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Fuel production in Mexico and its environmental challenges. test

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To speak of fuel production is to speak of the economy, not only of Mexico, but of the entire world; It is talking about growth, advancement and work. That is why in this essay we will address each of the variables, reasons why fuel production and environmental challenges are linked to each other, since one leads to another. It is not only an issue that generates controversy when society hears about gasoline or other energy sources and quickly their memory flies to a perspective that few know: why they are expensive and why the price continues to rise uncontrollably.

When this topic touches our minds, it is to think that our conscience also thinks about the remains and environmental problems that it generates, each of them is a reason for study, since as we all know, these resources are being overexploited by us, the race. human, due to the rapid growth of humanity. We have all heard lately in the media, the laws and reforms that the government has implemented to make the most of these. I believe that there are several ways of seeing these things, as a saying mentions, everyone sees what they want to see since not everything is with the glass with which they look. Next we will see, we will analyze and we will take our own conclusions, making a meticulous study of these problems that happen today, and that although we deny, it affects us all.

Remember that a fuel is any material capable of releasing energy when it oxidizes violently with the release of heat. Today we know many sources of energy; not only petroleum derivatives are fuels, since the calories that humans consume are also fuel for our body. There are solid and liquid fuels, among which are those that we have already mentioned. When we speak of the theory of intelligent design we refer to the intelligent causes that are necessary to explain the complex information of the rich structures of biology and that these causes are empirically detectable According to Francisco J. Ayala, one of the Spanish scientists with the greatest international prestige, in his book Darwin and intelligent design. Creationism, Christianity and evolutionism,it tells us that it is a way to reconcile religion and science with respect to evolution. A part of this gives us a brief summary of his study: “Science seeks to discover and explain the processes of nature.

Religion deals with the meaning and purpose of the universe and life, the relationship between humans and their Creator, and the moral values ​​that inspire and guide human life. Natural selection explains the evolution of species through millions of years and the adaptation of organisms to their environment, with eyes to see, wings to fly, and gills to breathe in water. But the world of life is full of imperfections, suffering, cruelty, and sadism… ”. We understand then according to the words of Francisco Ayala, who seeks in this analysis to find a common reason to link science with religion; seeks that all believe but in the creator of the universe according to Catholic doctrine, in humanity, that they can make the change; seeks that everyone believes that economic challenges and problems can change from a better state,to excellent condition.

Francisco Ayala himself, in another part of his study, mentions: "evolution by natural selection is more in accordance with religious faith in a God of love, mercy and wisdom, than the so-called" intelligent design "that attributes imperfections to the Creator. of the world of life ”. In our own words, we can deduce that intelligent design is one that allows every entity on earth as well as technologies, hypotheses, creations, to adapt and evolve according to the needs of those who consume them. Any entity that does not adapt or evolve will be discarded, an example as simple as computers, cell phones, and medicine, not to give so much rein. According to F. Ayala, intelligent design proposes that for this to take place, systems must be created in the universe that adapt to its perfection,that evolve and that at the same time can contribute to the strengthening of other systems. Now we may ask ourselves, what is the task of intelligent design theory in fuel production and environmental challenges? It is so simple to analyze that the companies that produce this product, adapt according to other companies, evolve and at the same time do not make mistakes in their system, since as we mentioned before, the system must provide the same resources so that others do not fail. It is like the circuits of a household appliance, if a wire is badly connected the whole system could possibly burn out or stop working.is to analyze that the companies that produce this product, adapt according to other companies, evolve and at the same time do not make errors in their system, since as we mentioned before, the system must provide the same resources so that others do not fail. It is like the circuits of a household appliance, if a wire is badly connected the whole system could possibly burn out or stop working.is to analyze that the companies that produce this product, adapt according to other companies, evolve and at the same time do not make mistakes in their system, since as we mentioned before, the system must provide the same resources so that others do not fail. It is like the circuits of a household appliance, if a wire is badly connected the whole system could possibly burn out or stop working.

The production of fuel plays a very important role not only within the economy of our country, but at the entire level, since Mexico exports most of these to other countries, being its main supplier. In every corner of our Mexico we hear about the reforms, the privatization among others of energy in Mexico. Being true yes, that our country hires foreign labor for the extraction of these. At a certain point of view we get the idea why this happens. Simply by several factors, more qualified labor, cheaper or economic resources involved. Fuel production has plummeted due to overexploitation of fuel, which is the concern of governments.For this reason, new technologies are implemented every day so that society begins to depend on other alternative energy resources. This leads to great environmental challenges to mention a few, overpopulation, pollution of water, air, waste or excess garbage and extinction of species. A government architect mentioned that the cleanest city is not the one that is swept the most, but the one that generates the least garbage. From my point of view, municipal services have been in decline year after year. There is no qualified workforce, vehicles in poor condition.that the cleanest city is not the one that is swept the most, but the one that generates the least waste. From my point of view, municipal services have been in decline year after year. There is no qualified workforce, vehicles in poor condition.that the cleanest city is not the one that is swept the most, but the one that generates the least garbage. From my point of view, municipal services have been in decline year after year. There is no qualified workforce, vehicles in poor condition.

What is the production of fuels in the country and what is its cost? Believe it or not, producing fuel is much cheaper than we think. Incredible but true; This has generated that the new generations look for new ways of transporting themselves, of not generating waste. In Mexico, the increase in gasoline is increasing month by month by 9 cents, believing that a liter of gasoline for 2015 will cost approximately 15 or 16 pesos. Many teachers in the field think that the cost will stop increasing when it reaches this price, but is this possible? This is where design theory comes in, when something has to adapt to survive. Several people have commented on why the increase in food or appliances or machinery. The answer is because of the increase in oil. In our case,Petróleos Mexicanos has had to adapt to the production of fuel in other countries such as the United States, our neighbor, as quoted in an article: “When asked“ how much does it cost to produce it? ”, The official answer is that It is based on the reference price of the United States market. In this way, while the price of Magna-type gasoline in Mexico will be above 9.91 pesos per liter in the second week of February, as long as the monthly slide of 9 cents is maintained, this price is just 2 pesos below the reference that is 12 pesos per liter in Louisiana, Galveston and Houston, that is, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico ”. The entry of new machinery is a form of adaptation, of evolution, just a small detail; is of foreign origin.Why does Europe have lower per capita fuel consumption than the United States? Because there fuels have a real price. A liter of regular gasoline in Italy, for example, costs 30 pesos. That's why scooters, efficient public transportation, and fuel-efficient subcompact cars.

It is not entirely possible to make a comparison of Mexico's per capita gasoline consumption with other nations, as the Chamber of Deputies recently did, because they run the risk of comparing pears with apples. For example, Mexico has a 567% higher consumption per person compared to China, because there are 1,300 million inhabitants, most of them poor and without a car.

But, above all, for the cost of production and import. And without a doubt because of the tax burden on fuels, with VAT and special taxes. We are the country with the most taxes in the world, taxes that come out of the pockets of those who govern us.

However, for Mexico the main problem is the cheapest labor in the world. Karl Marx mentions that the exploitation of the wage earner is an inevitable result of the phenomenon of regime change in the capitalist regime. This is where we get into the matter. This is how design theory in this case plays perhaps the most important role in government and society. Recall that the theory of intelligent design tells us that it is the adaptation to an environment that is changing little by little. Thus, in our country very few companies have taken this thought into account. Adaptation and evolution are difficult for many entrepreneurs due to competition, the entry of foreign companies or the increase in taxes. This is how only the strongest remain. So if our system of government is failing,It affects the other systems, it does not allow it to evolve, to acquire new, more qualified labor, to obtain more resources to invest. In the given case of fuel production, we use other transnational companies to make use of them. A professor would say, "The United States is the father of America" ​​We practically depend on others to survive and that our system does not die. Why? For fear of change.

The great environmental challenges are also linked to this problem. It is not necessary to be a great scholar to know that the extraction of our resources also generates changes in the system, not only natural but also social. Here are some of the great environmental challenges: water, garbage, and carbon dioxide. Vivian Alegría, Director of Social Responsibility at Coca-Cola de México, who explained that the soft drink company has set an ambitious but necessary goal for the success of the firm to continue. Additionally, Coca-Cola has very high standards for wastewater treatment. To address the issue of resupply, they have forged alliances with various companies, associations and authorities. These types of companies are known as socially responsible companies.They are the one that has this initiative to generate environmentally friendly ideas. Adaptation is important in this area. Large companies forge an agreement in which they evolve so that what they extract is returned in equal amounts to nature.

"Manuel Gómez Peña, director of Sustainability at Walmart, details that they have already installed 390 wastewater treatment plants and are testing more compact plants for smaller stores. The vision is shared by one of the largest companies with the longest history in the country's food industry, Grupo Bimbo. For Alejandra Vázquez Langle Nieto, Sustainability Manager, the three main objectives should be the reduction of consumption and the rational use of drinking water, as well as the reuse of treated water in areas such as irrigation and vehicle washing… "

Let us remember that the Intelligent Design Theory proposes a stability between science and religion, that is to say that everyone can believe, but in the maximum creator in nature and society as well as in themselves. In order to generate that change that humanity longs for, it is necessary to have initiative, believe in our actions and become aware of the damage that it generates.

How to apply design theory in these two concepts. We mentioned before that change is in our hands. If something characterizes us, it is that we wait for others to do it first so that we can do it ourselves. We wait for another to pass a path so that we can cross it. It does not depend on the government or agencies, it depends on society. How? Implementing new technologies, new ideas, projects. If we remember a very famous person like Hitler whose ideology it was, to distort the philosophy of the Superman of Nietzsche a German philosopher, poet and philologist who lived and died between 1844-1900. Which is to say that it is necessary to have that mentality towards the future.


In the world we live in today, so full of changes and so versatile, we realize that humanity has been the race that has ended its own life, has caused its own death. I think that from a very personal point of view, these two issues, apart from being closely linked, have the ideology that they are the ones that generate the most controversies in our country. Speaking of fuel, we do not know how far its price will go, its increase is devastating for many families, businesses among others, since it is one of the main raw materials for the creation and generation of jobs. It is not fair that non-Mexican companies begin to take over parts of our country, excuse the term but that's the way it is. We have in our state, a lot to drink from, to exploit from,only that the problem as we mentioned is that there is no planning.

It is shameful how long ago a country with one of the best regimes, with the best laws and some of the strongest economically ended up being a pimp for other countries that today have become more powerful. Here is the detail, as “Cantinflas” would say, that we do not want to overcome our lands out of fear. Mexico let others grow while we stood with our arms crossed. In a logical way of thinking, I believe, there is no design theory in the country, we have not yet managed to adapt and evolve as Francisco Ayala mentions, as Carlos Darwin mentions in his Book on the Origin of Species, only the strongest survive. Thinking that living conditions will be increasingly precarious, more difficult to get a job.

Oil is one of our main wealth, which happens that there is no measure left over them. This is not like the time of the Industrial Revolution; this is worse. Machines already do all the work of man, an advance yes, but a waste of labor. Our government is afraid that the people will rise up, as simple as watching the news. Environmental challenges hit us so hard, health, population, water. The million dollar question would be what can we do? The solution is in our hands. Design theory that suggests ADAPTING TO SYSTEMS. We must not be afraid. Evolve, bet on entrepreneurs. It all depends on the way we want to see it. Or simply, let's pretend nothing happens, and continue with the life we ​​lead, about which we all complain but nobody says anything.

Fuel production in Mexico and its environmental challenges. test