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Pressure and leadership in the work environment

This article analyzes the importance of the leader of an area both for the development of the company and for the personal and emotional development of the human capital under his management. In such a way they can contribute to meeting the general objectives proposed by managers and above all achieve a high level of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF THE TEAM that is the true engine of the success of a company.

In these very competitive times where technological and paradigm changes are the very reason for the growth or decline of many companies, the intrinsic need arises to achieve the objectives proposed by the managements and assimilated by the middle managers seeking the continuous improvement of the labor management of each of its members.

Among the various functions carried out is the cohesion of forming work teams where there are not only technical skills and identification with the basic fundamentals of the company, but each area leader fulfills a productive role in what corresponds (among others factors inherent to their position) to seek a collective emotional balance, also called Team Emotional Intelligence, since this will contribute significantly to increasing the skills of each of their subordinates, developing in each worker both the personal and professional part, since it will perceive a self-realization and when obtaining it will have a direct impact on the organizational development of the company, let us remember that this is not conceived without first having a personal development of each member of the team.

For this reason, the attitudes of the leader have a direct or indirect impact on the people who work under his command and many times these verbal and non-verbal messages demotivate or in the worst case they tend to trigger neurotic traits such as: insecurity when making work decisions, anguish to go to the company or to meetings within the office, progressively repressed anger, constant feelings of frustration, melancholic thoughts, verbal aggression towards co-workers, reactive attitudes, high levels of suspicion, insomnia, hypochondria,etc. We observe that the work center and especially the role of the area "leader" creates an atmosphere that has all the conditions to generate the various alterations in the personality of individuals, that collective mental health is systematically being negatively modified.

To focus on the subject with a greater perspective and providing a dose of general culture, we will make a brief history of the concept of Neurosis itself, which was introduced in the medical bibliography in 1777 by William Cullen in his book "Firt Lines in the Practice of Physick" and to date there are various authors who have given a very particular concept on the subject but that ultimately all agree that neuroses are personality diseases characterized by intrapsychic conflicts that inhibit social behaviors disturbing the internal balance of the person, where there is no loss of contact with reality.

This makes us understand that subordinates working under pressure to meet the pre-agreed goals and also having a "leader" who instead of being a facilitator to develop human capital skills under his command, what he does is generate greater emotional tensions and imbalances as a whole (each individual will have a different response) since the messages that should be emotionally supportive, encouraging but realistic, to see what the strengths and weaknesses of each team member are and to be a means of constant feedback, never criticize but give observations, do not give orders but request support, always be diplomatic and seek Solomonic results when a mistake has been made, do not seek guilty or hurt the self-esteem of the workers,be congruent with what one professes and with the values ​​of the company, make each one feel important emphasizing that if one of them fails, all fail and if one wins, all win; they are contrary attitudes.

It is true that work under pressure raises anxiety levels, however this emotion must be channeled favorably because all leading companies work under that rhythm and it is the same one that permanently adapts to changes in the environment, becoming proactive.

To conclude, I will state that working in an atmosphere of pressure is favorable as long as it goes hand in hand with a leader who psychologically develops his staff so as not to become a specialist in training neurotics.

Pressure and leadership in the work environment