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Personal questions to boost your self-esteem


When you decide to make changes in your life, one of the first obstacles you may encounter is feeling insecure. The emotion of insecurity will present itself to a greater or lesser extent depending on the change you are looking for but it always appears. Today I want to introduce you to the greatest ally you will have to face this blocking feeling that does not let you advance.

What is this great ally?


From an ontological perspective, we can say that self-esteem is a state of mind shaped by the thoughts you have in your mind about your own value as a human being.

We can also say that self-esteem is a mental perception that you have about yourself that directly and constantly influences your emotional state, which is the one that opens or closes the doors to new possibilities. Why am I saying this?

Any idea, thought or belief you have about yourself will be directly affecting your emotions, which are what predispose you to action to obtain results. I give you an example so you can better understand what I'm talking about.

If a person constantly thinks and says things like…

"I'm no good at this…".

"I am not able…".

"I won't be able to do it, I know…".

"I don't have the knowledge…".

"I never did, I can't…".

"I'm not good at this…".

"Who is going to look at me… who is going to be interested if I'm 'like this'…?"

How do you think their self-esteem will be?

In this case and as it is commonly said, that person will have “low self-esteem”.

The good news is that this can be changed. The feeling of self-worth is just that, a feeling, an emotion that can be transformed.

And how can you transform it?

Directly influencing the origin of it.

What is the origin?

Your mind, your thoughts, your beliefs, the internal conversation you have about yourself and your life.

If instead of having those negative or reactive beliefs about yourself you reinforce contrary judgments, your self-esteem will rise and this will propel you wherever you want. You will know how much you are worth, you will be thinking positively about yourself, which will motivate you to embark on thousands of projects and adventures that will make you happy.

Some example thoughts that speak of "high self-esteem" are:

"I am capable of investigating the way to achieve it…",

"In the past I managed A, B, C… so, I know that I can today even if the circumstances are different…".

"I will focus on what I do best to achieve it…".

"I do not see mistakes, but spaces to learn… I always learn from life and circumstances, even if they are difficult…"

"I will fulfill my own commitment, I will achieve my goals!"

"I will do what I want to do and ask for help if necessary…".

"I am worth a lot and I put everything I know, all my abilities, into action…"

"I will overcome the obstacles that appear, I will see them as an opportunity to grow…".

Of course, not only having positive ideas about yourself will have good results. The key here is, not just think positive, but be AWARE of how much you are worth. You have to be convinced of that, you have to BELIEVE first, then CREATE, make self-observation a habit that allows you to discover yourself and realize your own VALUE in all possible aspects.

Two things are important then to achieve a raise your self-esteem:

1) Work on yourself, observe yourself to know how much you ARE WORTH which will allow you to believe in yourself. The more knowledge you have of yourself, the greater will be your awareness of your own value to put it into action.

2) Reinforce the internal conversation about yourself with positive thoughts whenever you need it, drawing on the observations you have worked on about your being that remind you how much you are worth in difficult moments.

I know that in these times of constant change and crisis, you can feel that your self-esteem is weakened, which makes it difficult for you to move towards your goals. That is why you have to always be attentive to your emotions, attentive to your thoughts because they are the ones who create your reality at every step.

I want to propose the following questions that will help you to enhance the wonderful feeling of ESTIMATING AND VALUING YOURSELF, so that you can initiate the changes you want in your life…

What are your virtues?

The virtues are those special characteristics that you possess that have a special strength and energy that allow you to better achieve the results you want. When you put your virtues into action, you feel a higher level of satisfaction in the tasks you are doing.

It is very important that you identify what they are, that you take time to self-observe and find them. If you need help with this exercise because you feel that it is difficult for you to identify them, you can ask those who are close to you what they think are your virtues.

Seek to turn your virtues into strengths by developing more and more skills in them. If you feel, for example, that one of your virtues is speaking in public, develop yourself more and more in it to turn it into an expertise.

What do you enjoy doing?

One of the best ways to increase your self-esteem is to do those things that you enjoy, because by doing it you will be giving your best. And by doing your best, things will turn out better, you will enjoy the process without getting too attached to the results, which will make you enjoy that task even more.

Doing what you enjoy doing will fill you with energy and enthusiasm. In a way it could be said that it is a positive "vicious circle", and that is what we are looking for.

What are your knowledge, skills and abilities?

Analyze the activities that you have done throughout your life and list those in which you have excelled.

Investigate what your capabilities are, that set of set of resources and skills that help you or helped you perform a particular task.

Again, if it is difficult for you to remember or realize what they are, ask your family, friends, people who have known you for a long time for help. They can give you the starting point.

My knowledge is… or I have knowledge of…

I am capable of…

My most outstanding abilities are…

What are the most significant achievements you have had at work?

Remember all the places where you have worked and try to remember in which of them you have performed more positively and what are the things that you have achieved for yourself in those situations.

It can be anything from a promotion or a raise for your performance to simply a general sense of well-being from performing a task with a positive attitude.

My most significant work achievements were…

What are the personal experiences that have given you the greatest satisfaction?

This is very similar to the previous step but with your personal life. Try to remember those experiences that you have lived and that fill you with satisfaction.

In what experiences in your life have you received love, recognition and congratulations?

List them below (try to find out when it was, at what stage of your life, write how it was, if possible, with all the details you can)…

Where do you want to be in 1.5 or 10 years?

You must be clear about what you want for your life. The most important thing to build the map towards your dreams is to have a purpose broken down into clear objectives and goals towards which to aim.

Focus on what makes you happy and do not forget to be concrete and specific since the clearer the future you are designing in your mind, the clearer the options that will be presented to you so that you can choose what is best for you.

Take all the time you need to answer these questions. If you find that you are stuck in any of them, do not despair, you can always ask yourself again later.

I hope these questions help you boost your self-esteem so that you can start taking the actions that will lead to the change you need. It depends on you!.

Personal questions to boost your self-esteem