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Emotional intelligence training program for cadres and reserves of the tourist center of varadero cuba


“Whoever controls himself will have no difficulty in governing effectively. He who does not know how to govern himself will find it impossible to order the behavior of others ”Confucius.

In today's business world, more and more importance is given to Emotional Intelligence and the competencies and skills that compose it for the successful management of managers of any branch.


Numerous investigations have shown that the development of these competencies and emotional abilities are even more important for the performance of a profession than the IQ itself.

The term Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to recognize our own feelings, the feelings of others, motivate ourselves and properly manage the relationships we have with others and with ourselves. It encompasses very different but complementary skills (Self-knowledge, self-regulation, Self-motivation, empathy and social skills) to academic intelligence, exclusively cognitive ability measured by IQ.

Emotions play an important role in our lives, they can generate powerful energies to achieve the goals we set for ourselves, but they can also generate deep frustrations that inhibit our thoughts and actions.

In relationships with others, they can help us transmit enthusiasm, confidence, optimism, motivate and recruit followers for our projects, but they can also generate conflicts and rejections, if we do not know how to handle them "intelligently".

In the workplace this takes on a strategic significance for the achievement of professional fulfillment and personal growth.

In a sector such as tourism, where the corporate purpose of our facilities is to provide an excellent service, it is vitally important to equip cadres, reserves and workers in general with the necessary knowledge on this subject, so that learning takes place necessary that can be reverted to better internal and external customer service.

Taking into account the above, the General Objective of this work is:

Prepare a program on Emotional Intelligence that contributes to solving the deficiencies that the tables and reserves of the Tourism Facilities in Varadero have in this regard.


Presentation of the Program


In today's business world, more and more importance is given to Emotional Intelligence and the competencies and skills that compose it (Self-knowledge, self-regulation, Self-motivation, empathy and Social skills) for the successful management of managers of any branch.

Numerous investigations have shown that the development of these competencies and emotional abilities are even more important for the performance of a profession than the IQ itself.

It is considered of vital importance, in a sector such as tourism, to provide the necessary knowledge on this subject to cadres, reservations and workers in general, so that the necessary learning is produced that can be reverted to better service to internal and external customers.

Who is it for: tourism workers, cadres and reservations.


  • Provide cadres, reserves, and tourism workers, the necessary tools for the development of Emotional Competencies.


Not. Topics Theoretical hours Hours

Trab Indep

Total hours
one. Emotional Intelligence and IQ. 4 4 8
two. The five dimensions and 25 emotional aptitudes according to Goleman 8 8 16
3. Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Company. 4 4 8
Four. Test for the self-evaluation of Emotional Intelligence.. two two 4
5. Integrative workshop 4 8 12
Total hours 22 26 48


Topic 1. Emotional Intelligence and IQ


  1. Analyze different concepts of emotional intelligence. Assess the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic intelligence in the individual's performance.


Introduction. Brief review of the emergence of studies on Emotional Intelligence in the Business field. Analysis of Concepts of different authors. Assessment of the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic intelligence in the individual's performance.

Unit 2. The five dimensions and 25 Emotional aptitudes according to Goleman.


  • Analyze Emotional Competencies and the aptitudes that make up them. Assess the importance of developing these competencies for adequate job performance.


Emotional Competences at the intrapersonal level (Self-knowledge, Self-regulation, Self-motivation).

Social skills or aptitudes (Empathy, Social skills).

Topic 3 Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Company.

Objective: Assess the importance of developing Companies with Emotional Intelligence.


Feelings and their importance to the extent that they facilitate or hinder the search for the common goal in organizations.

Aspects to take into account for the recruitment of people in emotionally intelligent companies

Unit 4. Test for the self-evaluation of Emotional Intelligence

Objective: To train the students in the self-evaluation of the level of development of their emotional competences.


Application and tabulation and evaluation of the results of the application of the General Weisinger Test.


Objective: To analyze through group work, the strengths and weaknesses that are manifested in the company in terms of the development of emotional intelligence in its cadres and reserves.

System of skills to develop.

  • Identify the necessary emotional competencies to develop in our managers. Determine the importance of developing Companies with Emotional Intelligence. Apply a self-diagnostic test for the development of emotional competencies.


  • .Codina A. Emotional Intelligence for managerial work and interpersonal relationships. Editorial Ciencias La Habana 2012.Cooper, R: Emotional intelligence applied to Leadership and organizations. Editorial Norma, Bogotá. 1998 Garner, H: Theory of Multiple Intelligences.Edit. Paidós, Barcelona 1983Goleman, D: Emotional Intelligence, why it is more important than IQ. Javier Vergara Editor. Buenos Aires. 1996 Handabaka, J. (2001) Ñ Emotional intelligence in the AMEX Publishing Company, Lima 2001. Martínez, C. Considerations on Emotional Intelligence. Scientific-Technical Publishing House, Havana. 2009. Ryback, D: Work with your Emotional intelligence. Emotional factors at the service of business management and effective leadership. EDAF, Madrid.1998.Segal, J: His Emotional Intelligence,.Learn to increase and use it.. Grijalbo, Barcelona 1997.A Emotional Intelligence in the Company. Ediciones Gestión 2000, S: A, Spain 1999


  • This subject is offered for the first time in the modality of training course for cadres and polo reserves, although its offer can be extended to all tourism workers, fundamentally for what they are in the provision of direct service to the client. Two facilities that this program has been taught so far have had a very good level of acceptance among students, due to the importance they attribute to it for their performance in personal and work life.


  • Validate its impact through the evaluation of the performance of the cadres and their reservations once the course has been received. Extend the course to other hotel facilities based on the results obtained in the action stated in the previous recommendation.

Author's details.

Lic. In Pedagogy Psychology, Master in Community Work. With 33 years of experience in teaching. Diploma in Tourism Business Management and Psychopedagogy for Tourism, Professor of Business Administration at the School of Hospitality and Tourism, Varadero. Cuba.

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Emotional intelligence training program for cadres and reserves of the tourist center of varadero cuba