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Educational policy for teachers

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Teacher education policy

«Educate without fear of affecting the interests of globalization, it is high time to transform our educational practice, let's create more of the same, subject to instill the idea of ​​being able to innovate» Oscar RM

The current proposal for the educational improvement SEP involving Ocosingo, basically supported assessment tools and supported by the creation of the National Institute for Educational Evaluation, despite their publicized operation, there seems to represent the ideal mechanism to achieve the intended improvement in for quality, under the best educational system in the world will not work without the fact that teachers are not able to establish for all subjects taught, meaningful learning, and skills that privilege applicable to being over doing.

The education in Ocosingo world order is subject to any other region, in which the teaching of the subject object is decontextualized, and current training approach that includes values, is in no way a »recipe» as is currently leaving note, the application guarantees results. Consider must be accompanied definitely a right strategy emerged from the reality and true courtly problem and not only come from planning offices in practice only inserted and reproduce, unproductive various educational theories.

Therefore, while recognizing the great importance of teacher education programs that have been instituted at all levels of the region, states that an adaptation of the programs and themes established in the curriculum requires appropriate, at each subject to the specific needs arising in the town

Educational policy for teachers

"Let us educate without fear of affecting the interests of globalization, it is time to transform our educational practice, let us stop creating more of the same, let us instill in the subject the idea of ​​being able to innovate" Oscar Rodríguez Martínez.

The current proposal of the SEP for educational improvement that involves Ocosingo, basically supported by evaluation tools and supported by the creation of the National Institute for Educational Evaluation; Despite its publicized operation, it does not seem to represent the ideal mechanism to achieve the desired improvement in terms of quality, given that the best educational system in the world will not work without the fact that teachers are not able to establish for all the subjects taught, meaningful, applicable learning and competencies that privilege being over doing.

The education given in Ocosingo is subject to the world order like any other region, in which the teaching of the object to the subject is decontextualized, and its current formative approach that includes values, is not in any way, a “cooking recipe”, as It is currently being noticed, whose application guarantees results. We consider that it must be accompanied without a doubt by a correct strategy arising from reality and true classroom problems and not only come from planning offices that in practice only insert and reproduce diverse, unproductive educational theories.

Therefore, while recognizing the great importance of teacher training programs that are being instituted at all educational levels in the region, it is specified that an appropriate adaptation of these programs and topics established in the curriculum is required, in each subject, to the specific needs arising in the municipality.

Supported from the teaching practice and in the opinion of many other colleagues, it can be affirmed that educating well in Mexico is not as complicated as it seems, that educational reform must emerge from the classroom and its reality, unfortunately daily planning cannot be fed back from activities planning arising from offices and desks, whose "planning specialists" have the problem that they can plan, such as knowing how to lift planes into the air, but without knowing how to land.

In sum, it is not by copying models other than ours, such as the now highly acclaimed educational model of Finland, neither the Cuban nor the Spanish; It is that of Mexico, its reality and idiosyncrasy, nor does it solve the problem for us to follow the lines suggested by UNESCO or the OECD to the letter.

We must remember that we live in Latin America and that despite being as close to the United States of America as General Díaz said, we are Mexican, with its advantages and of course, its enormous disadvantages that this represents and recognize that we are and will be different.

We want to change to transform, which is magnificent; However; It is worth asking if the equipment and tools that we have available for this purpose represent the best solution to the educational problems that affect us to this day? If it is not the solution, what will we have to do as teachers to counteract it?

The 21st century and its main challenges dominated by globalization, does not imply importing information, ideas, uses and customs from foreign populations and from other contexts and realities. We are capable of developing the contextualized Mexican educational model, made by and for Mexicans, no one knows better than we the nature and cause of our problems in our region, and therefore, we are naturally responsible for their solution.

To educate is to train before instructing, and it is not enough to mention that we must move from the teaching paradigm to the learning paradigm, we must seek a different challenge to the interests of globalization and should not be understood as the activities of copying and reproduction of foreign models, but their regional and local incorporation of educational strategies according to our reality.

Problem: content decontextualized from reality in Ocosingo.


  • For the educational authorities: an adaptation of the programs and themes established in the curriculum in each subject is conveniently required, according to the specific needs arising in the municipality For the teacher: emerge an educational reform of the teacher from his classroom and from its reality. Incorporation of educational strategies in the teaching work according to our regional and local realities.
Educational policy for teachers