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Precautions to take in the event of a layoff

Being prepared for any eventuality that means the loss of a job or the lack of it is necessary so that when the time comes, the future can be looked at calmly and one can think more clearly about what to do to cope with the situation.

"The only sure thing in life is death," says a popular saying that turns out to be 100% true. In our societies, so complex and sometimes so strange, having a job does not mean that our future is totally clear. At any time they can give us the news that the company where we work is in a restructuring process or in a period of crisis, and therefore the management has made the decision to do without our work.

What to do in this situation? How to prepare for the uncertain future that awaits us? We will try to answer these questions, outlining some methods or tactics that will help us if at any time we are left without a job or if the job shortage is alarming.

In the majority of cases of people who have been retired from their jobs, the situation arises where there is no "contingency plan" in the face of what happened, and much less, a strategy that allows to survive economically while achieving a new job to lead a normal life again.

For this reason, it is wise to always have some " reserves " when the moment arrives (ideally, it never comes). They can be in money, in other businesses, etc., so that the season of labor difficulty is supported with greater calm and tranquility. This should be planned so we believe that our job is stable or that we will never be fired.

One of the recommendations is to always have a fully updated resume and with all the specifications required for its good presentation. If in the course of the work new knowledge has been acquired either by taking courses, seminars, workshops, etc., all these achievements should be noted, which will considerably enrich the resume, making it something very valuable when presenting it if you are looking for a new one job opportunity.

It is also very important to have a list of possible people who can help us get a job if we are fired from our workplace. Knowing and determining which contacts can be useful to develop an activity is necessary as this can be a "lifeline" when we are unemployed and do not have a solid strategy to get ahead.

Saving what you have now to take advantage of it when necessary is one of the main premises in any unemployment situation

Thinking about what we could work independently is another method to face a time of unemployment. What talents we have that could be used to earn some money must be exploited to achieve a profit that allows us to see the future more clearly, without so much despair.

One of the most relevant points is the one that has to do with saving money. It is always good to save an amount of it to avoid difficulties when we do not get a salary by not working more. This will allow us to meet the basic needs that we have for some time, while we get a job.

Of course, not everyone who is out of work has a "contingency plan." For those people who did not manage to contemplate this possibility, there are mechanisms to deal with this circumstance in the best way. For example, you can design your own "advertising" where it is known through notices, visits, etc., our offer to perform certain work or that we seek to work in a place where we can develop our knowledge.

Likewise, we can take our resume to companies where they require staff, constantly review classified ads in newspapers, magazines, etc., maintain contact with people who can help us get a job, enter our data on the Internet on the websites of job offer, or work in any activity that earns us income, even if it has nothing to do with our profession.

Unfortunately, high unemployment is a cancer that consumes the vast majority of our societies. No one is exempt from losing their job at any time. For this reason, the most important thing is to look for practical solutions that allow us to carry this trance with greater calm and optimism that is expected, be it momentary.

Precautions to take in the event of a layoff