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Planning and organization of human resources

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In today's society, where globalization and global interdependence create a new context for the work of small and medium-sized companies, it is clear that progress towards a better quality of life is based on the sum of joint efforts. The historical responsibility that we live forces us to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that are offered to us today.

Strategic planning is one of the most powerful tools that a small and medium-sized business can use to always move its business forward. It is not exclusive to large transnational companies or huge corporations that we see shine in the business world at all times. It is used by entrepreneurs with an entrepreneurial vision, for small and medium-sized companies that are the ones that most require and value it.

Today, companies must bear in mind that it is very important to have human resources planning in order to have optimal growth and achieve their objectives through the strategic plan designed by the organization.


In today's society, where globalization and global interdependence creates a new context for the work of small and medium enterprises, it is clear that progress towards a better quality of life is based on the sum of joint efforts. The historical responsibility which we live require us to face the challenges and seize the opportunities offered to us today.

Strategic planning is one of the most powerful tools which can help small and medium enterprises to always carry your business forward. It is exclusive of large multinational companies or large corporate that every time we see shining in the business world. The use enterprising entrepreneurs with a vision for small and medium enterprises which are the most need and value.

Today companies need to take into account that it is very important to have a human resource planning in order to have optimal growth and achieve its objectives through the strategic plan designed.


Through planning, a person or organization sets a goal and stipulates what steps should be followed to reach it. In this process, which can have a very variable duration depending on the case, various issues are considered, such as the resources available and the influence of external situations.

Human Resources

To the work contributed by all the employees or collaborators of an organization. But the most frequent thing is to call this the function or management that is responsible for selecting, hiring, training, employing and retaining the organization's collaborators. These tasks can be carried out by a specific person or department together with the managers of the organization.


They are social structures designed to achieve goals or laws through human agencies or the management of human and other talent. They are composed of interrelated subsystems that serve specialized functions.


It is the fact of having witnessed, felt or known something. Experience is the form of knowledge that is produced from these experiences or observations.


It is a continuous teaching-learning process, through which the skills and abilities of the servers are developed, which allow them to perform better in their usual tasks. It can be internal or external, according to a permanent, approved program that can provide contributions to the institution.

Development of the topic

Human resource planning is the process of anticipating and preventing the movement of people within the organization, within it as well as outside. Its purpose is to use these resources as effectively as possible, where and when they are needed, in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Other more specific purposes of HR planning include anticipating periods of labor shortages and oversupply, which will provide greater opportunities to select the best candidates in the market. As noted in the challenges facing HR management, the dramatic changes that have emerged in the globalized world require managers to be more involved in HR planning, as such changes affect no only the recruitment of employees,but also the methods of selection, training, compensation and motivation of the same. While planning has always been an essential management process, the growing emphasis on HR planning becomes especially critical when organizations plan to make mergers, locate plants, cut staff, or close operating facilities. Due to the lack of such planning, an organization can incur several intangible costs. For example, improper planning can cause vacancies to remain unfilled. The remaining loss, in terms of efficiency, can be costly, particularly when time is required to train replacements.Situations may arise where employees are laid off in one department while people are hired for similar positions in another. This may lead to overhiring and the result will be the need to fire new hires. Finally, the lack of HR planning makes it difficult for employees to effectively plan their professional or personal development. As a consequence, some of the most competent and ambitious may seek other employment where they consider they have better development opportunities.some of the most competent and ambitious could look for another job where they feel they have better opportunities for development.some of the most competent and ambitious could look for another job where they feel they have better opportunities for development.

When planning human resources, managers follow a systematic or model process, the fundamental elements of which are:

  1. Forecasting demand for human resources Forecasting supply Balance between supply and demand factors

1. Forecast of demand:

Many factors influence the organization's demand for human resources and include changes in the general and social environment, in the organization as well as in the workforce. All these factors influence corporate strategies and long-term plans that the organization formulates. Some of these factors are within the organization's area of ​​control, while others are not. HR demand experiences variations due to personnel factors; When these phenomena include considerable numbers of employees, as well as the experience obtained on previous occasions, it can serve as an indicator of the action to be taken.

Trend detection techniques:

These techniques consist of various practices that are aimed at determining what the future personnel needs will be, the forecasts made by experts in the area, these are based on the opinions issued by a group of people widely familiar with the needs of human resources in the future by the organization. Perhaps the fastest technique is to project the trends that have prevailed so far, the two simplest methods are extrapolation and indexing: extrapolation requires prolonging the trends of change from the past to future phases. Indexing is a method by which a comparison is made between the increase in employment levels with a given index,as the ratio between the number of workers in the production departments and the company's sales figures. Both extrapolation and indexing are short-term approximations, because both assume that the causes of external demand and factors such as the dynamics of the organization will remain constant; statistical analyzes are more feasible for long-term projection.

2. Forecast of the offer:

Once the future demand for human resources is projected, the next step in the process is to fill the vacancies that were scheduled. There are two sources of staff supply for any organization: internal and external. Internal job offer:

An assessment of your internal HR offering requires much more than just counting the number of employees. Planners must conduct an audit of the current workforce to fully understand the potential of current workers, this information allows them to tentatively estimate the vacancies that can be filled with the current workforce. These tentative changes are recorded in the potential replacement tables. Considering current employees for future openings is important if workers are to stay with the company for a relatively long time and the company aspires to provide them with jobs that allow for individual advancement. Personnel audits and potential replacement charts can be essential to the HR department's information base.By learning more about the potential of current staff, the department can plan recruitment, training, and career planning more effectively. External job offer:

Not all vacancies can be filled through internal promotions. In some cases, the organization does not have the right person to replace an employee who receives a promotion or who leaves the company for any reason. Also in the case of entry-level or entry-level positions, it is necessary to turn to external sources of HR provision. The growth of the organization and the efficiency of the personnel department largely determine the need to resort to external sources; Organizational growth is the main factor in the creation of entry-level positions, especially in companies that establish a policy of encouraging internal promotion of their personnel. Success in identifying new employees depends on the job market,but also the ability of HR specialists to carry out this important task.

3. Balance between supply and demand factors:

Human resource planning should strive to strike a proper balance, not only in forecasting techniques and their application, but also between the emphasis placed on demand as well as supply factors. Demand factors are based on forecast trends in business activity; Bidding factors include determining the location and finding the candidates with the skills required to fill vacancies. Due to the difficulty of locating applicants for the growing number of positions requiring advanced training, this aspect of planning is receiving increasing attention. After evaluating the supply and demand for human resources, the company may need to make some adjustments. When the internal supply of employment exceeds the demand of the company,there is an excess in domestic supply. Most of the companies respond to a situation of this type by freezing hiring; Under the terms of a policy of this type, the personnel department stops filling the vacancies that occur through external hiring and opts for a generalized relocation policy. Over time, the normal process of staff turnover and leaving the organization slowly corrects the situation. If the internal offer cannot fill the vacancies that arise in the organization, there is a situation of insufficiency in the internal offer; for short-term stocks,Personnel managers find little flexibility in the actions they can take internally and must appeal to external resources and locate new hires, long-term, their initiatives so that current employees acquire the knowledge, experience and expertise. training that allows its promotion in the future.


The planning of human resources will allow to identify the vision of the organization, where it is established what is the object of it and what is wanted from it, as well as what are the main weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats to direct the organization's efforts for development and growth, with a long-term projection.

This type of planning is conceived as the process that consists of deciding on the objectives of an organization, on the resources that will be used, and the general policies that will guide the acquisition and administration of such resources, considering the company as a total entity.

Human resource planning is one of the most powerful tools that a small and medium-sized business can use to keep its business moving forward. It is not exclusive to large transnational companies or huge corporations that we see shine in the business world at all times. It is used by entrepreneurs with an entrepreneurial vision, for small and medium-sized companies that are the ones that most require and value it.

Planning and organization of human resources