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Clean productions and environmental strategy in the company cupet, las tunas, cuba


The research was carried out at the Las Tunas Fuel Marketing Company, belonging to the CUPET union, of the Ministry of Basic Industry, where the main polluting effluents and their impacts on health and the environment were determined, based on the characteristics of the technological processes of the company and what they generate, applying environmental strategies aimed at the application of Cleaner Production in the productive activity of the entity; It is an effective and sustainable alternative that eliminates or reduces pollution. By applying these measures, companies have been shown to improve their productivity, reduce costs and reduce polluting loads. For the preparation of this work, information analysis and compilation techniques were used,the observation of the productive processes, the analysis of the harmful elements that have their influence on man and the environment, as well as the review of the bibliography.


This research is of great importance as it has been possible to increase the company's profits and improve the environment with a decrease in the consumption of materials and energy, resources, water, management of toxic and dangerous products, reduction of the pollutant load, among others.; as well as the performance of the company in terms of the Environmental Management of all the indicators that have a negative impact on this matter and what had financial repercussions, carrying out an economic - social assessment with the application of cleaner productions, based on information and environmentally safe technological innovation.


Only when man became aware of the risks faced by humanity due to centuries-long depredation of the environment, began a series of significant international changes in environmental protection and control policies. At the beginning, in the productive activities, these policies were aimed at reducing contamination by treatment at the end of the process. In the last decade, the adoption of preventive approaches in production and service activities has been promoted, relegating the use of exit control technologies at the end of the processes to a second plane.

In 1989, the United Nations Environment Program launched its Cleaner Production Program. Other similar concepts have been "waste minimization", "pollution prevention" and "eco-efficiency", all of them referring to the strategy of doing more with less, in order to improve efficiency in the use of natural resources, raw materials and inputs and minimize the generation of waste, pollution and environmental risks derived from the production of goods and services.

Since then, important steps have been taken in the area of ​​Cleaner Production (PML) policies and programs at the international level, which seek to respond to the commitments related to the issue that were established at the Rio de Janeiro Summit in 1992..

In 1994, the International Program for Cleaner Production emerged, created under a joint initiative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), with the aim of developing national capacities in PML and promoting sustainable industrial development in developing or transition countries. In 1998, UNEP launched the International Declaration of Cleaner Production, currently signed by a significant number of countries, business organizations and institutions from all latitudes.

At present, the UNIDO PML Program is characterized by its logistical approach, oriented towards the application of this concept in priority economic sectors, in order to guarantee greater competitiveness to companies in the underdeveloped world and facilitate their access to international markets.

The creation in 2001 of the National Network for Cleaner Production of Cuba, meant the incorporation of our country to this Program, thereby giving an important boost to the introduction of this promising approach in the country's business activities.

The conservation of the environment should be considered as a system of social, socioeconomic, and technical productive measures aimed at the rational use of natural resources, the conservation of typical, scarce and endangered natural complexes, the protection of man as the main element as well as the defense of the environment against contamination and degradation.

It is from here where the concept of "Sustainable Development" is established for the first time and where the industry is urged to develop effective environmental management systems that make industrial development compatible with the safeguarding of the planet we live on.

Starting from this, environmental tools began to emerge, such as ecological labels that identify the best products with respect to the environment within their category and that are fully accepted by the great consumers of the world. Hence, Cleaner Production constitutes a renovating step, whose demands allow us to achieve better comprehensive results in today's company.

For these reasons, the Cuban oil and gas industry is in a stage of development and a significant increase in production levels, which necessarily requires an increase in technological operations and the implementation of Cleaner Production practices, measures and technologies. This production constitutes the continuous application of a comprehensive environmental protection strategy for processes, products and services, in such a way as to reduce risks to human beings and the environment. It also allows the application of less expensive, simpler and continuous solutions to help companies reduce the environmental impacts of their activities and the risks to the health and safety of workers.

The design and implementation of environmental strategies aimed at the application of this concept constitutes a development necessity. For the application of the concept of Cleaner Production in the CUPET company, a study has been carried out that comprehensively covers the production process, compliance with operational standards, the quality and potential of the raw material, the mass balance and the energy for general identification of product, energy and water losses.

With the development of the ISO 14000 standards, environmental management is incorporated into the General System of company management as a way of continuous improvement to achieve these environmental objectives.

Therefore, our work allowed us to identify the most significant problems, define the actions to take to improve it and reduce the effects on our ecosystem and in particular on man, evaluating the result of the application of said actions in order to achieve a safer and healthier product.

The work was divided into several parts to fulfill the following objectives:

Overall objective:

  • Achieve an increase in the production of fuels and liquefied gas complying with the principles of sustainability for 2012 where man, economic resources and the environment coexist harmoniously.

Specific objectives:

  • Possess a comprehensive approach to environmental problems and guarantee a balanced vision Obtain continuous improvement of the company's environmental performance with the establishment of objectives and goals Apply Cleaner Production technologies to improve Management Guarantee a better image before the community and customers, in addition to greater competitiveness in the market. Achieve the introduction of technological improvements to production equipment with the aim of increasing the Safety and Health of workers and in turn the protection and conservation of nature through less polluting processes.


To apply environmental strategies in a company it is necessary to have knowledge about various definitions related to the research topic.

What is the goal of Cleaner Production?

This sequence of "ignore-dilute-control-prevent" responds to the new times, since it protects the environment, consumers and workers, while improving the efficiency, profitability and competitiveness of the productive sector.

This is the fundamental objective of Clean Production, also called cleaner production, eco-efficiency or pollution prevention, which is defined as “the permanent application of a preventive and integrated environmental strategy for processes, products and services, in order to increase efficiency and reduce risks to the human population and the environment ”2.

Clean Production can be applied to various productive sectors: in the extraction of raw materials, the manufacturing industry, the fishing activity, agriculture, tourism, hospitals, the energy sector, information systems, offices, etc.

For production processes, Clean Production results from one or a combination of the following measures: conservation of raw materials, water or energy; disposal of toxic or dangerous raw materials; reducing the quantity and toxicity of all emissions and wastes at their source. For products, Clean Production implies reducing the impacts on the environment, health and safety of the product throughout its life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials, during manufacture and use, to its final disposal.

This preventive approach includes options to:

  • Improve product design Improve management and operating practices Improve maintenance and cleanliness Substitute hazardous and toxic materials Modify processes Internally reuse waste,

which improves the planning and selection of:

  • New Technological Processes,

that increase efficiency and decrease the need for:

  • Control technologies at the end of the line or "end of pipe"

This does not mean that end-of-line control technologies are not required, but yes, under this Clean Production concept, they are kept to a minimum and, in some cases, can be eliminated entirely.

This is extremely relevant, since the treatment and disposal systems are increasingly expensive, they do not generate any type of savings or benefit for the process and, many times, it is only possible to transfer the problem from one environment to another, without actually solving it (for example, what results as a product after treating liquid industrial waste in treatment plants is a solid waste composed of the entire pollutant load of the liquid waste).

The Clean Production options, in addition to being efficient from the environmental point of view, are usually lower in cost and / or have reduced investment repayment periods. For this reason they are called cost-efficient options.

In a hierarchy of environmental management options that start from the most economical and technically simple, to the most expensive and complex, the Clean Production options are those that are located precisely in the upper section, as shown in the table below.


In short, Clean Production generates a series of benefits for Companies, including:

  • Improvement in processes and products and increase in efficiency Decrease in production costs due to better use of resources and energy Increases in competitiveness due to the use of new and better technologies and as an element of differentiation in markets Access to new markets with environmental restrictions or prohibitions Reduction of the risks of toxic waste treatment, storage and disposal Reduction of costs of increasingly expensive waste treatment and disposal systems Improvement of occupational health and safety conditions Greater credibility with financial institutions yImproved relations with the community and authorities.

Why is cleaner production different? Much of what is thought about environmental impacts today revolves around what to do with waste and fumes after they have occurred. The goal of clean production is, to begin with, avoid the production of waste and reduce the use of raw materials, water and energy.

In the long term, clean production is the most profitable way to exploit services and processes and to develop and manufacture products. The cost of waste and fumes, as well as negative impacts on health and the environment, can be avoided from the start by applying the clean production concept.

Cleaner Production Actions :

  • Minimizing the use of inputs, water and energy Minimizing the use of toxic inputs Minimizing the volume and toxicity of emissions generated by the production process Recycling of waste in the plant and if not, outside it Reducing the environmental impact of the products in its life cycle.


  • Efficiency of processes and products Competitiveness for technological improvements Access to the market with environmental restrictions Social security and occupational health conditions Costs for better use of resources and energy Costs of treatment plant and final disposal Risk of treatment, storage and disposal of toxic waste.

The following table shows some results of the introduction of Cleaner Production in different countries.


Cleaner Production (PL) is a preventive business management strategy applied to products, processes and work organization.

Its objective is to minimize emissions and / or discharges at the source, reducing risks to human health and the environment, while simultaneously increasing competitiveness. Clean Production results from five actions, whether they are combined or not:

  • Minimizing and efficient consumption of inputs, water and energy Minimizing the use of toxic inputs Minimizing the volume and toxicity of all emissions generated by the production process Recycling the maximum proportion of waste in the plant and, if not, outside of it reduction of the environmental impact of products in their life cycle.

The policy to promote Clean Production has the general purpose of catalyzing, encouraging and facilitating the increase in competitiveness and environmental performance of companies, supporting the development of preventive environmental management to generate cleaner production processes, including efficient use of energy and water. Specifically, this implies: promoting the efficiency of production processes by improving the competitiveness of the company; promote the prevention of pollution, minimizing the generation of waste and emissions as closely as possible to the source; promote the efficient use of energy and water; encourage the reuse, recovery and recycling of inputs and products; contribute to the development of more efficient abatement technologies, when these are the only economically viable option.

The Clean Production policy represents a link that articulates the environmental policy with the productive development policy, thus expressing an important dimension of the sustainable development strategy.

The foundation of this policy is not only the verification of serious environmental pollution problems, but also the presence of important obstacles that hinder a rapid assimilation by the productive system of efficient environmental and competitive practices, both socially and privately. The causes lie in the existence of market failures, institutional failures and significant lags in the provision of factors, such as human resources specialized in this type of technology. However, Chile is a fast learner. There is already a nucleus of companies that have successful experiences in applying Clean Production technologies. For its part, the public sector has already developed important initiatives to promote Clean Production. Additionally, there are important international spaces,legitimized by Agenda 21 and the WTO5 which underpin the role of the public sector, as a catalyst and facilitator.

This policy translates into an action program that has four guidelines:

  1. Integrate, adapt and develop instruments for the promotion of clean production, based on actions such as mass technology transfer actions, create markets for technological services in PL, promote research and development aimed at developing Clean Production technologies. promotion of Clean Production that includes actions such as Voluntary Clean Production Programs undertaken by groups of companies, favoring the emergence of a "critical mass" of companies with advanced experiences (eg ISO 140006), forming a Public-Private Committee to analyze alternatives policy, take joint action and define priorities.Strengthen the technological and information infrastructure that includes actions such as the promotion of a network of Clean Production technology centers, the dissemination of standardized Clean Production methodologies, the development of awareness campaigns with private participation, the promotion of training programs, as well as the use of (Internet) for the use of companies Strengthen public management and coordination in the promotion of CLEAN PRODUCTION, which is expressed in actions such as: the integration of CLEAN PRODUCTION objectives and goals in all the programs of productive development and infrastructure; the strengthening of the information role of the regulatory and oversight entities; promoting the promotion of Clean Production at the regional level;the adaptation of the policies to promote Small and Medium Enterprises and Micro and Small Enterprises to the purposes of Clean Production; and the promotion of training programs for public organizations.

This policy has five distinctive features:

  1. It integrates and articulates the initiatives and programs that are already underway. It does not rule out the promotion of efficient abatement technologies, especially when the preventive environmental management alternatives are not sufficient by themselves to ensure compliance with norms and standards. It is mainly focused on medium, small and micro-enterprises, and their productive linkages with large companies. It has a flexible approach, based on a permanent public-private dialogue, open to incorporating new initiatives, discarding those that prove to be inefficient, and deepening aspects that could be such as lines of financing for productive investment for environmental purposes, based on WTO criteria.It is aimed at generating a change in social sensitivity regarding issues of environment and productivity, as well as a cultural change in the actors regarding the introduction of preventive environmental management into their daily practices.


The objective of the section “Good Management Practices” is to prepare small and medium-sized companies, SMEs, to identify the options of “common sense”, simple and practices called “Good Management Practices” that can be applied to reduce the costs of production and increase the total productivity of the company and also reduce the environmental impact.

The "Good Management Practices" refer to a certain type of measures related to the prevention of the loss of raw materials, the minimization of waste, the saving of water and energy and the improvement of the management of the company.

The implementation of these practices is relatively easy and inexpensive, therefore they are especially appropriate for small and medium-sized companies, SMEs.

Why and for what has this section been developed?

  • specifically for SMEs. for entrepreneurs, managers and / or technical personnel. to identify specific areas of application of these measures. to determine the prioritization of the application of these measures. to be used by companies as an adequate management tool that allows monitor the results obtained and allow the implementation of environmental management with greater ease without great requirements of time and money. It can be implemented with a modest budget and consulting support.

What are "Good Management Practices"?

  • The “Good Management Practices” are voluntary actions, based on common sense and that can be applied with the aim of: Rationalizing the use of raw materials, water and energy Reducing the volume and / or toxicity of solid, liquid and atmospheric emissions emitted during the process. Reuse and / or recycling of materials. Improvement of working conditions and occupational health and safety in the company.

Additionally, minimizing waste can allow the company to:

  • Reduce material losses and therefore operational costs Reduce contamination levels.

Improve the image of the company before customers, suppliers, the community and the authorities.

It is interesting to consider that in most of the cases studied, around 50% of the generation of waste can be reduced by implementing “Good Management Practices” and only making small operational changes.

What does the company need to implement these "Good Management Practices"?

The reduction of waste is related to the change in behavior and the creation of a culture of productivity and minimization of waste within the company.
It is important to awaken the sensitivity of employees to the problem and involve them in identifying opportunities and applying them.
The process can be improved by ensuring a good internal dissemination of the results of the implementation of the "Good Management Practices" within the company.
The adoption of “Good Management Practices” does not require large investments in cleaner technologies, which could be relatively expensive for SMEs. The objective is the continuous improvement of the production process through the most rational use of resources and the optimization of production processes.

What can be achieved are "Good Management Practices" and how?

With the application of "Good Management Practices" it is possible to achieve:

Loss reduction / use of raw materials and other inputs, through :

  • reduction of unnecessary waste preventive maintenance establishment of emergency plans and procedures

Responsible management and control of Waste, through:

  • waste separation reuse / recycling of waste as raw materials, in other processes disposal of waste in an environmentally efficient and economical way

Rational Management and Transportation of Materials and Products, through:

  • ensuring proper handling and storage establishing effective inventory control planning and optimizing production maintaining adequate records

Energy Saving, through:

  • implementation of adequate insulation monitoring of energy use recovery and reuse of energy

Water Saving, through:

  • prevention of water leaks and spills water use monitoring water use

How to implement "Good Management Practices"?

Good Management Practices can be implemented through:

  1. List of possible actions for the identification of opportunities for "Good Management Practices" in the company. Determination of responsibilities for the identified actions. Establishment of objectives and goals. Identification of priority areas of action. Establishment of training for workers. Development and implementation of the required procedures. Monitoring and evaluation of the results, establishing new goals.


For the efficient use of raw materials and secondary materials


Repair of leaks in pipes and equipment.

  • Make a visual assessment within each department to identify problem areas Commission repairs using appropriate materials Monitor and ensure leak elimination

Prevention of accidental material spills.

  • Take extreme precautions when removing materials from storage containers for use in production.

Establishment of a preventive maintenance program for the equipment.

  • Prevention of unexpected interruptions in production Determination of the periodicity and responsibilities for regular inspections.

Keeping the maintenance manuals in an accessible place known to those in charge.

  • Follow the recommendations given in the maintenance manuals. Take care of the necessary training of the personnel.

Updated maintenance of equipment records.

  • Update of the location of the equipment, its characteristics, and maintenance program. Regular verification of compliance with maintenance programs.

Production planning optimization.

  • Dedicate the team to a specific product Maximize the number of products manufactured, eg. I work for a day or a week in a process, in a production line.

Evaluation of the volumes of waste and products that do not meet the specifications.

  • Identify quality problems Take corrective action.

For the responsible management of waste


Examination of the main sources of waste.

  • Identify the places in the production process where waste is generated

Study of the substitution of materials and toxic substances for other materials.

Classification of waste according to its nature and toxicity, for reuse, recycling, etc.

  • Separation of hazardous waste from others to avoid contamination Separation of liquid waste from solid waste, etc.

Assigning a place to the different types of waste in different containers.

  • Assignment of containers to each waste group Instruct employees to use the different containers to collect and store waste Regular verification of implementation.

Reuse / recycling of different wastes.

  • Identification of the possibilities to use and recycle the different wastes Disposal of non-reusable and non-recyclable waste using methods in accordance with existing regulations.

Reuse / recycling of materials and substances

  • Identification of the possibilities of reuse of materials in the different stages of the production process Identification of the possibilities of sale of materials to be reused in other companies or production processes Disposal of non-reusable and non-recyclable waste using the appropriate methods.

Separation of the different liquid waste streams.

  • Avoid mixing the different wastewater streams.

Reuse / recycling of waste water.

  • Study the possibilities of reusing / recycling waste water Verify that the reuse of waste water does not damage the quality of the product

Separation of solvents used in the production process.

  • Regenerate solvents to reuse them in the production process

Reuse of packaging material.

  • Identify possibilities to reduce packaging material Identify possibilities to reuse packaging material

Verification of the possibilities to introduce a deposit system that facilitates the recovery of packaging material.

For the handling and transport of materials and products


Inspection of raw material received from Suppliers.

  • Check that the packaging is in good condition Make sure the contents are protected Only accept good quality raw materials.

Respect the storage conditions recommended by the raw material suppliers.

  • Establish storage systems according to instructions given by suppliers or as indicated on the packaging, especially for toxic products. Keep safety records in storage and work area.

Storage of dangerous products in a designated and safe area.

  • Reduce the risk of accidents Reduce the need for supplemental payment for insurance costs Train staff to prevent accidents

Storage of raw materials in compatible groups.

  • Periodically inspect the area for contamination Use storage methodologies and devices that prevent damage during storage.

Verification of expiration dates of raw materials.

  • Regularly review and keep records of inventories. Apply the 'first entry first.

Exit »(FIFO) the first thing that enters the warehouse is the first thing that leaves] for the control of the stock of raw materials.

Maintaining stocks at levels based on current needs.

  • Avoid excessive purchase of raw materials. Reduce the loss of supplies (eg leaving containers open.

Take appropriate safety measures during the movement, transport and use of dangerous products.

  • Wear suitable protective clothing Use appropriate equipment Give personnel necessary training

Replacement of dangerous products by alternatives



Maintaining good insulation of pipes with high temperature water.

  • Periodically check the condition of the insulation to avoid heat losses and repair when necessary.

Maintaining good insulation of cold water pipes.

  • Make sure cooling and air conditioning systems do not overheat unnecessarily.

Maintenance of compressed air pressure pipes.

  • Avoid pressure loss, periodically check leaks and repair when necessary.

Maintenance of energy-using equipment (eg boilers, boilers)

  • Optimize efficient combustion through regular movement Avoid hot / cold exhaust losses from open doors, leaks, etc.

Use of air conditioning systems in an efficient way.

  • Check the temperature of the environment, to avoid excessive use of the air conditioning Ensure that there is good insulation of the air conditioning in the premises Disconnect the air conditioning systems when they are not necessary (e.g. at night) Adjust regularly the air conditioning to a suitable temperature.

Recovery / reuse of energy in the production process.

  • Install a heat exchanger when temperature differences are greater than 50 ° C. Regularly clean the heat exchange surfaces to ensure the best possible transfer.

Regulation of energy consumption according to the level of energy required.

  • For example, if a system needs a consumption of 50 ° C, do not provide a consumption of 70 ° C

Use of a thermostat in processes that handle water (eg for washing rinsing baths).

  • Make sure that the temperature is the required one, so that you do not have to use more energy later to adapt it.

Control of the dimensioning of the electricity compensatory equipment at the source.

  • Install a capacitor bank at the transfer level.

Verification of where the consumption of non-renewable energy resources can be substituted for other renewable energy alternatives.



Elimination of water leaks.

  • Replace seals on pipes in poor condition Examine the condition of water pipes and make necessary repairs Monitor water tanks in production processes and prevent spills Close water taps Install meters in areas where they are used large amounts of water Install low-cost water saving devices Take precautions not to waste water, both in the process and in cleaning Save water where it is best

Stopping the use of water where it is not needed at all.

  • Remove faucets from where they are not used Seal some faucets to avoid unnecessary use.

Regulation of pumps and water pipes.

  • Regulate according to specific production needs

Eliminate unnecessary flows of industrial water outside of the hours in which the company operates.

Reuse of wash water.

  • Determine the quantity, quality and location of the sources of reusable water. Verify that the reuse of said water does not damage the quality of the final product.

Avoid excess rinsing with water.

  • Install valves in the equipment to reduce the water leakage.

See the possibility of using rinse tubs.

Equip departments with high water consumption and / or savings potential with water metering instruments.

  • Verify the efficient use of water, especially in processes and departments with high water consumption.


This work was carried out based on the need to apply the cleanest productions to increase the profits of the company and improve the environment. With this, it is possible to achieve better productive results and better environmental performance in our entity and encourage all those involved to adopt a more active role in the protection of the environment based on the fact that environmental behavior together with technological innovation and quality - safety they enable competition and insertion in a market with a respect and certified image.

Based on these principles and based on the current information and perspective of crude oil production, the implementation of a Business Environmental Management System is decided, so we draw up an Environmental Policy and an Environmental Strategy based on the results of the initial diagnosis and with the application of the cleanest productions that in this matter would allow the elaboration of an Action Plan to solve the detected problems that affected both man and the environment and thus comply with the objectives outlined in this work. Starting from the identification of opportunities and the application of these novel concepts to achieve better results in environmental performance and in the benefits of the company.

A Cleaner Production program will save you money and gain recognition as it covers a number of aspects such as:

  • Cost reduction Increase productivity Improve company image Keeps customers satisfied and motivated Reduces risks Protects the environment

For this, opportunities were identified such as:

  • Possible reduction in the consumption of energy, materials and water Reducing the generation of waste Improving the safety and health of workers Understanding the life cycle of products Integrating better with the local environment.

This is why we carry out three fundamental tasks:

  • We analyze the situation and identify opportunities by carefully studying each process and the conditions under which priority opportunities are determined We develop an Action Plan and put it into action.

With the initial diagnosis we were able to determine the main polluting effluents that had their influence on both man and the environment, which are listed below.


  1. Industrial irradiations in the form of fumes and dusts, which are released into the atmosphere and pollute the air and intervene in the Ozone layer Industrial wastewater that is the main source of water pollution Sewage from the activity Chemical products from industrial activity Solid waste from industry and domestic activities Gaseous radiation produced by automotive transport Hydrocarbon dispersion in rainways High Noise Levels.

With the identification of these polluting effluents, we were able to determine a series of aspects that involved a great impact on environmental issues, relating the following as the main ones:


  • Deposits of aggregates and construction materials in the surroundings of the plants Dust and smoke emissions from the railway system Hydrogen Chloric Acid and Caustic Soda gases to the atmosphere from the storage tanks and during their handling Energy efficiency.There is no adequate management of water and waste disposal. There is no established environmental monitoring system. There is no program for the management of chemical-toxic products and hazardous waste. High noise level and high temperatures in the Automotive and LPG workshops. Lack of trees in the perimeter areas of the industry. Deficient information, training, dissemination and environmental education of workers.

Through the meticulous study of the existing regulations on environmental matters and direct observation of the processes, we determined the main environmental impacts of the company Comercializadora de Combustibles de Las Tunas, which we list below:

  1. Air pollution Pollution of surface and underground water Pollution of soils Deforestation in the areas surrounding the industry Depletion of the ozone layer Influence on the greenhouse effect Climatic changes Deterioration of the Landscape Effects on the health of workers with various occupational diseases.


Water resource management

  • Preventive and corrective maintenance of the conduction systems and storage tanks Solution to water leaks in chemical plants and auxiliary facilities Repair of the fire fighting water system Check the drip systems of the pumps.

Energy resource management

  • Carry out the daily evaluation of the efficiency of the facilities and equipment and analyze and control the daily cost. Keep a strict control, establish an energy efficiency program based on the results of these evaluations and maintain control of key positions that are well Establish a set of measures and actions to improve the efficiency of fuel and lubricant consumption in transport with control of route sheets, link trips between directions, supervision of loads Design and construction of a system for the supply of products Chemicals from the cistern in the water plant Use chemical product dispensers that allow better control of these Substitute chemical pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides with biological products.Carry out daily evaluation of the efficiency of facilities and equipment, analyze and control the daily cost Minimization, recycling and reuse of waste Maintain monitoring of the sanitary landfill waters, verifying their environmental quality Recirculate and reuse used water within industrial facilities, as well as replacing pumps with other more efficient ones. Rationally use raw materials and products (inventory, storage and proper handling of the materials used), with control of the cost sheet. Technological improvements in processes. Carry out technological improvements in the operation of the secondary circuit of the water plant, eliminating harmful substances such as sulfuric acid, improving the operation and efficiency.Analyze and control the daily cost Minimization, recycling and reuse of waste Maintain monitoring of sanitary landfill waters verifying their environmental quality Recirculate and reuse water used within industrial facilities, as well as replace pumps with other more efficient Use of raw materials and products rationally (inventory, storage and proper handling of materials used), with control of the cost sheet Technological improvements in processes Make technological improvements in the operation of the secondary circuit of the plant water, eliminating harmful substances such as sulfuric acid, improving operation and efficiency.Analyze and control the daily cost Minimization, recycling and reuse of waste Maintain monitoring of sanitary landfill waters verifying their environmental quality Recirculate and reuse water used within industrial facilities, as well as replace pumps with other more efficient Use of raw materials and products rationally (inventory, storage and proper handling of materials used), with control of the cost sheet Technological improvements in processes Make technological improvements in the operation of the secondary circuit of the plant water, eliminating harmful substances such as sulfuric acid, improving operation and efficiency.Maintain monitoring of sanitary landfill waters verifying their environmental quality Recirculate and reuse water used within industrial facilities, as well as replace pumps with more efficient ones Rationally use raw materials and products (inventory, storage and handling of the materials used), with a control of the cost sheet Technological improvements in the processes Make technological improvements in the operation of the secondary circuit of the water plant, eliminating harmful substances such as sulfuric acid, improving the operation and efficiency.Maintain monitoring of sanitary landfill waters verifying their environmental quality Recirculate and reuse water used within industrial facilities, as well as replace pumps with more efficient ones Rationally use raw materials and products (inventory, storage and handling of the materials used), with a control of the cost sheet Technological improvements in the processes Make technological improvements in the operation of the secondary circuit of the water plant, eliminating harmful substances such as sulfuric acid, improving the operation and efficiency.Rationally use raw materials and products (inventory, storage and proper handling of the materials used), with control of the cost sheet Technological improvements in processes Make technological improvements in the operation of the secondary circuit of the water plant, achieving remove harmful substances such as sulfuric acid, improving performance and efficiency.Rationally use raw materials and products (inventory, storage and proper handling of the materials used), with control of the cost sheet Technological improvements in processes Make technological improvements in the operation of the secondary circuit of the water plant, achieving remove harmful substances such as sulfuric acid, improving performance and efficiency.

Good practices

  • Design a rigorous control of preventive and corrective maintenance of facilities and equipment with an automated control system with daily verification of the incidence in the production and services of the company Carry out an adequate and correct purchasing policy with environmentally friendly substances Comply with the procedures for the use and handling of each product, raw material or input, with control and supervision Maintain control of dangerous products in the entity, supervision of hazard cards and proper treatment of these to avoid breakdowns or accidents, in addition to monitoring them through the governing bodies. Giving talks, conferences, bulletins and flyers on environmental issues.

Forest resources

  • Maintain the rehabilitation of the entity's landscape and gardening as a process of continuous improvement. Reanimate the green areas of the entire entity while maintaining cultural attention to these issues. Reuse the trees that deteriorated due to the aftermath of the hurricane as chocks and live stakes Efficiency in productive activity and cost reduction Use a more efficient technology in water treatment that allows the total elimination of sulfuric acid, maintaining the required indicators of the water Elimination of the use of sulfuric acid that was used to neutralize the pH of the water.

Waste Management. Minimization, recycling and reuse of waste.

  • Separate independently the various wastes that are generated in the entity, placing them correctly in the designated deposit for these purposes Reuse water used within industrial facilities Rationally use raw materials and products (inventory, storage and proper handling of materials used). Deliver deteriorated tires to raw materials and recap those that can be used Management of Chemical-Toxic Products and Hazardous Waste of equipment that use substances that deplete the ozone layer Use chemical dispensers Substitute chemical pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides with products Biological. Repair retaining walls of fuel tanks. Waterproof the area of ​​the fuel runway to prevent these harmful products from passing to the water table.Repair and condition the retaining walls of fuel stations to prevent spills and contamination to the water table and soils. Identify risk areas.

Refrigerant Gas Management.

  • Replace air conditioners and refrigerant equipment with other less energy consumers.

Human resources management.

  • Acquire protective equipment for workers Introduce technological improvements to minimize worker exposure to risk factors Prepare and implement a training, information and environmental dissemination program Link environmental management work to educational centers as well as neighboring community.


  • Recycling of waste such as ovals, glues and heads of billets, metal waste from maintenance workshops, tundish bottoms, slabs, copper and aluminum included in the internal recycled scrap tables, etc., has been achieved, based on the fact that one liter of oil or greases contaminate 1 million liters of water, it was avoided that in these three years they were contaminated by saving 1 208 liters of lubricants that were no longer released into the environment and have been recovered, with approximately a saving of 7,264.00 CUC and its impact A total of 1 122 600 m3 of water has been reused with the actions carried out, which represent a saving of 9 855.50 pesos, using ecological and biodegradable products. The dumping of dust and slag was eliminated for a total of 31668 t. of slag and 10,556 t.of powders in these three years, placing them correctly in the sanitary landfill, the entrance was rehabilitated with an identification fence, the sealing of the smoke cart was achieved and the extraction of the waste towards the area destined for these purposes avoiding soil contamination, the water, and the atmosphere The discharge of fuel oil to the water table was eliminated with the assembly of the new supply line to the fuel oil station of the Steelworks to the ground and the water table and connection systems in fuel stations. (Quick-closing joints, waterproofing, collecting trays) A management plan has been established for paper, cardboard, tires, batteries, copper, miscellaneous scrap,pieces of equipment among others in coordination with raw material that has made possible the recovery from the economic and environmental point of view (they are reflected in the document of the fundamental environmental results).The collection of the pebble and the lubricant of the system has been achieved of hydro-sweeping and reuse as fuel in the 200T daily tank, recovering around one tonne per week. 2761.21 Ton / year of internal scrap has been recycled in 2006, which represented a saving of 179,478.00 CUC, out of 3,576, 7 t./year in 2007 that represented savings from not having to buy scrap metal of 268 252.50 CUC and in 2008 a total of approximately 4105.35 Ton / year representing around 307 901.3 CUC, with the impact on the soil, landscape and environmental health in general.Solid waste from direct production is adequately deposited in the sanitary landfill approved with its environmental license, as well as communal waste, providing adequate treatment in final disposal areas. It has been possible to reduce the pollutant load to water, to soil with a total of 38853.80 t. of solid waste, having a direct impact on the quality of the air and the landscape by stopping depositing on the ground and contaminating the water table, with wide environmental repercussions. 55.56 cuc has been received for concepts of waste management in 2007, in 2008 11.40MN and 159.420cuc, and in 2009 15.30 in MN and 455,200 cuc, avoiding contamination by lead from batteries, acid electrolyte from lead batteries or dielectric oil with polychlorinated biphenyls from transformers and capacitors.,as well as dioxins and furans to the environment.When recycling 1.2 tons of paper and cardboard, one ton of virgin pulp is obtained, saving 15 to 14 trees of 10 years of life, and 65% of the energy (electricity and oil), 82% of the water, and 92% of the contamination. The 212 gaskets of one of the exchangers of the water treatment plant were replaced, avoiding water spills and interconnections were established to recycle the overflowing water.. 98 577 m3 of water have been filtered and 1 122 600.0 m3 has been recycled in chemical plants so far this year at the steelworks. With the replacement of 1751 40 w lamps by efficient 32 w ones, it representing a direct saving of 14,008 watts.The residuals generated from the rice ISCs (rice straw ash) are used to replace the cover dust, which represents a saving of 31 299.96 USD / year. 100% reduction of gas emissions that affect the ozone layer, and 100% of Freon 12 was reduced in the entity as well as ecological gases were substituted. 16 tons / year of Potassium Dichromate (PQT) were replaced by a range of biodegradable products in water treatment, representing a saving of 840 USD / ton of product. 75% of the inorganic pollutant load in solid waste is reduced, equivalent to ton of chemical compounds with a consequent impact on the quality of soils, waters and the landscape.Gas emissions affecting the ozone layer are reduced by 100%, and freon 12 was reduced by 100% in the entity as well as ecological gases were substituted. 16 tons / year of Potassium Dichromate were replaced. (PQT) for a range of biodegradable products in water treatment, representing a saving of 840 USD / ton of product. 75% of the inorganic pollutant load in solid waste is reduced, equivalent to ton of chemical compounds with a consequent repercussion on the quality of soils, waters and the landscape.Gas emissions affecting the ozone layer are reduced by 100%, and freon 12 was reduced by 100% in the entity as well as ecological gases were substituted. 16 tons / year of Potassium Dichromate were replaced. (PQT) for a range of biodegradable products in water treatment, representing a saving of 840 USD / ton of product. 75% of the inorganic pollutant load in solid waste is reduced, equivalent to ton of chemical compounds with a consequent repercussion on the quality of soils, waters and the landscape.It is possible to reduce 75% of the inorganic pollutant load in solid waste, equivalent to a ton of chemical compounds with a consequent impact on the quality of soils, waters and the landscape.It is possible to reduce 75% of the inorganic pollutant load in solid waste, equivalent to a ton of chemical compounds with a consequent impact on the quality of soils, waters and the landscape.


  1. The polluting effluents generated by the company have a great impact on all aspects of the environment.With the application of the cleanest productions, as the smartest option in the current Cuban industry, the Empresa Comercializadora de Combustibles de Las Tunas has raised its awareness to achieve development on a sustainable basis.We can achieve by introducing Cleaner Production, we can save energy, fuel, water and waste reduction.With the implementation of Cleaner Production, despite the investments made out are invested in substantial financial savings.


  1. Maintain a constant update of the identification, evaluation and control of occupational hazards Maintain strict control and follow up on all actions taken Comply with the Action Plan of the company's environmental strategy to reduce or eliminate the impact of polluting effluents Manage the necessary financing for the environment category and investments by the company's Administration, at the corresponding levels, for a better environmental performance Generalize this type of research in the different companies of the Las Tunas province. the improvement and awareness of the personnel with the new trends in clean production. Create initiatives within the workshop so that the workers stand out in saving and handling raw materials and energy carriers.


  1. ARBOLEDA GONZÁLEZ, Jorge Alonso. Methodology for the identification and evaluation of environmental impacts. Medellín: Empresas Públicas de Medellín, 2003. 224 p. Google search engine: http://www.google.com.cu/ Manual for the evaluation of environmental impacts of Colombia. First edition. Santafé de Bogotá, 1997. 150 p. CONESA, Vicente. Methodological Guide for Environmental Impact Assessment. Madrid Spain: Ediciones MundiPrensa, 1977. 152 p. Quality Management Manual, Quality Management System, Process to capture raw water. Colombian technical standard NTC ISO 9001: 2000. Version 02. Medellín, 2003. 320 p. Presentation of thesis, degree works, monographs and other research works. Fifth update. Santafé de Bogotá: ICONTEC, 2004. 34p. NTC 1486 COLOMBIAN SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS. Environmental Management Manual. FONADE. Santafé de Bogotá, 1994.135 p. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cuban Organizations: http: //www.wikipedia.org Strategy for the introduction of the concept of Cleaner Production in Business Environmental management. CIGEA. CITMA. December 2003 UNEP Conferences on Cleaner Production. 2002. Waste minimization training manual (Edited by Room Michalek, George Lombardo) New York Nov. 1996.Ihobe, White book for waste minimization SA de CV, Spain, 1997. Cleaner Production Guide Electroplating. National Polytechnic Institute Mexico 1997.Waste minimization training manual (Edited by Room Michalek, George Lombardo) New York Nov. 1996.Ihobe, White Book for waste minimization SA de CV, Spain, 1997. Cleaner Production Guide Electroplating. National Polytechnic Institute Mexico 1997.Waste minimization training manual (Edited by Room Michalek, George Lombardo) New York Nov. 1996.Ihobe, White Book for waste minimization SA de CV, Spain, 1997. Cleaner Production Guide Electroplating. National Polytechnic Institute Mexico 1997.
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Clean productions and environmental strategy in the company cupet, las tunas, cuba