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Air purifying plants to contribute to the care of the environment


Proposal to contribute to the care and development of the environment

As time goes by, technology has been undergoing a constant development process, but in turn going hand in hand with the neglect that is given to the environment putting human needs above to seek a “better standard of living, and not the need to have a better world biodiversity that goes at the same level of development with the satisfaction of human needs. The objective of this development is to raise awareness of the importance that we must have in caring for the environment, motivating readers to give, as is commonly said, "their grain of sand" and at the same time, by biochemical engineering while announces biochemical and sustainable alternatives to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced, the proposal to plant air purifying plants in houses will be explained,shopping malls, offices, etc., that will help filter CO2 (carbon dioxide). The increase in this gas in recent years is harmful to the air, due to the alteration that it has in the atmosphere and that some of these are even carcinogenic, this is a product of the industrial life that our planet has been having..

Atmospheric pollution or air pollution is understood as the presence in the atmosphere of substances in an amount that implies discomfort or risk to the health of people and other living beings of any nature {1}.we are aware of their presence in our environment because it reduces visibility and / or produces unpleasant odors. In short, they are chemical alterations that, by degrading the quality of the air, have detrimental effects on living beings and material elements. This type of pollution is generated mostly by industrial processes that involve combustion, both in industries and in automobiles and residential heating, which generate carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur, among other pollutants that have not carried out complete combustion.

The air pollution situation in which we are living is quite alarming, since the industrial revolution began in 1760 we have been leading our planet to an industrial life. The most polluting industries are:

  • The chemistry that uses many natural resources such as fuels (gaseous, liquid and solid), plant and animal products, among others, that within these processes many substances have been made which are toxic to living beings. It is the extraction and transformation of raw materials such as oil, which is used in quantities of raw products that must then be decomposed with chemical elements to be used by other industrial sectors, creating a polluting cycle that revolves around to the environment.

Since the creation of these industries and many others, together with the abuse and lack of control in obtaining natural resources, environmental problems have increased, since companies and governments do not take due care to preserve biodiversity., as well as the lack of awareness that most people around the world have, which is in part due to the lack of interest in environmental issues that hurts us globally.

The impact that taking care of the planet would have on the world

One of the main problems around pollution is climate change, but why are most people no longer interested in environmental conservation issues? Let's take the example that our ability to worry about something is like a glass which we can fill with a certain amount of fear and from so much using images, videos or seeing terrible news of what would happen to us if we do not take care of the planet, there comes a point where the glass overflows and that is where we stop caring, where the fear of future consequences stops working, so if we already know this, why do we look at the consequences and not at the opportunities we have? Why don't we adapt to climate change? The effect cannot be reversed, but its risks can be reduced.The World Economic Forum has been making a report since 2008 on the risks that threaten humanity, where they top 5 main risks, weapons of mass destruction, extreme weather events, water crisis, natural disasters and the failure of measures against climate change{2}. They visualized all the global problems around the world and realized that everything is connected and revolves around climate change.

Currently our greatest source of energy is fossil fuels that are generating wars to find out which country owns it and in turn there is a price crisis and increases carbon dioxide increasing climate change, but if we opt for renewable energy, there will be less carbon dioxide and energy will be cheaper and the risk of wars would be reduced because oil would be devalued by getting energy from almost anywhere it would no longer depend on a key site, in addition to having the 7 hottest countries in Africa of the world and could practically produce their own energy locally. AND,If the infrastructures of cities and roads are adapted to have a better resistance to natural disasters? And assuming that with the passage of time the rains would change, they will invest in water treatment plants, efficient irrigation in order to avoid problems such as drought, water crisis and food shortages. If we adapt to climate change and reduce its effects, we would be transforming society and thus attack other problems that we are not mentioning. And to all this, if we add the fact of motivating people to plant trees, the amount of carbon dioxide would be reduced even more. This implies new opportunities for world development.We would be transforming society and thus attack other problems that we are not mentioning. And to all this, if we add the fact of motivating people to plant trees, the amount of carbon dioxide would be reduced even more. This implies new opportunities for world development.We would be transforming society and thus attack other problems that we are not mentioning. And to all this, if we add the fact of motivating people to plant trees, the amount of carbon dioxide would be reduced even more. This implies new opportunities for world development.


Currently, carbon dioxide gases are a problem in Mexico City, taking into account the development of the industry and the little care taken to environmental conservation, biochemical engineering proposes to plant a tree called Ficus benjamina due to which is an excellent air purifier, converting carbon dioxide to pure oxygen, in addition to also absorbing benzene, formaldehyde and / or trichlorethylene. This is due to a cycle that all plants have called “photosynthesis”. It is a process of autotrophic anabolism. It constitutes not only the form of nutrition of the plant kingdom but also the basis of the nutrition of all trophic chains {4}. It is the source of life for most living beings, since it provides the essential energy for the different vital processes, in addition photosynthesis produces most of the oxygen in the atmosphere. For photosynthesis to take place, the following elements are needed: Sun (solar energy), carbon dioxide that enters through the stomata of the leaves, Chlorophyll, Water and Mineral salts (absorbed by the roots). The light phase of photosynthesis depends on the light received by the chloroplasts of the plant cells that are captured by means of chlorophyll, this light energy decomposes water into oxygen and hydrogen,releasing the oxygen and generating 2 molecules through the movement of their electrons from one level to another, releasing energy to produce the ATP molecule and the reducing power that is the NADPH2 molecule that will contribute chemical energy to the next phase for the transformation of CO2 into Hydrates of carbon, this is achieved by the enzyme called RuBisCO. Most plants are C3 as a "normal" plant that does not have photosynthetic adaptations to reduce photorespiration.{5}. The Ficus Benjamina tree has many advantages, such as:

  • Withstands high temperatures Low levels of light and humidity Only needs to be watered twice a week in summer and once each Not demanding on environmental humidity

In addition, it is ideal to be as outdoors, as indoors. In fact, inside homes can be up to 10 times more polluted than outside air {6}.


The causes of rising prices inside homes are linked to a lack of ventilation, the impact of certain materials used in construction, the products used in home cleaning, air fresheners, antiparasitic insecticides (for flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes), the same appliances, the consumption of tobacco, etc. That is why all people are invited to plant a Ficus benjamina to have a better quality of oxygen in their home.

Bibliographic references

{1} Ernesto Martínez Ataz and Yolanda Díaz de Mera Morales. (2004). Atmospheric pollution. AG Library (Málaga, Spain): University of Castilla-La Mancha.

{2} Alex Gray. (2018). These are the biggest risks the world faces. December 4, 2018, from World Economic Forum Website:

{3} Karol García. (2017). China and the US lead wind generation in the world. December 4, 2018, from reve Website:

{4} Natalia Ocampo Fernández. (2014). Photosynthesis. December 4, 2018, from the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo Website:

{5} M Olmo R Nave. (2015). Concepts of photosynthesis. December 4, 2018, from BUAP Website:

{6} Rodrigo Estrada Morales. (2009). Plants to purify the air, Ficus benjamina. December 4, 2018, from Flores y Plantas.net Website:

Air purifying plants to contribute to the care of the environment