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Personal strategic planning

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Nowadays there is a lot of talk about Personal Strategic Planning (PEP), but what is it really about?

Personal planning is a path that unites two positions: first, what you are and where you are, and second, where you want to go or what you want to be in the future. It also provides you with a series of elements to develop your potential, in addition to taking care of the quality and orientation of your achievements.

I challenge you to think for a few minutes about planning your life and you will see that it is nothing more than a movie that shows you where you are, where you are going, how you are going and why. It is an instrument that does not tell you the future personal decisions you are going to make, but the future of the decisions you make in the present by formulating your plan.

Planning your life requires that you are willing to face this challenge, but remember that if you want to have favorable results, you have to pay a price. Are you willing to do it? Then go ahead in the development of your life.

Many people are not clear on what they want to become, both personally and at work. Why is this situation?

The world today is full of uncertainty, people are afraid to even dream. Values ​​have been gradually being lost and this becomes critical because if you do not have a plan for your life, it is as if you left a port without a map and without a compass.

What are the PYP steps that a person must follow to develop their life project or individual plan?

To start you have to spend a few hours to analyze the movie of your life and make a reflection that will help you define what your strengths and weaknesses are with respect to the current moment. You should also take into account the environment where you live. Knowing the situation of everything around you is decisive in the process of deciding what to do with the threats and opportunities that come your way. You must also detect the purpose of your life and be aware of it. Knowing your purpose you can focus your energies on what is most meaningful and important to you. We all have a purpose in life; there is a reason for your life and for everything that has happened in it so far.

In that story that you now give yourself the opportunity to know, identify your values ​​that must be had to achieve your purpose. Ask yourself what are the values ​​that guide and influence the most important choices, decisions and relationships that support my purpose? Now you must make clear your mission and the conduct that will prevail in this plan. To develop your character, you must understand that excellence is not an action, but a habit.

Pay attention to your dreams

Your dreams represent your vision. In them you will see achieved what now seems impossible; In the imagination there are no impossibilities, there are no challenges that it cannot overcome, there are no walls that it cannot tear down. Your imagination has the power to be, do and have whatever it wants, good or bad. We are created to dream. Our children, too, are created in the image of God's dreams. Imagine what it will mean for you to start having the same kind of dreams that your Creator dreams for you and for the planet. Dreams are the touchstones of your character. Your dreams determine who you are and what matters to you. Your dimensions determine the dimension of your soul.

However, as the old saying goes, it is never too late to dream. If you are too pressured and depressed to be able to dream big now, set yourself a small vision. I have learned that if I confidently move forward in the direction of my dreams, and try to live the life that I have envisioned, I occasionally encounter success that would be unexpected under usual circumstances.

Face obstacles and overcome them

In life there are barriers that stop you from achieving your dreams and you need to understand the real causes of the obstacles that you will have to face. And I ask you: What are the thoughts that limit you or the fears that you would like to overcome? What are the steps to follow to achieve it? What are the attitudes or what do you think you would like to change or improve? When and how to do it? What are the dreams, hopes and visions of your life that you have denied yourself for years, because of fear or insecurity of any kind? Which ones would you like to say, yes, from now on? What are the barriers that prevent you from achieving your vision? Identify the challenges you need to face to achieve your vision. These can be obstacles or barriers that block you directly or simply situations inconsistent with your vision.

No one is going to navigate without a map or a compass. Neither will you start your life plan without that compass, so I recommend that you write down your goals. Make a list of the goals you want to achieve, these should indicate the details of dates, amounts, places, etc. Goal setting is a personal development process, because it makes you reflect and gives you the opportunity to get to know yourself better when you answer the questions: What do I want? Where do I want to go? How can I do it? And because? These questions should be asked in different areas of your life, but it is necessary that you write them down so that you do not get left half in your plan.

If you reach your goals you achieve success

If your goals are clear, precise and good, surely your life will be easier; but if they are null, fuzzy or bad, you probably have a mediocre and meaningless life.

If you've made it this far, now is the time to think about the strategies you will use to determine precisely how you will achieve your goals. The strategy is a method that ensures the achievement of your goals that will serve as the framework of action of the programs that will be designed to achieve your objectives.

Write down your plan and establish a control system so that you notice your progress. This system involves writing your 30-day action plan to indicate the most important things to do; and carry out a five-minute progress review each night before going to rest. You should also do a weekly 30 minute review of your progress and write down what you are going to do for the following week.

Your life on paper

There is a difference between human beings who succeed and those who remain mediocrity: the former have a plan to guide their life and the latter are like a leaf in the wind; They go in life where the wind takes them and at the end of their days, when the wind stops and life stops, then, then they turn and find nothing but failures and misadventures. So you want to end your days? Right? So decide to start an adventure where you carry the map and the compass that will take you to ports of abundance and happiness.

Principles that you should take into account in your life plan:

Focus on who you really are. Be purposeful in everything you do. Don't let yourself fall into fuzzy projects or inconsistent relationships with your purposes and values.

Focus on what you really want. Keep your vision clear all the time. Do not block your mind with negative thoughts about the difficulties to come. If you are clear about what you want and that is your truth, it will find its way to you. The truth crosses all roads.

Don't try to cover too much. Take small steps in the right direction. Don't try to do everything at once. Give priority to those actions that have the greatest long-term impact.

Manage your mind. Develop daily practice of meditation and affirmation. Meditation creates power and inner peace. By affirming your vision each day you will connect yourself to the vital forces behind the obvious. Unexpected help will come to you.

What is the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Personal Strategic Planning?

Emotional intelligence is a set of skills, attitudes, abilities and competencies that determine the behavior of an individual, their reactions, mental states, etc., and that can be defined as the ability to recognize our own feelings and those of others, of motivate ourselves and manage relationships properly. This balance of your emotions will help you manage the most important aspects of strategic planning in your life. Many plans fail because we give up easily.

Did you know that your mind is the force that has the power to materialize everything that comes out of it and that every idea you think of today will be creating your future tomorrow in all aspects of your life? Did you know that you can be in control of your thoughts and emotions, and both affect you, physically, mentally and spiritually? If you doubt it, then you are like a leaf in the wind and allow what you think and what you feel excessively, cause uncontrolled effects within your life, whether positive or negative, depending on the quality of them.

If you decide to do so, positive emotions such as love, joy and the willingness to help, will be for you the creative elements of health, prosperity, success, harmony and spiritual tranquility. Now, if you are inclined to have negative emotions, such as resentment, fear, sadness, anger, criticism, guilt, etc., they will be the constructors of your illness, loneliness, failures, or heartbreak among other things.

Free yourself now! Well, through the release of your negative emotions and your old behavior patterns, the effects of any illness and heartbreak can be modified and even nullified to transform them into a source of life.

Sometimes you have thought that your thoughts, beliefs and attitude towards life govern your destiny, but you cannot imagine the dimensions that this can have. Well, it turns out that everything you have in your life is nothing more than the harvest of sowing, of what you do or do not do. Your present is a product of the past, and your future is built in the present. If in your present there is something that is not working well, it is time to change, to be able to live a future as you have always wanted.

In this case, health is perhaps the most surprising aspect, everything can be avoided and cured only by changing the pattern of thoughts, learning to control emotions and above all accepting, recognizing, loving and supporting your development. It seems hard to believe, but that's where you should start. There is no health without love, there is no cure without forgiveness.

Pay close attention to this:

Think about what you want to be, do and have. Think about it often until you are very clear about it; When you achieve such clarity, think of nothing else. Don't imagine other possibilities.

Discipline your mind to hold firmly to the original creative thought. When your thoughts are clear and firm, begin to speak of them as truths, shout them loudly and use the great command that gives rise to the creative power "I am to others." The "I am" is the most powerful creative statement in the universe. Whatever you think, whatever you say behind the word I am, you will set these experiences in motion, you will make them arise, you will bring them to you. Learn to control your thoughts, to think about what you want; When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, think again, do it literally, if you think you are down, wrecked and nothing good can come of it, think again. If you think that your life is falling apart and that you will never be able to fix it, think again.

You are a magnificent being. Believe it!

Your body is not a robotic machine that only responds to medications, it is a perfect being that responds to a programming which occurs in the mind.

If you re-program your mind and heal your soul, the result will be not only a harmonious life, but also a harmonious physique. Diseases, obesity, the texture of your skin, the brightness of your hair and your eyes, can change, with no other additions than internal health. To achieve the cure of diseases that are fully rooted in you, it is necessary to reassess your own experiences, your self-esteem, your beliefs and your attitude towards life.

Only the balance in your emotions will give your body and mind the balance they need.

Do you think that organizations can increase productivity if their workers design their corresponding PEP?

Of course I do, I cannot conceive the idea that an efficient and prosperous employee does not have his life defined. Before starting a quality program in companies, they need to be trained so that every employee can build their life plan if the company needs to increase its productivity.

In this case you are the client and you are the provider. If you satisfy your needs with quality and warmth, it could be said that you lead a quality life and live a state of constant happiness; otherwise it would be difficult. That is why I recommend organizations to think about the human development of their employees. Thus, in addition, the results they have in their lives will also be successful for their company.

On many occasions, the objectives of the worker are contradictory with the objectives of the company for which they work. How could this gap be reduced?

With training. The first thing that should be done is to make the vision of the company known to all employees and the company to know the vision of its employees and find the common points in them. In this way, the company and the worker will begin to empathize. The worker spends a good part of his life within the facilities, so it is necessary to create the conditions to have happy workers. What I am going to tell you may sound strange to you: before the economic perception, the workers want to be accepted, recognized, loved and helped (support). When a worker is treated well in the company, he becomes faithful to it and this leads to the development of organizations.

What role does introspection play in this whole process?

Introspection is an activity where we have the power to assess your strengths and weaknesses. For you to attend to this situation, you will have to face yourself, so there will be a greater probability of getting ahead. I recommend that you set aside a day where you can be alone and review the story of your life. Surrender to what you are, do not resist so as not to deceive yourself.

By doing a job of introspection then you will have a clearer idea of ​​where you want to go and what you want to be. With introspection, start the strategic planning process of your life because your dreams start from there and you will have the power to know yourself better to know how you are equipped on this trip.

Personal strategic planning