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Principles to give your children a good education


How to educate children is the most difficult question to answer when we are parents for the first time. Food and health, which are also our obligations, do not generate so much uncertainty as they are tangible realities that we can monitor and supply with less difficulty and generally with little or no professional training.

On the contrary, educating children is a challenge that requires us to train ourselves permanently if we want to see satisfactory results in the long term, not for our benefit, but for theirs in the immediate future.

Unfortunately, this society does not train us for these purposes and the recommendations and help generally appear when there is little to do: when reading the news of young people who have dedicated themselves to crime, when observing counterproductive attitudes in young people who are starting in the In the labor market, in the lack of discipline and order in the new professionals, at this time everyone has an opinion and tries to straighten the branch of the tree that grew crooked.

Main elements of children's education

Based on our experience, we have observed the following points as widely accepted and essential when training and transferring knowledge to children:

1. Formation in faith. I insist on the issue of faith, and this because it is the shoe of a healthy and productive life. It is this that gives strength in difficult moments and the feeling of gratitude when bonanza arrives. Faith feeds our dreams and is the basis of self-esteem and this because a firm faith allows us to believe in ourselves, in others and in what is above all and over which we have no control.

2. Training in responsibility. Being responsible is knowing how to respond and there is no doubt that the right answers bring the right results. Responsibility is the attitude we must take in the face of positive and negative situations in life. When we bring children into the world, we take responsibility for their lives at least until they come of age. It is essential to teach children and adolescents about the value of responsibility in achieving their immediate and future goals.

3. Formation in love. Love yourself, love others, love what we do, love our dreams. Teaching affection is more than a command. Our society is full of people who do not know how to smile, hug, kiss, caress. People who do not know the taste of happiness. We train engineers who build great bridges, doctors who practice life and death surgeries, lawyers with the gift of speech, but we forget to form love that is, together with faith, the foundation of a full life truly detached from material things..

4. Training in administration. It is not just financial training, it is teaching how to manage limited resources: time, space, money, water, food, etc.

Our children must become aware that we live in a limited world and that everything is exhausted, it is inevitable, we can not do anything other than manage the goods to produce the minimum, generate enough and ensure what is necessary.

This is perhaps the least common formation because this consumer society looks only at our pockets and seeks by all means to consume what is in them. We, for our part, let ourselves be carried away by this vice and pass it on to children, creating the false idea that what we have spent today will be available tomorrow without effort or planning.

The resources must be produced at least to the minimum essential, therefore they will not reach our seat fallen from the sky, we must become aware of what we need for a decent life and plan how we are going to achieve this goal and finally we must project into the future the means that will ensure a better condition for them and us.

This topic is really exciting and I am sure that I will return to it from another perspective, in the meantime I think there is enough material to encourage opinion, debate and above all action. Our children are our responsibility, they are not the direct responsibility of the state or the church. We brought them into the world without their permission, we have to do our best to compensate for this wonderful gift of life.

Principles to give your children a good education