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Proposal for an environmental educational material for English classes based on the campaign "to clean up the world"


The authors' greatest effort is to put both tools in the hands of English-language teachers: Environmental Education and the English language, which will allow them to positively influence the training of personnel who will work in the tourism sector. The first in function of the other and vice versa, thus favoring the integral formation of the new human capital of the sector. It is about achieving the application of these two tools in the current context. With a futuristic vision, it is thought that a better world is possible. And the environmental campaign "Clean Up the World" helps to show it.


Clean Up the World is a community green program that inspires and supports individuals and communities around the world to clean, repair and preserve their environment.

In order to promote the formation of environmental awareness in the students of the Gastronomic Service of the Basic Training system of the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Varadero who study the English language, the authors have proposed to design an educational material. It is proposed that this material be worked as a unit within the program or in isolation as an annex to the material for the consolidation of knowledge acquired, taking into account the vocabulary and grammatical structures previously treated in classes as well as the contents presented and proposed in this material.

It is about proposing exercises to develop the comprehension of texts and the new vocabulary also of oral expression in the English language through communication activities fundamentally and at the same time, it tries to promote environmental values in students.

Here not only work in pairs and groups is encouraged, but it is proposed that students are able to apply the knowledge acquired in real situations.


The achievement of the close link between English and the development of environmental awareness training for students will be supported by the quality of self-preparation that English teachers have regarding the aforementioned environmental campaign, that is, It deals with the reorientation of the human being with his environment: how to take care of it, clean it, repair it, and preserve it and its application in English classes.

A healthy ambition is shown when proposing this material that will facilitate the inference of knowledge in an interactive way. The fundamental objective of this proposal is that students turn out to be good communicators in the English language and also, true lovers of nature while still thinking about the other environmental values ​​and linguistic skills and habits that are listed below:

Respect for all that is alive.

Respect for the natural and built heritage.









Efficient grammar competence, etc.

The methodology to be followed as well as the procedures are designed in each class. The creativity of the teachers and even the students will always be accepted. Fortunately, this will allow the enrichment of the proposal.

The use of the dictionary and the closest link between English language teachers and Environment teachers is essential. Some of our students are already linked to the aforementioned campaign and have even participated in it. What we want is that they internalize it through this material.

Design of educational material based on the “Clean Up the World Campaign”.

Before beginning, Teachers may be aware of:


Naming game 2

Rubbish 3

Can it be recycled? 4

Rubbish intoresources 6

Rubbish breakdown 7

Then and now 15

Composting 16

Circle of life 17

Fix up a site 18

What lives here?

Imagine the future 20

The material incorporates the guidelines for the teacher and the student worksheet.

Lesson 1: The Organization.


1. Read carefully and answer:

A) What is the organization's mission?

B) Do you think it is the same mission in all the countries involved?

C) What does sustainability have to do with this campaign?

2. Now, go and visit the Environmental Education classroom in our school, and find out Who is who in the Clean up campaign?

3. Back in your classroom, make up a list of the Clean up main activities and events that take part in our school and town / city.



In the case of the exercise 1, items a, b, and c are to be worked out individually to assess learners real understanding of this new material. Give them all the right time to perform the task according to their average level of assimilation.

Finally, have them discuss their answers in pairs, and report some examples to the whole class.

Lesson 2: The Clean up story.


The authors have assumed that this lesson has become the most important of all since here, it is told the proper origin of the Clean up the World campaign ie when, how, and why, Ian Kiernan was firstly motivated to act, and this campaign began. As it reads: ¨The polluted state of the world ´s oceans… and thus, Ian ´s disappointment brought about this campaign which began as the inspiration of one man, an Australian builder and solo yachtsman¨.

It ´s not only the Clean up story, very interesting and environmentally educational, what makes one deeply think on this matter but also, the valuable English language it takes in. This means, linguistically speaking, grammatical structures, vocabulary, and the like.

The main value of this authentic material consists of the validity of its insights, and the relevance of this topic nowadays.

Furthermore, the authors would please if learners could make use of this lesson not only improving their cultural background but also, as a cognitive real phenomenon in their learning process since ¨.¨Environment is a device created by mankind ´s image William Ittelson) 1991).

¨And if we can show people how their own actions can contribute to environmental problems and offer an easily achievable alternative, as a community we can prevent these problems occurring in the first place¨. Ian Kiernan said at the beginning of the campaign.

Thus, the authors would not only feel happy if students improve their mastery of the English language, but also if another, out of the main purpose of this material is well achieved after being taught: ¨Have all students become nature lovers¨.

Lesson 2:


* Split out the class into eight different groups.

* First, have all learners look up the meaning of the following concepts:

• Environmental assessment.

• Atmosphere.

• Fresh water.

• Land.

• Biodiversity.

• Energy.

• Urban issues.

• Sustainable Consumption.


The teacher could also bring all these concepts already defined to the class.

- Then, have students deal with the article, and discuss two of the concepts of their own.

- Concepts should not only be discussed according to the article, but also according to students´ community.

In order to have students choose the concepts, let them first try at random.

There may be a leader in each group to guide the development of the task.

Finally, there may be a spokesman in each group to make the whole exposition.

Teacher ´s choice.

As this is a really extended article, teacher may split it out in several parts taking into account the relation between the part of the article, and the concepts. The accurate performance of this lesson may be based on the amount of time there is to be for teaching it. Besides, the teacher is responsible to avoid learners to get bored.


- Make use of the dictionary whenever needed. Look for the help of environment specialists at school while defining the concepts.

- This help may be based on scientific materials, and some Clean up campaign ´s videos.

Lesson 3: Chairman ´s Message.


I. Read carefully and answer:

a) What does Clean up chairman ´s message represent to Environmental assessment?

b) How well is sustainable consumption involved in this very message?

c) What is the chairman convinced of according to his message?

d) What do they aim at by joining forces?

e) Taking into account Biodiversity; What is Cuba an example of nowadays?


II. Use the words communities, governments, and businesses in sentences of your own.

III. Now, write your own message to schoolmates and friends regarding the Clean up campaign in our country. Be ready to discuss your exposition in class.


In the case of the exercise I, items a, b, c, and d are to be worked out individually to assess learners´ real understanding of this new material. Give all students the right time to perform the task according to their average level of assimilation.

Finally, have students discuss their answers in pairs and report some examples to the whole class.

Lesson 4: Ian Kiernan on Bags.


I. Read carefully and then, answer the following questions. Please, work them all out in pairs.

a) What has been there recently regarding the Australian environment?

b) When did it start?

c) Why do they want plastic bags out of the environment?

II. According to their joint message; What is the shopper's choice when offered a plastic bag?) group work).

III. a) Now, read this article again. And this time, try to list what shoppers have said through the news poll survey. Be ready for further discussion.) Group work).

III, b) Why do they believe that implementation of a retailer - administered tax in the form of a levy is inequitable? Be ready to discuss your mind.) Group work).

• ban.

• Levy.


Here, at the end, learners are to exchange their sentences, and reach each other's.

IV a) What is the main aim of Back yourself a Better Environment campaign?


IV b) What if so doesn´t happen? TBHI

V.- Now, that you have already read the article and have become acquainted with it. Back yourself a better environment campaign. Link it to Environmental Assessment and make a report to the whole class.


This final task is to be developed as a group working activity. The teacher is to provide learners with the accurate words to perform it properly and of course, he or she should manage this issue either in English or Spanish.

As one of the final activity of this module, learners may use all the contents provided through each lesson and thus, all the communicative competences may be evaluated through it.

Final activity.

I.- Write an account of how ¨Clean up the world¨ campaign started in our country,) in about 250 words).

• Firstly, look up for such a piece of information. Make use of the Internet tool, and the Documentation and Information Center in our school if needed. Be aware of the Environmental Education classroom at school too.


1.- Environmental Education must have a holistic character. It requires a deep knowledge of the fundamental environmental problems that humanity faces today at the local, national, regional and global levels. As stated in the international environmental campaign Clean Up the World: It is essential: "Think globally and act locally." Starting from this colossal idea, the authors have generated this legacy (understand the proposal).

2.- This material allows to achieve the full realization of the objective set at the beginning of this work. It also shows that the design of didactic proposals from any branch of knowledge is made feasible to strengthen the Environmental Education of students, using motivating, interesting, renovating ways.

3.- It also offers opportunities to strengthen ties with the community, strengthen the spirit of belonging, as well as develop new environmental values ​​and promote new habits and skills of pronunciation, intonation and fluency, without forgetting the communication skills that it can enrich: linguistics, grammar, etc., and finally, it takes into account the new content that will abound in the positive enrichment of the students' vocabulary in the foreign language treated.

4.- Raising awareness of the environmental from the individual turns out to be one of the challenges of the campaign and is emphasized in this work.

5.- No less important is being able to motivate students to join the Clean Up the World Campaign through this same proposal.


1.- The authors recommend that the module presented in this work be applied in English classes in the Basic Training System and in some postgraduate degrees in English by specialties at the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Varadero, that once applied, the opinions of the students regarding it are collected.

2.- In addition, criteria must be collected from the students where they manage to stereotype how these classes affect their participation in the campaign.

3.- In the case that the students have already participated in the campaign, an attempt should then be made to identify the level of feedback they achieve, once this cycle of classes is over.


Some words that appear in the campaign articles presented in the module to be specifically taught are listed below. Most of these are introduced in lesson 2.

Ban: prohibition, warning.

Levy: tax.

Relevance: relevance.

Inspire:) cognate word), inspire, suggest.

Bolster: reinforce, support, support.

Insights: ideas.

Advocacy: defense, promotion. Recommendation of a line of action.

Voice: divulge, express.

Fix up: repair, organize, etc.

Harness: take advantage of natural forces and resources.

Raise: ¨ make ¨ eg raise awareness) raise awareness.

Issues: topic, question, problem, result, consequence, etc.

Bloke: any guy, guy, guy.


Blanca Fernández, Armando. Environmental Mission: Agenda 21.- City of Havana. Editorial Gente Nueva, 2000. 118p.

Booth, Basil. Fitch, Frank. The unstable Earth. Past, present and future of natural catastrophes. Barcelona: Editorial Salvat, 1994. 283p.

Cabrera Trimiño, Gilberto J. Ecological Economics, Environmental Demography and Development. Havana: Social Sciences Editorial, 1997.247p.

Delgado Díaz, Carlos J., Talía M. Fung Riverón. Ecology and Society: Studies. Havana: Social Sciences Editorial, 1999. 262p.

LG Alexander. Developing skills. Havana: Editorial Pueblo y Educación. 1976. 145p.

The Environmental Challenges. Reflections and proposals for a sustainable future. María Novo..) et al.). Madrid: Editorial Universitas, 1999. 365p.

Encyclopedia of ecology.- Barcelona: Editorial Océano, 1998.-3t.

Guevara Pérez, Edilberto. Ethics and Environmental Education. Directorate of Media and Publications, University of Carabobo, Valencia, 2000. 180p.

Fernández Márquez, Algeria…) etal.). Environmental Panorama of Cuba 2000. Havana: EditorialAcademia, 2001.101p.

Sánchez Sánchez –Cañete, Francisco Javier. Activities for Environmental Education. Barcelona: Ediciones Octaedro, 1997. 142p.

Tourism nature services sector.- Toledo: Gráficas Baroa, 1993. -3t.

http: //www.Clean up.coppm


http: // the harmonist.com



- Exercises from the teaching-learning kit attached to the campaign.

- Module of lessons based on the articles of the campaign.

- Clean up news.

- Campaign to Clean Up the World) articles in Spanish).

- Photos taken of the campaign and its actions worldwide.

- Photos of the campaign taken in Varadero in 2003.

Lesson 2:


* Split out the class into eight different groups.

* First, have all learners look up the meaning of the following concepts:

• Environmental assessment.

• Atmosphere.

• Fresh water.

• Land.

• Biodiversity.

• Energy.

• Urban issues.

• Sustainable Consumption.

Option: The teacher could also bring all these concepts already defined to the class.

- Then, have students deal with the article, and discuss two of the concepts of their own.

- Concepts should not only be discussed according to the article, but also according to students´ community.

In order to have students choose the concepts, let them first try at random.

There may be a leader in each group to guide the development of the task.

Finally, there may be a spokesman in each group to make the whole exposition.

Teacher ´s choice.

As this is a really extended article, teacher may split it out in several parts taking into account the relation between the part of the article, and the concepts. The accurate performance of this lesson may be based on the amount of time there is to be for teaching it. Besides, the teacher is responsible to avoid learners to get bored.


- Make use of the dictionary whenever needed. Look for the help of environment specialists at school while defining the concepts.

- This help may be based on scientific materials, and some Clean up campaign ´s videos.

Lesson 3: Chairman ´s Message.


I. Read carefully and answer:

f) What does Clean up chairman ´s message represent to Environmental assessment?

g) How well is sustainable consumption involved in this very message?

h) What is the chairman convinced of according to his message?

i) What do they aim at by joining forces?

j) Taking into account Biodiversity; What is Cuba an example of nowadays?


II. Use the words communities, governments, and businesses in sentences of your own.

III. Now, write your own message to schoolmates and friends regarding the Clean up campaign in our country. Be ready to discuss your exposition in class.


In the case of the exercise I, items a, b, c, and d are to be worked out individually to assess learners´ real understanding of this new material. Give all students the right time to perform the task according to their average level of assimilation.

Finally, have students discuss their answers in pairs and report some examples to the whole class.

Lesson 4: Ian Kiernan on Bags.


IV. Read carefully and then, answer the following questions. Please, work them all out in pairs.

d) What has been there recently regarding the Australian environment?

e) When did it start?

f) Why do they want plastic bags out of the environment?

V. According to their joint message; What is the shopper's choice when offered a plastic bag?) group work).

SAW. a) Now, read this article again. And this time, try to list what shoppers have said through the news poll survey. Be ready for further discussion.) Group work).

III, b) Why do they believe that implementation of a retailer - administered tax in the form of a levy is inequitable? Be ready to discuss your mind.) Group work).

• ban.

• Levy.


Here, at the end, learners are to exchange their sentences, and reach each other's.

IV a) What is the main aim of Back yourself a Better Environment campaign?


IV b) What if so doesn´t happen? TBHI

V.- Now, that you have already read the article and have become acquainted with it. Back yourself a better environment campaign. Link it to Environmental Assessment and make a report to the whole class.


This final task is to be developed as a group working activity. The teacher is to provide learners with the accurate words to perform it properly and of course, he or she should manage this issue either in English or Spanish.

As one of the final activity of this module, learners may use all the contents provided through each lesson and thus, all the communicative competences may be evaluated through it.

Final activity.

I.- Write an account of how ¨Clean up the world¨ campaign started in our country,) in about 250 words).

• Firstly, look up for such a piece of information. Make use of the Internet tool, and the Documentation and Information Center in our school if needed. Be aware of the Environmental Education classroom at school too.


1.- Environmental Education must have a holistic character. It requires a deep knowledge of the fundamental environmental problems that humanity faces today at the local, national, regional and global levels. As stated in the international environmental campaign Clean Up the World: It is essential: ¨Think globally and act locally¨. Starting from this colossal idea, the authors have generated this legacy (understand the proposal).

2.- This material allows to achieve the full realization of the objective set at the beginning of this work. It also shows that the design of didactic proposals from any branch of knowledge is made feasible to strengthen the Environmental Education of students, using motivating, interesting, renovating ways.

3.- It also offers opportunities to strengthen ties with the community, strengthen the spirit of belonging, as well as develop new environmental values ​​and promote new habits and skills of pronunciation, intonation and fluency, without forgetting the communication skills that it can enrich: linguistics, grammar, etc., and finally, it takes into account the new content that will abound in the positive enrichment of the students' vocabulary in the foreign language treated.

4.- Raising awareness of the environmental from the individual turns out to be one of the challenges of the campaign and is emphasized in this work.

5.- No less important is being able to motivate students to join the Clean Up the World Campaign through this same proposal.


1.- The authors recommend that the module presented in this work be applied in English classes in the Basic Training System and in some postgraduate degrees in English by specialties at the Varadero School of Hospitality and Tourism, which once applied, the opinions of the students regarding it are collected.

2.- In addition, criteria must be collected from the students where they manage to stereotype how these classes affect their participation in the campaign.

3.- In the case that the students have already participated in the campaign, an attempt should then be made to identify the level of feedback they achieve, once this cycle of classes is over.


Some words that appear in the campaign articles presented in the module to be specifically taught are listed below, most of these are introduced in lesson 2.

Ban: prohibition, warning.

Levy: tax.

Relevance: relevance.

Inspire:) cognate word), inspire, suggest.

Bolster: reinforce, support, support.

Insights: ideas.

Advocacy: defense, promotion. Recommendation of a line of action.

Voice: divulge, express.

Fix up: repair, organize, etc.

Harness: take advantage of natural forces and resources.

Raise: "make" eg raise awareness).

Issues: topic, question, problem, result, consequence, etc.

Bloke: any guy, guy, guy.


- Blanca Fernández, Armando. Environmental Mission: Agenda 21.- City of Havana. Editorial Gente Nueva, 2000. 118p.

- Booth, Basil. Fitch, Frank. The unstable Earth. Past, present and future of natural catastrophes. Barcelona: Editorial Salvat, 1994. 283p.

- Cabrera Trimiño, Gilberto J. Ecological Economics, Environmental Demography and Development. Havana: Social Sciences Editorial, 1997.247p.

Proposal for an environmental educational material for English classes based on the campaign "to clean up the world"