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Problem of family violence in the Peruvian state

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Before entering into dealing with violence in the aforementioned areas, we consider that it is necessary to define family violence; thus we have that Art. 2 of the law of protection against family violence states that “it is any action or omission that causes physical or psychological harm, abuse without injury, including serious and / or repeated threat or coercion, as well as the sexual violence that occurs between spouses, ex-spouses, partners, former partners, ascendants, descendants, collateral relatives up to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity, who live in the same household, provided there are no contractual employment relationships and those who they have procreated children in common, regardless of whether they live together or not, at the time of the violence ”.

Then, this type of violence can be physical, psychological and sexual.

1. Family violence in minors.

A) Difference between punishment and violence or abuse

Punishment is the call for attention characterized by a verbal or physical lightness, translated into the absence of wounds, scars or injuries and mainly by the pedagogical justification tending to prevent the repetition of a behavior judged as undesirable.

The violence or mistreatment is due to the form of the blow used, the disproportionate force, the part of the body in which it was received, the repetitive and sometimes uncontrolled nature of the action and the injurious intention to cause harm and often even death.

B) the problem itself.

When this type of violence is caused to the person at their earliest age, it can mean indelible marks, which in most cases lead to a limitation in their personal and social adjustment, such as: learning problems, behavior, aggressiveness and laziness.; visible in the medium and long term; which can appear typologically as psychological abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse.

Minors in our country make up 40% of the population. Therefore, the development of their capacities is at risk when they are victims of family violence, contributing to this situation of poverty, which in most cases is a constant. Furthermore, Peru continues to be one of the countries with the highest number of infant deaths in the region. The same that is associated with the age and education of the mother, the order of birth of the children and the interval between births.

C) children and violence on television

Children watch television for an average of three to four hours a day. This can be a powerful influence in the development of a value system and in the formation of behavior. Unfortunately, a great deal of current programming is violent. Hundreds of studies on the effects of television violence on children and adolescents have found that children can:

1.- to become "immune" to the horror of violence;

2.- gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems;

3.- imitate the violence they see on television;

4.- identify with certain characters, whether they are victims or aggressors.

Children who are excessively exposed to violence on television tend to be more aggressive. Sometimes watching a single violent program can increase aggression. Children who watch shows in which the violence is very realistic, is repeated frequently, or is not punished are the ones who will try the most to imitate what they see. the impact of violence on television can be immediately apparent on the child's behavior or it can emerge years later and young people can be affected even when the family atmosphere does not show violent tendencies. This does not indicate that violence on television is the only source of aggressiveness or violent behavior, but it is a significant contributor.

Parents can protect children from excessive violence on television in the following ways: 1.- paying attention to the programs that children see on television and watching some with them; 2.- establishing limits to the amount of time they can be watching television; 3.- pointing out that although the actor has not hurt himself or died, such violence in real life results in pain or death; 4.- not allowing children to watch programs known to contain violence, and changing the channel or turning off the television when something offensive is presented, explaining what is wrong with the program; 5.- not approving violent episodes in front of their children, emphasizing the belief that such behavior is not the best way to solve a problem;counteracting the pressure exerted by your friends and classmates.

The amount of time that children watch television (in addition to the quality of the programs), should be moderate, as it prevents them from carrying out other activities of greater benefit, such as reading and playing with their friends, thus following the saying “turn on the television and turn off your brain”. If parents have serious difficulty setting limits or are very concerned about their children's reaction to television, they should seek professional help.

2. Family violence in the couple.

A) background

Pinching, hair pulling, insults, blackmail, disqualification, even sexual assault, including rape, are manifestations of violence in infatuation, which can extend to marriage and in the worst case, lead to the death of women. Demanding "proof of love" constitutes one of the main forms of violence that young people exert on their "lovers", who finally agree to have sexual relations, even against their wishes.

At this stage, it is difficult to perceive violent behavior, by those who receive it, mostly women, nor by those who exercise it, because it is confused with an expression of love and interest.

Out of "love," women tolerate abuse confident that one day their partner will change. These behaviors in the stage of love go unnoticed, also because abuse is associated with married couples and with children.

B) the problem itself

Aggression is not only what is done, but also what is not done, as long as the partner is mistreated, subduing and diminishing their potential for realization as a human being.

Mainly it occurs in ninety percent of men to women and ten percent vice versa; fundamentally because of the socio-cultural role associated with women economically dependent on men, which represents a serious attack against her physical and moral integrity and a direct attack on her dignity as a person.

Violence is a social problem of great impact that crosses racial, age, religious, educational and socioeconomic borders. It is a phenomenon that damages the rights of human beings and clearly shows gender oppression; so discrimination, ridicule, beatings, rapes and abuses are common.

From the investigations carried out in Lima, it stands out that the victims do not dare to report their partner because of: fear of the aggressor, shame, children, fear of losing their partner… also, after reporting, they withdraw the complaint and abandon the process because: they reconcile, they are threatened, they do not receive adequate attention, they do not punish the aggressor, etc.

The most important decision is when the victim makes the decision to break the silence about the situation of violence in which they live.

C) the key is to recognize it

From deciding how the couple should dress, choosing the places of entertainment without taking into account the other, always imposing their reason and disqualifications are some indicators of violence in a couple.

The result is a relationship that knows no other form of interaction without physical, psychological or sexual harm. the only possibility to face and get out of such a situation is to recognize it and the sooner the better.

So, we began to work that this fact that is affecting you is not normal and that it can and should be transformed. And its typology is presented in psychological abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse. Furthermore, there is a dynamic that depends on the interaction between cyclicality and increasing intensity, which cyclically manifests itself in the accumulation of tension, explosion or aggression and reconciliation; through a psychological, verbal and physical intensity.

D) Improving behaviors to avoid violence in the partner from destructive to constructive situations.

1.- Go from domination, control and violence… to tolerance and mutual respect. 2.- Go from emotional abuse… to respect. 3.- Go from intimidation… to fair negotiation. 4.- Go from masculine privilege… to shared responsibility. 5.- Go from manipulation with the children… to assuming parental responsibility. 6.- Go from threats… to non-threatening behavior. 7.- Go from control to the partner… to trust and support. 8.- Go from violence and control… to honesty and responsibility. 9.- Go from devaluing, denying, blaming… to acceptance and consideration.

3. Family violence in the elderly.

A) The problem itself.

It was first described in 1975 and it is a universal phenomenon. these people endure subtle or overt forms of abuse or violence on a daily basis, to which is added the built-in devalued social image of old age. and as if that were not enough, the beliefs and stereotypes that are held about them, such as: disaffected, unproductive, very passive, inactive, burden, hindrance, etc., socially rooted; This has a strong influence on their very low self-esteem, immense sadness and anguish, which makes them abandon themselves in the compulsive consumption of alcohol, tobacco, painkillers, etc.

They have been excluded not only from development-oriented processes, but also from the benefits of social programs, and their lack of power and status makes it difficult for them to claim services, know their rights, react to abuse, and protest discrimination. of age and gender, therefore, unfortunately, due to both emotional and economic dependence, few cases are reported.

In this type of violence, the abusers are their own family, that is, they are caregivers and abusers at the same time, that is to say, painfully paradoxical. In addition, typologically it is presented as psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual violence, neglect and abandonment, economic and financial violence, and cultural violence.

B) classification of the elderly

In 2002, the national care plan for the elderly classified elderly people as: 1.- Self-supporting.- Able to carry out the basic activities of daily life. 2.- Fragile.- Some kind of relative physiological decline. 3.- Dependents.- Substantial physiological decline that prevents them from carrying out basic life activities.

C) women and men as older adults.

The woman, being a victim of family violence, has the peculiarity that she does not retire, works until the forces give her up, totally dependent on the family and subjected to its rules, loses individuality-authority and gains social isolation; being a woman, poor and elderly, forms the disadvantageous triangle of inequality.

For his part, the man becomes almost totally dependent on the family and subjected to its rules. As well as gradual loss of his individuality-authority and gains social isolation and if he is retired, he becomes an alcoholic.


In the case of family violence against children: we conclude that there is little knowledge about it among the public and health professionals. Thus, recognition and awareness, while essential elements for effective prevention, are only part of the solution. Thus, prevention efforts and policies must be directed directly at children, their caregivers and the environments in which they live, to prevent potential abuse from occurring and effectively address abuse and neglect that has occurred. In addition, it requires the concerted and coordinated efforts of a wide range of sectors, as well as researchers, public health professionals.

In the case of family violence in the couple: we must state that it is more serious than many of us would imagine and causes a lot of pain in homes. However, we can avoid such abusive and / or violent behaviors as long as we fully assume that respect, equality and tolerance are the most favorable conditions for solving problems within the home.

The values ​​of individuals are cultivated from the family, therefore it is essential to promote a culture of democracy in the intimate life of people and respect for the human rights of each of its members.

Those who value tolerance, equality, respect, freedom, democracy and peace will surely defend and practice these values ​​with conviction in all areas of their life: family, school, work, groups, institutions. hence the importance of educating, treating and training citizens in environments of respect, freedom, tolerance and worship of integral human development.

The proposal is to create awareness among the young population so that they identify the problem as well as re-educate this sector of the population so that they can relate based on respect for the couple, with which it is also intended to reduce unwanted pregnancies and diseases of the sexual transmission, including AIDS.

And in the case of family violence in the elderly: we will end by saying that the state must condemn and adopt measures to put an end to violence against the elderly, include them in the design and planning of social and development programs, all of this within the framework of the universal declaration of human rights and the principles of the united nations for older persons.

In addition, their social role must be redefined by the primacy of their wisdom and experience, lately almost nil, and respond with policies that provide the opportunity to achieve their well-being.

A new paradigm of old age is necessary that prevails socially, that is, active, productive and healthy old age integrated into family and social life, very necessary for the validity of the deepest values ​​and of our culture, important for the continuity of our histories, for the construction of a new intergenerational society based on mutual respect and mutual appreciation.

Problem of family violence in the Peruvian state