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Methodological proposal for the critical analysis of political discourse


This article presents a new methodological variant that allows us to delve into Critical Discourse Analysis, specifically in Critical Analysis of Political Discourse, as part of an investigation in the field of Applied Linguistics belonging to Postgraduate studies carried out at the Faculty of Languages Foreigners (FLEX) at the University of Havana. This work has as a theoretical reference the work of Teun Van Dijk and the selection of Discursive Strategies that allow to reveal through Critical Discourse Analysis aspects such as: the reproduction of power and abuse of power in speech, at the same time it helps to be able to validate said methodological proposal. The analysis was carried out in speeches by presidents of the United States whose mandates coincide with various social, political and economic situations in that country.occurred along with the second and third wave of the feminist movement; allowing to determine through the Critical Analysis of Political Discourse the different ideological positions that these personalities have assumed through the emission of their speeches on a specific social issue: the equality of rights in the country considered the greatest world power.


Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Analysis of Political Discourse, Discursive Strategies, Ideology (s)


The research that supports this scientific article is circumscribed in the field of Critical Discourse Analysis from a materialist-dialectical and historical position. Within the framework of political discourse, it is proposed to illustrate the results of the Critical Analysis (AC) carried out on speeches by three US presidents where the various ideological positions assumed by them are determined regarding the problem of American women in their struggle to achieve equality of rights. rights.

Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD)

The ACD begins in the mid-1980s of the last century as a new direction in the work of theorists dedicated to the studies of discourse. The presentations of these at university events in the 90s, among them Fairclough (1992, 1993, 1997), Van Dijk (1993, 1995, 1997), Van Leeuwen (1996) and others, is the starting point for the publication of special editions of some of his works that proposed as a nucleus of reflection a social, cultural or political problem, relevant to the community in which the discourse is produced, distributed and understood.

A variety of topics have characterized the ACD from its inception, from discussion of racism, anti-Semitism, immigration, asylum, neoliberalism policies, government practices to analysis of textbooks, transcripts of doctor-patient conversations, and of workplace meetings, billboards, and more.

In this regard, Van Dijk clarifies that the ACD “is ​​not an approach, school, sect or method and considers it a critical perspective and position in the analysis of discourse whose focus is on power relations, or rather on the abuse of power or domination between social groups ”. (T. Van Dijk 2001: 3)

Critical Analysis of Political Discourse (ACDP)

The ambiguous nature of the language is a fact, that is why on many occasions we need to perform a “reading between the lines” to decode what is expressed by a speaker orally or in writing; that is to say, know your true intention or purpose in the speech.

Among the scholars of the subject we identify with the reflections made by Van Dijk when he proposes to recognize the role that political discourse has in the representation, reproduction and legitimization of power and domination. (Van Dijk 2001: 360

So we could consider the ACD, applied to political discourse (ACDP) as:

Our research started from the following problem: How are their ideological positions on the issue of women's rights in the US manifested in the speech of three selected US presidents ?; while the objective has been:

-Determine the true ideological positions of the US presidents in their speeches regarding the issue of women's rights.

Taking into account the idea to defend that sexual difference has been an excuse to consider this as social inequality, with women being the most affected in history, at the same time that it has been and is a fundamental piece for the socio-political discourse of different elected from politics in the United States; We consider that as a scientific novelty it has been pursued to establish a first approach to the issue that is analyzed in the speeches of political personalities of that country through the ACD, in what specifically concerns the rights of women, based on the resurgence of feminism in the United States. States of America from the 60s of the last century to the present day.


Based on the theory proposed by recognized Discourse Analysis researchers, we agree that the ACD pursues the following goals: to make clear the intention and purpose of the speech, which can be expressed explicitly and / or implicitly; reveal the ideological positions from which the phenomena in the discourse are analyzed; expose the existing conflicts and the power relations involved, their causes and the variety of ideological positions from which these conflicts are analyzed; the fourth goal is to report abuse of power.

The ACDP in this specific work allowed us to determine how ideological positions are revealed in discourse through the conscious and intentional selection of certain linguistic and extralinguistic procedures by the enunciator, Discursive Strategies, aimed at achieving the communicative objectives and purposes previously conceived for this.

Brief reflection on what is Ideology (s)?

Ana Curbeira

It is almost impossible to carry out an ACD without first being very clear about the relationship with the term Ideology (s). It is a concept that is also somewhat controversial due to the variety of points of view used in its study. It is very useful to start with a brief tour of the term from its beginnings to our point of view.

The term Ideology was coined by the philosopher Antoine Destutt de Tracy (1754-1836), who attempted to reform post-revolutionary society in France through a “science of ideas” that he proposed to call ideology (Van Dijk (2004: 2)

Van Dijk recognizes in his work the contribution of a modern concept that emerged from the studies of Karl Marx (1818 - 1883), for whom ideologies are theoretical systems formed by political, legal, aesthetic, religious, social and moral concepts developed and protected by ruling classes for their own benefit (Van Dijk 2004: 2)

When analyzing these sources it can be somewhat confusing to come across the term ideologies. The plural is the merit of the Algerian Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser (1918-1990) who, based on the studies of “Ideology and ideological State apparatuses”, vindicates the function of ideologies: by and to “constitute” concrete individuals into subjects. (Referred by J. Medina Ríos 2013: Unpublished)

It is a term that has been linked in the first place to the field of politics… “if there is a social field that is ideological, it is politics”, and if such field is completely ideological, “then so are political practices, and consequently discourses ”… Thus, Van Dijk defines the field of politics according to: its systems (democracy, dictatorship), special macro-social actions (government, legislation, elections, decision-making), micro-practices, interactions, discourses (parliamentary debates, proselytism, demonstrations), special social relations (such as those of institutional power), special norms and values ​​(freedom, equality), political cognitions (political ideologies). (Van Dijk 2004: 9,10)

However, since the conception of Marx and Engels who see it as formed by political, legal, aesthetic, religious, social and moral concepts; Ideology is not only linked to the field of politics, but its horizons are broadened and it opens up wide possibilities for the critical analysis of different types of discourse.

For the ACD, the work of Teun A. Van Dijk on Ideologies and Ideological Discourse has been outstanding, some of his most outstanding works are: so it is interesting to review some of his conceptualizations

-Discourse Analysis as an analysis of Ideology (1996 ). (Van Dijk (1996: 6)

-Politics, Ideology and Discourse (2004).

-Ideology and Discourse (2003) online course (INTERNET)

It is very interesting because it offers a detailed description of the way in which ideologies are manifested in discourse structures and proposes the conceptual square that characterizes the general strategy of most discourses with ideological intentionality and that can be applied to the analysis of all levels of discourse structures:

  • Highlight positive things about ourselves. Highlight negative things about others. Do not highlight negative things about ourselves. Do not highlight positive things about others.

Van Dijk considers that in an approach oriented towards a group scheme, links are discovered between ideologies and discourse that allow predicting that ideological discourses are semantically oriented towards the following topics, meanings and implications and it could be added that they predetermine certain illocutionary strategies in the speech. (Referred by A. Curbeira 2014: 193 - 4)

From our own vision supported by the theory analyzed above, we can define ideologies as

Discursive Strategies (ED).

Discourse, Van Dijk (2004) believes, is one of social practices, the most crucial and the only one capable of directly expressing and then transmitting ideologies. Similarly, it establishes that a theory of ideology lacking an ideology of discourse is in fact fundamentally incomplete. That is why to understand the role of discourse in society it is necessary to know the fundamental role in the reproduction of social representations in general and of ideologies in particular.

Given that the discourse is very complex and ideological structures can be expressed in various ways, we consider it very useful to have “something” more practical, a methodology that helps us “find” ideologies both in the text and in the text. speaks.

It is precisely the aforementioned author who is the first to systematize the concept of Strategies, understanding them as "a type of procedures through which we execute the process of discursive understanding". In this way, he distinguishes them into "global discursive semantic strategies" or macro strategies, which function as a vehicle for the expression of the themes and cognitive models of the situation; as well as in "Local semantic strategies", also called "moves" which contribute to the local and global coherence of discourse. It makes it clear that discursive semantic strategies are directly linked to rhetorical, pragmatic, stylistic and conversational strategies. (Van Dijk 1984). (Referred by Sal Paz 2009: 10)

We consider for our part that the Discursive Strategy is the conscious and intentional selection of certain linguistic and extralinguistic procedures by the enunciator, aimed at achieving the communicative objectives and purposes previously conceived by him.

The selection of discursive strategies to be used in our analysis methodology is based precisely on the aforementioned study by Teun Van Dijk, choosing only those that respond to our interest in analysis.

The following discursive strategies were taken into account:

Argumentation: This strategy is taken into account to establish how each of the selected political figures projects gender issues and the fight for women's rights in the United States in their speeches, using well-intentioned language, within the framework of the political discourse, through ideas, criteria, points of view that will allow them to defend / support those approaches that they share with their political group on the issue in question and thus refute what is raised by Others.

Positive self-presentation: This strategy is taken into account to find out how these selected presidents use the issue of women's issues and how they define themselves (their political group) as 100% defenders of women's rights.

Negative presentation of Others: This strategy is taken into account to identify the way in which American presidents support each other on an issue such as women and the fight for their rights, reinforcing the idea that others are responsible.

Humanitarian Position: This strategy is taken into account to analyze in these speeches if the issue of women and the fight for their rights is really treated from a position of respect for the human being.

Authority: This strategy is taken into account to find out to what extent the presidents' speeches show it.

Comparison: This strategy is taken into account to recognize how the concern that a power group has regarding the problems of women and their fight for equality is highlighted by demonstrating that they have acted and will continue to act in their favor, all the opposite of his political adversaries.

National glorification: This strategy is taken into account to see how these presidents resort to the false criterion of being the "chosen people" and therefore how they recall history and everything they consider they have done as a nation for the "good of humanity".

History as a lesson: This strategy is taken into account to find out if the selected speeches evoked historical moments related to the struggle for social equality, highlighting the role of women in the struggle for their rights.

Apparent honesty: This strategy is taken into account to recognize if the intention has been to create an atmosphere of maximum sincerity and honesty in the approaches on the subject of women or just something apparent.

Illustration: This strategy is taken into account to recognize the extent to which these presidents need to recreate their stories on the subject of women with examples both from their personal lives or from the history of the North American nation.

Implication: This strategy is taken into account because it helps to distinguish which are the ideas related to the problem of women in the United States that are not intentionally expressed openly in the speeches by these presidents.

Numbers game: This strategy is taken into account to recognize how these presidents support their proposals based on the use of statistical data that can provide credibility and control over the situation of women in their fight for rights.

Manipulation: This strategy is taken into account that they take advantage of the power they wield or have as recognized figures in the world of politics and use the issue of women for their own benefit without it being perceived by the audience.

Persuasion: This strategy is taken into account to recognize in selected speeches the ways in which presidents succeed in convincing their arguments.

Populism: This strategy is taken into account to find out if these presidents claim to be the voice of "their majority", pretending to be recognized as defenders of the struggle that women wage for their rights in the United States.

-The analysis also takes into account stylistic resources aimed at revitalizing or simply providing another nuance in the selected speeches to the issue of women's problems and their struggle for their rights in the United States. These are:

Euphemism: It is taken into account to determine the inventory of expressions considered politically acceptable / correct in each of the speeches of the selected presidents seeking acceptance by a mostly female audience.

Hyperbole: It is taken into account to recognize those words or expressions, with an exaggerated nuance in terms of meaning, used in speeches to convince women how important they are either for the political moment of that president or to see how relegated It has been for Others.

Irony: It is taken into account to recognize the way in which each of the political figures selected through political discourse accuses / blames Others for the non-materialization of women's rights in a country like the United States.

Metaphor: It is taken into account to recognize how much "poetic falsehood" through an elaborate terminology the political figures in the North American political system use when facing the self-criticism of their own history on a core issue such as the challenges that women still face in regarding gender equality.

The statement was determined as the unit of analysis in our research because it was made up of several speech acts, which allowed us to find different views and enriched it much more; thus allowing to establish the various ideological positions that each issuer assumes in the political discourse, the objective of our work.

We determined to extract from the speech only those utterances related to our topic and mark them with Roman numerals (I, II, III,) and the suggested speech acts with cardinal numbers (1,2,3,) for their distinction.

Below we show a sample of the methodological variant applied to one of the selected discourses.

Women's equality day, 2015

By the president of the United States of America a proclamation

This is a proclamation made on August 24, 2015 by President Barack Obama from the White House to the entire nation, in which he proposes that the Day for Women's Equality be celebrated on that same date.

  1. Since this historic achievement, our country has made great progress in building a freer and fairer society, and we continue striving to fully realize justice and equality for all. There is still more to do to secure the promise of our Nation for everyone, including ensuring that women have equal opportunities to participate in the classroom, the economy, the workplace, and our democracy. From day one, my Administration has carried forward the torch of gender equality, working tirelessly to ensure that all of America's daughters have the same rights as her sons.

I: 1 .

He begins his speech using the discursive strategy (history as a lesson), in this case he specifically recalls the female suffrage that allowed the incorporation of women in the decision-making of the destiny of his country; It is valid to remember that this was a claim since the very emergence of the Union, appreciating an (apparent honesty) towards the subject. The use of the metaphor is observedas a rhetorical figure when he expresses - breaking down barriers between them and the voting boxes -, he refers to all those obstacles, which he does not openly mention, both political, social and cultural, including religion in its role of denial before the feminine progress that in not Few times since the beginning did these pioneers of the fight for equality have to confront them.

I: 2.

Shows a sense of joy and satisfaction to women 's suffrage as one of the most important achievements of the struggle of women in their country (national glorification) recalls that is the nineteenth amendment is grounded in the US Constitution, a document that represents the maximum legal (authority). He uses the word -celebrate- which is used to convey happiness, joy and show his approval before this historical event (positive self- presentation), a (apparent honesty) is observed when he invites his followers to - demonstrate the commitment - that they have as political group in power and assumes a (humanitarian position) by recognizing that - we all have the right to equal treatment. We can see that he only seeks the necessary support of many of his followers for the approval of future projects of his government, thus convincing his audience through (persuasion) arguing that everything that is done will be to - help the woman to be successful and prosper -, once again highlights the positive qualities that characterizes them as a power group and adorns their speech using the word thrive, we could consider its use as a metaphor (rhetorical figure) because in a figurative sense it means 'flourish'.

I: 3.

The discursive proposal that this political actor makes us through this analysis is very interesting, we realize that in the first place he uses (history as a lesson) and starting from such a significant achievement of the women's struggle in that country, the right to vote, only used to create a (comparison) between the supposed "freedom and justice" of American society with the hundreds of years of struggle waged by women. You are overwhelmed by a nationalist feeling (national glorification) when you recognize the achievements and progress made by your country from a historical event like this, however the emotion does not deceive you and you recognize in a total (apparent honesty) that - there is still to be done to ensure the promise of the Nation for all, including ensuring equal opportunities for women-; seeks to be recognized by assuming a defense position in favor of equal rights, mainly of women assuming a (humanitarian position). This analysis is very beneficial because it makes it clear to us that its main purpose is to give a good image of its political group to the audience (positive presentation), explaining how since the beginning of its mandate it has worked for the good of all Americans, it uses the hyperbole- workingtirelessly- with the aim of further enhancing this positive image and thus continuing to add followers. We can perceive the degradation that he makes of the management of those who preceded him in power (negative presentation of others) , apparently there is no evidence of decision-making in favor of women by the Others.

We consider that he uses (implication) as a strategy to remember the great performance of his government in favor of that unprotected sector of the population in history, an effort translated into actions: laws, proclamations, new programs both for access to education, as well as to health as well as to the protection of women as an individual against any act of violence, he uses it once again to be able to direct his speech in their favor (manipulation) . It is observed how he adorns his message using (figures of speech) as (metaphor) in phrases such as -. The torch of gender equality- -America's daughters.


  1. When women succeed, America succeeds. That is why I am committed to fighting for equal pay for equal work, and why the first bill I signed into law as President was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which extended the time period for employees to file complaints of compensation discrimination. I continue to support passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act because there is no reason why an earnings gap between men and women should persist in the 21st century. Women account for more than half of all workers who would benefit from an increase in the minimum wage, and I have called on the Congress to raise the minimum wage and signed an executive order to raise it to $ 10.10 for individuals working on new Federal service contracts.I have also proposed expanding overtime protections for certain groups of salaried employees - many of whom are women - and worked to ensure all Americans have access to quality, affordable child care while they are on the job or in school. And because no woman should have to worry about being fired from her job for missing a day of work when she is sick, caring for a sick family member, or welcoming a new child into her family, we have supported States, communities, and businesses in expanding policies for paid family leave and paid sick days. Additionally, we have called on the Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act to allow employees to earn sick leave.And because no woman should have to worry about being fired from her job for missing a day of work when she is sick, caring for a sick family member, or welcoming a new child into her family, we have supported States, communities, and businesses in expanding policies for paid family leave and paid sick days. Additionally, we have called on the Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act to allow employees to earn sick leave.And because no woman should have to worry about being fired from her job for missing a day of work when she is sick, caring for a sick family member, or welcoming a new child into her family, we have supported States, communities, and businesses in expanding policies for paid family leave and paid sick days. Additionally, we have called on the Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act to allow employees to earn sick leave.

II: 1.

Determining what he defends as the most important thing through his words, whether a social group, nationalist sentiment or simply his political career, was certainly a question that addressed us in the analysis. We consider that in the first place he shows us a position of empathy towards the opportunity that women deserve, and this is how his words manifest it in (apparent honesty) towards the success that women can achieve in such a developed country, perceiving on our part a feeling (national glorification); thus suggests the idea that everything that is done and done is for the good of women, that is, of America. The analysis allowed us to answer the initial question and it was possible to clearly observe how he evidently resorts to manipulation and for this he focuses on the (comparison) of 2 elements suggesting cause and effect, thus he is shown to us before the analysis as a politician rather than uses various discursive strategies to enhance his political career.

This speech act also refers to the complex American political world, permeated by the economic interests of large and powerful companies, demonstrating the scope of power that one has is not easy at all, which is why as the highest political personality it enhances its (authority) and expresses that - he continues to support new measures in favor of fair payment to women - without a doubt, at first glance he is that political leader who defends changes like this but knows that it is not enough to say over and over again that he assumes a supportive position, he is worth for your (argumentation) an example (illustration) that manages to raise awareness even more, tells us with great surprise that - there is no reason for the difference in earnings between men and women to exist even in the XXI century - (apparent honesty) , he forgets that in his words it is emphasized that it still happens in the country considered number one. This practice is not one of the most tragic or incredible experienced by American women, but the occasion allows her to exploit the issue and help her achieve her goal, which is not to be recognized as a defender of an unprotected social group (positive self-presentation) .

II: 2.

It expresses the representativeness of women as a labor force in the United States and bases its (argumentation) claiming that they will be - the most favored - with the new measures for workers, it does not waste the opportunity to show itself on the feminine side (positive self-presentation) and everything that does his government is to solve situations that date back many years or (governments) back. He uses an example (illustration) to explain what the new proposal to increase the minimum wage is based on and how much it will favor working women, he shows there is communication between him as the highest political representative (authority) and the congress (authority), the highest legislative power, both capable of eliminating inequality between men and women in the labor sector by passing laws for this purpose. We are interested in highlighting that he uses a possible statistical referent (numbers game) to exemplify (illustration) and thus achieve sympathy with his recipients, give greater credibility to his speech and show that he has mastery of a given situation.

II: 3.

Demonstrating the support provided by your political group in power - Us - through (positive self-presentation), regarding the problems that North American workers face every day, needed (emphasis on the emotional) to analyze how they live in a society with a "single democracy" model, but at the same time deprived of such elementary rights, respected and enjoyed in other parts of the world such as Cuba; However, a criticism of the American political system is not observed but rather offers himself as the savior (populism) and for this he reports that his government not only cares but also deals with it, the exploitation of two discursive strategies is evident (self positive presentation)and (apparent honesty).

Solving all the social problems of women in that country in the XXI century, as he proposes, requires a demonstration of power, which is why Congress mentions, a representative of that legal (authority) that we might think has a close working relationship with this president or so intends to believe his adversaries


III: 1.

  1. To demonstrate his concern for the full enjoyment of a right as basic as human health, he manifests himself very sincere with (apparent honesty) in acknowledging that women's health should not remain in the hands of politicians, we provide as a curious fact that one of those politicians is former President George HW Bush, we recognize is the way you use to denigrate Others and their actions on this issue (negative presentation of others) assuming a (humanitarian position) as defender and spokesperson for women's rights (populism). It is a clear manipulation on the part of this political actor to direct attention to new health programs that he proposes during his mandate at the same time as an undeniable (positive self-presentation) about his We, arguing that he feels great respect for women's health, thus showing a good image of what his party represents in power.


- Finally, every woman should have the chance to dream, grow, and thrive free from intimidation or violence, and my Administration has taken unprecedented steps to end domestic and sexual violence. We convened a White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, and launched It's On Us - a campaign aimed at raising awareness of and preventing sexual assault on college campuses. These are part of our broader effort to make sure that all survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence are supported and that our laws are fully enforced.

IV: 1.

It assumes a (humanitarian position) because it recognizes those rights that are essential for women to live fully such as - dream, grow and flourish / live free from intimidation and violence - use this metaphor hrive (flourish) again to transmit positive emotions towards caring for women (emphasis on the emotional) and comparing her to a flower, something very delicate. He projects from the same idea a good image of his government (positive self-presentation) when he tells us - My administration has carried out unprecedented steps- and one (negative presentation of others) since he criticizes the inaction of other governments on the issue .The protection of university students is another of his approaches, he calls it - sexual attacks - using a (euphemism) forgetting to call it rape (rape), such an unpleasant criminal act with well-marked psychological effects on women. Use the (illustration) and mention the actions your government does, such as the White House Workforce program. . There is manipulation in his words, he uses the central theme to publicize new initiatives of his government and his management is recognized, however, he does not mention the acts of sexual abuse in the military sphere as it would demolish the image that they have tried so hard to show to the world, defenders of order and justice.


  1. Women's equality is a core civil and human rights principle in the United States and around the world. Across America, women are contributing to our economy and our Nation in innovative and exciting ways. From businesses to battlefields, women are vital to the prosperity and security of our country. As we celebrate the last 95 years of progress in advancing women's rights, let us rededicate ourselves to the idea that our Nation is not yet complete: there is still work to do to secure the blessings of our country for every American daughter.

V: 1.

The image of a perfect society (national glorification) is one of the strategies most used by American politicians in power, first America and then the world. This president assures that - the equality of women is one of the basic principles of civil and human rights in the United States- (positive presentation) (humanitarian position), showing our analysis that it is quite the opposite since there are claims such as the racial discrimination, wage inequality, gender violence and others still to be resolved so that the right to equality of women is considered as a matter of vital importance for the state.

We are surprised by the intelligent way in which this political actor "plays" with ED, since it is no secret to anyone that the women of that nation represent more than half of the workforce, therefore the undeniable contribution they have made in all spheres of society; He does not openly mention names or known feats (implication) because this speech is not for it and he knows it because the vast majority of them from the Second World War are Afro-descendants, descendants immigrants and closer to our times members of the LGBT community he only expresses - from business to defense of the country - from what he tells you, I know you are there, I am next to you, I recognize you and support my management and everything will begin to change.

V: 2.

He does not conclude his speech without once again taking up the historical fact that he mentions at the beginning, women's suffrage, taking up the (history as a lesson) and calling in (apparent honesty) to do more for the - Nation- word that he uses to enhance his country as a power, a blessed country, chosen by divine forces (national glorification) and is projected to convince through (persuasion) what it considers necessary - to ensure the blessings of the country for the daughters of America - with the help of a rhetorical figure such as (metaphor) - American daughter- to further emphasize and embellish her speech.

Conclusion (from the analysis of this speech)

Simply reading or listening to this speech makes us see a very committed Obama, promoter and defender of women and their fight for legal and social equity. ACD allows us to clear that smokescreen and first of all helps us to recognize what ED uses in its speech such as: apparent honesty, illustration, positive self-presentation, negative presentation of others, argumentation, manipulation, comparison, implication, populism, numbers game and persuasion being the presence of the latter cleverly used to mask manipulation. In addition, the ED emphasis on the emotional is very significant to create that link with the audience.

This political actor is recognized for his rhetoric. That is why there are figures such as: hyperbole, metaphors and euphemisms. We consider it a very cautious discourse, it uses a strategic vocabulary, easy to understand, aimed at a sector of society as diverse as the demographics of that country;

It recognizes that women are the sector of political support. She considers the management of her government regarding the issue of women and the fight for their rights - an unprecedented fact-; How sure he is of it and he only manages to make this type of comment because North American society has some historical amnesia, it is so immersed in economic and personal aspiration and world hegemonic prosperity that only historical memories survive of those who feel pride as a powerful country.

He establishes a bridge between the issue and his political interests, he actually assumes a position of power, highlighting his rhetorical ability to provide a positive image of his government, of his political group, making the achievement of Nosostros over Others more evident; while the problem of women in the fight for the claim to equal rights continues in the XXI century in the most powerful nation and "defender" of human rights in the world. Only the ACD makes it possible to clearly elucidate the ideological positions assumed by political actors whose intention is to maintain and reproduce power.


Biological inequality wrongly translated as inequality of rights for women is used in these discourses as a way of doing politics, demonstrating and reproducing power.

They are also characterized by the presence of discursive strategies and rhetorical figures that support the achievement of their purposes, typically of the hegemonic elite, some standing out a little more than others:

Positive self-presentation, negative presentation of others, argumentation, illustration, manipulation, comparison, implication, populism, numbers game, and persuasion being the latter's presence cleverly used to mask one's own manipulation. It is common to find rhetorical figures such as: hyperbole, metaphors and euphemisms to "adorn" the speech.

The analyzed corpus allowed us to identify the diversity of ideological positions that North American politicians can assume regarding the discourse of support for minorities or sectors considered disadvantaged.

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Definition developed by the author of the research

Cuban linguist, Doctor of Science and professor at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the University of Havana. She is a specialist in Critical Discourse Analysis and a mandatory source of consultation on the subject.

Definition developed by the author of the research

Definition developed by the author of the research

George HW Bush since 1977 is a member of the management of the Eli Lilly and Company pharmaceutical industry located in Indianapolis, Indiana recognized worldwide for the diversity of its products.

"Never was race so important in an American election." "Moms for Obama " was a spontaneous movement of women raising funds for the Democratic campaign in 2008 with the ultimate goal of reaching a profile of the population that could be decisive: older black women. With a support strategy in the GenerationEngage Network, young people who joined, mainly university students.

Methodological proposal for the critical analysis of political discourse