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Percentage of families who wish to have few children in Mexico. investigation


The present study of the research aimed to identify the percentage of families who prefer to have few children, their motives and reasons, for this a census was applied in the state capital of San Luis Potosí in the General I. Martínez neighborhood in the “Privada Regia” subdivision located at Ave. Salvador Nava 1625 between 5 de Mayo and Juárez, which was carried out with 50 families who are of reproductive age within the range of 22 to 40 years of age.


This research describes what type of family it is, characteristics in general and the results provide us with the percentage of small families, we will also know their reasons and reasons why they chose it this way, reasons why in general it will lead us to in the future Mexico is an old country.

KEY WORDS: Mexico, Old country, Small families.



Since the last century we have been witnesses and protagonists of vertiginous changes that have happened in society and that affect the family institution, in fact, these are times in which not only the marriage between a man and a woman is seen, but also different forms of coexistence that they also call the family. Times in which respect for human life and its dignity has been lost, particularly for the unborn. Times in which family relationships are very complicated and unusual, lack of values, principles and thus we could continue to list circumstances of various kinds that would show a very discouraging outlook.

The family is the nucleus or cell of society, it is the first natural environment where the members that form it evolve and develop in affective, physical, intellectual and social terms, according to the family model that is lived. To study it requires all the social sciences, from sociology, economics, statistics and demography, to pedagogy, law and politics. Each family is in continuous movement, change and restructuring, in search of stability and balance, between all the members that compose it and the social environment in which they live.

In addition, the family has been described as a universal social system, since it is the basis on which all societies have been founded until now, it can be considered in turn, a social world since within it social relations are reproduced with a differentiation of the roles based on age, sex, etc. It has also been recognized that the family is generally the greatest source of social and personal support available to people, both in periods of independence and in those of dependency (childhood, illness, unemployment, etc.), and that the processes that take place inside it are interactive, so that any event that affects one of its members has repercussions in one way or another on all the others,And as my father said "The family is the greatest treasure that God has given us" now that I have my own family I say that my father was right.


Research is of great importance, since it depends on it that marriages and couples become sensitized on the issue of procreation since very soon we will be an old country, and its main causes are that women and men no longer want have large families for different reasons: economy, work, time, personal improvement, etc.


Know motives and causes of people who have a numerically small family.


  • Know the percentage of families that prefer a numerically small family Find out the reasons why married couples or couples have few children.


In recent years there have been changes in the current family, hence our growing interest in its study, trying to analyze, understand and provide different perspectives of the appearances that the "family of this new millennium" is acquiring and developing. And above all, what interests us most is knowing the answers to the questions of: What is the percentage of couples who prefer a numerically small family? and What are their motives or reasons for it? We intuit that changes in social structures, economics, politics, medicine, law and science in general, induce and / or lead to mutations in the family, but there is no way to know this other than from our own voice and from source analysis officials such as INEGI and some other experts in the field.


  • We believe that the country's incipient economy is the reason that motivates couples to decide to have fewer children since to obtain a better income requires a good academic or technical preparation.With globalization, people need more time to prepare academically and perform professionally. such that they are also postponing the age to start a family.


100.1 The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) is a governmental institution of Mexico, dedicated to the coordination of the National Statistical and Geographic Systems of the country. Also of the orientation and promotion of computer development.

100.2 The informant tells us the day (JUL / 16/2015).- The average current income per Mexican household was 13,240 pesos per month in 2014, which meant a contraction of 3.5 percent in relation to 2012, when it totaled 13,722 pesos after discounting inflation, according to the INEGI National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure.

INEGI. (2016). Mexican household income decreases: INEGI. 04-29-16, from INFORMADOR.MX

100.3 According to studies by the National Autonomous University of Mexico, it does not say that: According to data from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in 1950 the percentage of aging among the Mexican population was 7.1 percent; in 1975 it fell to 5.7, in 2000 it rose to 6.9; in 2025 it will increase to 13.9 percent, and in 2050, to 26.5 percent.

100.4 According to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI, 2000), it is estimated that in 2020 they will live, on average, 78 years, and 81, in 2050; "That is, by then more than a quarter of the population in Mexico will be old," said Rosaura Avalos Pérez, an academic at the National School of Social Work (ENTS) of the UNAM.

Life projections are higher for women: in 2030 they will be able to live, on average, 80 years or more; while they, only 76. Currently, nine percent of the total population in Mexico is elderly (60 years or more); of this, 9.7 percent are men and 12.6 women (in the Federal District, the percentage is approximately 11 percent).

Avalos Pérez. (2016). By 2050, more than a quarter of the population in Mexico will be old. 04-29-16, from UNAM

100.5 Published in the magazine Proceso on August 27, 2014 The population ages in Mexico; in 2050 there will be more old people than young people.

In the next three decades, the older adult population in Mexico will be greater than the young and will be inserted in a socioeconomic context marked by inequity, the permanence of high percentages of the population in poverty and the lack of coverage of social security and pensions, they warn UNAM experts. Currently, according to the National Occupation and Employment Survey (ENOE), carried out monthly and quarterly by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the population aged 60 and over is 12.9 million people, equivalent to 10.8% of the total national, and according to projections of the National Population Council (CONAPO), by 2050 it will reach 22%, against 19% of the child population. Cruz Álvarez Padilla, from the Institute for Economic Research (IIEC), and Aída Díaz-Tendero,of the Center for Research on Latin America (CIALC), affirm that Mexico has a demographic behavior of a “developed country”, in terms of fertility and mortality. This, they say, is reflected in a decreasing trend in the number of children per woman and an increase in life expectancy, which causes an accelerated process of population aging. However, this does not necessarily imply a benefit.

BY DRAFTING. (2014). The population in Mexico is aging; in 2050 there will be more old people than young people. 04-29-16, of PROCESS

100.6 A census was carried out in the Privada Regia located in the General I. Martínez neighborhood of the capital of Potosí, to find out why families are smaller today, and based on this we realized that the reason is economic that money is not enough to have a greater number of children since, due to such a situation, mother and father have to work in order to support the family's expenses. An important fact that the interview gave us is that a good part of the population does not know that in 30 years we will be a country of mainly adults.


We will develop the subject using different sources of information, and to help us in the hypothesis we will carry out a census and statistical data from INEGI.

The research is quantitative in nature, the result will allow us to know the percentage of people who prefer to have a small family and their motives or reasons for it.

Reasons for this shift include a trend toward older marriage, more emphasis on completing a career for women, more effective contraceptive methods, and the higher cost of raising and educating children and same-sex marriages, among other causes.


The primary data obtained was from the collection of information through the census that was carried out personally in each of the homes. The secondary data are from surveys and graphs obtained from INEGI in order to know how the family has been changing over the years.


The capital city of San Luis Potosí has ​​824,229 inhabitants, and we take as a sample the Privada Regia that is located in the south of the city, in the General I. Martínez neighborhood on Ave. Salvador Nava 1625 between 5 de Mayo and Juárez which has with 60 dwellings with a range of 1-5 members per family among men, women and children.


Of the 60 homes in Privada Regia, 50 are in the 22-40 year range that the census will be applied to. To determine the sample, the Decision Analyst software will be used.

Decision analyst STATS TM 2.0. (2009). Strategic Research Analytics Modeling Optimization.

05 May 2016, from Decision Analyst


It was decided to use the survey with multiple-choice and dichotomous closed questions since it allows the person conducting the survey to select one or another option from a list of responses already defined so that the interviewee can answer them more easily, and also collect, analyze and Quickly graph the results.

Harvesting method application

A census was carried out on the parents of the Privada Regia located in the south of the city, in the General I. Martínez neighborhood on Ave. Salvador Nava 1625 between 5 de Mayo and Juárez, which has 60 homes with a range of 1-5 members per family among men, women and children.

The census was drawn up with the following procedure:

  • The neighborhood was selected, the geographic location of the neighborhood was chosen, the people of said private area were notified that the survey would be carried out, the census was directed to the head of the family, they were informed of the reason for the survey. census data They were thanked for their attention and collaboration in carrying it out.

Creation of the capture format.

The procedure was carried out manually on an Excel sheet at the time of the census and afterwards the emptying was done on p. SurveyMonkey being a success since at the time of finishing the emptying it gave us exact percentages, figures and graphics of the required information.

Data graphing

After filling in the manual survey in Excel, it was emptied online in SurveyMonkey since this option is free and it gives us the results automatically and graphically, and this facilitates its interpretation.


Of the total number of interviews carried out, 75% were answered by women (33) and 25% by men (11)

The age range interviewed was 20-40, which is the productive age that lives in the Privada Regia:

36-40 with 38.64%

31-35 with 29.55%

20-25 with 27.27%

26-30 with 4.55%

Being the categories of 36-40 and 31-35 the majority adding 68.19% (30) and those of 20-25 and 26-30 with 31.82% (14)

The majority of heads of families obtain their income from a job, 54.55% (24), 13.63% (6) have their own business, 2.27% (1) are consultants and 29.55% (13) of the women surveyed are dedicated only to home, Of the families surveyed, 86.36% (38) are married and 13.64% are single (6), we see that despite the fact that the family changes over time, it is still the nuclear or parental family that prevails in the Privada Regia, followed by the single parent family.

This is one of the core responses of the interview and we see that 75% of those interviewed have only one or two children (31 families) and 25% chose to have 3 and 4. (11 families) Now they explain their reasons and reasons why they have few children, being the economic reason number one with 68.18% (30/44), followed by the time they do not have to be able to offer their children with 20.45% (9/44), and finally the academic preparation with 11.36% (5/44), which finally all the options lead us to the fact that it is the economic issue that makes them decide to have few children. Since if they do not have time it is because they are working (economically) and if they are preparing academically it is to obtain a better economic future.

The majority of those interviewed (88.64%) 39/44 tell us that globalization does demand better preparation and competitiveness, and 11.36% say that it does not 5/44.

56.82% 25/44 know that Mexico will have a predominantly old population in the future and 43/18% 19/44 were unaware. And the reason is that now families prefer to have only 1 or 2 children.

Surveymonkey. (Copyright © 1999-2016 SurveyMonkey). Mexico, an old country in 30 years for small families. 2016 by surveymonkey


Based on the data obtained, we have the following information:

The families of the Privada Regia that is located in the south of the city, in the General I. Martínez neighborhood on Ave. Salvador Nava 1625 between 5 de Mayo and Juárez of a medium-medium socioeconomic level can say the main reason that their Small families are the economy, since now the two heads of the family have to work to be able to cover household expenses and this means that they can no longer dedicate so much time to their children, some prefer to prepare more academically and this is another reason that refers us to the economy because they do it with the aim of having better employment options. And as we see, 75% of those interviewed have only one and two children (31 families) and 25% chose to have 3 and 4. (11 families) and this will cause that in 30 years we will be mostly an old country.

With the conclusions presented above, the following hypotheses are verified and discarded:

  • We believe that the country's incipient economy is the reason that motivates couples to decide to have fewer children since to obtain a better income requires a good academic or technical preparation.With globalization, people need more time to prepare academically and perform professionally. such that they are also postponing the age to start a family.


  1. Bear in mind that the type of family that lives in the Privada Regia could change or be modified, so it is advisable to update this study every 3 years.


  • INEGI. (2016). Mexican household income decreases: INEGI. 04-29-16, from INFORMADOR.MX Website: http://www.informador.com.mx/economia/2015/603767/6/ingreso-de-hogares-mexicanosdisminuye-inegi.htmAvalos Pérez. (2016). By 2050, more than a quarter of the population in Mexico will be old. 04-29-16, from UNAM Website: http://enes.unam.mx/?lang=es_MX&cat=sociedad&pl=para-el-2050-mas-de-la-cuarta-partede-la-poblacion-en- mexico-sera-viejo BY THE DRAFTING. (2014). The population in Mexico is aging; in 2050 there will be more old people than young people. 04-29-16, from PROCESO Website: http://www.proceso.com.mx/380602/envejece-la-poblacion-en-mexico-en-2050-habra-masancianos-que-jovenesDecisión analyst STATS TM 2.0. (2009). Strategic Research Analytics Modeling Optimization. 05 May 2016, from Decision Analyst Website: www.decisionanalyst.comSurveymonkey.(Copyright © 1999-2016 SurveyMonkey). Mexico, an old country in 30 years for small families. 2016, by surveymonkey Website:
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Percentage of families who wish to have few children in Mexico. investigation