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As principal ferramentas involved numa negociação


esumo O presents artigo foi elaborated as a purpose of deepening discussion on some ferramentas that help the process of negotiation independently of its objectives. During this study we try to concecitar “negotiation” not both morphological aspect or secondary aspect, ou seja, or its non-day-to-day use of the business context. We also investigate various styles of negotiation trying to compare its theoretical aspects with practical cases. Lastly, we conclude that in our professional environment, we consider that negotiations are based on situations that are most common, not day-by-day, heavy. Muitas são as ferramentas possíveis de serem used numa rodada de negociação. Generally speaking,A negotiation has happened after the parties involved become aware that the final product is greater than individual contributions. Or American specialist William Ury, professor at Harvard and author of the best-selling Get¬ting to yes (Like chegar ao sim), with five milhões of copies sold by the world, argues that a negotiation should, obviously, objectify to the formation of partnerships.

1. Considerations Started

Quer você goste da idéia ou não, know how to negotiate bem que uma questão de survência. Você tem to negotiate or time everything - gives decision to increase the family to a promotion, passing the hair of the car that you want in the garage. Only not working, hair less than five of ten days a day involved in negotiations with clients, bosses or colleagues. Or given him of a feita investigation not last year, with profissionais of diverse countries, pela school of negotiation of the University of Harvard, the United States.

Never was so much wrong about or subject. Dozens of books on the subject or the various faculties of administration and of Direito will never include in negotiations the graduation, post-graduation and MBA programs (mestrado em administração de negócios). Specialized consultancies are also visiting Brazil. This is the case of Scottish Scotwork, which has made thirty executives for thirty years to negotiate efficiently in more than 20 countries. In São Paulo, a year ago, Scotwork has formed 150 professionals from corporations such as Pepsico, Cisco, Microsoft and General Electric. It seems that the proposal caters to the market demand, because the number of clients is not going to increase. Em 2004, a Scotwork dated 14 turmas of 10 alunos. For the year that we have had 36 turmas in a waiting line.

In a recent congress in Europe, or Prof. MANFRED PERLITZ (Guru Germano, from the Economics area) in his lecture that Liderança constituted something very complex to be “ensined” in a society that is increasingly globalized.

Or important would be to segment or process the leadership process, choosing the most significant for the current context.

Or Professor manfred elegeu as três principais variáveis ​​"negotiation, influence and relationship, which would not be understood would be the three great competitive differences of the XXI century, união dessas três dimensions and is also critical for a relação de sociedade".

1.1. Research Methodology

To reach the objectives of the research, we carry out an exhaustive bibliographic research, the most recent academic production through the Internet and various articles found in specialized magazines such as HSM, VOCÊ S / A, dentre outras.

2. Fundamentação Teórica

2.1. The meanings of Negociação

So that we can understand the “negotiation”, let's look at the origin of the thermos that goes back to the latim negocium, the word formed by the junction of two therms nec (nem, não) + ocium (leisure, reuse), whose meaning is strito or difficult activity, trabalhosa. Its most frequent use, therefore, not so much, but not Portuguese, it revolves around commerce, traffic, commercial relations, transactions, combinations, adjustments.

A secondary sense, which is exactly the opposite of the morphology of the word and which is also manifested in non-Portuguese, or is also associated with a stratagem or trick to gain ease, opportunity. Not English, or thermo equivalent negotiate tem hardly or meaning of commercial transaction. Neste sense, negociação é o ato de negociar, transactar. Oliveira (1994).

Assim, we start by definition. When we fail to negotiate or negotiate, we refer to an important area of ​​the market exercise of the company that is not concerned with its size. For this we must make the basic principles and the rules of the game in the same way that a seller makes his product or service. In the absence of these conhecimentos e regras, we would be disadvantaged, not being called a "negotiating table". Or result would be fruitless or to the detriment of two years of the company.

So that we can understand the “negotiation”, let's look at the origin of the thermos that goes back to the latim negocium, the word formed by the junction of two therms nec (nem, não) + ocium (leisure, reuse), whose meaning is strito or difficult activity, trabalhosa. Its most frequent use, therefore, not so much, but not Portuguese, it revolves around commerce, traffic, commercial relations, transactions, combinations, adjustments.

A secondary sense, which is exactly the opposite of the morphology of the word and which is also manifested in non-Portuguese, or is also associated with a stratagem or trick to gain ease, opportunity. Not English, or thermo equivalent negotiate tem hardly or meaning of commercial transaction. Neste sense, negociação é o ato de negociar, transactar. OLIVEIRA (1994).

URY, W. (1991) "A Negotiation and a process of mutual communication aimed at achieving an agreement with others, when there are some shared interests and other opponents."

SCHOONMARKER, A (1989) “As negociações, são methods to stick to an agreement with both cooperative and competitive elements. Or a cooperative element resulting from the desire of both parties to check to check a mutually satisfactory agreement ”.

Negotiation could be considered an interactive communication process that could always take place that you wanted something from someone or someone wanted something from you.

2.2. Where can we reveal our interests in a negotiation?

A negotiation involves, always, three essential aspects, or seja:

  • Posições - aquilo that has been quickly and visibly placed on the table; Interesses - aquilo that the parties really want to achieve a negotiation, and that maybe it is on the table; Values ​​- são as razões, as crenças mais deeper e que, na maioria das vezes, no são negociaciáveis.

Assim, sair das nossas posições started and walk in the direction of two mutual interests, exploring them creatively and productively, being an exemplary insofismável and definitive of a ganha-ganha position.

Many negotiators, meanwhile, considered that in order to reveal their real interests, they were becoming vulneráveis, losing power and power at the negotiating table.

Já outros, I choose to delude or your opponent quanto a seus seis reais interesses - ganha-perde.

In both cases, a productive and creative solution for either conflict will be totally or partially compromised.

Who cares only about the steps to be taken for a correct position in which we can not be reduced in time or at the same time we can cheat a solution. Segundo MARCONDES, ODINO (1993), os passos são os segintes:

1st Step: Avalie o seu Interlocutor

Before starting a negotiation we performed a prior analysis of our opponent. We will separate despite the problem. Let's concentrate on our interests, and our positions. Let's create options that promote mutual benefits. We must insist on objective criteria.

It is important to show that, after each negotiation, there is a human being with feelings, with forms of own perceptions, with his or her opinions and different opinions.

Você is negotiating with a certain person? Does he have the power - authority - to negotiate, or is it a preposition that has limited authority, is there too much or what is required? Ainda, or interlocutor is able to appreciate a proposal? Many negotiations fail because one of the parties does not have the necessary sensitivity to properly endorse the seriousness and quality of a proposal.

In this case, to present your interest and run the cliff: your interlocutor may confuse your frankness. Diante isso, what alternatives can we provide?

Alternatives: use more arguments to convince yourself that you cannot open your interests in full.

2nd Step: Avalie o Seu Poder eo de seu Interlocutor

Power = Alternatives

O jogo of power is seldom analyzed by the angle of creativity, or the ability of the parties to produce alternatives capable of livrarem-nas dilemma of "hit or release."

Assim, or power that you depend on, basically, gives a number of alternatives that it is capable of producing, preferably, prior to negotiating. This did not exclude production during, I submitted that, in this case I was afraid to consider two aspects: tension and participation or no interlocutor not a child process.

A history, based on an example quoted by Roger Fisher and William Ury, illustrates how, if there are no alternatives, it can unbalance successively or the field of force is not negotiated.

Imagine that a Rockefeller came to São Paulo to deal with business and, having been signed at the end of the week, decided to go visit a craft fair in Praça da República. You have to walk a lot, in front of a bench that produces small fish - artesanais mesmo - from Prata. A negotiation turns around a pela pela qual or artesão is asking about 50 dollars. On the other hand, therefore, we fear one of the world's greatest fortunes. De outro, a craft that he had to sell to peça to guarantee his survival for a week. A questão é: nessa negociação quem tem mais poder? We fear more power or negotiator than possible, no case, or a greater number of alternatives. Ou seja, or artesão will be able to sell that peça for a thousand dollars of people that still goes by to peel their banks on Sunday.

It is worth noting that peça não é tão cara that submits a millionaire possa buy it.

Meanwhile, during a negotiation, or vizinho do artesão, he warns that he is negotiating with a Rockefeller, known as a great collector of works of art and, therefore, the famous craftsman has known that one of his works has passed fazer parte da coleção do milionário. Nesse exato moment, or power imbalances-that is totally for the most of Rockefeller: it is the most important - and perhaps only - alternative to turn or famous craft that moment.

From this narrative, it is evident that in any negotiation we always need to endorse or not be able to be against our opponent, measuring or the number of alternatives that each one has. It is essential to know how much you have heard in the case of a favorable agreement. You are in the condition of "hitting or releasing", its power is virtually nil and, therefore, to reveal all your interests may be dangerous. Ury, W. (1991) comments or follows:

Façade to negotiation do process exactly like faria to negotiation do essencial. Identify interests, create options for negotiating, and discuss fair behavior patterns. If, for example, he refuses to talk about any other thing that does not know his position, say, "I am interested in chegar a mutually satisfactory agreement in an efficient and friendly way. In my opinion, in order to achieve this objective, we need to be ready to go out, go ahead, share information about our interests, and discuss ideas. We need fazer crescer or bolus, not just divided. I know how to conquer your interests, I will be able to do them, and you will be able to do it or yourself for me. How are we going to tempt ”? (p. 89).

To complete this reasoning we present or follow text on

Or Iceberg in a negotiation

As professional powers of the negotiator and the environment of loyalty as your opponent are decisive fathers to break or "gelo" and establish a dialogue building, being able to achieve the objectives of the parties involved.

3rd Step: Avalie or Seu Grau de Assertividade

Either you can wave your hair with two fingers or you are not sufficiently assertive to express exactly or what you want. To be able to say if you are not, when your own time is convenient, you will not be able to carry out pressures, manipulations or strategies of the interlocutor.

Before continuing with the description of this step, we decided to characterize and conceive assertiveness.

I mutate provavely or meaning from the word "assertive" and disconcerted from the majority of people.

Porém, not day by day, or excess or lack of qualidade tem directly influenced by the most various types of relationships, seso pessoal ou profissional. In a simplified way, a person is assertive when he says "no" when he wants to say "no" and he says "sim" when he wants to say "sim", therefore, because of the difficulty in maintaining assertive behavior, a large number of people are involved in misunderstandings, conflicts and difficulties in your relationships.

Assertiveness is intimately tied to or self-support and a skill that can be developed. Learning dizer is not important to know how to dizer sim. There are indications that you need to find the right balance to be assertive and not to be a specialist to identify. It was difficult for me to say anything, to make a quiet decision or to agree with another controversial situation in order not to cause confusion, to feel that he was "engorging toad" with the frequency of always facing the weight of people in order to make his opinion prevail. behaviors that indicate the need for assertiveness.

Or disequilibrium gives assertiveness so that it can reflect both the passive life and the aggressiveness, harmful aspects of the pessoais and profissionais. It does not work, for example, as important as it is quite relevant. In order to meet the demands of a competitive and agile market, a proffessional reveals the characteristics of assertive behavior, or what constitutes a saudável internal communication within a company. Isso happens because the people passam to face the problems of daily life with naturalness and not the difficulties to solve them. As information flows with transparency, in the quantity and in the necessary necessity.

Na pessoal life to assertividaz traz bem-estar because pessoa say that these issues gives their own life in theirs. She is not in control of the need for the compulsory approval of other people over her years. Com isso, even though it becomes more self-confident and balanced self-esteem. In general, in the absence of assertiveness and decorum of loss (of emprego, of security, of comfort, of stability, etc.).

On two occasions described above, nothing less than a description of a true history of São Paulo. For some years, a public service company, has been legally incorporated, no process referring to disappropriation of land. The legal representative of the company was a famous advocate for his competition. On the side two inhabitants, or representative was a simple and humble person. The dwellers accused a company of faith or the accused demanded that the representative of two dwellers agree to express themselves more faithfully.

He insisted several times, tempting, trying to overthrow or arguing the demoralization of the representative who used a statement to understand its meaning. He insisted one last time: "I want you to define me, senor: o que é m fé ?! E o representative: "Ma fé… ma fé é o that senhor is trying to do it with me…".

This example has some two key-elements that give assertividade. First, a simple person was not intimidated by the aggressiveness of outro, who was an advocate - "doutor" - and who was not his territory - or court. In the second place, or representative was able to express clearly - and forcefully, be aggressive - here that he was really feeling.

Diante isso we can affirm that being able to assertividade não is sustained by muito tempo. An assertiveness can also be understood as an expression of internalized power. Isso wanted to say other words, or whatever "you trust not your own taco" and expresses that you are aggressive.

Step 4: Use a Style Adequate for the Objectives and for the Interlocutor

In order to achieve success in a negotiation, it is essential to make the appropriate styles to meet the objectives of our partner.

There are several ways to determine the negotiating styles. First of all, we separate cooperative and competitive negotiators.

Or competitive looks for vitória. He is rough and suspicious. Ilude e exerce pressão on the opponent as long as he can hardly make real concessões. É or more rare style.

Or cooperative seeks or agreed. He is cordial and trusts people. Try to know or what opponent wants to be possible, fazer sua vontade. Always pass informações verdadeiras à outra parte. É or mais comum style.

Here are the classic styles of negotiation:

Push> Persuasão - characterized by leading others to oil their idéia. It presents the following typical components:

  • Fazer propostas e sugestões, Argue, reason and justify.

> Affirmation - Impor e julgar or outro. Its typical components are:

  • Fazer conheren exigencies and norms, expor seu point of view and seus desires, endorse the other ea si mesmo, punish, reward and grant.

Pull> Ligação - compreender o frame de referência do outro. Typical components:

  • Encourage participation in outro; seek points of agreement; listen with empathy. Attraction - open up to others by trying to involve them. Its typical components are: influencing or outro hair its own behavior, seducing, motivating or outro, elevating or moral, sharing information, recognizing your own mistakes;

Recuo> Flexibility.

You have to study the negotiating styles, or you need a negotiator or a certain style to meet the objectives of your opponent. There enter two important dimensions linked to negotiations. Continent (aquilo ou aquele que contém) e conteido. We know that the same content can be routed differently and with equally different results. To understand this process, let's paste an example of a real case cited by MARCONDES, Odino (1993). A quick dialogue between a manager and a subordinate at a nearby hotel in São Paulo:

Manager: "I want you to come to São Paulo now to search for documents from the bank."

Subordinate: aggressively reagiu: "more why eu?"

Manager: “I am going to give you reasons to go to São Paulo. First of all, because I want to… do you want to go as far as others?… ”.

First appearance, or chef was not negotiating, hair less initially. Deu uma ordem. Or subordinate tentou negotiate more usou a totally inadequate style. For a “push” entry, use the command with another “push”. Deveria, you really want to negotiate, use a “pull” style, receptive. His power - small in the end - was reduced to nothing, because of the improper use of a negotiating style. When he revealed his real interest - he added that by indirect means: he did not want to go to São Paulo - he would show a style that would open up a negotiating channel.

3 Conclusões

When we participate in a negotiation, we must be aware that this process is nothing more than an opportunity for, in a creative way, the parties involved to find solutions that serve their interests, if that does not mean working against the interests of the opponent. Ai enters chave do ganha-ganha, isto: attend my interests sem ferir os interesses da outra parte. Does it seem magical? Não. It is the use of the ability to create products that offer alternatives that are good for both sides involved in the negotiation.

Let us recap here the steps:

  • You will not reveal your interests, there will be no space for your creativity. Revealing your real interest may diminish your power to face an aggressive and manipulative opponent (ganha-perde). You will be assertive, express correctly and safely You want to place your interests on the table, you can do it using a style that can reinforce your power to attack or outro, ou… turn to the table and lose the footsteps. People try to solve relationship problems by failing what they are doing.

Bibliographic references

FISHER, Roger. A art of negotiating. HSM Management, São Paulo: n.5, p.24-30, nov./dez. 1997.

FREITAS, Maria Ester de. Organization: a space of negotiation. São Paulo: v.34, n.5. p.13-20, set./out. 1994.

MARCONDES, Odino. How to check in excellent business. Rio de Janeiro: Qualitymark, 1993.

MATOS, Francisco Gomes de. Negotiation does not work: practical indications based on experience and theory. Rio de Janeiro: CEDEG, 1983.

SCHOONMAKER, Alan N. Negociate to win: gaining the psychological edge. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1989.

URY, William. Overcome or not: negotiating with difficult people. São Paulo: Best Seller, 1991.

BRAVO, Manoel Peres. Apostille on Negotiation in Practice. Montevideo: UDE, 2007.


As principal ferramentas involved numa negociação