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Research operational plan proposal for uniandes santo domingo

Table of contents:


Objectives of the National Plan for Good Living 2013-2017

  • Objective 1.- Consolidate the democratic state and the construction of popular power. Objective 2.- Promote equality, cohesion, inclusion and social and territorial equity in diversity. Objective 3.- Improve the quality of life of the population, strengthen the capacities and potentialities of citizenship Objective 4.- Strengthen the capacities and potentialities of citizenship Objective 5.- Build common meeting spaces and strengthen national identity, diverse identities, plurinationality and interculturality Objective 6.- Consolidate the transformation of justice and strengthen security. Objective 7.- Guarantee the rights of nature and promote territorial and global environmental sustainability. Objective 8.- Consolidate the social and solidarity-based economic system in a sustainable way. Objective 9.- Guarantee decent work in all its forms Objective 10.- Promote the transformation of the productive matrix Objective 11.- Ensure the sovereignty and efficiency of strategic sectors for industrial and technological transformation Objective 12.- Guarantee sovereignty and peace, deepening strategic insertion in the world and Latin American integration.

Research, development and innovation

Research, development and innovation (usually indicated by the expression R + D + I or R + D + I) is a concept of recent appearance, in the context of science, technology and society studies; as an overcoming of the previous concept of research and development (R&D). It is the heart of information and communication technologies.

Esko Aho: provocatively defines research as investing money to obtain knowledge, while innovation would be investing knowledge to obtain money, which expresses very well the phenomenon of feedback that occurs with a successful R & D & I strategy.

Research planning

UNIANDES Santo Domingo Extension

The UNIANDES research planning, Santo Domingo headquarters, makes an effort to the general strategic plan of the matrix, once the local reality has been correctly analyzed with the assigned personnel, but without neglecting the demands of higher education and the quality recommendation issued by the governmental regulatory institution SENESCYT- CEAACES.

UNIANDES Investigation Mission:

Contribute to the permanent development of science, technology and innovation to solve problems of the university community and society with the participation of researchers, teachers and students committed to institutional philosophy.

UNIANDES research vision:

UNIANDES has a more consolidated research function and a regional reference due to the commitment of its authorities, its teachers and researchers and its close relationship with the environment, contributing to the solution of problems related to science and technology, through participation of teams of own researchers, competent in national and international research networks and systematic work of technological surveillance, with the support of the adequate technological infrastructure, which allows the development of projects in close connection with the teaching process and their visible presence through the dissemination of results.

Research-UNIANDES Values:

  1. Professionalism 2. Entrepreneurship. 3. Commitment. 4. National identity. 5. Solidarity.

Conceptualization and operation of the values.

  1. Professionalism: working with honesty, respect for the scientific community, diligence, responsibility and interest in solving global and territorial problems and enriching science.

Conduct guidelines:

Honesty: Fidelity in the treatment of information and in the report of results, Do not plagiarize, Criticism not offensive among members of the scientific community.

Industriousness: Systematic work of science., Compliance with responsibilities. Interest: Disposition for the transformation of the investigated object, its result and determination for its application.

  1. Entrepreneurship: initiative to identify and solve problems in an innovative and timely manner with the help of science and technology.

Behavior guidelines: Assumption of risks. Initiative. View. Creativity.

  1. Commitment: loyalty to the institutional philosophy, to the collective goals and to the principles of research.

Behavior guidelines: Tenacity, Willingness to do, Positive attitude for work.

  1. National Identity: sense of belonging to the Ecuadorian nationality.

Guidelines of conduct: Responsibility and response to the needs of the country, Recognition and respect for multiculturalism.

  1. Solidarity: feel like your own the problems of others.

Behavior guidelines: Willingness to collaborate without expecting retribution, Share information and transmit knowledge, Prioritize social needs to solve them, Mutual help.

Groups of stakeholders:

Group of stakeholders internal to the Project

Group of stakeholders external to the Project

Research policy

PI- Orientation of institutional efforts in a synergistic, systematic and participatory manner towards the investigative processes of science and technology towards the end of the undergraduate and postgraduate careers of UNIANDES, in all modalities in a manner consistent with the institutional mission, the requirements of the region and related national plans.

P2 - Permanent development of the research culture through training programs, internships, exchange and incentives to promote the linking of teachers to research, relationships with local and national development agencies, as well as the establishment of agreements with research centers. national and foreign research.

Key Result Areas:

  1. Technological surveillance. Project management. (SOCIAL INVESTIGATION) Training of teachers and researchers (MASTERS AND DOCTORATES) Formative research. Application and dissemination of results. (INDEXED MAGAZINES)


Internal analisis. Strengths:

  • F1. Magazine for publication of scientific articles, in the process of indexing EPISTEME. F2. International Scientific Congress every year. F3. Full-time teachers assigned to develop Research Projects. F4. Agreements with government institutions and develop research work. F5. Training to produce scientific articles. F6.3 teachers studying doctorates in extension. F7.- Improvements plan for the Santo Domingo headquarters. F8. Strategic alliances with UTE university


  • D1. Teachers assigned to research work do not have the necessary equipment or infrastructure to carry out the activities. D2. Lack of an adequate procedure for requesting the necessary resources in the execution of the projects and activities of the research department. D3. The budget for research projects is not met. D4.D Full-time teachers assigned to research work do not have time to complete the 2 hours a day. D5.There is no production of books, nor publication of scientific articles in the journal of the EPISTEME institution, nor in indexed journals by teachers assigned to research work and part-time and part-time teachers. D6. Payment of salaries outside of time, discounts, to teachers, no overtime pay, delay in the IESS, salaries below the average of category E universities. D7. Weak commitment to student participation in the development of research projects. D8. Budget according to the 6% law, only on paper, there is no real investment, lack of supplies and equipment, gps, cameras, camcorders, computers, D9.Lack of teachers with a scientific doctoral degree (PhD). D10. There are no travel allowances for university teachers, they use their own means (vehicles, money, supplies) the university budget is risky with research work D11.- Research projects with a 1 year delay to present results at headquarters D12.- In Uniandes Santo Domingo the staff (administrative, financial, teachers) think that only teachers assigned to research should write articles, books and carry out projects D13.- There are no university vehicles for mobilizing teachers and students.

External analysis. Opportunities:

  • O1. Budgetary regulations for research decreed by LES / LOES. Art. 36.- Allocation of resources for publications, scholarships for professors and researches.- Higher education institutions of a public and private nature will obligatorily assign in their budgets, at least, six percent (6%) to publications indexed, postgraduate scholarships for their professors and research within the framework of the national development regime. The National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation will ensure the application of this provision. O2.National university research networks. O3. Possibility of investigative work with SENPLADES ZONA 4 O4.CEAACES Evaluation Council for the Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education. O5. Possibility of generating research within private companies. O6. National and international financing for research projects.
  1. Free publication indexed journal networks (latindex, redalyc,) Threats:
  • A1. New government policies or regulations approved by the government regarding Higher Education institutions. A2. Category C accreditation.

Definition of strategic objectives by key result areas.

  • Implement the equipment and infrastructure necessary to carry out the activities in the development of the research work. Generate scientific articles for publication in the institution's journal EPISTEME and in other indexed international journals, in free latindex and redalyc networks. Write and publish scientific books that support the teaching work of the headquarters Motivate teachers with scholarships, economic incentives to study master's degrees and doctorates with professional career plans Define completion dates of research projects abandoned due to lack of resources, and approval of new research topics based on the PNBV Define Research Programs and projects Implement a computerized system for controlling and monitoring projects with domain


Implement the equipment and infrastructure necessary to carry out the activities in the development of the research work .


There is no research department at headquarters, but a desk and a computer, with 22 assigned teachers, who do not have cubicles to work, or computers, the lack of a printer and above all there are no supplies for the department except research equipment., necessary such as gps, printer, computers, signers, liquid board, infocus, to this is added the non-compliance of two hours a day to investigation

Not. Activities Responsible I II III IV Evidence
one Requirements analysis

Infrastructure research department equipment

those of and of Research Director Uniandes

Research coordinator Head of headquarters



X x x x Study, photos, reports
two Equ management


ipo Direct Research Coordinator and of x x x x # of teams assigned to research

Generate scientific articles for publication in the journal of the EPISTEME institution and in other indexed international journals, in free latindex and redalyc networks


Uniandes has an EPISTEM journal in the process of indexing, in addition, the articles prepared by the headquarters for its publication are not considered, there is no investment in affiliation to the escopus network required by Ceaaces and other journal networks with high impact on scientific development that They are paid, at the headquarters they have received 2 training on writing and publication of scientific articles but they are self-financed by each teacher with hours of research, the headquarters has publications and presentations but self-financed.



Activities Responsible I II III IV Evidence
one Updating and consulting on new international regulations for writing and publishing scientific articles funded by the university. Research Coordination of x Certificates, photos, attendance sheets
two Present the articles for publication in the EPISTEME journal, so that the Research Directorate finances and publishes in indexed journals. Teachers, research coordinator Research direction. of of x x x X Letter of acceptance of publication of the scientific article 1 per year from each teacher.
3 Request that the presentations at the III international scientific congress be financed by the university and not by the teachers. Teachers

Researchers Research Directorate

- of x x x x Presentations at the III international scientific congress, accommodation receipt, mobilization receipt, photos, speaker certificate
4 Guarantee the research with material and economic resources for its subsequent publication. Teachers

Researchers Research Directorate

- of x x x x 25% of the budget disbursed with the first advance of the investigation (if not
financial resources exist, projects are suspended)
5 Strategic alliances with other universities in the zone 4 region constitute a regional research council Teachers -


Direction of


Directors other universities

x x x x Signing of agreements to publish and exchange peer evaluations.

Publish scientific books that support the teaching work of the headquarters


In the extension there are no publications of teachers' books, but a group was organized to write a book with the theme "Integral Security of Universities" in the month of January and the topics are planned, such as computer security, internal security of the campus, legal security, contingency plans.

Not. Activities Responsible I II III IV Evidence
one Training to write research books of the Ecuadorian Institute of

Intellectual property

Research Coordination of x Certificates, photos, attendance sheets
two Organize a group of teachers to write a book Teachers,



of x x x X Research memoir, book and publication
3 Guarantee the economic resource for the group of teachers dedicated to writing the book, reduce the time load according to the law Teachers,



Managing Director

of x x x x Budget to write the book.

Motivate teachers with scholarships, financial incentives to study master's degrees and doctorates with professional career plans.


Carry out a motivation and commitment plan for teachers to study the doctorate in international universities and foresee the expenses for food, transportation, stay and the replacement paid by the university, because they must complete about a year outside the country, the 4 years The training lasts and they must ensure the safety of their family while the teacher studies. Also see to what amounts they can help financially since a doctor varies in price ranging from $ 8,000 to $ 100,000.

Not. Activities Responsible I II III IV Evidence
one Create a master's degree dictated in the extension for free, as applied in the matrix for undergraduate students. Rector


x x x x Master's degree
one Inform the extension teachers about the doctorates and values ​​that the university will finance. Teachers,




of x x x x Letter of acceptance, scientific articles and doctorate degree.
Present professional career plans and financial and material guarantees for the study of doctors Teachers,




of Career plan
two If there are no interested parties, request the parent company to hire Dr. C de Cuba as a full-time teacher - at least 1 Coordinator



Research Director

of x x x x Requirement Trades

Define completion dates for research projects abandoned due to lack of resources, and approval of new research topics based on the PNBV.


During the study of research projects approved by the parent company in 2011:

TOURISM Inventory of the natural and cultural attractions of the Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas Province. HERNAN CONDO Pending
SYSTEMS Strategies in Santo Domingo educational institutions for the automation of information management under free software EDY MEZA Pending
ACCOUNTING Methodological proposal for the integration of financial economic indicators for the accounting analysis of SMEs in the city of Santo Domingo. EMMA MOREIRA Pending





SYSTEMS Strengthening of Spatial Data for the CEDIA Network. JAVIER ULLOA Finished
RIGHT Analysis of the contribution of labor legal regulations to the fulfillment of the objectives of the national plan for good living RODOLFO SANTILLAN Pending
ADMINISTRATION Potentialities for industrial development from agricultural production in the province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas. JACKSON TERAN Finished
SYSTEMS Strengthening of Spatial Data for the CEDIA Network second stage. JAVIER ULLOA pending




Activities Responsible I II III IV Evidence
one Establish completion commitments of pending projects to receive them in the month of March to March 20 with the scientific article Direction of

Research Coordination, general direction of financial teachers.

x Act of commitment Final report article
two Approval of new research projects and guarantees of financial resources Direction of

Research Coordination, general direction of financial teachers.

x x x X Projects approved Completed and published in magazines and international congress

Define research programs and projects.





Legal culture for peace.
Protection of constitutional rights and guarantees.
Legal Pluralism and Human Rights.
Criminology and Victimology.
Rights of Priority Attention Groups
Rights of the People, peoples and nationalities.
Law of Nature and Environment.
Industrial, Social Security and labor relations
Social responsibility and civic engagement.
National Pluralism, Legal System and Justice
Justice administration



International business development.
Competitiveness, strategic and operational management
Economic-financial management and ICT development.
Financial analysis models
Models of analysis and development of intellectual capital.



Business intelligence.
Cost Management.
Financial Accounting.
Financial management and social responsibility
Theory and development of Accounting.
Regulation and accounting methodology



Historical cultural aspects of the peoples of the region.
Community tourism development
Identification of tourist products
Evolution and development of tourist markets.
Effective mechanisms for tourist dissemination
Tourism and hotel management.



Information and Communication Technologies.
Software Development and Systems Programming
Automation and control.
Artificial intelligence
Free software development.



Public politics.
Local and economic development.
Theory and economic thought (doctrines).
Natural resources and environment.
Applied macroeconomics.
Applied microeconomics.
International economic relations.
Evolution and development of markets.
Quantitative methods (Econometrics).
Demographic processes and economic development
Solidarity economy.



Food sovereignty
Gastronomy and culture.
Food handling and marketing.
Innovation and development of food preparation
Management of bars and restaurants


Promotion and prevention in health.
Nutrition and food sovereignty.
Sustainable development and environmental health.
Intercultural health.
Epidemiology and public health.
Telehealth - telemedicine and technological innovation
Communicable diseases
Non-communicable and chronic degenerative diseases.
Microbiology, Immunology, Oncology, Genetics, and Clinical Pharmacology
Disabilities and quality of life.
Risk, emergency and disaster management.
Comprehensive Health Care.
Maternity and childcare
Dermatological diseases
Human diseases of animal origin.
Mental health
Management of health services.
Comprehensive child care.

Implement an IT system for controlling and monitoring projects with domain


The physical and digital backups must be available to other researchers, for this reason it is necessary to have a repository where the development, monitoring and progress of each teacher's project is evidenced, where activities are created according to what is planned and to be able to evidence, already that there are currently no printable sheets and teachers must buy from their own resources.



Activities Responsible I II III IV Evidence
one Develop a software that shows the activities of the research projects, for the month of March. Responsible teacher Director, rector, financier x Applied software
two Guarantee resources for the cost of the software Director, rector, financier x x x x Check

"Rise up again and again until the sheep turn into lions" Robin Hood

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Research operational plan proposal for uniandes santo domingo