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Neuro-linguistic programming, perception and learning processes

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Throughout history, human beings have adopted ways of thinking and behavior patterns that are instilled in us since childhood, which we use to encode information, these structures that govern our way of thinking and acting are installed in us through what which is known as neurolinguistic programming.

Our thoughts are made up of words from our language, and our language describes and criticizes our environment through words, so a pattern or program can be installed in people through the words that travel in their neurons. By repeating some words frequently, our mind assimilates them and they can become a mental program in a way that produces emotions that control our behavior.

In our lives, many programs have been implanted in us since we were little, our parents, teachers, relatives, friends and even ourselves without realizing this, without realizing if they are beneficial or harmful, however neurolinguistic programming can help to have a better perception of our own programs and of others.

Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP makes us realize the language we use affects the biochemistry of our own body, when some person makes an observation or criticism about people a biochemical reaction is generated that affects them and generates a reaction. So NLP is a support to get to know you and maximize your abilities with which you can improve work and personal relationships. (Piquer, 1992)


Throughout history, neurolinguistics has been seen from different perspectives, different environments and different areas of knowledge, which has led to the generation of different definitions and most of these are very accurate, Steve Bavister and Amanda Vickers (2011) mention some of these in his book "Neuro-linguistic Programming" which are:

The science that is responsible for studying the way in which the brain encodes human learning and experience.

Process by which human behavior is studied so that the results can be applied to replicate them by almost everyone.

It is the science that studies the structure of subjective experiences.

Processes of the analysis of the way in which the information is received, its storage and its retrieval.

An approach that explains communication and human development

System to describe, transform and restructure the way people understand their environment where they live.

Strategy to learn the detection and use of behavioral structures of human beings.

(Bavister & Vickers, 2011)


Some of the main benefits that Jaspe (2013) mentions are:

  • Seeks strategies and techniques to achieve organizational excellence There is a substantial improvement in the way of communicating both in the personal and work areas Helps maintain a positive mindset Seeks to improve productive and quality development Facilitates the training process in an organization Supports the behavioral improvement of people who work in organizations People learn to plan, communicate and solve problems effectively Identify people's values, purposes and objectives


Neurolinguistic programming had its origins in the 1970s when Dr. Richard Bandler, who was a psychology student at the time and John Grinder, an adjunct professor of linguistics, asked questions such as Why do some people excel in some areas and others not? What makes them different and what do they do differently? To solve these questions, they both began to develop a methodology.

They selected three outstanding characters of the time, Fritz Perls, who was a psychotherapist and founder of the Gestalt therapy school, Virginia Satir, who was dedicated to family therapy and finally Milton Erickson, famous international hypnotherapist, at that time these three characters were regarded as true geniuses for their achievements where many others had failed.

Bandler and Grinder observed these three characters for some time and studied their specific language, their mental processes and their behavioral actions, by making numerous annotations and after a long time of analysis they managed to identify patterns and structures that by imitating them it was possible that other people could obtain similar results; this process became known as the modeling of human perfection.

The results of this study became Richard's doctoral thesis, which was published under the name "The structure of magic." The thesis laid the scientific bases of what we know today as neurolinguistic programming, this concept was separated into three aspects which are:

  • Programming

This aspect includes the structures, processes, and customs that dictate human behavior.

  • Neuro

It comes from neurology and covers aspects of the mind, thoughts, and nervous system.

  • Linguistics

In this concept we can see the aspects of language and communication, their application, understanding and influence of both external and internal words.

(katherine & Pom, 2009)


Although all human beings are on the same planet, in the same environment and under the same conditions, the way each of us understands and perceives the world is completely different. If we place two people on the bench in a park with exact equal conditions and we ask them about their perception of the environment in which they are, both will have different answers, each person sees reality differently.

Perception as a Rubik's Cube

If a person who does not know the rubik's cube observes a single specific face without observing any other, he will see a certain color as a consequence he will think that the whole cube is the same color, but if he is shown another side of the cube he will be able to see that it is of different color which will allow you to think that the cube probably has two different colors on all its faces.

With which we can see that if we observe only one perspective of the cube we will think that it is of a defined color and as we go looking at more perspectives we will realize that reality is composed of many other perspectives that have a completely different point of view. In neurolinguistic programming, analogy is used to explain the perception that pada person has of the world, which represents the interpretation of their reality. (Tenenbaum, 2005)

How does the mind work?

All our actions are directed by our mental structures so it is very difficult to influence them only by logical thinking, the mind works on two different levels.

  • Consent

Logical thinking is the consequence of assimilating the events and phenomena of reality. The conscious mind processes all our logical thoughts and analytical reasoning, it is the part that is awake and alert and makes value judgments.

  • Subconscious

Automatic operation that develops in our mind without our being aware of it. It is the part of the brain that activates all our automatic functions, triggers behavioral strategies, emotions, and memories.

The mind consents

It is the part of the brain that allows us to read and understand, which develops the analytical and logical part of our thoughts, it is the part of the mind that we use to analyze a statistic or to make a choice. Our world is so complex that our minds are forced to work on different levels in order to process all information effectively.

Every second our senses are bombarded by approximately four billion different pieces of data that our brain has to select which of them are important to store and which are not.

The subconscious mind

In a similar way to a computer, our subconscious mind carries out all its activities through prerecorded and systematized processes. Every gesture, expression, habit, and movement are memorized and honed behavioral responses.

Through a trial and error process, the subconscious mind establishes the bases of all our actions, gestures and understandings that over time processes and generalizes these patterns, so that we can behave naturally and uninterruptedly for each factor in our life.. (Bavister & Vickers, 2011)

Learning process

In neurolinguistic programming there is a process for learning which consists of four phases which are:

  1. Inconsistent incompetence

In this first phase, our mind generally ignores that there is something we want to do but we do not know how to do it at that moment.

  1. Consistent incompetence

In the second phase, our mind knows that there is something we want to do but it is not yet clear how to do it.

  1. Consistent competition

In this phase the mind already knows how to get what we want but is still busy in the process necessary to get it.

  1. Inconsistent competition

In this last phase, our mind understands the process and has transferred it to the subconscious mind in the form of a habitual program, which works automatically without the need for any thought or consciousness. (Morat & Bidot, 200)

NLP in decision making

Neuro-linguistic programming in decision-making is a very important aspect, since in each one of the people there are the foundations that are used for decision-making, they are consecutive processes that can be carried out as quickly as one knows oneself. Some people take a long time to make a decision, even causing anxiety and stress.

In certain companies, neurolinguistic programming is considered a strategy, but in reality it is just a series of mental steps to reach a desired result, an example of this is when a woman enters a shoe store to buy shoes, first she likes them and is born the desire to have them, then consider whether they will match your outfit, and finally decide whether to buy them or not.

You might think that human beings have different strategies to choose and make decisions, however in reality we only have about four or five, and the same neurocognitive processes that a woman uses to buy shoes are applied to make important decisions in the labor area. (Learn NLP, 2013)

NLP in the work environment

Neuro-linguistic programming is present in the way in which people in an organization interact, it influences the internal work environment of the company and the external one, with the relationship that it has with clients and suppliers. In the same way, having a clear communication with internal staff and external actors creates an environment of trust among all those involved.

A very palpable benefit of using neurolinguistic programming in the organization is the improvement of the emotional situation of employees, it helps to generate empathy between them, which contributes to an emotional stability that is later reflected in their efficiency. It facilitates the work of the human resources area both in the selection and administration of internal personnel. (Valledor, 2001)


Learn NLP. (March 9, 2013). Learn NLP for your personal growth. Obtained from

Bavister, S., & Vickers, A. (2011). Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Barcelona: Amat.

katherine, R., & Pom, S. (2009). NLP Neuro-linguistic programming. Barcelona: Business & Marshall.

Morat, B., & Bidot, N. (200). Neurolinguistic programming practical guide. Barcelona: Robinbook.

Piquer, H. (1992). Introduction to Neurolinguistic Programming. Mexico: PAIDÓS.

Tenenbaum, S. (2005). Mental Excellence: Neurolinguistic Programming. Valencia: Robin Book.

Valledor, J. (2001). How to use NLP to be more effective in your work. Barcelona

Thesis proposal


Implementation of Neurolinguistic Programming in an organization to improve the work environment


Implement a methodology that allows the development of NLP in an organization in the area to improve its internal communication and work environment.


To the Orizaba Technological Research and Postgraduate Studies Division for allowing me to pursue a master's degree in administrative engineering and to Dr. Fernando Aguirre for his support in the area of ​​Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering.

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Neuro-linguistic programming, perception and learning processes