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Investigation process

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In this work we will try to explain research as a process aimed at knowing, interpreting and understanding a reality that we can change or transform.

Trying, once we combine all the elements acquired during the research process of capturing and transmitting it, once this knowledge is acquired, we will form a consciousness of analysis and reflection that we will occupy in bringing improvements to our society; as well as to transmit that knowledge to future generations, and that these in turn impact the future of our country.

It is in our interest, in this same way, to make known that, whoever begins in research will be able to perceive the infinite areas of study that surrounds us and will be able to transmit or motivate the scientific curiosity that therefore induces research.


Process: It is an ordered sequence of events in time, in such a way that each one has a functional relationship with the next.

Event: It is any event that occurs in space in a short period of time, we can also call it an event.

Phenomenon: It can be defined as a fact, either event or process, as it appears before the senses of an observer.


The facts are considered from two points of view:

Qualitative: Words-Interior-Comprehension-Virtuality…

Quantitative: Numbers-Exterior-Explanation-Facticity…

For example: the teacher Guillermo is handsome (qualitative aspect), he measures 1.70 meters. (Quantitative aspect).

It should be noted that the facts are not shown, that the exposition of the facts are not true or false, they simply exist.

The observed facts are called data and acquire the qualification of scientific when they are impersonal, objective and systematic.

Systematic data: are those that must be integrated into a body of knowledge to make sense.

Etymological definition of research

The word investigation comes from the Latin roots investigium-ire, which means “to go after the mark”; that is, it is a path that is followed in search of answers. Therefore, research can be assumed as that process that is developed in order to achieve new knowledge, generally oriented either in the short or long term to the solution of problems or the satisfaction of needs.

Scientific research: It is the oriented search, through a valid and reliable method, to acquire new knowledge about the laws that govern nature.

Methods and techniques are required to carry out an investigation.

It is worth mentioning that the difference between the method and the technique is that the former is the fundamental process through which all science and technique advances, it is the particular way in which the method is used.

Choice of theme

When we have determined the research area that interests us, we can choose the topic.

The choice of the topic plays an important role since it sometimes takes too long and the researcher is forced to abandon it after having started it or they enter various fields, which makes the choice even more difficult. That is why the selection of the topic is given special importance so that it is final and consistent with the interests and objectives of the researcher.

To make a good selection it is recommended to take into account the following factors:

  1. Interest in a research area Have some knowledge of the subject that allows hypotheses to be formulated That there is the possibility of obtaining information Clear and precise determination of objectives Formulate hypotheses Clear delimitation of the magnitude and scope of the work.

The success of a research work and the possibility of its being carried out will therefore depend on the researcher determining with absolute clarity its limits.

Start of the investigation

Research planning

Taking into account that planning is defined as the determination of the sequence of activities necessary to achieve an objective, as well as the resources indicated for that purpose; We will make a difference in the definition of the program, which is the plan to which the times and dates of completion have been integrated.

Simultaneously with the choice of the topic, the general research program should be prepared. As well as the works must conform to a logical sequence of investigation.

That is, when the researcher has selected the topic, formulated the objectives and delimited the scope of the research with clarity and precision, he must develop the work plan that will necessarily be a reflection of the objectives, limits and additional stages that will make up the whole of the work.


The researcher must address the origin of the problem he is studying, as well as its causes, highlighting and analyzing them carefully in order to consider their repercussions both in the present and in the future. The description of these events and causes of the problem must be brief, briefly highlighting the salient aspects that later allow critical analysis and the development of the thesis itself.

Determination of hypotheses

Although it is true that hypothesis is an enunciative proposition that tries to respond tentatively to the question formulated in the statement of the problem, from there we can deduce that the hypothesis has two important elements:

  1. The dependent variable: is that part of the hypothesis that is clearly known, but whose elements that produce, modify or influence it are unknown The independent variable: is the part of the hypothesis that tentatively explains the dependent variable and its possible changes.

To formulate the hypothesis it is necessary to establish and previously pose the problem.

A complete hypothesis must include: the hypothetical statement and the specification of the dependent and independent variables.


They are everything that can be measured, controlled or studied in an investigation.

We can affirm that the variables are characteristics or better still qualifying adjectives or properties that occur in:




In other words, we can summarize that variables are observable characteristics of something and that in turn they can change or vary.

Starting from having established a clear and scientific description of the research object, we will have to explain said object.

From the above we deduce two types of variables:

  1. What explains is explained

The first is the independent variable and the second is the dependent variable so:

The independent variable conditions, explains or determines the presence of another phenomenon and can be manipulated by the researcher.

The dependent variable is therefore the behavior or phenomenon that requires explanation or that must be explained.

Data collection

The first step of the researcher is the compilation of information from books and works related to his subject, from two fundamental aspects: the general and the particular.

In both cases, each and every one of the information that we find must be recorded on cards, folder sheets and / or investigation files.

In the information gathering task, it is very important to follow a methodological order and not lose sight of the objectives of the topic, since these facilitate the researcher's work.

Methods for collecting the material

  1. BibliographicHemerographicAudiovisualAcademicObservationExperimentationField

Field research

Techniques for obtaining information:

  1. Experimentation: it is the research process in which one or more variables are manipulated under conditions that allow obtaining information, and that shows the effects of said variables in an unmistakable way. Observation: consists of carefully examining the phenomena in a direct and real way to obtain the desired information Survey: is to collect information that consists of asking questions to a group of previously selected people Universe: set of people, things or phenomena subject to investigation, which have some definitive characteristics in common Sample: is a significant portion of the universe that is selected for interview.Tabulation: it is the representation of the grouping of all the data, responses and reports obtained during the survey, to find the results of the same.

Analysis and interpretation of the data

Before entering into the analysis of the information, it is necessary to:

  1. Have already organized the research, work and bibliographic files. All the material must be classified with the possible topics and subtopics. Previous study of the information obtained. All concepts and ideas must be handled.

Analysis is any process by which the parts of a whole are isolated for individual study.

In summary, all the information obtained in the investigation is organized and summarized by means of statistical procedures aimed at increasing the interpretation of the observations and making inferences about their reliability.

Results analysis

It is the task of making sense of the observations to explain the relationship between the results and the conceptual framework and other observations.

Communicate observations

Any result of an investigation will be of little use if it is not communicated or transmitted to others. Even the most compelling hypothesis, the most zealous and thorough study, the most impressive results are of little value to the scientific community if they are not known. Consequently the communication task will be of utmost importance.


These must be precise and complete and must be based on the text of the body of the investigation.

Presentation of the research work

This is the final stage of the research work and requires:

  1. Internal logic, order, structure.

The presentation of the work is the communication of knowledge that implies mastery.

They must be taken into account to capture the culmination of this stage:

  1. Cover. Cover. Headings (citations) Index. Introduction. Basic methodology. Body of work. Bibliographic references. Conclusions and recommendations. Annexes and appendices. Bibliography.

Final thoughts

Throughout this work we did a small and shallow investigation but no less significant for us, since we realized that from the selection of the topic to its presentation it is necessary to have knowledge of the entire research process, as well It is very important to know how to handle and apply the methods and techniques for the development of a professional investigation and in accordance with the rules that mark us in each of these.

We also consider that the task of preparing from a simple written report to a doctoral thesis will be essential to do it with the same responsibility and ethics.

In our opinion, it will be very important to follow the steps of the research process to the letter, since it will give us the certainty of the development of high-quality work and this in turn will give us the opportunity to contribute new knowledge.


  • Hidalgo Guzmán, Juan Luis (1992) Educational research. A constructivist strategy. Castellanos editores México.Mejía Arauz, Rebeca and Sergio Antonio Sandoval (1998) After the veins of qualitative research. Perspectives and approach from the ITESO Mexico practice. Peña Ramírez, Jaime (2000). Didactics of socio-economic research. Plaza y Valdez, Mexico Resenos Díaz, Edmundo (1998). Guide for the development of research protocols. IPN México.Tamayo and Tamayo, Mario (1987). The process of scientific research. Research fundamentals with project evaluation manual. Limusa México.Tarrés, María Luisa (Coord) (2001). Observe, listen and understand about the qualitative tradition in social research. FLCS México.Zapata, Oscar E. (2005).Tools for preparing theses and socio-educational research. Editorial Pax, Mexico


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Investigation process