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Environmental education program in varadero with an integrated coastal zone management approach


To ensure the success of an adequate performance of different social actors in the Varadero tourist destination; An Environmental Education program was designed with a focus on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The actions planned and carried out have been based mainly on training through conferences, courses and postgraduate courses; in environmental advice to hotel facilities; celebrations on significant dates, sanitation of the beach, design and implementation of releases and manuals aimed at workers and clients; among other; They have had the purpose of achieving tourism with sustainable bases.


Environmental Education (EA) is an essential tool to achieve the implementation of ICZM. People around the world recognize that current economic development trends are not sustainable and that public awareness, education, and training are key to moving society toward sustainability.

Achieving the effectiveness of ICZM to truly solve environmental problems is not easy at all due to the multiple factors that intervene in causing them. The actions to be completed must be in the hands and under the responsibility of each and every one of the social actors at their respective levels and with their commitment to participate when facing, participating or deciding, depending on the characteristics of the problem. environmental issue.

Social actors are individuals, groups and institutions that specify their daily practices (economic, social, political, cultural) at the local level. It is the real or potential capacity to ideal and execute actions (seen in a broad sense) of agents (real or potential) of social change. (CIPS Report, 2001).

From the very beginning of the implementation of a coastal management program and as part of the same plan, the institutions involved and the community must have an efficient educational preparation to create awareness about the importance of managing rationally, in a planned way, and properly, the coastal resources they have, if they really want to achieve sustainable development.

Design, systematize and perfect the "educational programs" duly planned "for each sector, moment and type of community, only in this way can we contribute to the development of the well-called Environmental Education as an essential element for ICZM. This guarantees that, the decisions related to the use and exploitation of the environment, travel along the paths that the scientific results draw for the benefit of society and can be solved directly, the particular environmental problems and each social actor will see the problem more closely It is intended to provide a solution and within some time prevent. (Montolio, 2003).

In the specific context of Varadero, the situation becomes more complex if one takes into account that it is the most important tourist center of sun and beach in the country, in which the economic development approach prevails over any other, even when policies are placed to shovel and minimize environmental damage. There is a valid experience and attempt to implement the ICZM approach and the integration of different social actors in this process through a Coordinating Board directed from the Integrated Coastal Management Office. Varadero beach.

However, the complexity of the pole means that the integration of social actors and public participation in development decisions in the coastal area is not always achieved. The existing actions still do not satisfy the requirements of the ICZM approach, which also indicates a lack of understanding of it at the social level. This phenomenon may be due to the fact that ICZM is relatively young in a frank process of socialization, or due to lack of vision regarding its importance in the search for sustainable development alternatives. Hence theNeed to establish an Environmental Education program that contributes to socialize the approach, favored by the existence of an institution whose social mission is the education and training of human resources of the tourism system in the territory.


A project or program is the general exposition of the intentions, strategies and actions that a group wishes to undertake in order to consistently develop educational action in a given context, considering this not only as a means for learning but also as an area of ​​life, which raises needs and challenges to which the educational community must respond. (Novo, 2003).

The Environmental Education Program with a focus on ICZM in the Varadero tourist destination, was designed with the purpose of contributing to raise the awareness, knowledge, attitudes, evaluation capacity and participation of its social actors.

Varadero is the main tourist destination for sun and beach in Cuba and among the most recognized in the Caribbean. It extends through the Hicacos Peninsula, on the north coast of the Matanzas province, with an area of ​​1 755 ha, of which 54% is built. Its permanent resident population is approximately 7,100 inhabitants.

The beach is the most important attraction, so its conservation is a permanent strategic objective. The accommodation capacity available for tourism is 18 066 rooms distributed in 50 hotels, it also has an important group of extra-hotel companies and support that complement the operation of the tourism system.

The School of Hospitality and Tourism of Varadero (EHTV) plays a leading role in the design and implementation of educational programs of an environmental nature, together with the different instances of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in Varadero and also counting on the participation of educational, cultural and public health institutions; all of them as a whole have facilitated the preparation of human resources by initiating a harmonious development and effective use of natural, cultural, historical, aesthetic, recreational, scientific and other potentialities.

Among the antecedents that made possible the design of the Environmental Education Program with a MIZC approach in the Varadero tourist destination are:

- In 1997, the first Environmental Perception Diagnosis was carried out as a national Science and Technology project in the Varadero destination, which involved managers and workers of tourist facilities, as well as the general population; In Toral there were 857 people, as a result of this investigation a set of Environmental Education actions was proposed that served as the basis for the current program.

- In July 2002, the Environmental Education Program of the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Varadero was drawn up, where five work directions were defined.

• Strengthening the institutional capacity of the center

• Education and training of the center's Human Resources.

• The Environmental Dimension in the educational process in professional technical education and in postgraduate activity.

• Acquisition, preparation and implementation of environmental educational materials.

• Insertion of environmental work from the school to the community environment.

- In June 2002, the Chair of Environmental Education was established, with the School of Hospitality and Tourism as its headquarters and integrated into several organizations in the territory.

General objectives of the program:

Contribute to the different social actors that have the Varadero tourist destination as the context of their action acquire a comprehensive basic understanding of the different environmental problems of the same, with an ICZM approach.

Involve the different social actors of the Varadero tourist destination to participate in its protection and improvement, raising the sense of responsibility in the execution of the different activities of the Environmental Education Program with a focus on Integrated Management of Coastal Zones.

Program Goal:

The elevation of the Environmental Education of the social actors that interact in the Varadero tourist destination, through the execution of the different activities of the proposed program, which is reversed in the daily action and in the improvement of the general environmental conditions.

In the general planning of the program, the possibilities and limitations for its implementation were taken into account:


- Existence of an Office for Integrated Coastal Management in the tourist center of Varadero.

- Have a Coordinating Board of the Varadero Beach Program that is made up of various organizations in the territory.

- Have an integrated program of actions for the recovery, maintenance and improvement of Varadero beach.

- A School of Hospitality and Tourism that has carried out an intense training plan and is willing to take on the challenges of raising Environmental Education with a MIZC focus on workers in the area.

- Interest of the environmental authorities and the Ministry of Tourism in declaring Varadero a Sustainable Tourism Zone granted by the Association of Caribbean States, which could constitute added value.

- The improvement of the Environmental Legislation System in Cuba.

- Incorporation of the environmental dimension in hotel facilities.

- Growing awareness around environmental issues.

- Willingness of decision makers to make changes in favor of improving environmental conditions in this important tourist destination.

- To have specialists from the territory graduated with a master's degree in Integrated Management of Coastal Zones.


- Due to the incessant development of the tourist center in Varadero, a strong impact on the natural environment has been caused by different causes, mainly the beach.

- Lack of knowledge of current environmental legislation that allows some violations in this regard.

- Lack of comprehensive vision in the identification of the problems of the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones.

- Insufficient integration of the projections for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones in the environmental programs that are developed in the territory.


Subprogram 1: Strengthening of institutional Environmental Education in the tourist destination of Varadero.

Specific goal:

To promote environmental awareness and awareness in the social actors that interact in the Varadero tourist destination, acquiring a basic understanding around the conservation and protection of the environment, allowing to establish the bases of the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones.

Planned activities:

1. Creation of multidisciplinary teams to direct the program.

2. Present the Environmental Education Program to the government authorities of the territory.

3. Call joint meetings to present the program to the different social actors involved.

4. Establish collaboration agreements between the different social actors involved for the successful achievement of the program.

5. Obtain Cuban standards, environmental and health regulations applicable to tourist facilities.

6. Achieve environmental diagnoses and proposals for environmental management systems in tourist facilities of the destination.

7. To obtain the environmental endorsement in the classification process in the hotel facilities of the destination.

Impacts Obtained:

- Consultancies were carried out by the Varadero School of Hospitality and Tourism, in hotel facilities in the territory, with the collaboration of specialists from the Environmental Services Center that allowed 9 of them in the period 2010 - 2011 to be certified with the Endorsement of compliance with current environmental legislation in Cuba granted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment.

Sandals Royal Hicacos Hotel. Cuban chain.

Palma Real Hotel. Gran Caribe chain.

Hotel Playa Caleta: Gran Caribe Chain

Hotel Oasis Las Morlas. Gran Caribe chain

Hotel Allegro Varadero. Gaviota Corporate Group

Sol Palmeras Hotel. Chain. Cubanacán.

Brisas del Caribe Hotel. Cubanacán.

Hotel Arenas Doradas. Great Caribbean.

Hotel E Velasco. Cuban chain.

- Actions of good environmental practices have been implemented in hotel facilities of the destination, as a result of the consultancies, the training carried out by the EHTV professors, the research projects implemented and the recommendations left as a result of environmental inspections.

- The appreciation of the National and Local Culture that contributes to the implementation of Sustainable Tourism is strengthened.

- A work strategy was established to obtain and / or maintain the environmental endorsement in the categorization process in the hotel facilities of the territory.

- The Varahicacos Protected Natural Landscape Redesign proposal was made.

- The Office for Integrated Coastal Management and the Center for Environmental Services maintain close ties with the different local institutions. (Educational, cultural and tourism sector centers). Among the main actions carried out are: Creation of circles of interest in primary and secondary schools, specialized conferences and promotion of directed visits.

- The School of Hospitality and Tourism of Varadero obtains the Voluntary Declaration and Commitment of total elimination of CFCs for the protection of the Ozone Layer.

Subprogram 2: Strengthening of the education and training of human resources.

Specific goal:

Strengthen Environmental Education with a focus on ICZM in the Varadero tourist destination by developing the necessary knowledge, skills and social values, which allows them to act with the principles of Sustainable Tourism.

Planned activities:

1. Enrich the library collections in Environmental Education.

2. Execute environmental training through conferences, courses, postgraduate courses, diplomas related to environmental issues and ICZM.

3. Design and execute courses on Good Environmental Practices with an ICZM approach for workers and managers of hotel facilities.

4. Carry out scientific research on Environmental Management and Education with a MIZC focus on the tourist destination.

5. Summon visits to hotel facilities with greater environmental results with an ICZM approach.

6. Give specialized conferences on dates of environmental significance

Impacts Obtained:

- Different types of training actions are carried out that contribute to strengthening knowledge and Environmental Education in different types of audiences.

- Study programs related to environmental issues were implemented in the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Varadero in Basic Training.

- Implementation by PNP Varahicacos Specialists of the Environmental Interpretation Course linked to Tourist Animation in hotel facilities of the destination.

- The School of Hospitality and Tourism of Varadero, in coordination with CITMA in the territory, was responsible for training top-level decision makers as part of the Project "Priority actions to consolidate the conservation of biodiversity in the Sabana Camagüey archipelago."

- The subject Environment with a Sustainable Tourism approach was taught at the University of the Elderly to a total of 222 social actors (Members of the Community of the third age) of the Varadero municipality from 2003 to 2007.

Subprogram 3: The environmental dimension with a focus on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in non-formal education processes.

Specific goal:

Raise the level of environmental knowledge of workers and managers of the Varadero tourist destination, developing the sensitivity, social value and sense of responsibility that allows an adequate ICZM.

Planned activities:

1. Incorporate the different social actors involved in the execution of the program in the morning sessions.

2. Convene days of rehabilitation, maintenance and cleaning of the beach sector that corresponds to the social actors involved in the program.

3. Conduct talks, workshops and exchanges with members of the community residing in the destination.

4. Convene scientific workshops to present the results obtained in the implementation of the program.

5. Continue strengthening the Design and implementation of Circles of Interest on environmental issues.

6. Exhibit the main artisan pieces designed by local artists of the destination.

Impacts Obtained:

- Participatory Environmental Education workshops have been held with the resident community. Environmental impacts are identified and actions are planned to eliminate and reduce them.

- Held at the Varadero School of Hospitality and Tourism on June 5 (World Environment Day). Special mornings are held and different labor institutions, community members, nursery schools, schools, culture house, and political and mass organizations have been involved.

- Incorporation since 2003 into the International Campaign "To clean up the World", developing sanitation activities on Varadero beach, with the participation of community members, students and workers of the EHTV and pioneers of the territory.

- The Palace of Pioneers of the Varadero Municipality develops circles of interest with students of primary and secondary education and is related to the following topics: Local Histories, Local Heritage and Environmental Education.

- Implementation of Circles of Interest by Specialists from the Environmental Services Center as part of the Environmental Education Program in the Varahicacos NPP.

- Culture has three community projects that promote Environmental Education.

- There are cultural promoters who direct their activities to discover talents, develop artistic skills in the community and hold painting and literature contests.

- As part of the activities in greeting to June 5, in 2005 the Play “Stop Iguana” was presented by the D´Sur Theater Group.

- The Varadero Museum develops a wide plan of activities where it links the conservation of the environment and the protection of local heritage. Among the main actions they carry out are: In Man, Nature and Society event; specialized conference for World Environment Day that coincides with the founding date of Varadero; They run two Circles of Interest, one directed at the environment and the other at the protection of heritage; “Color my city” directed activity for children of preschool age that links art with heritage protection; activity entitled "Tour of my city" where the schools of the territory participate and a joint activity Municipal Museum and Border Guard Corps

- The Varadero Art Gallery runs a large number of exhibitions throughout the year related to the environmental sphere and the protection of heritage. This center prioritizes large spaces for exhibitions of the most prestigious local artists in the territory.

Subprogram 4: Environmental communication in the design of educational materials with a focus on Integrated Management of Coastal Zones.

Specific goal:

Design a set of educational materials to ensure the dissemination of environmental information with a focus on Integrated Management of Coastal Zones in the Varadero tourist destination.

Planned activities:

1. Design of newsletters with different environmental issues that involve all the social actors involved in the program.

2. Design and implementation of posters with Environmental Education themes that cover the entire destination.

3. Design and implementation of newsletters and newsletters for national and foreign clients visiting the destination.

4. Disseminate the actions to improve and solve the identified environmental impacts through murals for hotel facility workers.

5. Design of an educational video script that shows the background and gradual progress that is obtained throughout the application of the program.

6. Preparation and dissemination of a manual of conduct and good environmental practices for the tourist destination.

7. Inform through the local radio (Radio Taínos) the Environmental Education program that is carried out in the tourist destination and the results that are obtained in its application.

Impacts Obtained:

- Design and implementation by PNP Varahicacos Specialists of posters on natural values ​​in hotel facilities of the Varadero tourist destination.

- Design and implementation of releases of Good Environmental Practices in tourist facilities and values ​​of the Sabana Camagüey Ecosystem for clients. (In 4 languages: English, German, French and Spanish)

- Elaboration of informative murals in hotel facilities of the Varadero tourist destination that promotes Environmental Education in Workers and Executives.

- Elaboration of informative releases in hotel facilities of the Varadero tourist destination that promotes Environmental Education in Clients, Workers and Managers.

- Design and implementation of informative posters that contribute to Environmental Education in the different social actors that interact in the Varadero tourist destination.

- Design and implementation by the Integrated Coastal Management Office of informative posters that contribute to Environmental Education in the different social actors that interact in the Varadero tourist destination.

- Design and implementation by the Integrated Coastal Management Office of releases, bulletins and brochures that contribute to the Environmental Education of the Varadero tourist destination.

- An informative fence (road) of tourist interest was designed for the Sabana - Camagüey Ecosystem. In this case particularized to the territory of Varadero in the Protected Area: Varahicacos Protected Natural Landscape.


The development of the research process carried out allowed to reach the following conclusions:

1. The Environmental Education program designed for the tourist destination of Varadero and from the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones exceeds the traditional conception of Environmental Education, as it was designed based on a specific paradigm applicable to sustainability from the coastal zone. This constitutes overcoming the current limitations of the identified problem, that is, the lack of integration of actors and their limited perception regarding these areas, therefore the designed program should contribute to promoting the unification of the different actors.

2. The design of the Environmental Education Program in the Varadero tourist destination is based on the study of environmental perception of social actors and the objective needs of the study area, in such a way that the program becomes a real instrument for the implementation of the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones, based on a specific methodological structure.

3. The development of the Environmental Education program in the Varadero tourist destination constitutes an important premise in the application in the immediate future in the different phases of the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones for the development of Sustainable Tourism in this territory.

4. The methodology proposed in the preparation of the Environmental Education program with a focus on Integrated Management of Coastal Zones is applicable to other coastal sectors with tourist interests, if the results of environmental perception studies and the diagnosis of the area are taken into account. question.


- Go to a new stage of work where instruments are applied to measure the impact of the actions developed in the environmental improvement of the tourist destination of Varadero.

- Disseminate the results obtained from the implementation of the Environmental Education Program in the Varadero Tourist Destination with an Integrated Coastal Zone Management Approach in the local media.


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Environmental education program in varadero with an integrated coastal zone management approach