no longer sufficient.

The administration, for its part, pursues common objectives with the effort of a good team of employees, perfects the organization, modifies work systems, finds innovation alternatives and is concerned with staff training, since the complexity that the hotel industry represents implies the integration of a series of actions of an administrative nature.

This technical, economic and market study on the installation of a two-star hotel in the district of Pisco, Province of Pisco, is carried out in order to prove the viability of your investment.

In addition to the fact that the project aims to support the tourism development program and the promotion of investment in the sector and thereby improve accommodation services in our country. It is useful as a document for consulting and making investment decisions for the entrepreneur.

In the evaluation, in addition to the accommodation service, complementary services such as restaurants, bar, etc. are considered. as part of the whole.


For me, tourism is an activity that must process natural, cultural and human resources to use them in an articulated and planned way, involving local communities in tourist destinations to meet objectives such as seeing the tourist's dream come true, as well as generate profit for the entrepreneur and mainly, promote sustainable development. I believe that this would be a general mission of Tourism and its objectives.

I am definitely convinced that this year, tourism to Peru is increasing. Latin America is a destination that for different reasons is growing in popularity, and Peru occupies a preferential position within the offer.

Main reason for trip to Peru.

The main reason for traveling to Peru was for vacations, recreation or leisure (61%), registering a greater number of trips for this reason among English (91%), French (83%), German (81%) and Italian tourists. (79%).

The second reason for visiting our country was for business, since 19% of foreign tourists, mainly South Americans, visited Peru for this reason.

On the other hand, it can be said that trips to visit family or friends had a participation of 10%, among which Chilean and Argentine tourists stand out.

What specific tourism products does the ICA Department offer for inbound tourism?

Archaeological sites such as:

  • Nazca Lines The Candelabra of Paracas (Pisco) Cantalloc (Nazca) Chauchilla (Nazca) Paredones (Nazca) Tambo Colorado (Pisco) Incawasi (Pisco) Tambo de Mora Archaeological Zone Aqueduct Archaeological Center / Cantalloc Chauchilla Archaeological Center Los Paredones Archaeological Center

Historical sites

  • Plaza de Armas IcaPlaza de Armas PiscoCathedral of IcaShrine of LurenMatriz Church of NazcaJulio C. Tello Museum of ParacasMuseum of Nazca SiteIca Regional MuseumCasa María Reich

Observation of Flora and Fauna.

  • Ballestas IslandsVariety of BeachesLakes, lagoons and rivers.Trekking and walks.Visit to Wine Cellars.Rides in Light aircraft.Walks through the desert (Sandbox-tubular)


The city of Lima is the most visited destination in Peru because it is the main point of entry and exit from the country. Most business and convention trips are solely destined for the capital city, since these activities are generally carried out only in Lima.

Although vacationers also visit the city of Lima, most of them have as their main destination the cities of Cusco and Machu Picchu, and then visit other destinations in the southern region, especially Puno, Arequipa, Ica and Tacna.

We have reasons to invest in establishing a Hotel in Pisco.

Source: PROMPERÚ: Foreign Tourist Profile 2002

Arrival of foreigners to the department of Ica.

According to the 2002 Foreign Tourist Profile, two out of every ten foreign tourists who traveled to Peru visited the department of Ica, mainly Nazca (13%), the city of Ica (11%) Pisco (8%) and Paracas (8%) As we see between Pisco and Paracas, 16% is captured.

The average stay in each of the places was around 2 nights.

Evolution of the Peruvian Migratory Movement JUNE 2004

According to the Technical Office of Dissemination of the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STATISTICS AND INFORMATICS (INEI), in June 2004 150 thousand 343 people entered Peru, between Peruvians and foreigners, which represents a growth of 15.2% compared to the same month of the previous year. Of that number, 59 thousand 683 were return of Peruvians and 90 thousand 660 were foreigners. 152,383 people left the country, which represents a growth of 11.6% compared to June 2003. Of these, 54.3% were Peruvians and 45.7% were foreigners.

In the period January - June 2004, one million 46 thousand 213 people entered Peru, including Peruvians and foreigners, which represents a growth of 21.4% compared to the same period in 2003. Of this total, 45.3% were Peruvians and 54.7% % foreign. 1 million 188 thousand 236 left the country in the first six months of the year, among Peruvians and foreigners, registering a growth of 21.5%, compared to the same semester of the previous year. Of them, 54.3% were Peruvians and 45.7% foreigners.

1.1 Description of the service

The main service is to provide non-permanent accommodation service, in

a defined rank of the 2 star category according to the regulation

establishment, in addition a restaurant, bar, telephone, video rental service, etc. is carried out.

It should be noted that the main service includes bathroom service, room and bathroom cleaning, change of sheets and others.

Comparative advantage

  • The Paracas National Reserve is considered in international tourist interest as one of the places that meets the privileged conditions of having a sea and its coasts with special characteristics of great biodiversity, of having its 336 hectares that house archaeological remains of recognized historical importance, geological and paleontological evidences of great significance, in addition to the beautiful beaches, islands and cliffs that offer landscapes of singular tourist attraction.That there is a Master Plan for the Paracas National Reserve that allows the development of attributes and possible tourist by-products of rapid implementation for the future investor.Paracas in general is a good place to practice water sports in the country due to the favorable climatic conditions and its geographical configuration.Paracas is only a 3-hour drive from the city of Lima, on an asphalt road in good condition. This proximity is an advantage that could be taken advantage of by business travelers who arrive in Lima and who are interested in spending a weekend outside the city of Pisco Province has an airport, which has the conditions to allow arrival of direct Charter flights, being able to become an operations center for the tourist overflight service to the Nazca Lines, which at one end of the Paracas Peninsula, a few minutes away by car, is located the Port of San Martín, used mainly for cargo operations, but since 2001 has been receiving tourist boats from the northern and southern routes.That there is an important market for so-called ecological tourism, which can be used to quickly position itself by exploiting the issue of bird watching.

Potential customers

It is preferably oriented to the attention of foreign tourists and also national tourists. Below we present the arrival and overnight stays of foreign tourists to the Department of Ica 1999-2001.

Peru: Arrival of Foreigners in Accommodation Establishment in the Department of Ica 1999-2001

1999 2000 2001

Total Country



Total Country



Total Country






Ica Department



Ica Department



Ica Department



Rest of the country



Rest of the country



Rest of the country



SOURCE: MITINCI- General Directorate of Migration and Naturalization- Office of Statistics.

Peru: Overnight stays of foreigners in Lodging Establishments in the Department of Ica 1999-2001

1999 2000 2001

Total Country




Total Country



Total Country





Ica Department




Ica Department



Ica Department


Rest of the country




Rest of the country



Rest of the country


SOURCE: MITINCI- General Directorate of Migration and Naturalization- Office of Statistics

1.4 Required investment and financing structure

A total investment of US $ 524,804 will be required as shown below:

  • Fixed Investment $. 443 438 Working Capital $ 82 311

Total 525 749

The font structure is as follows:

  • Internal resources $ 289162 00% External resources $ 236587 00%

525 749 100.00%

Project strategies

  • We will work with tourism agencies in order to provide them with tourist packages, which include dinner, accommodation, other complementary services, the next day, breakfast, the visit service to the Ballestas Islands and the Reservation. Tours will also be offered outside Pisco to the Nazca Lines, to the ruins of Tambo Colorado and in Ica to the Archaeological Museum and the Oasis of Huacachina, all the tour Paracas (Ballestas Islands) - Overflight to the Nazca Lines - Visit to the Ica city - Return to Pisco. It is intended to provide a lodging service to national and international travelers, providing them well-being during their stay,satisfying your demands through a quality service always at the forefront of technology and considering our human factor as the key to creativity and innovation, with a capacity to adapt and react to constant changes and new challenges that a new era demands knowledge and globalization, in addition to having a medium, short and long-term rate plan, according to the low and high season. Corporate rates, educational and cultural institutions, etc.

1.6 Result of the financial evaluation and its NPV and IRR indicators

  • There is a VANE = US $ 494247 and an Economic Rate of Return Equal to 33.92%, which indicates its superiority with respect to the bank rate, presenting viable the execution of the investment. With respect to the Net Financial Present Value it represents US $ 155,729 and a 17.83% Financial Rate of Return

Environmental impact of the project

The urban planning of the Provincial Municipality of Pisco has been considered, where the project is located in an area of ​​hotel uses, in addition, the architectural planning of the city of Pisco has been taken into account, where the new construction that is carried out is in harmony with the natural and cultural environment of the place. Likewise, the development of infrastructure has been considered in parallel with tourism development, both in terms of means of transport and sanitary equipment, water supply, sanitation and cleaning of municipalities, etc.


A sustainable tourism development is intended that meets the needs of current tourists and that brings with it an equitable social and economic development and in this line that enhances opportunities and mitigates problems related to employment levels, cultural traditions, etc. Given the results obtained in the study, we consider a feasible investment project to be executed.

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Business plan for the installation of a hotel in pisco, peru