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Why should you smile even if you don't feel like it?

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It is proven that people who smile frequently are happier than those who do not, and this is based on one of the most powerful tools that exists in coaching known as "acting as if". In this particular case, I mean "Act like you're happy."

How does a happy person act?

The answer is simple: A happy person is smiling most of the time even though they may not always have a reason to.

What happens with us is that most of the time we wait to feel happy to smile when in reality it should be the opposite since, the smile has an enormous power within our emotionality, and smiling throughout the day will help keep you vibrating at a higher energy level that will be very beneficial not only for you, but for those around you.

So that you can see clearly what this is about, I invite you to do the following exercise: Put a big smile on your face and say out loud "How sad I am"… you will see how that negative phrase is practically canceled by the power of your smile.

That is why today I bring you 3 reasons why you should add smiling to your daily routine beyond whether or not you feel like doing it:

  1. Smiling generates well-being, since your brain does not distinguish if your smile is false or genuine, it only knows that you are smiling, therefore it assumes that you are happy and to be congruent, your emotional state begins to change towards optimism and that It will help you start to feel happier. Smiling is contagious! In addition to the great benefits that smiling brings to ourselves, it also gives us the opportunity to bring joy to others. A Harvard University study confirmed that when someone is happy, the people around them will be 25% more likely to be happy too. Smiling has a highly positive effect on your health since, when you smile, you generate endorphins and serotonins (pleasure substances) and many others that act as natural analgesics (painkillers),But it is also proven that when we smile, both our heart and our brain are stimulated considerably, even more than if we consume chocolate or caffeine, but without the negative effects of these.

As you can see, the power of the smile is much greater than it seems at first glance, because it will not only bring you benefits internally but also externally since, seeing you smile frequently, other people will begin to see you as someone nice and in who you can trust and consequently you will have many better relationships… Remember that everything in this life is about how we relate to the world!

A little extra push - It's easier than it sounds!

I know that smiling without desire can be quite a challenge for you, but remember that stretching is growth, and doing things that you are not used to is what will give you the results that you have not obtained so far. Also, do not forget that smiling is free and has the power to give and bring joy to both whoever gives it and who receives it, but the best of all is that it is something that depends only on you because, if you are sad or discouraged and You don't have anyone to smile at you, you have yourself to give yourself that smile that you need so much to improve your mood.

I invite you to start tomorrow, when you get out of bed, the first thing you do is look in the mirror and give yourself a smile… You may feel a little "strange, but it's part of the game, and I assure you it's worth it… I confess that when I started doing it it made me laugh to see myself all disheveled and smiling at myself in the mirror, but that made it even more fun and therefore more effective… and after all, that's the idea… Smile to be happier !!!!

Why should you smile even if you don't feel like it?