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Documentary planning and administrative documents

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This article indicates theoretical aspects that are necessary to address the issues relevant to the active age of the document and presents the active role that the information professional assumes in this documentary phase.

Abstract This article present theory concepts that are necessary for understanding all activities about the first age of documents and new role of information professionals have in this first age of documents.


Information has always been constituted as an indispensable element for societies, even at this time its direct relationship in the decision-making process has taken on greater importance, even more so in organizational environments where its validity characteristics are understood as a timely result and processed according to the guidelines of an organization in its information system, thus leading to understand it as an essential strategic resource for the development of all types of activity, since its absence or poor quality can cause serious damage to those who depend on it.

For the above, it is inferred the important work carried out by information administrators, by providing services and Products or Tools, among which are the development of documentary languages, database design, index elaboration, information systems design, design of workflows, formation of information architectures for the implementation of systems, preparation of manuals, etc. that allow to offer quality and opportunity in the recovery of information,Even in business environments, the figure of the traditional archivist has had to face new challenges when facing concepts related to document management programs where efforts are covered from the instances of the document planning itself, which begins with the tacit aspect of individuals. That is to say, their mind, since the primary source of the informational essence contained in the document comes from the individuals who in their mind define the motives and attributes of the documentary object and shape it in a format so that its informational meaning is materialized in a document.since the primary source of the informational essence contained in the document comes from the individuals who in their mind define the motives and attributes of the documentary object and put it into a format so that its informative meaning is materialized in a document.since the primary source of the informational essence contained in the document comes from the individuals who in their mind define the motives and attributes of the documentary object and put it into a format so that its informative meaning is materialized in a document.

From this moment of documentary planning in an intangible stage resides a new stage in the life cycle of the document and is referred to its planning.

The above confronts the information professional in a challenge where he is forced to interact dynamically with the entities that produce the documents, it is based on the basis that with the intervention of the professional from the very genesis of the document, document management will come very close more to a secure integration of all documents from when they are active and semi-active until their respective disposal.

The appearance of modern techniques of reproduction (photocopying, fax, printers, digitization, etc.), treatment and documentary transmission (E-mail, Workflow, Databases, etc.) are useful tools as means of diffusion, analysis and study of information, but by not having a strong sense of appropriation focused on the documentary base of the institutional structure and illiteracy regarding its proper use and true potential, there is a constant difficulty in having control over the flow of information. documentary information - even organizational knowledge - to be managed and its storage formats, adding to this the so-called explosion of information, implying an exponential growth of documentation which is a characteristic of current organizations,where its effective control ceases to be a problematic secretarial activity, to be understood as a challenge of modern archival administration, which this call has to intervene in the design and application of document management instruments that allow the establishment of coherent measures regarding the creation, organization, treatment, recognition and selective conservation of said documentation.

Even the lack of adequate tools causes administrative costs such as duplication at work, lack of knowledge regarding production, loss of time, lack of certainty about the documentation route, waste of existing documentary information sources and at the same time makes it difficult optimal decision making.

The professional's participation in information in the first age of the document

The active participation of the information and documentation professional in the early age of the document is an issue that has triggered various controversies and debates among professionals from different times. However, as Borras states, "currently the revolutionary opinion on the new role of the information professional seems generalized, who must be prepared to face the untimely changes of a society based on knowledge."

It concerns with special care the corporate environments where the information concept is considered as an institutional strategic resource in which the success or failure of the entity can fall, to promote a space of action to assume these new challenges, it is then necessary to The information professional must make use of the existing doctrines, which in the case of the aforementioned environment is found in the guidelines of the archival models, which from the very creation or reception of the documents in the administrative management units, and through The appropriate techniques and methods, whether manual or supported by state-of-the-art technologies, invite to establish an active, dynamic and joint intervention between the document producing entities and the information professional.According to Joaquin Borras, this intervention should always be developed starting from two references: on the one hand, respect for the archival trajectory, and on the other, attending to the imperative need to act according to the demands of the information society, better say the E-Document o electronic document and the base platform for its generation, dissemination and description:

ICT's. As stated by the author, the advent of the information explosion with its consequent exponential growth of documents from the second third of the last 20th century, led corporate environments to demand the participation and action of professionals with technical and professional criteria, forcing then to a necessary introduction in the field of what has been called document management programs.

It is therefore imperative that professionals realize the importance of intervening from the moment of planning and creating the documents, since it is at this precise moment when an optimal process of evaluation and selection of documentation is facilitated., the establishment of formats, the control of the flow of active documents and the design of classification systems that favor the separation of documents with temporary value or of a facilitative nature, therefore susceptible to being eliminated, from those that have a value permanent and that must be transferred to the archives or in the electronic context to the containers of digital information objects DLO.

Even Borras highlights the incidence of new technologies, since they allow and facilitate having a more detailed control of the management file, which has traditionally functioned as an entity isolated from the direct processes of the File and what the professional does in Information and documentation.

A Basic Intervention Tool: The Manual

To face the challenge of intervening in the first phase of the document, from the different perspectives and approaches of the archival models, it is necessary to establish some proposals that are based on the development of standardized instruments of documentary treatment, an alternative for the development of The aforementioned instruments is the elaboration of manuals aimed at the users or entities that produce the document - with modern technology these can even be multimedia - where they, when applying the instructions of the manual, find an operational tool that contains the standardized, elaborated and disseminated by the corresponding information unit.

The manuals are closely related to the processes and activities within any establishment that links administrative practices, even the International Organization for Standardization provides a system of ISO 9000 standards for quality management and quality assurance, in order to increase efficiency and efficiency of activities and processes to provide additional benefits to the organization and its customers.

These standards cover the key areas in leadership policy in a guideline focused on quality, product and process development, production methods, etc.

In turn, ISO standards provide guidelines for the evaluation and proper review of processes where the preparation of manuals is beneficially suited to the objective of offering better results, which are a reflection of stipulated processes.

This international standard appropriate to the Colombian technical standard promotes the adoption of a process-based approach, stipulates guidelines on how to develop, implement and improve the effectiveness of a quality management system, to increase customer satisfaction by complying with its requirements.

As defined by the standard, for an organization to function effectively, it has to identify and manage numerous interrelated activities, one activity that uses resources, and that is managed in order to allow inputs to be transformed into results., can be considered as a process.

The application of a system of processes within the organization, together with the identification and interactions of these processes, as well as their management, can be referred to as a “process-based approach”.

An advantage of the process-based approach is the continuous control it provides over the individual processes within the process system, as well as their combination and interaction, aspects such that a timely and effective procedures manual can cover and develop.

The manuals seek to unify the concepts of the company on the objectives, the way in which the functions should be developed and the attention to the tasks, trying to build an institutional memory. and to eliminate individual interpretation about the most important aspects of the job.

On the one hand, manuals present the real difficulty of trying to record everything that happens in an organization, and on the other hand they support the administration and the worker when they are clear and know how to use, since they indicate requirements, sequences, documents, decisions, etc.., which guide and give security to the action, in addition, they are consolidated as the registered organizational knowledge regarding the Business processes themselves.

The Document Producers

According to the dictionary of Archivist terminology of the International Council on Archives (1900, 2 ed.), The definition of user is reduced to the individual who exercises the action of consulting the documents / archives, generally in a consulting room. It also denotes you as a reader or researcher.

In the case of the previous conceptualization, reference is only made to the user of permanent or historical funds, neglecting among them as manifested by the producer of the document or internal user of an institution.

For Borras, document producers or users of the document management system can be broadly divided into three categories:

  1. The body's managers who plan and supervise the methods. Those responsible and all the support staff for the administrative units (systems, operations, etc.) who jointly coordinate with the information professional the implementation of the administrative documentation management system in the units The users directly executing the implementation (administrative staff, secretaries, etc.)

The most direct users can be understood as those who are in charge of the production or reception of the documents, the classification and archiving, the application of description, indexing and retrieval methods, and the transfer of the documents to the central archive..

These functions are always carried out, with greater or lesser autonomy, either in the absence of an official document management system in the body, as well as the supposed compliance with the officially approved instructions.

It is worth noting that the academic preparation of these personnel in the subject of document management is currently precarious, however, as mentioned above, the primary source of the administrative document comes from human thought and many times from these people another An alternative to classify document producers is to understand them as the support group of an organization which can be categorized in relation to their needs for information and knowledge managed in the daily routine of the business unit.

The global classification of information systems is a good way to categorize document producers, in such a classification in a general perspective we speak of an operational level, one of knowledge, one of administration and another of strategy, understanding that for each unit functional there are representatives of all these levels of information systems.

Graph 1 represents the scheme of the theory of information systems implicit in the work of Laudon and Laudon (1996)

At each of these levels there are people with different needs for information and use of knowledge, these two aspects being determined by the functions within the organization, in turn, they are also determinants of the types of documents that will be produced at each level and these Individuals as creators of documents must materialize the processes and different activities of their daily work in a documentary way.

The following describes the differentiation of the type of information that is generated at each level in accordance with the information systems that, as defined by the theory, are required at each of the levels and the categorization of the members of an organization that support the existence of these levels:

Operational Level: The documentary types that are generated at this level refer to the monitoring of the activities and elementary transactions of the organization and its producers and main processors are the officials with an operational role within the organization (Secretaries, Assistants, Receptionists, Messengers, Operational Managers, etc…), the primary purpose of the documentary information produced at this level responds to the routine questions of operations

Knowledge Level:

At this level, documentation generated and managed by the knowledge workers of an institution (Engineers, Architects, Designers, etc…) the documentary types that are developed at this level tend to record the integration of new knowledge for the business (Feasibility Studies, Market Studies, Research Reports, etc…), including Enebral Fernández (2006) states that the profile of knowledge workers is forced to generate written information for others with the aim of socializing the knowledge generated

Managerial level:

The fundamental actors of documentary production at this level are the mid-level administrators and the documentary types that are generated at this level are referred to the activities of monitoring, control, and the mid-level administrative exercise (Periodic Operation Reports, activities, etc..)

Strategic Level: At this level are the executive officers of the organization, they are the ones who define the horizon and the strategy that the organization needs to define itself and cause differentiation in the market, as an example of the documentary typologies that are developed at this level. what refers to strategic planning, and everything that has to do with how to deal with the changes that occur in the economic environment of the organization's sector.

The life cycle of the document

Wiffels, in 1972 raised his theory on the basic phases or ages of the life cycle of the document, this denomination relates to the stages that a document fulfills throughout its useful life.

According to González de Ríos, these stages can be considered as follows: Planning, preparation, use and maintenance, and disposal.

In essence, this cycle is defined in three stages that in turn allow to differentiate three types of file, according to the phase in which the documents are found.

Below is the characterization that González de Ríos states about each stage:

1. First Phase: Preparation of Documents

This phase of document management aims to:

  • Avoid the production of non-essential documents Reduce the volume of documents Expand the use and usefulness of the documents that are needed Ensure the proper use of reprographic and automation techniques.

2. Second Phase: Use and preservation of documents

This second phase includes the selection, use, control and storage, it is characterized by:

  • Availability of the necessary information and documents Low-cost use of information and documents Selection of auxiliary material, equipment and place of storage of the documents, appropriate to the nature and frequency of use.

3. Third Phase: The Elimination of Documents

Only after the evaluation process can it be determined which documents should be kept and which can be deleted. Any effective procedure to delete documents must comply with the following activities:

  • Identification and description of documents by series Classification of these series with a view to their conservation or elimination Determination of the documents that are justified in keeping in the archives Periodic elimination of non-permanent documents Transfer of permanent documents to the national archives or to those that make their times.

Archive Classes

Linked to the phases of the life cycle, three classes of archives are considered, which González de Ríos describes as follows:

1 Age or stage

Management file

2 Age or stage

Central Archive / Intermediate Archive

3 Age or stage

Historical Archive

Management files or document producing offices

In this instance, the documentation in process is gathered, in search of a solution to the initiated matters, in addition, the documentation is subject to continuous use and administrative consultation by the same offices or other agencies that request them.

Central or intermediate files

Here, documents transferred by different management files of the respective entity are grouped, once their process has been completed but which are still being consulted by the offices and individuals in general.

Permanent or historical archives

Place where it is transferred from the intermediate file, the documentation that by decision of the document evaluation committee, must be permanently preserved given the value it charges for research, science and culture.

As can be seen in Graph 2, in the life cycle of the document, the document volume decreases over time, allowing valuable information for the organization to be preserved permanently, however, to achieve this rationalization of the document collection, document management has developed instruments such as the classification table and the document retention table, without which it would be impossible to execute document transfer processes according to the age of the document.

The cycle defines three stages that in turn allow to differentiate three types of file according to the stage in which the documents are.

Archival doctrine and intervention in the first phase of the document

To understand the relationship between archival practice and the first phase of the document, it is necessary to delve into the existing approaches in this regard.

The traditional field of archival science has faced two positions in which it is essential to make an exception regarding their differences, on the one hand there is the Archives Administration and on the other the Document Management.

Archives administration is the responsibility of the set of tasks, aimed at the maximum use of documents for historical, cultural and research purposes.

Document management is the grouping of tasks and procedures aimed at achieving greater efficiency and economy in the use of documents by administrators, and necessarily implies, as stated by A. Ricks, extending towards the document life cycle with the objective of intervening from the documentary production itself with the intention of ensuring adequate control of it, improving the way in which they are recovered and preserved.

This approach was born around the thirties in the United States, giving rise to a gap between document managers and information professionals, provoking internal debates leading to direct attention in two aspects:

One with a conservative nature, led by Hilary Jenkinson, who states that "the work of the information professional oriented to file management is to preserve and safeguard the documents", thus showing a passive position when it comes to solving problems. administrative practices, and another more innovative, supported by Theodor Roosvelt Schelleberg who states that “among the functions of the information professional involved with archives are those of organizing administrative documentation, as well as selecting and eliminating documentation, presenting the modern administrative needs and proposing solutions that involve a new conception of files and their managers. "

The presence of the information professional in the active phase of the document is based on the same principle of provenance, according to which the documents in a collection must be properly organized according to the original structure or the natural order of production.

In this way, the use of documentary treatment techniques and instruments that are regularly applied to all active documents of an organization and that last when a few reach permanent value is totally justified. Likewise, the principle of respect for the fund also clearly favors the recovery of information, since knowledge of the organization or the producing unit, its functions and activities, are determining factors from this first phase of the document. "

The development of the theory of the life cycle of the document and the related concepts, more specifically “the notions of primary value and secondary value, provide more elements that justified the much-needed application of archival techniques in the period of maximum activity of the document: "Your planning." In accordance with what has been stated and following Borras, uniform criteria for document classification, documentation selection guidelines in order to determine the place of conservation and its final destination, should currently be applied in the management or office files,and the content description methods to achieve the optimal retrieval of information from its generation either with conventional archival tools or the use of cutting-edge technologies for the description and retrieval of information such as the integration of meta-information associated with the Organizational documentary fund.

The level of intervention of the information professional in the first phase of the document depends, to a significant degree, on the appropriation of the concepts related to modern document management oriented to the use of technology in its processes and on the model followed to optimize everything in set as an information system.

Thus, it is necessary to distinguish document management models, including the North American model, aimed at intervention without exceptions in the active and semi-active phase of the document (United States and Canada).

On the other hand, there is a diverse and extensive European model (France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, among others), in favor of little control in the active phase, limiting the direct intervention of the information professional in the semi-active phase of the document, in addition other similar models define the intervention of the professional in the active phase of the document, in terms similar to those exposed.

The role of the information professional before the intervention in the first phase of the document

The fact of thinking of an interventionist attitude on the part of the information professional in the first age of the document, directly affects the behavior of an established organizational culture, and requires the stipulation of certain responsibilities and attitudes of this, defining a profile that responds to the expectations of a new proposal, where the relevant need on the part of the administrative bodies is channeled into parameters of efficiency and administrative economy, resulting in responses from the archival academic institutions, incurring as indicated in the necessary theoretical revolutions and practices of the profession, which in some countries has even formulated the creation of a new professional and corporate profile differentiating,between the new record managers and traditional archivists.

Due to the emerging dividing incidence between trends on what is the role of the professional, the reflexive fluctuation in this regard has been accelerated, giving rise to the appearance of a literature favorable or contrary to the exposed phenomenon.

Despite everything, in recent years some intentions to shorten distances have been perceived and a certain reciprocal understanding is imposed between the groups.

Previously, this radical separation between professional sectors motivated some authors, including A. Ricks., alerted and supporters of less radical positions, will emphasize the need to defend a common interest, arguing that document managers could offer the information professional formulas to achieve the much-needed rationality and economy of their processes, while the professional was offered the opportunity to influence documentary management programs in order to achieve the quality of the archives of the future.

According to Cruz Mundet, the capacity for direct intervention in the management phase is limited by a series of variables that he defines in two aspects:

A) Experience shows that the needs of the offices exceed the capacity of the resources available from the archive.

B) Documentary production grows at an exponential rate

From the foregoing it can be inferred that it is virtually impossible to organize and attend to all office files, which in the first instance are the responsibility of the administrative staff, however the Information professional must be willing to provide basic guidelines and, if possible, attend to a single organizational unit that serves as an example in the process of implementing a document management program from document production.

Cruz Mundett also defines certain characteristics of the professional who is involved in the intervention of the first age of the document as follows:

A) You must know what the needs of each agency are, the volume and status of their documents.

B) You must design an organization and exploitation system appropriate to each case

C) You must instruct the staff in the basic knowledge that allows them to maintain the systems over time, with their help and supervision

It is necessary to observe that the previous considerations can be covered and supported in a timely manner with the establishment of procedure manuals designed by the information professional to help users or document producers in actions related to understanding the organization system., maximum use of documentation and certainty as to how to maintain the system over time.

The information and documentation professional and the corporate environment

It is unthinkable to devise or present a solution to problems related to document management, without taking into account the institutional guidelines; However, in a good number of companies, the design of their information systems or the realization of solutions is carried out without a global plan, implying uncertainty regarding the level of detail necessary for the proposal to fit in with institutional expectations.

By tradition, it does not occur to anyone that the Information and Documentation professional who has typically been relegated to passive positions in an archive, a library, or a documentation center, guides a strategic planning in the organization, (at least from the information management perspective) and that others participate in the design of the information subsystems within it. Even these subsystems must be designed by different teams that work autonomously.But what would happen if these working groups created their own subsystems without directive-type coordination? To answer this question, it is necessary to delve into the management problem information in the administration, or what Andreu i Daufí defines as the administrative documentation management subsystem (SSGDA),On the other hand, other authors specify the concept as follows:

For Michel Roberge an SSGDA is the set of operations and techniques related to the conception, development, implementation, maintenance and evaluation of the necessary administrative systems, from the creation of the documents to their elimination or transfer to the files.

Montserrat Canela. defines the administrative documentation management subsystem as a set of elements: the management files, the centralized repository, the transfers, the classification table, the documentary evaluation tables, the file manager, the management file manager, the computer application, management manual, etc.

This set of elements are understood according to Monserrat in three senses

a) Interrelated: the management files send the documentation through transfers to the centralized repositories, the evaluation tables indicate when the documents should be transferred or eliminated since they evaluate the series established by the classification chart;

b) That they act in a certain environment: the management of documents is part of the general administration of the institution;

c) With a common objective: to contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the general administration, to ensure the conservation of documentary heritage.

According to Andreu i Daufí, it does not seem illogical to think that problematic situations can arise in an SSGDA, namely, derived from the social structure of the system, in which the role of people, communication between them and human values ​​play a role. fundamental in its operation.

The incorporation of the complexity concept and other elements in the observation of the SSGDA give rise to observing the SSGDA as “a set of people and processes - system of human activities - that, in an institution, have the mission of managing a resource - information -, which must be correct, be in the appropriate place, at the right time and in the most convenient format and documentary support for its users ”.

Sáez Vacas considers that a professional in Information and documentation must have the ability to approach the immediate reality of the SSGDA, perceiving it under three levels of complexity

  • First level: complexity of individual processes, Second level: systemic complexity, Third level: complexity of the global process.

First level

At the first level, the Information and Documentation Professional observes the complexity of the different elements that make up the SSGDA, considered in themselves and not as internal references of a whole.

The activities that take place in these processes are individual and, generally, operational.

By identifying tasks, the Information and Documentation Professional has the possibility of analyzing who benefits or harms the SSGDA, that is, the clients, it also studies who performs the operations and tasks, that is, the actors of the SSGDA (The professional in Information and Documentation, the administrative staff,). It also analyzes what the SSGDA does or wants it to do, that is, the transformation (what goes in? What happens? What goes out of the system?). The professional also analyzes the perspective of the SSGDA, that is, the point of view of the actors, their organizational culture (what type of SSGDA do you have or what type of SSGDA do you want to have?). The owner of the SSGDA is also identified, that is, who owns it or has rights over it.

Finally, the Information and Documentation professional must be able to analyze the environment, that is, the constraining circumstances and the limitations of the SSGDA.

Second level

The information and documentation professional must have an articulated vision of the different elements of the SSGDA, since these are never isolated, but rather form a group of interconnected elements with a specific purpose. This complexity is related to the functions performed by the working groups.

The professional must analyze and understand the SSGDA as an element of the Institution's Information Processing. The SSGDA is then presented as a corporate classification system, a corporate conservation and disposal system, a corporate description and retrieval system for administrative documentation in the active and semi-active phases.

Third level

Once the necessary interrelation between the dependencies of the institution has been determined, the professional analyzes the interaction between the technical and technological systems with the uses and customs of the people who work with the documentation.

In turn, the notions and perceptions that the professional has of the SSGDA, that is, their way of seeing reality, are related to their interests, capacities and instruments, where without a doubt, this is the most committed stage for the Professional, since it has to offer the institution an operationally good product, sheltered by the proper analysis of its appreciations of the system.

In other words, at this level of complexity, the professional must consider his strategy to achieve a product according to the situation.

The new information supports: the electronic document

It is manifestly clear that every document necessarily needs a support, a material substrate where it can be captured - paper, wood, magnetic tape, photographic roll, microfilm, floppy disk, CD, DVD, etc…; This constitutes the material support of the document.

The distinction is of the utmost importance, since the existence of documents on modern media - called electronic - has introduced fundamental changes in economic, social, and legal relations, and for consistent reasons within organizations, which is where it should be most careful. The analysis of this research, since it aims to avoid incurring in traditional ruptures in the way of doing things, which will later affect the corporate dynamics, to the extent that the processes, results or outputs do not respond to an internal scheme and even context of the environment.

The electronic document and its cultural challenge

At present, new ways are being presented to improve the processes of authenticity and integrity of the data contained in new media and to establish the security of said acts, such as encryption technologies and government regulations towards digital signatures, where The traditional signature or subscription results from unnecessary use, however in countries like ours, despite already living this reality, they persist in continuing in a legal vacuum, which in the end directly affects the confidence of the institutions in terms of managing the new supports, since very little progress has been made in the process aimed at regulating essential aspects of their control through electronic document management systems,Although currently for the Colombian case there are regulations such as Law 527, which defines and regulates the access and use of data messages, electronic commerce and digital signatures, such regulatory intention is not enough for the generalized environment of organizations, especially SMEs, affecting feelings of apathy to the sense of wanting to know and take advantage of the tools that are broken down with this type of media.

There is no doubt about the beneficial characteristics of all that innovative proposal that implies going hand in hand with the development of new technologies, especially if they concern information management.

Notwithstanding the passage from the printed word to electronics, as proposed by Amat in his book, the electronic library, it leads to a series of problems for the producers and / or users of electronic materials because the physical form of the latter varies considerably. with respect to the former.

The habit of reading a printed document is one of the greatest difficulties, although not the only one, faced by electronic support, even Amat cites his considerations in this regard stating that one of the difficulties that electronic text offers lies in the speed with which That has gone from learning based on print, to that based on new information supports, this conflict of views is based on the fact that for individuals the tradition has made it easier to take advantage of the conventions of the printing press, while the wide range of instructions required to use a computer program is unknown, at least in principle,the reader of an electronic text has to learn a new method of accessing and retrieving information that bears little relation to the myriad of electronic document management systems, so much so that it could be said that each electronic book requires its own reading mechanism, Amat indicates it as a new literacy on learning with the help of new supports and its consequent implications.

In organizational settings, the position is ambivalent, as it is mainly mediated by the producers of documents and / or users of the same, and the incidence of a projection towards the new challenges of society, perhaps Amat's position is a consequence of witnessing a break between tradition and innovation, where there is clearly a resistance towards the way in which change occurs, which is not necessarily bad, as it protects organizations from possible fluctuations of an innovation in a traditional environment.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that in the vast majority many areas of knowledge and their academic representations show a complacent stance towards the use of technology as a useful tool, so much so that a professional trained in the 90s onwards, He has no major qualms about coupling the use of computer solutions to his daily work, but as is the case in some corporate environments that have positioned themselves and gained a certain status through many years of work and their employees have a deeply traditional culture, the result Of an entire organizational culture accustomed to print media, electronic media begins to weigh one of its greatest challenges in terms of corporate environments at least.

Therefore, it is of notable necessity to inquire into the aspects related to the organizational culture of the entities, even more so when evaluating the possible application of solutions.


The information and documentation professional must be a dynamic element in the activities related to the documentary production, for which it is necessary that they be actively involved in the identification of the processes related to each type of document, for this the professional must make tools that allow To the producers of the documents at their different levels, assign all the meta information that, in the light of a Document Management program, can be described of each type of document that is produced since from the very genesis of the document and based on its source of information. materialization - the individual -, the adequate identification of the nomination of the documentary type, its retention periods, its associated processes, its description and recovery parameters will be more effective.

The challenge involved in optimizing administrative management files since the genesis of the document reformulates the activity of the archivist in a more interactive action with the organizational environment and implies a change of perspective on the traditional activity of the archivist.


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Documentary planning and administrative documents