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Poverty versus education


When talking about poverty, it is necessary to clarify that this concept is highly variable and various definitions are known, which will depend on the historical circumstance, the society and even the entity or entity that intends to make some comments or analysis in this regard. However, taking into account its more generalized definition, it is considered that poverty is in itself a situation that violates basic and elemental rights, observing a lack of material resources, goods and specific services that we consider important, necessary and indispensable for life, this negative notion leads us to presume that the other side of the coin in its most positive aspect is wealth, and education as a strategy would come to influence it by trying to modify it by providing the sense of progress, development, work,advancement and knowledge to be able to enjoy such or such goods and services.

In this sense, education as the starting point of an ever-upward spiral growth would undermine all fields of human activity, encompassing the principles of ethics and values ​​as guiding pillars of conduct for the achievement of a healthier standard of living. and comfortable. However, when considering certain indicators experienced daily in our society such as the high crime rate, the contempt for life observed in the continuous murders, etc., although apparently all this holocaust justifies itself to obtain a good,The problem seems to go a little further, presuming that the ultimate goal of education for the realization of a "humanly dignified" life is currently in question, encountering as educators an even more cruel reality such as criminal despair that is "transmitted from generation to generation as a way of life assumed and accepted as unalterable" Revista Ciencias de la Educación vol.17 no.29 Valencia Jun. 2007.

Starting from the previous premise and on the basis that no material good can ever be above the values ​​of dignity and respect for the human, it is convenient to deconstruct this hopelessness transmitted from the culture of poverty "educating in the force of will "; without it the educational strategy for progress and development would be meaningless. One of the shortcomings of today's youth is therefore the inner deficiency to face difficulties and take on the challenges and efforts that life continually poses.

As social transformers and transmitters of culture, we must develop the capacity for self-control, so that the student is able to strive to achieve the good, even if it costs and the reward is not achieved immediately, in this sense, it is necessary to direct the student towards self-awareness (understanding what and why it is done) and voluntariness (wanting to do it). That is why it is so important that the teacher helps to understand the effort they are going to make as something necessary and convenient, motivating and stimulating their desire to make an effort. Educating willpower requires patience and strength and a deep examination of conscience is essential to achieve this, which as models we are capable of transmitting to our students;a teacher complaining about his own social and economic situation contributes to creating an environment contrary to strength.

Synthesizing the above and argued in the words of the psychologist Marina Martín-Artajo, for whom the will is "the force of wanting, of wanting something to happen, something good that helps you grow and evolve." In a social environment like ours, where poverty is conceptualized as an instrument of domination and manipulation, cataloging the human person as a visceral and voracious being in the quest for material goods, the only way to alleviate their vulnerability is by activating the internal motor that can only be started from the inside out. Ultimately, it is a matter of assuming that life is a continuous effort and to enjoy it and live it "satisfactorily", it requires will, effort, maturity, responsibility and strength to travel another path would be totally wrong.

Poverty versus education