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Internal problems in the work environment

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This document will talk about "Internal problems in the work environment". With the purpose of knowing the different reasons and factors that could damage a pleasant work environment, but above all the productivity and performance of the worker. Some important points will be mentioned on issues of quality, climate and organizational development.


This document offers opinions about the different factors that cause internal problems in an organization.

Next we will touch on important points that affect the relationship between workers of the same company.

The work environment is important since we can define the future of a company.


In order to understand the subject, we must first define each concept appropriate to the reality in the work environment. Internal problem: It is usually a matter for which a solution is expected and can affect the relationship within the company.

Work environment: The work environment of the company is a factor that has a great impact on performance, on worker productivity.

An employee's behavior can result in attitudes that influence activities and endeavor within the organization.

The work environment in which the employee finds himself affects the way in which he interacts with other people, whether internal or external.

Something that happens very often in an organization can be the preferences of the top managers, this can cause problems between the workers themselves and conflicts that could leave an organization bankrupt.

Identifying such internal and external factors that affect your behavior can help the company understand why employees are engaged and motivated. Internal factors include leadership, organizational structure, and corporate culture. Outsiders, family life and other business relationships.

"The CEF has conducted a survey of 1,440 people during the months of November 2009 and January 2010 to find out the ten toxins or harmful behaviors that most affect organizations." (Financieros, A study by the Center for Studies, 2010)

The results obtained reveal that these evils are:

  1. Poor internal communication (62%) Demotivation of employees (51%) Poor work organization (49%) Incompetence as leaders of managers (39%) Poor distribution of tasks (39%) Mistrust of employees bosses towards employees (35%) equal salary, without taking into account individual performance (35%) conformism or flattening of employees (34%) impossibility of developing a professional career (33%) rumors (32%) (Financiers, A study by the Centro de Estudios, 2010)

«The main objective of this study is to inform those who lead organizations which are the factors of labor inefficiency that hinder the achievement of their best results. Something that acquires special importance in the current crisis situation. We want organizations to carry out an examination of conscience that allows them to diagnose their own symptoms in order to apply the antidote before the disease worsens »(Financieros, A study by the Center for Studies, 2010)

I agree with the Center for Financial Studies. Since the factors already mentioned are the most common problems that affect an organization.

To speak of a problem in an organization is to mention discomfort in the work environment and disagreements between subordinates.

Personally, to identify a problem is only to look at how an employee performs or how he performs his work, sometimes they can be people who have external problems, but usually they are disagreements with decisions made by the bosses.

An employee's behavior can result in attitudes that influence activities and endeavor within the organization. Communication plays a very important role since it is the most correct way to address someone and express what we think and thus be able to reach agreements that benefit the company.

A boss who does not motivate his employees is proven that there is demotivation and that causes poor performance and performance of the work of each person within the company or organization. For many, a job can be a sign of need or on the other hand it could be improvement, desire or commitment.

A bad organization could also be key to causing internal problems within the organization, since if there are no responsibilities or what each person corresponds to is not well defined, it causes problems at all.

Another serious problem is the mistrust that may exist between the boss and the subordinate, since by not giving them the trust they deserve, there is some pressure and sometimes it could cause the worker to do things without effort and interest.

And if we talk about money, a serious problem would be the salary or payment of the worker for his activities. The salary can become a non-conformity of the employee.

In every company, place and time, people talk and rumor about things that may not even exist. In general, people when they are in an organization dissatisfied with something automatically speak and express their opinions, something that could cause problems when it reaches the ears of other people and also create a chain that hardly ends.

The best thing is to make correct and adequate decisions so as not to have any problems, problems will always exist but for this there is always a solution.

The fact is to know how? At what moment? and in what way ?, solve the problem. For all this, there are ways to communicate correctly but above all bear in mind that today we can be employees and later we will be heads of our own company.

Many times it depends on the person's state of mind to see things, without a doubt the influence of an environment is paramount, the motivation of a boss and the recognition of your work as well as rumors among the workers themselves.

The correct diagnosis of the ills that afflict an organization depends on the analysis that is made of the situation of such organization previously. That is why it is important to know our company as completely as possible.

Internal problems in the work environment