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Promotion of reading in a virtual environment. josé martí university library



Reading allows access to new knowledge, enjoy literature and the worlds that it opens up and be in better conditions to face the future. Readers are more likely to enter the world of work, to interact socially and to function as critical and participatory citizens. In addition, reading allows the imaginary encounter with others - authors, authors, characters -, encourages concentration and reflection, promotes processes of analysis, criticism, comparison, confrontation and new searches. (…)

Reading also allows us to explore our own tastes, interests and ideas ”(1)

When starting the motivation for reading, one must start from specific problems that are clear to the student: personal, family, group or related to the historical-social, cultural, spiritual reality that surrounds him. The linking of some of these problems that are relevant to him with texts in which there is a recreation and meditation on them will favor empathic relationships by communicating something that is closely affective. (González, 1998)

In order to motivate students in a certain direction, it is necessary to start from the knowledge of their current motivational state and follow the reactions they experience under the stimuli that act on them. That is to say, the directional and energetic elements that characterize motivation become more easily prosecutable when they proceed on the basis of a diagnosis. (Alonso, 1999).

University education fulfills the function of promoting the reading of specialized materials precisely among those readers who, in the medium and long term, will systematically nurture the tradition of equally specialized writing.

The library has selectively used the technology of its time, but, since the emergence of electronic technology, innovation and the development of information and communication technologies, it has been forced to change and / or create its activities and services based on the technology itself, but as a means to enhance and optimize the quality of services and access to information. If it is not innovated and developed to meet the demands of today's society, the library would be at risk of being expendable.


University libraries have gone from their most traditional form to displaying large collections in digital version. Information and communication technologies have found, in university libraries, a laboratory par excellence, to insert new products and useful services to the entire university community.

It is important to consider within the substantive changes that have occurred in universities, the growing presence of distance studies and the need to also ensure this modality, where the ways of creating and serving users change, just as their interests change. and cultural and academic preparation.

Taking into account that reading is a very valuable activity, through which not only moments of recreation are achieved, but also that the human being has access to a large part of the culture, facilitates the learning of a great accumulation of knowledge and contributes To create much higher patterns of behavior, it is necessary to develop a system of actions to achieve the development of a general and comprehensive culture of students

The Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez University Center has a library that has the mission of guaranteeing the bibliographic assurance necessary to achieve the objectives of undergraduate, postgraduate, research, and university extension teaching. It has a bibliographic collection made up of books, brochures, serial publications, CD ROMs, video cassettes, graduate theses, master's and doctoral theses, etc.

There is a quality Intranet in applications and services. databases and other applications are incorporated.

The university library is connected to the Center's network, providing efficient access to 95% of the catalog of bibliographic funds, with a retrospective until 1970;

The scientific, technological, corporate and management information, mainly of added value available to the center, has an electronic version. All the scientific production generated by the University Center has an electronic version.

However, work must be done so that all this information, which grows exponentially, reaches all library users, no matter where they are.

To comply with this, it is necessary to integrate the dimensions: content, technologies, personnel and services in a proposal, to design a Website to provide the organization, access, use and dissemination of information more quickly. The change lies fundamentally in the content that is offered and the way to access it. This task revolutionizes the function of the university library, once it bets, in an integral way, on the technologies to ensure bibliographically the learning process and updating of the students.

The situation described made it possible to determine that one of the actions to be carried out is the development of the website of the library of the Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez University Center that facilitates access and use of scientific, technological, corporate and management information to bibliographically support the teaching-learning process from anywhere on the network.

This proposed system of activities not only allows the promotion and dissemination of texts, but also attracts users to use the library's services.

As indicated above, the Library is undergoing a transformation process with the emergence of ICTs, and in particular the Internet. All this influences library services and products, thus a set of new scenarios emerge, let's see some:

Classification and cataloging: use of the automated thesaurus to search for various terms, depending on the specialty required.

Creation of formats for data entry and constitution of online catalogs: creation of automated catalogs to access the information contained in the fund of an institution through assisted or expert searches, depending on what the system in which it is required. working.

Collective Catalog: unlike the previous one, it is to access the information contained in various institutional databases.

E-mail service with international output that every day expands the relations of the University Library with the rest of the world, mainly with other universities.

University Library Website: includes general information about the library: its policy, activities, services, etc.

Virtual Library: includes information in HTML format of articles downloaded from the Internet, electronic books, electronic magazines, dictionaries, that is, information as an essentially auxiliary element of teaching.

Scientific Production: allows online access to master's theses, doctorates, and university diploma works.

Electronic Magazine Centro Ciencia: aims to provide researchers from the University Center and the province with space for the dissemination of the scientific production generated by the center, as well as for its publication. We intend to have a scientific publication to promote exchange between our researchers and their national and international counterparts.

To carry out this research, a survey was carried out (See Annex 1) to library users, mainly teachers and researchers, to determine the digital culture they have with regard to ICTs; taking a sample of 25 users.

The following graphs show the results obtained where:

  • 67.0% of the respondents have knowledge of Elementary Technologies, that is, text editors, spreadsheets and conversion from PDF to MS-WORD format and vice versa. 84.7% of respondents have knowledge of navigation and basic interaction that includes: e-mail, basic navigation on the MES intranet and basic Internet search. 62.7% access Databases, such as: Current Contents, EBSCO Host, etc.


  • The Cuban University has been incorporating new technologies into the teaching and learning process as a method to awaken the cognitive interest of students. The library has assimilated among its basic processes the incorporation of information technologies to offer services and products of excellence to its students. real users. The use of Information Technologies is an essential tool for the performance of both research and teaching activities of the users of the "José Martí Pérez" University Library. There is a tendency to scarce access to online databases, not so to basic Internet browsing.


Alonso Becerra, Beatriz. Integration of Technologies. In Science, Innovation and Development (La Habana) 5 (2): 23, 2000.

DOMÍNGUEZ AROCA, María Isabel (2004). The University Library before the new learning model: teachers and librarians, let's learn together because we work together. Spain: University of Alcalá. Available in:

(accessed December 10, 2005).

CASTELLS, M. and others (1986): The technological challenge. Spain and new technologies. Madrid: Editorial Alliance.

GISBERT, M. and others (1992). Technology based traigning. Trainer of trainers in the occupational dimension. Tarragona, copied document.

MINISTRY OF CULTURE (1986). Culture and new technologies. Madrid: Ministry of Culture.

Mention the three factors that most help you to learn Information Technology:

List the three factors that hinder you the most in this learning:

Promotion of reading in a virtual environment. josé martí university library