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Neuro-linguistic programming in decision making

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There is great hesitation regarding the use and application of neurolinguistic programming, for countless people it is only a great myth but science has been in charge of demonstrating its functionality, because it can increase personal performance, including focused to the organizational field.

This technique has the objective of eliminating the limitations of communication, leading to an adequate work performance that can be easily adapted to any possible change within the organization.

Within an organization that expects projection in the short and medium term, there should be a leader who generates tactics, who uses tools such as adequate body and verbal language, neuro-linguistic programming or NLP, which will help him to adequately approach the organizational objectives..

To start with NLP, it is necessary to scrutinize the interior of each individual, carry out an analysis of why they behave in a certain way

When senior management correctly applies NLP, it can obtain optimal effective communication, thus maximizing the possibility of success for the company in which it operates.

NLP has behavioral, emotional and mental programs, it is possible that at times it is decided to "deprogram" certain situations or issues and reprogram it with the necessary criteria.

Some organizations rely on NLP to develop messages that are more effective in internal change processes or in solving core problems.


This technique originated in the seventies at the University of Santa Cruz USA, its creators were the linguist John Grinder and the mathematician and therapist Richard Blander who included in this term the mind, the language and the organism.

In 1975 they published their book entitled "The structure of magic" where the first model of NLP is related. Grinder demonstrated that in the brain of each individual there is an incomplete version of reality due to the purification, generalization of data that circulates through neurological channels

Years later Ginder and Blander joined forces with Milton H. Ericsson, a very famous hypnotist, resulting in different language models published in his second book "Patters of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson".

Later and after many collaborators and research, they develop NLP techniques and patterns including anchoring, sub-modalities and representational systems.

Robert Dilts collaborator of the creators of NLP turned out to be one of the main innovators of the subject adding studies of the subject and creating new models and patterns of change.


NLP attempts to fine-tune communication in channels that are considered not adequately developed, establishing a series of techniques to adequately develop these skills

Through effective communication, thought models that influence the behavior of an individual trying to make an improvement will be determined

The information that each individual handles is collected through the five basic senses (hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch), at all times human beings are collecting data, that is why it is necessary to carry out a series of filters based on experiences, beliefs and even values

NLP is part of applied psychology so it is based on models and attitudes, however it has four fundamental aspects:

  • Results: Conceived in other areas as objectives, NLP calls them that because all resources will be directed to obtaining these results, making a broad description of them.Sensory acuity: Having the ability to focus all the senses on perceiving the environment that surrounds us, will help to define if the actions carried out are aimed at obtaining the expected results.Flexibility of behavior: A cycle between the first and second will be carried out, polishing what are the results that actually need to be obtained, and Through the visual acuity of redirecting the roads or the expected results will be modified, it is necessary to identify the acts or procedures that are not collaborating with the obtaining of results in order to eliminate them,This stage is referred to as behavioral flexibility Penetration: Ability to relate and empathize, it also includes the ability to relate one's own unconscious and the conscious of each individual

NLP works based on metaprograms that refer to filters that help us digest excessive information from outside. One of the main ones is the so-called sensory representation system, which defines the perception capacity of each individual in the following way:

  • Visual people: They are identified by being highly organized and descriptive, they speak in an objective way and are usually impulsive Auditory people: They are good conversationalists, they generate questions, they are easy to learn in the field of foreign languages, they are analysts of the information obtained before taking some Kinesthetic people: Obsessive with order, they function comfortably emotionally, they speak slowly, they enjoy social relationships, they are not impulsive and they analyze a decision before making a judgment.


NLP in an organization focuses on modeling the emotional and mental behavior of employees, because generally the behaviors that every human being possesses are linked to the so-called mental viruses which are behaviors learned in the environment in which the employee performs. individual.

This technique helps to establish a better interpersonal relationship between the company's collaborators, clients, suppliers and all the members of an organization chart, communication becomes effective and can be done in any direction, horizontally and vertically.

A large number of conflicts that originate in a company can be remedied by applying this technique, leading the company to become a much more competitive entity.


The basis of a good negotiator or director is knowing how to listen, but in this case it is about selective listening, that is, being completely involved in the information that the interlocutor is offering, verbally, and also in what is considered non-verbal.

Selective listening is a fundamental part of the perception we have of our environment and is composed of 20% verbal language and 80% non-verbal, when a person who transmits the message will make us understand the keywords based on their experience, beginning to adapt your concept, this is known as influence.

Managerial negotiation offers a series of support techniques for senior management to facilitate their role as negotiator, through intelligence and skill to resolve any organizational disagreement.

When an incipient disagreement occurs within the organization, management will have to intervene appropriately. In negotiation processes where two or more individuals whose interests present some type of conflict are involved, the solution is adopted by both parties without the participation of a third party, thus taking it as a voluntary process.

A good negotiator establishes a foundation on his position before starting the agreement, analyzes all the objectives, both his own and those of others

The manager must define what is the communication channel that the businessman manages? When a negotiation tends to be complicated it is because the participating individuals manage different communication channels, NLP proposes calibration techniques to learn to identify in which channel our interlocutor is.

The posture of the head, the movement of the eyeballs are peculiar elements that help us define this topic.

In order to identify the different personalities of the collaborators that participate within an organization, it is necessary to include the term meta programs, which are the way in which an individual filters the data received from outside, processes it and allows it to leave. The meta programs of each individual will be identified through their behavior.

Understanding the meta programs will increase the ability to empathize and analyze the behavior of the rest of the people, increasing the ability to influence, to choose the best option in decision-making

  • Model Directing us to:, moving away from: This type of people propose objectives and direct all their strength to obtain them, if they lack objectives they tend to demotivate. Model Understanding myself and the other: People located in the "I" model are not aware of non-verbal communication, they have empathy problems, generally prevented from establishing eye contact, it is essential when trying to have interaction with these people, focus on the central idea of ​​what they are The people who are in the model "the other" are aware of the characteristics and reactions of the people in their environment, they identify body language and have good levels of empathy Model Options: People who avoid being governed by established norms who tend to have various options to choose from,They need to have control of their careers, they dedicate themselves to leaving unfinished projects, in selection processes they need to have varieties.Model of procedures: Extremely methodical people, who are overwhelmed by having a large number of options, undoubted followers of established norms.General Model: People who generalize an idea and explode it to something specific, they are terrified of the idea of ​​working with many details, they handle abstract concepts perfectly because they only process one thing at a time, in order to communicate with this type of direct communication and a global picture of the situation is ideal Specific Model: Methodical people, follow sequence of steps, stop at details and forget the greatness of generalities,The information provided to these types of people must be detailed and direct, using terms such as exact and precise.

It is necessary to emphasize that the meta programs are not isolated from each other, because the filters used can make a mixture of them, sometimes simple, and other more complex.

In order to make a change in the way of perceiving reality and therefore of acting, you must be aware of the models you have and create a list of possible alternatives


One of the objectives of NLP within an organization is to generate an adequate organizational climate for the proper functioning of it, within its main characteristics are:

  • Training programs are carried out to make the organization stronger, encouraging the creation of remuneration elements to avoid the exodus of personnel. Progressive review of the selected communication channels to verify that they comply with the defined objectives. Manage the winning ideology - win.Installation of flat structures projecting the integrated structures.


Puche (2003) defined that there are seven peculiar steps to get an organization to be activated:

  • Step 1 Motivation for excellence: Senior management must have the ability to identify the expectations that each individual has and that links them to the organization, in many cases economic factors are the greatest motivators, however a career plan or some other attractive concept can motivate more effectively.Step 2 Achieve emotional wisdom: Serenely handle emotional responses that may arise even in work under pressure, be able to engage in proper negotiation and conciliation, if necessary go to an outsider Step 3 Ethics, Be consistent: Organizational activities should be based on organizational ethics, eliminate the disagreements that have arisen and, if there are errors, eliminate them immediately. Step 4 Mastering the thought:The staff must be adequately trained to work the mind so that they can focus on their functions and maximize their skills Step 5 The vision: It is necessary for employees to have a sense of belonging so that they are fully committed to the organizational objectives Otherwise, management will be able to make the necessary adjustments Step 6 Cultivate the sources of wisdom: A decision made in an appropriate way will be based on the continuous development of knowledge generated within the organization itself Step 7 Action: Usually within an organization they are Thousands of manuals, rules, procedures that are not put in place, which generates loss of competitiveness with respect to the competition, excellence can be taken as reaching human fullness.

NLP supports senior management to acquire negotiating skills and abilities, if in this process the interlocutor presents visual characteristics, they should be supported by feedback, visual verbs such as look, repair, warn should be used and they should always be seen at the expensive, it is essential to maintain an adequate distance from this type of individuals so that they can have a generalized image of the movements that are carried out and make them feel more comfortable.

In the case of auditory negotiators, the exposed topics will have to be well defined and exposed in a spaced manner, verbal stimuli related to the verb listen should be used, for example: I understand, interesting, that is.

The Kinesthetic negotiator needs to have physical contact so that they feel within their comfort zone, the verbs that must be used in the negotiation process are those that integrate sensations such as: satisfy, belong, please, etc.


This technique, when properly developed, is capable of generating different skills in the individuals who apply it, among which the following are identified:

  • Increase levels of self-esteem, as well as identify personal and professional goals as the way in which they will be achieved Increase in effective and persuasive communication about interlocutors, strengthening levels of empathy Control of thoughts, feelings and above all ways of acting allowing to continue at all times with the proposed objectives.
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Neuro-linguistic programming in decision making