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Community radio program in peru

Table of contents:

No one frees anyone and no one frees himself. Men are released into communion.

What is a community radio?

When a radio promotes the participation of citizens and defends their interests; when he responds to the tastes of the majority and makes good humor and hope his first proposal; when you report truthfully; when it helps to solve the thousand and one problems of everyday life; when all ideas are debated and all opinions are respected in their programs; when cultural diversity is encouraged and not commercial homogenization; when the woman is the protagonist of the communication and is not a simple decorative voice or an advertising claim; when no dictatorship is tolerated, not even the musical one imposed by the record labels; When everyone's word flies without discrimination or censorship, that is community radio.


Unfortunately in our country there are still signs of discrimination and exclusion of peasants, and land disputes between communities and mining companies have no time to end. Mario Palacios, president of the National Coordinator of Communities Affected by Mining CONACAMI, expresses his concern about the problems faced by rural men and proposes the elaboration of a new Political Constitution, a new autochthonous form of communication; linked to the land, to its local reality.

The indigenous peoples of Peru are the majority of the country's population. Due to the dominant economic and political centralism and the consequent historical abandonment of rural areas and the Amazon, many of these peoples, during the last decades, have been isolated from the rest of the world and from advances in communication technology systems, taking advantage of natural resources, hydroelectric, access to education, legal or health assistance, basic services of the so-called society such as electricity, drinking water, telephone, etc.

The indigenous peoples of Peru are struggling to make their way to the media that allows them access to information of a legal, educational, social and economic nature to defend themselves as autonomous peoples and develop economic self-sustaining projects that ensure the existence and preservation of their culture in In the following millennium,

COPPIP made an important agreement with the Peruvian Scientific Network (RCP) at the end of February to create its own Web page dedicated to the indigenous peoples of Peru, which has been on the air since August of this year.. The agreement also includes the development of a joint project for the development of communications in indigenous territories.

Due to the close relationship of the RCP with the Ashaninka communities, which have already been working on a joint connectivity project since 1996, however, it is necessary to create and implement new communication models, such as ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION, that using basic technology such as radio that reaches all the confines of the Andes and the world, providing information, training, news, education to the most remote and sometimes forgotten peoples of the Peruvian Andes.

Therefore, the final purpose of this joint work is to strengthen the processes of voluntary, local and solidarity development among the communities. Giving value to each member of these indigenous peoples, for the creation of their own source of work that allows them to improve the quality of life, human conditions and economic balance and above all to arrive with a language of the area or region, which contemplate their customs, modus vivendi, social interaction, unity and strength from the grassroots of the people and towards the people and in this alternative communication plays a fundamental role, when there is no other type of communication medium, or if it can Having this is very expensive to develop it communally; without foreign influences of ideology, politics and objectives that are often conscientious.

The inequalities between rich and poor in the world continue to grow, according to the latest report from the United Nations Development Project (UNDP). Two of the great hopes for reducing those distances - the Internet and globalization - are currently achieving the opposite effect by widening the gap. In its tenth document on human development since 1990, the UN evaluates with concern the situation of 174 countries, using indices that directly reflect, beyond macroeconomic parameters, the living conditions of the world's citizens, including health, education, poverty and the situation of women and men in the most remote points of our Amazon or peaks of the Andes,where only those who have a vocation for service arrive and where Internet and computing technology is still incipient.

The development of the Internet is enormously uneven between countries. The richest 20% of the world's population accounts for 93.3% of Internet accesses, compared to the poorest 20% who barely have 0.2% of the lines. It is normal that in Peru there are less than one Internet user for every thousand inhabitants, since a computer costs the average salary of a worker for a year, while in the United States the price of the same device is equivalent to the average monthly salary of a worker.

Faced with this reality, the lack of infrastructure for the dissemination of information was not a limitation, since in Peru there are other ways of getting communication, culture, development, training and this is achieved through radio

The model envisaged for the development of this project integrates the following central elements: A participatory organization that allows all the agents of society to be involved, which supports, leads and guides the project development process; Initially, you can rent radio spaces from a provincial radio station; above all linked to the Peruvian Andes and later seek the necessary funds to implement a small "family, home" radio, from the very point of the events, which can be a provincial, district or village community center where it is considered prudent to install it, previous training of leaders and station personnel. And therefore in reducing costs.

Using the same community personnel who, due to their proximity to their places of origin, have a greater and better participation.

An intensive and massive training program that generates a culture of use, feeding and taking advantage of the value of information based on their local, family and community experiences in general.

It will not be possible to think of new horizons of real, regional and community service communication if a direct, authentic communication, full of local, ancestral values, is not previously solidified, in which the indiosyncracy of the settlers is respected. Once it allows local, zonal, provincial integration, towards other geographical latitudes.

Based on these criteria, this Pilot Project for alternative communication focuses its axis on the implementation of a Content Network, which is hereinafter called “Communication for authentic integration ”For the development of the communities in the central Otuzco sierra area. From the department of Liberty.

I. Academic aspects

Title of the

Hermanos del Ande program: with education, culture always united. "Radio Andina Liberteña"


Having taken some details of the order of geographical accidents and communication, the team of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University "Inca Garcilaso de la Vega" of the city of Lima Peru, due to the educational emergency and taking into account some precise notes such as radio and television communication is poor in the towns of the northern central highlands and the Amazon; We propose the implementation of a new alternative communication system; using human, material, technical resources, typical of the area, where they highlight respect for the indiosincracia of the villager, the community, their authentic needs: educational, participatory, cultural, training and community dialogue

Locate a zonal-communal communication module to develop a work program plan located in the rural area, in 2008 it was planned in the community of Otuzco rural village "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" -Trujillo., In this headquarters of The pilot will work with the Libretista and Scriptwriter and the participation of all the community members who will use the resources of the rural area in relation to communication.

The installation of the local radio network (peripheral type of popular markets) will create new horizons in education, culture, popular integration and above all the active participation of community members in the development of radio programs, that is, interactive communication. This medium will allow us to broadcast from Otuzco in the area of ​​14 stations and MH of 13 provinces, which will join simultaneously to listen to the first regional program of HERMANOS DEL ANDE: WITH EDUCATION, CULTURE UNITED ALWAYS. With information, culture, training, opinions and solutions from the precise community projecting itself to a different future, it will also form a network that for the first time will unite the most remote peoples of the La Libertad Region. Our hope for change in behavior, attitude of educational and cultural institutions.social, governmental, regional, teachers, students and parents and the community in general will be the most benefited


• Because the peoples of the north-eastern central highlands of the La Libertad Region lack radio programs aimed at improving community quality, in areas where their indiosyncrasy, participation, knowledge of their ancestral reality, immediate needs, dialogue with solutions are respected. educational quality, we propose to edit programs according to the community, local reality and then grow at the provincial and regional level, using resources of the area or region, such as: professional journalists who want to venture into alternative communication, participation of The same residents in solving their problems, permanent dialogue, communion of ideas and actions, above all speaking the same zonal language.

• Because radio is the most effective and appropriate means to reach the town of Otuzco and surrounding areas, the towns of rural areas, transmit programs that are familiar with the cultures of these towns, so radio production and broadcasting is necessary to education in rural areas.

• Communication, training, teaching, participation cannot be left only in the hands of the privileged who dominate the mass media of the capital or the regions, but must be the product of the same creation, popular organization, which with its defects, lack of training have the objective of communicating for the good of the community, they cannot be restricted only in the capitalist school, in the hands of four privileged or politicians on duty, the action of the actors who are involved in the community is required and to community.

• Because the town of Otuzco and its surroundings; especially in the community areas, their authentic local aspirations for solutions to their multiple problems, especially local communications, have not yet been satisfied.

• Because our country has a very high average percentage of areas where authentic local communication is not yet generated, but is imbued with ideas, foreign actions, which have nothing to do with the community, such as consumerism, capitalist ideological penetration and non-participatory. It turns out, then, to fulfill the coverage of care in human development to ensure a promising future and authentic quality local development.

• From this perspective of popular, local participation, it is planned to establish an alternative communication system in the “Virgen de la Asunción” community.


3.1. General objectives

Facilitate the community, in reference, access to the communication media for the exchange of information among the same communities, promoting information, active participation of all members of the community, whether in spaces for neighborhood dialogue, interviews, ideas for improvement of the community and with the world in order to generate development possibilities in the economic, social and cultural aspects.

Promotion of citizen initiatives in the matter of alternative social communication, which will strengthen the development of citizen initiatives in the matter and will influence the exercise of the right to freedom of expression, opinion and freely communicate the ideas of the population of the City of Otuzco " Virgin of Otuzco "

3.2. Specific objectives

• Solve the communication problem of the reference community

Through the implementation of an alternative communication system, using the area's own resources, located in the same community "Virgen de Asunción", it will allow communication between the people and each other. and with the rest of the surrounding communities. It will allow the transfer of voice at very low costs and access to a free local information program, a guide that is adapted to the environment and the basic needs of the inhabitants.

-Train the residents in the use of production tools, speech, news.

The “UNION DE HERMANOS DEL ANDE…” will create a program that will educate community leaders in the use of local radio tools, so that they in turn educate the rest of the population. "UNIÓN DE HERMANOS DEL ANDE..:" will train the administrator of the small radio station (we will seek financing or international donation), the technical group, the volunteer personnel of the area. These people will be selected by personnel from the communities themselves and will collect, they will administer and manage the communal radio.

On-line educational courses will also be developed that allow community members to be trained in the use of radio: broadcasting programs, opinions, writing, and voice over, under the guidance of a professional journalist specialized in alternative communication for specific purposes such as: education, commerce, training, community problem solving, dialogue and participation that is essential in this type of direct communication. marketing practices, development of herbal medicinal products,

-Promote the exchange of information between communities and the rest of the world

Peruvian indigenous communities have enormous natural and cultural wealth that on many occasions has been banned from most of the world. Historically however, advanced society has closed its eyes to this potential.

Cultural diversity in Peru is an expression of the development of numerous peoples in the process of adaptation and response to geographical, ecological and biological heterogeneity, over more than 20 thousand years. This historical process has allowed the creation of appropriate technologies for very different ecosystems. At present there are about 70 ethno-linguistic groups, heirs of the coastal, Andean and Amazonian cultures and a complex process of miscegenation with European, Asian and African cultural contributions.

The development of technologies associated with radio communication such as the Internet allows for the first time that these communities can make their culture, language, customs and environment known to the world.

In turn, however, communities need to know the cultures that are alien to them and have access to the latest technological advances that can solve some of their problems and generate development, without losing their authentic local values, which will be the work of the Council. of the radio, managed by its own residents, under the supervision of the team of professionals in alternative communication

• Strengthen the communities' trade among themselves and with the outside world. Join efforts between the communities for the economic development of the region

• Help preserve and spread the culture and language of each community

• The cultural samples of this town, as well as other towns or neighboring communities, such as dances, legends, rites… they have been passed from generation to generation orally, but due to the migration of the youngest members of the communities to the main cities of the country, a means that helps to preserve their culture is becoming more and more necessary.

• Generate a local information system, punctual and free for the community, which can be updated in real time by both the community

• Due to the limited economic capacity of this community, it is important that they can receive free basic information related to health, indigenous rights, women's rights, children's rights, education, emergency reaction plans, forms payment for basic services, useful addresses, etc., that can help them on a day-to-day basis.

• Reduce the response time to critical situations, streamlining communication and the generation of help channels, and for this the community through alternative communication has the participation of the community at hand "online" instantly, since it is formed, directed and administered by themselves, without the need to “knock on doors” to be heard


Forums, fairs, contests, workshops, conferences, meetings, training of support speakers, channeling and institutional linkage, cultural and artistic activities.


The Project seeks to generate spaces for the exchange of immediate, participatory information through the implementation of community radio spaces, where emergency situations can be exposed immediately, as a priority, changing the program that is in the usual programming, that allow the communication of indigenous communities among themselves and with the rest of the world, using authentic communal, zonal communication, with the language of the area and the direct needs of the community, to go to new technologies in the medium term voice, data and video transfer at very low costs

The development of technologies associated with radio in the medium term will allow the community to make its culture and environment known to the rest of the world, with the creation by the communities themselves of radio programs associated with the Internet, virtual libraries that collect, in their original languages ​​and translated into other languages, the different aspects of the various cultures and thus protect the biodiversity of their territories, guaranteeing the survival of future generations. They may also have at their disposal information and online applications that contribute to the solution of their main problems, related to education, health, human rights, immediate reaction plans in case of emergencies, etc.

We also consider it essential to create a training system in which "UNIÓN DEL HERMANOS DEL ANDE…" educates community leaders in the management of Programming Tools and local radio management so that they, in turn, train the rest of the population and develop online educational courses that allow residents to be trained in the use and use of radio.

• The project will include the following main activities:

Development of a pilot of local programming, based purely on alternative communication, which is the sine qua non of the creation and start-up of a mini local radio station, to later be projected with greater power of electricity to other peoples of the Peruvian Andes.

• Development of a training program by levels that will allow maximum use of the radio by the inhabitants of the community


6.1. Program Name

As we already mentioned at the beginning of this work, the initial name will be "UNIÓN DE HERMANOS DEL ANDE…"

6.2 Program executing entity

Community "Virgen de Asunción" Serranias de Otuzco Peru

Professionals specialized in alternative communication from the University "Inca Garcilaso de la Vega".

Municipality of Otuzco

Parish of Otuzco

6.2.1. Advisory entities

- Presidency of the La Libertad Region

- Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University ”: Lic. Carlos Najar Villacorta

- Ombudsman's Office

- Otuzco Parish


Permanent information on community problems, seeking community participation "on-line" in situ. Using the resources of the radio, a simple, real, timely programming that involves the indiosincracia of the community. Doors open to dialogue, to community participation. From the people and towards the people, without conscientizing foreign interference. Seeking the protection of the environment, respect for the culture of the region, promoting values, commercial services typical of the area, care for the eco system, an agriculture based on the use of organic elements

This means that as the Community and those around said community, they manage to become Final Points, for the short term and in the medium term to make use of the Internet for a radio.

Therefore, for the development of the Project, the infrastructure and services planned to be installed have been calculated on the basis of the “Virgen de Asunción” community. This will allow the radio network to grow easily and without significant new investments in the future, taking advantage of the equipment and services to be installed in this first stage.

Depending on the total bandwidth to be hired, that is, the frequency with which it will operate at the local level, whose resolution will be borne by the MTC, and in which the President of the La Libertad Region, the Parish of the place and the Ombudsman's Office will help, as well as members of the same community.

For "HERMANOS DEL ANDE…" the development of an Information System implies not only the generation of content and the means of access to them, but also the security of its operation over time and the certainty that these contents will be useful for the users. community beneficiaries

The contents of this system can only be outlined in broad strokes, since they cannot be implanted exogenously to the current social and cultural dynamics of the “Virgen de Asunción” community of the La Libertad Region. Involved in this Project and alternative communication program.

The development of the contents begins with an in-depth study of the unmet information needs, main processes susceptible to optimization, adequate communication languages ​​and identification of the main local producers of information.

The study has a first phase of Design and Elaboration of the information collection instruments, lasting approximately 2 to 3 weeks and a phase of Application and Analysis of the local information, that is, as communication professionals we must make a analysis of the demographic and economic variables of the community. The instruments will be designed with interviews, surveys, and Focus Group.

The second phase will have the objective of investigating the following points: SWOT analysis, that is: strengths and weaknesses of the community. Social dynamics and information flow. Specific information needs. Suitable languages. Rejection of capitalist technology; that does not respect the history, indiosincranzia of a community that bases its life on the community.

The report resulting from the field work will serve as input for the phases of elaboration of the system and the respective training for its maintenance.

According to the objective, the topics of the proposed Information System are of the following type: for internal use, and in the medium term of supply abroad and demand from abroad.

This division does not reflect the real dynamics of the content since it is designed to address the problems of the local community, and then going to other communities will have local repercussions and vice versa. The main and obvious advantage is that the producers of all this information would be the same people involved.

Additionally, the HERMANOS DEL ANDE… ”will work on global products (at national and regional level) such as: Tourism Portals in which the specific products of the communities can be integrated so that they benefit from the concentration of supply, advertising and exposure that they already have today.

a) Disaster prevention.-This will be a section of the communal radio programming, which considers risk situations: earthquakes, floods, landslides, mudslides, etc. With the aim of forming a zonal prevention network, which may be fed by the community committee and neighboring communities. And civil defense.

b) Connection with local radio stations in Trujillo.

In this space, we would seek to enhance the local and national reach through the Local Radio stations.

c) -Distance education

In addition, the local radio can serve as a community classroom, disseminating training and education to the most remote areas of the community, with the particularity of "being like family"

d) Cultural manifestations

In this section all the information related to: music, parties, legends and myths of the community will be organized.

e) Tourism

The objective will be to organize in the same space the tourist options that the involved areas can offer. Information about lodges, archaeological sites, adventure tourism, national reserves, etc. will be available.

f) Complaints of all kinds: arbitrariness, lack of attention from the authorities

Create a space in which the communities have access to the requirements and general information on the different public procedures. At the same time, in this section, complaints and communications from the grassroots organizations of the communities may be raised.

G) Local issues: culture, education, health, ecology, medical care, etc.

The programming will address the real and immediate needs of the community, creating spaces for neighborhood and community dialogue, for the return of information, through the participation of community members, using simple language and according to their local reality.

This is a proposal for organizing the information. It will be structured as follows:

1.- Information: it is a main axis of the theme of alternative programming, which will be organized in streets, houses, street delegates. This information information resource will provide the best links on topics of immediate local interest, but at the same time it will provide comments and recommendations to be carried out by other members of the community

2.- Open spaces: for opinion, criticism, solutions to problems, comments, suggestions from the community of any type of the community It will be an organ of authentic oral expression of the people, of the community

3.- Training programs of the community and for the community:

The Training Program will allow indigenous communities are in

ability to manage their own local radio station in the near future and bring knowledge to other communities in the Peruvian or regional Andes. in all its aspects and independently as well as to train the population and organize talks, seminars and new courses according to their needs.

This Training Program, then, has an end in time and clearly defined objectives that can be evaluated later.

4.- Train administrators, technicians, community volunteers


The training plan will be carried out in two stages that have their execution phases related to the installation of the local radio and the connection with the community centers far from the main community, so that they have a virtual information classroom and training, as soon as they cannot go to the central radio station.


The project in its first pilot phase will be executed within the department of La Libertad, Province of Trujillo, district of Otuzco, “Virgen de Otuzco” hamlets that will have the implementation of a small local radio station, community center and in the surrounding towns to Otuzco, who will be able to listen to the radio and later join the pilot community that is the subject of this Program. serving the indigenous communities surrounding these districts, which are mostly Andean peoples, who in some cases do not fully speak the Castilian language, but rather Quechua or Aymara. Peasants from the border area of ​​Cajamarca and ethnic groups will also benefit. from the jungle area of ​​Iquitos, by the radial reach. Campa del Perené groups and partially the Machiguenga and other Campa groups,located on the banks of the Tambo, Perené, Ene and Mantaro rivers.

The geographical area of ​​influence is 44,304Km2.

We have considered those who live within a radius of no more than 8 hours from an access point to be directly benefited. Based on this, and in conjunction with the communities of the Andean Sierra de la Libertad themselves, we have defined the strategic points that allow covering the maximum percentage of the population possible, considering the points already defined by them as central axes (they have a school, medical post, minimum services…)


8.1. Directly benefited

The Communities located in the Serrania de La Libertad, with emphasis on the “Virgen de Otuzco” that will be the pilot center. The population directly benefited by the project has an approximate total of 31,002 inhabitants; of the entire La Libertad Region of 1,180 people.

8.2 Indirectly benefited

It is difficult to estimate the number of indirectly benefited population since it is all those people or companies that communicate with the communities on a personal or business level. Likewise, all those people who are involved by geographical proximity, historical, family, communal ties of production or distribution of those products sold through trade will also benefit.

All those people in the area of ​​influence of the project, who have activities related to tourism, could also be considered indirectly benefited.


We estimate within a period of six months, local study matters, search for funding or donations of radio equipment, appropriate community premises, training of volunteer personnel, etc.


Subject to international donations, for the radio equipment. Installation of high voltage electrical networks, security, appropriate premises, municipal permits and MTC.

US $ 308,770



production is the one with the highest economic activity in the area and all the inhabitants of the different communities are engaged in this activity and to a lesser extent in retail trade within the Department of La Libertad.


The localities to be unified - through radio action schemes and an Information System - have as a common denominator the lack of interconnection infrastructure, both telephone and community, that is, an appropriate infrastructure, for which it will be necessary to improve the current infrastructure, in order to to have an economical, safe and equipped radio location in order to carry out the project or program


Goal: Solve the communication problem of the indigenous community of “Virgen de Otuzco”.

At the end of the project, all the indigenous communities in the area of ​​influence will be permanently communicated with each other and with the rest of the world via radio.

Goal: Train residents in the use of radio tools.

In the first month of execution, 20 people will be trained for the correct administration of the equipment, and in turn capable of training all those residents who require it in the use of radio tools.

At the end of the project term, it is estimated that a minimum of 50 people will be trained in the management of radio programming, station administration and specific professional courses through local trainers and the courses that are carried out by the advisers.

Goal: Promote the exchange of information between communities and the rest of the world.

From the radio station and through the Internet connection.

Goal: Strengthen the communities' trade with each other and abroad. Join efforts between the communities for the economic development of the region.

Through the content and information program, both internal and external trade spaces will be created with community access that will activate local economies.

The possibility is also considered, as in the case of the neighboring communities with Cajamarca, to communicate fluently with this radio or with others in the area that may be created, respecting the space of the ether, that allow them to improve their quality of life.

Goal: Help preserve and spread the culture and language of each community.

Currently only the Patapo Community, of its culture and language. At the end of the project, it is estimated that all the directly benefited populations will have new ideas, training, culture, and technology that they themselves can manage their information centers.

Goal: To generate a local, punctual and free information system for the community, which can be updated in real time by both the community..

At the end of the term of the project "HERMANOS DEL ANDE…" will be active and operational at 100%. The volunteer and technical staff of the radio will be trained both to receive and to generate information based on alternative communication.

The achievement of this goal is immediate, as soon as the operating system is there.


Due to the high illiteracy rate in the area, it is estimated that community leaders and youth trained in radio, community and service programming will manage the services. They will be in charge of receiving and managing the information for the good of the entire community.


It will be the responsibility of the community to procure the annual resources to finance the operating costs of the system and international aid agencies. Because the radio belongs to the community and not to the capitalists.



2.1. General programming and referring to alternative communication through the radio "ANDINA LIBERTEÑA", programming "HERMANOS DEL ANDE UNIDOS…"

Tentative project

2.1.2 The previous table allows us to establish the following weights by type of program:

• The weight of "journalistic" and "journalistic musical" programs is significant. Together they

constitute about a third of the programs and almost half of the programming time. These spaces include a specifically ecological program and a lot of information on local aspects that have high potential for local data, direct problems of the community, active social participation, in addition to generating other collateral activities such as the development of: fairs, forums, courses, peripherals by the city to publicize the programming, use of banners, flyers and the like.

• Music schedules are equally important. They represent almost a quarter of the number of programs and are close to a third of the station's daily time. The musical genres are varied, predominantly regional ones such as huaynos, tropical andina,. Without a doubt, music is part of the identity of the radio, since its musical backgrounds have local and regional connotations.

• Religious programs are important, but very relative. In numerical terms they represent one tenth of the programming. In time spent, however, their weight decreases because they hardly mean something like 1%, because there is freedom of thought, creed and religion according to the Constitution.

• Combined formats (music, messages, readings, etc.) have an interesting role. Doubly if we consider that music-journalistic magazines have similar formats. They represent a tenth of the space.

• Community services, where these are the direct protagonists, occupy interesting spaces. They verify the value of local information, let's say “familiar” from the entire community. They represent about one eighth of the schedule.

• Sports programs appear of no major importance. They constitute only about 6% with respect to the number of programs and less than 3% according to the time consumed.

• The scarce significance of strictly educational spaces is striking. Only a 15-minute program constitutes this category, 6% in number and a scant 1.4% of the total time. This data, however, is relative, because one of the magazines Speak the neighbors or New Horizons) could be located in this type, raising the dedication time to close to 20%. This information must be kept in mind for ecological spaces.

This evaluation of the programs coincides to a large extent with the image that the station has in the recipients, because it was born from the town and for the town, and where the community member feels identified with his own local radio, where he does not have to knock on doors, or make anterooms to make a legitimate claim to the authorities, in case you want to sell something that you consider of commercial value, simply to expose your ideas. The preferences are mainly for service programs, musicals and news programs. These are the ones that supposedly give the station the most personality ". ANDINA LIEBRTEÑA ”from Otuzco Peru.

2.1.3 Saturday programming "ANDINA LIBERTEÑA"


one.-. For all the aforementioned, we could conclude that the Project of the radio station "ANDINA LIBERTEÑA", has a profile fundamentally of a community station, making use of "personal" communication, "familair2, since it will be managed by the community members themselves, under the advice of the professionals of Communication Sciences of the University “Inca Garcilaso de la Vega. Radio services have special meaning.

2.- We highlight the «internal» production of most programs. Only two of them have the support of non-governmental organizations in production (one of them, precisely, is the "ecological" one). This reveals the high production capacity of the internal team, versatility and multidisciplinary knowledge, which, thanks to prior training, will have enormous potential for self-management of the radio by the community members.

3.- In summary, Radio ANDINA LIBERTEÑA. It does not have, with the exception of a recent NGO program, spaces particularly oriented to ecological problems in the area, neither rural nor urban, neither daily nor of a macro nature. They are simply of popular origin, generated by the same community, without foreign influence, which is detrimental to its historical values

4.-However, in addition to addressing ecological issues in its news programs, Radio ANDINA LIBERTEÑA ”. Participate in campaigns to defend the environment and the rationalized use of natural resources, social and ecological rights, natural resources, education, training, markets and tourism, emphasizing alternative communication with radio and complementary media at the lowest cost..


1.- Rivadeneyra Olcese, Ricardo. Social research work EDILER 2005 Mexico

Counselor and Representative of educational radio and television in CONCORTV

2.- PORTOCARRERO, Gonzalo; LÓPEZ M., Santiago; SILVA, Rocío and VICH, Víctor. «Cultural Studies», Virtual Modules for updating in Social Sciences. Network for the development of Social Sciences in Peru. Sep.- Dec. Lima- 2003.

3.- MORAGAS, Miquel de Theories of communication. Edit. Gustavo Gili, SA Barcelona 2003

4.- BELTRÁN, Luis Ramiro. National communication policies in Latin America. Working Document for the Meeting of Experts on Communication Planning and Policies in Latin America. UNESCO. Bogotá and Paris.

Community radio program in peru