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Environmental problems present in the torca canal bogota colombia


The Torca Canal located in the town of Usaquén in the Tibabita neighborhood is neglected in the environmental aspect since domestic, toxic, gray, residual, surface and black waters are conducted, of which not all should pass there.

The discharge of the latter, for example, is mainly due to structural failures and lack of maintenance according to an EAAB report in 2010.

On the contrary, and depending on the channel, surface currents that enter the basin from the eastern hills of the city, rainwater sewers and infiltration and runoff flows should flow.


In addition to having a poor environmental image due to garbage dumped in and around the canal, the water remains black, dark green and brown in color and exudes foul smells. Mattresses, plastic bags and food packaging, batteries, shoes, glass and plastic bottles, food bones, clothing, tires, rugs, polystyrene, egg trays and cardboard in general, construction material such as cement and bricks, boards, bags with dog excrement, tiles, among others, that interrupt the flow of water, plug ducts, causing, for example, the growth of the water level and in winter times drainage problems are observed, generates proliferation of mosquitoes and increases the presence of rodents.

The previous description is the result of the action of the people who inhabit the sector, who throw solid and liquid, dangerous and harmful waste into the canal, also from neighboring companies where various chemicals and organisms in the process of degradation are expelled.

Finally the problem worsens because this dirty and contaminated water ends up flowing into the Torca wetland. The downside is not that the canal flows into the wetland, but that the water arrives contaminated, an aspect that previously did not harm this ecosystem, since the water that arrived was clearly superficial from the mountains and the rains. “It is necessary that the community feel this natural reserve as its own so that it learns to protect it and stop indiscriminately dumping waste” Claudia López, Secretary of the Environment (Topic of the week. May 13-19, 2010. Weather)


General objective

  • Describe the current pollution problems present in the Torca Canal, in the town of Usaquén, in the section that goes from Carrera 9 with Calle 189 to Calle 190 with Carrera 19.

Specific objectives

  • Analyze the problems of contamination of the water in the Torca Canal, determining its quality by means of the water samples collected, in the Laboratory of the Santo Tomás University and the CSBT laboratory. Specify the concentration of the chemicals ammonia, sulfate, phosphate and dioxide of nitrogen found in the water of the Torca Canal Justify why the entities and factors identified during the investigation contribute or not directly to the problem of contamination of the Torca Canal.


The development of this research is relevant since a recent description is made with a concrete and detailed analysis of the current state of the Torca Canal. As a necessity for the development of a plan or strategy, after passing this project as a report to the district entities in charge of the supervision and cleaning of the canal (IDIGER, the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, the EAAB and the District Secretary of Environment) and once it has been read, it is expected that they will generate proposals for environmental improvement. Since the aforementioned entities do have the resources and means to intervene in the channel, in addition to being public figures of environmental authority.This will help ensure that people and entities that are close to the canal do not affect or be affected by waste and polluting agents in the water.

La importancia del estudio radica también en la gestión hecha en pro de la mejora ambiental de la zona y por tanto del ambiente del colegio San Benito de Tibatí, lo que aparte de sus beneficios, creará y generará ejemplo de una cultura ambiental, pues el principal problema de contaminación del Canal Torca se debe a las acciones del ser humano. Esta intervención busca contribuir al canal, por medio de una postura crítica y de conciencia de las personas hacia su entorno, y hechos que día a día modifiquen el estado de contaminación. Avance que está supuestado hacia la mejora de la calidad de agua de este, quiere decir, reducir su contaminación.

Regarding the place, we will approach the canal from the Lijacá lane, specifically from Carrera 9 with Calle 189 to Calle 190 with Carrera 19B. Taking the closest and most visible perimeters. It will include homes, institutions, buildings, and entities or micro-enterprises with connection to the canal, which have contact regarding the expulsion of waste of any kind. Also, some people who will be verified the proximity and relationship with the Canal.


Life originated from water and it continues to depend on it, this is why it is so important to take care of it, above all, to know mechanisms to do it well and in turn, to continue with a better sustainable development, because it is vital that for future generations, a limited resource and for now irreplaceable as water is preserved. Water “is a substance whose molecules are formed by the combination of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen, it is liquid, odorless, tasteless and colorless. "It is a constituent part of all living organisms and appears in natural compounds." (Guerrero, 1991p.13) Due to this it is key to the well-being of the human being and the environment, taking into account that it only works as a renewable resource if it is well treated.

Water is the main object of the canal on which the study will be based. The particularity of this is that it is not a purified water, drinkable or ready for human consumption; the water in the Torca canal can be called wastewater. These designate that type of water that is contaminated and that results from domestic, commercial, industrial and service activities, and that also has other substances from rainwater and the typical infiltration of water in the land.

It is important to note that as we evolve, societies change their structures and patterns of production and consumption. Consequently, technological development and other consumption patterns present in our evolution have brought, as a consequence, an increase in the volumes of waste clearly made by humans. Waste is defined as those parts that are left over from something, either from decomposition or destruction, and most of the time useless because they cause more environmental damage such as pollution, than benefits.

Environmental pollution are all those physical, chemical and biological agents or mixtures between them, that can affect the health, safety, hygiene and well-being of the population, since they alter a biological process. Which means that they become harmful to life (Aguilar, 2009). This is why all the environmental pollution that affects the canal also directly or indirectly influences the people around the place, a fact that is verified by these same people and even by the San Benito de Tibatí School Educational Foundation, who have claimed in several occasions to IDIGER for cleaning the Torca Canal.

Since colonial times, garbage and solid waste were thrown into water channels and forested areas of the city (Rodríguez, 2009). So, it is for many years that some people are not aware of what they do when dumping garbage, and others that simply are not interested in what they can cause or how an ecosystem reacts to their conscious or non-actions, it is for this reason It is essential to develop an environmental culture in each of the subjects of society and, as is the case, of the subjects that interact with the Torca Channel.

According to Antonio Martínez (2008), an environmental protection service technician, environmental awareness is “our attitude and our conduct towards sustainability”. Sustainability refers to the commitment to preserve the needs of future generations through the conservation and improvement of the natural assets of the present, as a consequence of the search for economic growth and greater industries, which have impeded support for ecological conservation and protection. of biodiversity.

In addition, environmental awareness is defined as the system of experiences, knowledge and experiences that the individual actively uses in their relationship with the environment (Febles, 2004) and it is a multidimensional concept in which several indicators such as cognitive, have to be identified, which deals with knowledge about the issue of the environment, the affective, which is the perception of the environment related to beliefs and feelings, the conative, which is our disposition and interest, and the active which is the performance of responsible environmental practices and behaviors (Chuliá, 1995 and Jiménez, 2005).

On the other hand, water channels are used to speed up the transportation and circulation of water, among them we can find sewers, drainage ditches, landfills, channels along roads and pipes, which are also known as artificial channels. because they are built by man. Artificial canals are generally long, gently sloping conduits, such as the Torca Canal, or high, rapid ones built on the ground made of concrete, cement, wood, or other materials.

The water in the canals is generally dirty and is already contaminated. Precisely because it is water that is discarded and degrades, for example due to the lead that is used in some pipes to transport it. In the Torca Canal it is found that pollution is produced as a consequence of human activities, for example, caused by the industrial development of the area, which has the presence of dangerous components for the environment. Among the main pollutants are organic compounds, organic waste, sediments and suspended materials, and inorganic plant nutrients.

Among the hazardous wastes are: Toxic waste, harmful when the contaminated liquid they contain drains the garbage and contaminates groundwater. Pesticides that are any substance or mixture of substances of an organic or inorganic nature, intended to combat insects, mites, rodents and other undesirable species of plants and animals that are harmful to people. Used oils, which cannot be poured into the water because one liter of oil contaminates up to 1,000,000 liters of water. Batteries, which once the metal casing that covers them is damaged, release chemicals that cause pollution to the environment. And infectious biological hazardous waste (RPBI), which are generated during health care activities for humans or animals in health centers,clinical or research laboratories.

The activities that generate pollution may be due to specific factors in which situations arise that, according to Juan José Ibáñez (2006) for the most part derive from the industry or associated activities, and inadequate management can be observed due to failures in facilities and processes, both human and waste management, also accidents and irregular, voluntary and involuntary dumping. Likewise, diffuse factors that involve organic compounds, excess salts and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms that cause contamination.

Pollution can occur from the least damage, where the deterioration of the environment can and is easy to restore even, with financial viability (less damage, less pollution), to increasingly polluted, where financial support and other types of aid it will be more difficult to use (greater damage). The stages of contamination that can occur in the Torca Channel are dependent on the action of the human being, and it is evidenced that such contamination is mainly caused by the subjects that interact with it, thus producing great and relevant damage to this ecosystem.


Among the actors involved in the investigation are the inhabitants of the Lijaca and Verbenal sectors who live near the canal. Also the entities, Riopaila Castilla SA, Taller automotriz, Ferrecerrajeria, Lavaseco Green World, Cigarreria Mafer, El Autumn and Laos store. Between the residential complexes; Pradera San Carlos and La María. And the educational communities Colegio Aquileo Parra, Colegio San Benito de Tibatí Educational Foundation and Colegio San Carlos.

Regarding the instruments present in the research process, there is the survey, which is implemented in different studies of various academic areas, and used due to its effectiveness and precision in the collection of individual data, to access conclusions about the existence of regularities of social structures and on the subjects immersed in them; as is the case of the study of the environmental problem that concerns. An investigative method such as the survey is an efficient and precise method that helps to determine the knowledge of people chosen at random, but from a specific sector, about the pollution problems in this canal, and about the water that flows through it. flowing.

In addition, laboratory instruments are used to analyze the canal water. Among which we have: A universal silicone adapter for standard pipettes up to 100 mL.

A 100 mL pipette. A colorimeter to identify the color that results from the reaction of applying ammonia (NH3), phosphate (PO4), sulfate (SO4) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to the canal water, to determine the concentration of these substances.

As an aid to determine the concentration of chemical compounds, product of the pollution of the Canal, ammonia is used, which is a colorless gas with a very pungent odor, which occurs naturally and is also manufactured. It is produced in the soil due to the presence of bacteria, decaying plants and animals, and animal waste (feces and urine). Phosphate, which are salts or esters of phosphoric acid, is found in organic deposits of remains of living beings and in fertilizers. Sulfate are salts of sulfuric acid and its application varies according to the metal to which it is attached, thus it is found in glass, plaster, laxatives, fungicides, or as an additive in detergents. And finally the nitrogen dioxide,which is an oxidizing agent and in its natural state is formed as a by-product in combustion at high temperatures such as in vehicle engines and industrial plants.

The proposed intervention is characterized by being of a qualitative nature, due to the fact that the intention of the project focuses on the “understanding of a reality considered from its particular aspects as the result of a historical process of construction and view from logic and feeling of its protagonists, that is, from an internal (subjective) perspective ”(Pérez, 2001). And also because the investigation wants to determine the causes of contamination of the canal. A quantitative investigation in the sense that we will use laboratory instruments to know the current state of the water, giving the degree of contamination a specific, mathematical value and its biological standard, means the explanation of a reality.

The steps to follow to carry out the research are to inquire about the environmental problems that arise around the canal, conducting qualitative surveys (Annex 1 survey) with their respective analysis and conclusions. Afterwards, the collection of water samples from the pipe will continue, to determine the state of the canal, and their respective analysis, which will be carried out in the biology laboratories of the Santo Tomás University and the CSBT Chemistry Laboratory. The concrete and detailed report of the current state of contamination of the Torca Canal will be presented. The conclusions will be built that will respond, presenting the respective justifications, to the proposed objectives. And an invitation will be made to learn a little more about this environmental problem close to the context of the school.


  1. The surveys carried out with the purpose of determining the knowledge that people have about the torca canal regarding the water that transits there, the following were obtained:
1. Do you know what the Torca channel is? No-150
2. Do you know where the water that passes through the Torca Channel empties? Yes Where?
33 Peace Gardens Cemetery
Bogota River
3 Do you know the type of water that should flow through this canal? Yes Which?
81 Rainwater (correct = 46)
Clean water
Pure water
Clear water
4 Do you know the type of water that passes through the canal? Yes Which one?
131 Black waters
Contaminated water
Dirty waters
sewage water
Bath water
Houses water
Sewer water
Codito neighborhood water


Do you do something when you see someone dump trash Yes Than?
30 Call their attention or scold them
Show them the damage they cause
Call the authority (Police) *
Not I'm not interested
I'd rather not get in trouble
120 I know it's wrong, but I'd rather do nothing.
6 Do you know the risks of to have a channel
contaminated? Yes Which?
Unwanted animals (rodents)
Ecological damage
Bad smells
122 Bacteria

The result of the total of people surveyed (150 people) is that 100% do not know the name of this channel, and a little more than half of this population (54%) believe they know what type of water is what they should pass by and of which only 57%, which is equivalent to 46 people, answered correctly. While 46% said they would not know what the type of water is. In addition, 22% of the sample also stated that they knew where the Torca channel empties and 72% stated that they did not know the place.

For the fourth question, it was obtained that 87% know the type of water that currently passes through the canal, and the answer with the greatest repetition, which was 31%, corresponds to the fact that it is sewage. And 13% ignore the answer to this question. For the fifth question, it was obtained that 20% of the people surveyed did something as a reaction to the situation that someone dumps trash into the canal; and of these only 0.6% went to the authorities (Police). The other 80% prefer not to do something, or are not interested. And finally, for the last question, 80% say they know what the risks are of having a contaminated canal and 20% do not know.

  1. Regarding the first laboratory practice, carried out at the Santo Tomás University, the concentration of 4 substances in the canal water was evidenced in three different sectors of the canal. The first of them included the beginning of the channel, when it remains open, that is, there is no more pipeline (Carrera 9 with Cale 189, just where the section selected for the study begins). The second sample was collected in the middle of the selected section, more or less in Carrera 15 with Calle 189. And the third sample was obtained from the end of the selected section, that is, Carrera 19 with Calle 190.

The three samples were subjected to the evaluation of a colorimeter, which showed the concentration of the following compounds in parts per million (ppm): Ammonia (NH 3), Phosphate (PO 4), Sulfate (SO 4) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2), after coloring them, carried out by mixing them with the canal water. The intermediate water sample from the Torca Canal was the one with the highest levels of contamination with respect to the four substances chosen for the study, since the rates of particles per million were high at this point.

In the first water sample, there is a lower pollution index, because the level of garbage was minimal compared to the other two sectors, taking into account that when the sample was taken the canal was not so dirty. The concentration of ammonia sulfate, phosphorus and nitrogen dioxide were not shown in large quantities.

In the second water sample, the contamination indices were the highest, as NH 3 was found in an amount of 51 ppm, which indicated that the water from the Torca Canal is sensitive to ammonia, since it is a compound that dissolves easily in water and is immersed in everyday and household products such as detergents and glass cleaning products, it is also usually found in the urine of both animals and human beings.

In this same sample, the phosphate (PO 4) took on a quite striking dark blue color, which indicated that it is largely immersed in the water of the Torca Canal, since in it, various materials are dissolved, from the various uses that this Substance provides, as it is in the use of metal cleaning, in washing machines, in the manufacture of cheeses, artificial yeast in bakery, as an abrasive in toothpaste and as a dispersant in the manufacture of cements and bricks.

Shows NH3 ppm SO4 ppm PO4 ppm NO2 ppm
Initial Light orange 43 ppm Transparent 0.19 ppm Light Blue 0.5 ppm Light brown 0.20 ppm


Dark orange 51 ppm Transparent 0.19 ppm Dark blue 10 ppm Brown 0.24 ppm
Final Orange 49 ppm Transparent 0.17 Light Blue 0.7 ppm Coffee 0.21

In the intermediate sample registered with the highest range of contamination, a brown color was evidenced and an index of 0.24 ppm of nitrogen dioxide was not presented in a high form despite being soluble in water because, at the time of Since this (NO 2) establishes a relationship with water, it presents a mixture of nitric and nitrous acid, components of acid rain. This refers to the fact that its presence is not dangerous in the water of the Torca Canal, since it does not generate waste that is harmful to health.

Regarding the three water samples collected, the sulfate (SO 4) was colorless, the water was transparent in color, meaning that the phosphate index within the water was low in each of the water samples, with an index of 0.17 to 0.19 ppm, this shows that there are not a large number of elements or uses that are used with this compound as they are, for example, in the process of manufacturing glass, plaster and barite that are used in construction and as additives in the manufacture of paper and cardboard.

  1. In the second practice, carried out in the chemistry and biology laboratory of the San Benito de Tibatí School, a culture sowing was carried out to identify the growth of microorganisms present in the Canal water and thus determine if there is contamination and the presence of bacteria. One of the most important systems for the identification of microorganisms is to observe their growth in artificial food substances prepared in the laboratory. The food material in which the microorganisms grow is the Culture Medium and the growth of the microorganisms is the Culture. In the case of this intervention, microorganisms were sown from three different samples of canal water, in the same way in which the previous ones were collected for the laboratory of the Santo Tomás University.
Shows NH3 ppm SO4 ppm PO4 ppm NO2 ppm
Initial Light orange 43 ppm Transparent 0.19 ppm Light Blue 0.5 ppm Light brown 0.20 ppm
Intermediate Dark orange 51 ppm Transparent 0.19 ppm Dark blue 10 ppm Brown 0.24 ppm
to ppm ppm
Final Orange 49 ppm Transparent 0.17 ppm Light Blue 0.7 ppm Coffee 0.21 ppm

In this laboratory it was identified that the problem of contamination of Canal water is great, because bacteria and microorganisms pass through it, which increase in size with the passage of time and their population, since the reproduction time of bacteria is very short and in large quantities; thus producing the development of diseases and epidemics that harm the population of individuals who live near the canal and also the individuals who pass through this sector.

In the results of the entities and factors that contribute or not in the contamination of the canal, the companies Riopaila SA, Ferrecerrajeria, Lavaseco Green World, El Autumn store, Laos fast food store, CAMI and an automotive workshop were found. The La Pradera Complexes and La María Residential Complex were found in the residences, and in the institutions are the educational institutions: Colegio San Carlos, Fundación Colegio San Benito de Tibatì and Colegio Aquileo Parra. These entities were thoroughly studied to identify the actions they carried out with reference to the canal and also to determine if each one of them is involved in the pollution problem or not. The hardware store does not influence the contamination of the canal, since they do not dump waste into it.But if the materials that are sold there as tools and objects for carpentry, DIY and blacksmithing, such as nails, screws, wire, locks, etc… and metal vessels and containers or other materials are thrown into the water, it will present fluids that are dangerous to health of people who reside near the canal causing an increase in the deterioration of the water of the latter, due to toxins and garbage.

Within the Canal water the presence of phosphate (PO 4) is evidenced, which is used for cleaning washing machines. And it is the case that at the beginning of the channel studied, there is a Laundry called "Green World" which dumps its waste into the water causing it to become contaminated by the action of the chemical substance.

The Laos store is a commercial food establishment, where it is evident that what they are: food wrappers, bottles, plastic bags, egg trays and cardboard boxes; which increase the volume of garbage in the canal. And this is not even because of the customers of the store who throw away the food wrappers, but because of the owners who throw away the packaging where the products come from for the manufacture of their food.

The store Autumn, on the other hand, does not dump solid waste into the canal. Of course, your buyers are responsible for dumping plastic bottles and food wrappers. In addition to the young people who are frequently playing in this sector of the "autumn" and the "bombonera".

The automotive workshop is responsible for some of the tires that are in the canal, since when they are no longer useful, they are left outside the workshop and then some people or children who pass by end up throwing them into the canal, or else you're end up there for some other matter. These, being immersed in the channel, accumulate water and in turn mosquitoes begin to lodge there, building nests that increase their population and therefore increase the risk of transmitting diseases.

CAMI, which is an immediate attention center, does not dump toxic or contaminated biological waste dangerous to human health, or of any other kind.

Regarding educational institutions, the San Benito de Tibatí School does not greatly affect the pollution of the canal. It was found that although there are waters that are led from the school to the canal, these are not in a high degree of contamination. The water that is expelled from the school is rainwater from the school's gutters that end up flowing into it and that sometimes leads to food packaging or small residues that were not retained by the grates that the school has placed in these gutters and is infiltrate reaching the canal. In the same way it happens with the Aquileo Parra school, but to which it is added that its students are direct polluting “factors”, since they are constantly dumping garbage, especially food packaging.

The San Carlos school, like the sports club located next to it, expel rainwater that is absorbed by their soils and flows into the canal through pipes, in which it is difficult to find solid waste since, as mentioned above, is water that is absorbed by the grass.


The current pollution problem in the Torca Canal is due to the constant solid waste waste by the surrounding people who constantly pass through it, which degrade the water and interrupt the normal flow of this since they plug some pipes.

The quality of the torca water does not correspond to the function of this channel, because due to the garbage and the transport of other types of water, its quality deteriorates and is very dangerous for the ecosystem where it flows (Humedal Torca).

The concentration of the compounds of ammonia, sulfate, phosphorus and nitrogen dioxide respectively are:

Among the entities that do not contribute to the pollution of the canal is the El Autumn store, Ferrecerrajeria, Creativo FC, and the San Carlos school. On the contrary, those that do contribute either to a minor or to a large extent to the pollution of the canal are Laos, Green Word, an automotive workshop, the Aquileo Parra School and the San Benito de Tibatí educational foundation. And among the solid waste most present in the canal and that most pollute are the tires, plastic bags and bottles, food wrappers, excrement and urine.


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Environmental problems present in the torca canal bogota colombia