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Methodological proposal for the development of the Marti texts workshop program in Cuba

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The work responds to the needs of the territory to train a competent professional with mastery of the work of Marti who can provide a coherent outlet through the programs, helping to awaken love and the empowerment of values. Approach Martí by new paths, using reading, working with dictionaries, a detailed explanation of the historical context of each of the works, the discovery of expressive resources in them and unraveling that reading between the lines that transports us to the new knowledge, for which a methodological proposal is presented for the development of the Martian Texts Workshop program. Key Words: Values, school, professional skills

Abstract: The work, a competent professional with command of the work answers to needs of the territory to instruct Martian the programs contributing to arouse the love and the potentiating of moral values. Bringing closer to Marti for new roads, utilizing for it the reading, the work with dictionaries, the detailed explanation of the historic context out of every an one belonging to the works, the discovery of expressive resources in the same and going unraveling that reading between lines than transports us to the new knowledge, in which we present a methodological for the development of Teller's program of Martianos texts encounters a proposals.


José Martí, grew up amid the fervor and values ​​cultivated for the Homeland, by teachers, conspirators and poets. He was the exceptional measure in receiving the usual realities in his environment. In the educational field, Martí projected his thoughts towards a future that to a great extent he himself has made and will continue to make possible, he wrote: “The happiest people are the ones that have better educated their children, in the instruction of thought and in the direction of feelings (…) Knowing how to read is knowing how to walk. Knowing how to write is knowing how to ascend. Feet, arms, wings, all this gives man those most humble school books (…) to birds, wings; to fish, fins; to men who live from nature, the knowledge of nature:Those are your wings and the only way to put them on is to make the scientific element like the bone of the public education system. “His pedagogy develops the most valuable of the ideas of Varela and Luz y Caballero, his methods are aimed at teaching, thinking and working independently, so that his students know and act through feelings and emotions, always raising children and young people with the culture of feelings, to enrich his inner world and that this man could identify and face the great social and political problems. The proposal that is presented responds to the needs of the territory and the realities observed, which has led to establish as a problem the insufficient mastery of Marti's work in students of the Middle Level Course.The output offered through the Cuban History programs does not allow full mastery of them or contributes to awakening the love that is required, the values ​​present in the works are not used to the maximum of their potential, the teachers lack motivation to better prepare for the work of Marti and the preparations and improvements that are offered on the subject are not enough. All of this led to the need to approach Martí through new paths, using reading, working with dictionaries, a detailed explanation of the historical context of each of the works, the discovery of expressive resources in them and gradually unraveling that reading between the lines that transports us to new knowledge being therefore the objective,the elaboration of a methodological proposal for the development of the Martian Texts Workshop program, for the Middle Level course. There is no possibility of a sample group and a control group because there is only one group, however the initial diagnosis yielded a very low knowledge about Marti's work, it was found in the responses of the students little approach to it, they were satisfied With the information offered by the teachers, they declared that it was difficult for them to understand by qualifying the language as complicated, and they had a total lack of knowledge of how to work in the 5th and 6th grade study program. The reality today is somewhat different, the tasks provide the elements that are requested, the dialogue is more diaphanous and intended to be controversial, as a way to access new knowledge,They are more motivated towards the career and towards the study of the work of Marti, they have strengthened their mastery of the History of Cuba and already contribute new knowledge and ways of doing to improve the teaching-learning process in their classrooms. No study is complete, it is intended only an approach to pedagogical practices that exhibit a positive result, here is a new path that can and should continue to be enriched by students and teachers. II- DEVELOPMENT: Foundation of a methodological proposal for the development of the Martian Texts Workshop program.It is intended only an approach to pedagogical practices that exhibit a positive result, here is a new path that can and should continue to be enriched by students and teachers. II- DEVELOPMENT: Foundation of a methodological proposal for the development of the Martian Texts Workshop program.It is intended only an approach to pedagogical practices that exhibit a positive result, here is a new path that can and should continue to be enriched by students and teachers. II- DEVELOPMENT: Foundation of a methodological proposal for the development of the Martian Texts Workshop program.

Cintio Vitier (1999), on several occasions has called to work correctly on José Martí's personality, stating that Martí should be used as intelligence and a sensitivity without watertight compartments, as interested in the life of insects, as the mechanisms of the railroad, as in the laws of the economy, as in the springs of a poem, as in the systems of government and above all interested in the real redemption of men. The new man that is forged in the universities will not be complete if they lack the knowledge of Marti's life and work and the creative application of his humanist thought in the new historical circumstances.

The school must become a space for the cultivation of personality, it is necessary to achieve a true pedagogical style that includes the collective management-teachers-organizations-workers. The educational environment should be a natural field for the flourishing of respect, courtesy, simplicity, honesty, responsibility, and patriotism. The values ​​that are lived in the school must be congruent with the training purposes. When saying of (Mendoza, 2008) to talk about the process of education in values, it must be taken into account that it is: • Complex and contradictory • It is part of the education of the personality • It has to do with individuality • It touches spirituality • Multifactorial • It is developed according to historical conditions • It is capable of being thought, projected, planned.For its control, the following can be used as indicators: • Concerns • Interests • Goals and purposes • Attitudes • Aspirations and expectations • Feelings • Beliefs and convictions • Actions The most significant aspect of control rests on performance. The control of the process of formation of values: Life! The growing need for the training of a competent professional who can assume teaching in a short period of time, but who is and feels fully prepared and who in turn helps to solve the problems of teacher needs that today affect the teaching process so much Educational is the essence in the training of young people who are preparing in the Upper Middle Level Course.• Concerns • Interests • Goals and purposes • Attitudes • Aspirations and expectations • Feelings • Beliefs and convictions • Actions The most significant part of control lies in performance. The control of the process of formation of values: Life! The growing need for the training of a competent professional who can assume teaching in a short period of time, but who is and feels fully prepared and who in turn helps to solve the problems of teacher needs that today affect the teaching process so much Educational is the essence in the training of young people who are preparing in the Upper Middle Level Course.• Concerns • Interests • Goals and purposes • Attitudes • Aspirations and expectations • Feelings • Beliefs and convictions • Actions The most significant part of control lies in performance. The control of the process of formation of values: Life! The growing need for the training of a competent professional who can assume teaching in a short period of time, but who is and feels fully prepared and who in turn helps to solve the problems of teacher needs that today affect the teaching process so much Educational is the essence in the training of young people who are preparing in the Upper Middle Level Course.The growing need for the training of a competent professional who can assume teaching in a short period of time, but who is and feels fully prepared and who in turn helps to solve the problems of teacher needs that today affect the teaching process so much Educational is the essence in the training of young people who are preparing in the Upper Middle Level Course.The growing need for the training of a competent professional who can assume teaching in a short period of time, but who is and feels fully prepared and who in turn helps to solve the problems of teacher needs that today affect the teaching process so much Educational is the essence in the training of young people who are preparing in the Upper Middle Level Course.

It is also a way to guarantee the continuity of studies for an important group of young people who fail to pass the entrance exams to Higher Education and who show interest in teaching. Their preparation is outlined so that they assume teaching in the company of a tutor and that they access the degree in courses by meetings. In the territory of the Mella municipality, the young women who have joined this group show love for the profession, avidity for knowledge, they also face great challenges, because of an enrollment of 16 females between 18 and 23 years of age, they already assume the maternity ward 6 of them and 8 travel from the towns of Palmarito and Baraguá, which constitutes a challenge for the cloister. They have been linked as established by the study program to systematic work practice,which contributes to their training and to maintain high levels of motivation towards teaching. The new Cuban University requires a professional capable of loving Martí and of cultivating that love in his students, based on a coherent interpretation of his works, which is why the Martian Texts Workshop Program is taught, for students of the second year of the Upper Middle Level Course, for primary education, made up of the prestigious professor Horacio Díaz Pendás, who does not try to impose a teaching method but rather proposes and leaves open what and how to do it, based on the ideas contributed by Armando Hart, Cintio Vitier and Horacio Díaz himself, propose some ways to continue perfecting the study of Marti's work. The Martian Texts Workshop program,offers the possibility of including texts that, due to their value, contribute to the training of young educators. Considering that the young people in question are in the second year of the Upper Middle Level Course in Primary Education, it is proposed: Topic 1-. Read, understand and think about José Martí. Class Hours: 1hc Objective: To argue the importance and necessity of studying Marti's work, explaining its impact on our identity. Method: Problem exposure. Methodological guidelines: For the development of the topic there is a power that guides the process. In the subject, these elements may be addressed, among others:Class Hours: 1hc Objective: To argue the importance and necessity of studying Marti's work, explaining its impact on our identity. Method: Problem exposure. Methodological guidelines: For the development of the topic there is a power that guides the process. In the subject, these elements may be addressed, among others:Class Hours: 1hc Objective: To argue the importance and necessity of studying Marti's work, explaining its impact on our identity. Method: Problem exposure. Methodological guidelines: For the development of the topic there is a power that guides the process. In the subject, these elements may be addressed, among others:

What do we need to understand the work of José Martí? Full domination of national and universal history. Broad general culture. Skills development. Development of logical thinking. What are the essential elements or directions on which Martí affects in his speeches and texts? Feelings Emotions Weaknesses and strengths Interests Contexts Commitments The logic of his work is based on an idea around which faith, sensitivity, empathy and many emotions are built. When facing the reading of Marti's texts, it is necessary first of all to read and understand Martí through his work, then to enter into the evaluations made by the chroniclers, defenders and detractors, and above all, to build new knowledge.

What is Martí for Cubans?

It is a weapon, it is pride, reference, identity, history, but above all it is commitment. So let's read Martí for:

  • Historical need Intellectual need Political need Educational need.

This subject requires the teacher's preparation to illustrate each of the elements. Unit 2: The Golden Age and Littlefinger's tale: a civic-moral possibility. Objective: Explain the potentialities of the story of Littlefinger in the civic-moral education of children and adolescents, promoting feelings of love and respect.

Method: Partial search Class hours: 1 Methodological orientations: The Golden Age, was a monthly magazine dedicated to recreation and children's illustration that José Martí began to publish in New York in July 1889, and of which four numbers were published, it contained stories, verses and instructive articles; whose essential objective is to promote culture through the enjoyment of reading. For this, it is necessary to start from the prologue to The Golden Age, made by its author, where the educational guide that the magazine is going to follow is established, according to which the children of America must be: Intelligent: in this regard it announces (…) an intelligent child (…) is always beautiful. Respectful: when it emphasizes (…) the child is born to be a gentleman. Educated men: always clarifying that the way will be by teaching them,(…) To tell boys what they must know to be men. Honest: because their goal is to ensure that in the future these children are (…) men who say what they think and say it well. Eloquent and sincere men (…) Workers: (…) the child has to work, to walk, to study (…). Solidarity: (…) and if a child from America ever finds us around the world, squeeze our hand a lot, like an old friend and say (…) this man from the Golden Age was my friend (…) The signs that go to constitute the basic nucleus of the teaching that the story will leave, it is located in the same title, Magic Story, where the story of the wise little finger is told, and it is seen that knowledge is worth more than strength, therefore when take it to the pedagogical and didactic plane this would be the objective of the story.How can this story be used in the civic-moral education of children? Interpreting the messages and the implicit and explicit morals in detail, it is seen how this story complies with what Martí said in the prologue, for which he characterizes the characters:

Pedro: (…) he was fat and big, with a red face and little understanding… Pablo: (…) he was small and pale, full of envy and jealousy. Peasant: poor, but honest. King: (…) capricious. Princess: smart, beautiful. Juancito (Meñique): (…) he was cute (…) intelligent. How are these educational messages, which argue the characteristics of the characters, appreciated in the story? (…) As soon as the three children were quite grown up, the father begged them for their sake to leave his hut (…) to seek their fortune¨; This word is associated with work or another term, if you analyze well this passage where the father appears, and that does not occupy space in the plot of the story, you can see how this attitude combines with his characteristics, he does not send them to steal, but to seek life with dignity.Honesty finds its nuances in the three sons of the peasant at first, and it will gradually change. (…) The three sons of the peasant heard the proclamation and took the road to the palace, not believing that they were going to get married, but that they would find work among so many people. When extracting some teaching, it is important to point out the reference that is made to knowing, investigating, observing, asking, shown in the personality of Meñique, that he is an eternal dissatisfied since every question will be accompanied by a question: Why? which is the author's way of showing where Juancito's intelligence comes from. (…) I would like to know why (Littlefinger's constant, at the same time, is the key to his intelligence). (…) He who knows nothing wants to know everything (…), (Pablo with his ignorance) (…) it seems that this doll has not heard wood cut.(Pedro's conformity) Meñique receives the answer and could settle as anyone with information; but he doesn't, he checks, checks; and in these tasks the author hints that to know you have to go through difficult times, you have to jump over obstacles and impose your will.

(…) And from branch to stone, riding, jumping, Littlefinger climbed where the sound came from (all this is associated with knowledge). Courtesy is another of the many characteristics that will point to Meñique and constitutes another educational message, whenever it reaches the sound of the beak, an ax, the spring, it very cordially expresses: (…) good morning ma'am (…). How is the feeling of love treated? Freedom of love, the author indicates it in a very sui generis way, after Littlefinger has fulfilled his tests, the king is ready to comply with his words, demanding that his daughter comply with the agreement, to which she expresses (…) daughter As a king or peasant, the woman must marry whoever she likes (…) annexed to this is marriage as a civic convenience,another of those important educational messages that the story offers for the sake of education. (…) Because of marriages you cannot say at the beginning, but later, when the hardships of life begin and you see if the married couple help each other and want well or if they are selfish or cowardly. In reference to envy as a cause of death, as a negative but educational element at the same time, because it allows us to understand the nefariousness of this feeling, dramatized in the personality of Pablo. (…) Pablo the envious (…) who could not see his happy brother and went to the forest not to hear or see (…) in the forest he died (…) The civic education that summarizes this children's story and the possible intentions of the author are assumed in the last paragraph, which demonstrates and fulfills the function proposed by Martí in his work The Golden Age of entertaining and teaching. Topic:3 Analysis of the work ¨Tres Héroes¨ Objective: Analyze the work ¨Tres Héroes¨, enhancing feelings of love for the Homeland. Method: Heuristic conversation Class hours: 2 Methodological orientations: It is recommended to keep as a guide the fact that Marti's ethics focuses on good, truth and goodness and it is precisely these elements that will guide all the analyzes that are develop.

In this class it is recommended to remember the essential ideas worked on in the previous meetings, promoting that Martí intends to train honest and just men, who say what they feel, who face injustices, but above all who love the land that gave them birth, for this reason It is important to explain who the selected Three Heroes are and why: • Bolívar. • San Martin. • Gentleman. It is advisable to provide elements of their biography that allows them to raise awareness of the subject. The topic also requires working with the definitions of freedom and honesty, according to the text: Freedom: ¨Is the right that every man has to be honest, and to think and speak without hypocrisy¨ In relation to honesty, he addresses several elements to become so:• You have to say what you think • Fight for good government • Confront unjust laws • Defend your country from injustices • You must think, suffer and work to improve the human being. ¨In the world there must be a certain amount of decorum, as there must be a certain amount of light.¨ Why does Martí consider Bolívar, San Martín and Hidalgo sacred men? What characteristics or values ​​stand out from each of them? Professor. Listen and specify all that is necessary. The struggle sustained by them for the achievement of independence must be deepened. Bolívar according to Martí: He was with bright eyes and warm words, always waiting for action. He suffered not only for his homeland but for the oppression of America. Honored, fighter, courageous and emphasizes his successes in the independence struggle. Martí emphasizes the need to reject negative values:¨ (…) the envious ones exaggerated their defects¨ ¨ (…) Bolívar died of heartbreak (…).

Prof. When assessing that this is a children's publication, it is perceived that the language used is direct towards what should be known and always comes along the path of knowledge. When evaluating Hidalgo he says: ¨ (…) a village priest who loved the Indians very much, a sixty-year-old priest¨ He qualifies him as a good race, who wants to know, knowledgeable in French, philosophy, who suffered from slavery, with the ability to speak and think without hypocrisy. He again shows the path of honesty when he puts Hidalgo before his eyes suffering for the Indians and educating them, teaching them music, raising the silkworm, raising the bee, making kilns to make bricks. It shows him as the fighter that he was and continues to teach us about negative values ​​when it comes to traitor, bad people, stealing from towns, revenge, jealousy.It also emphasizes how Hidalgo did not fight against the Spanish but against exploitation ¨He warned the Spanish leaders if he defeated them in battle… he would receive them at his house as friends. That's being great! Of San Martí he says: That it was of little to speak, with the look of an eagle, that commanded respect, determined. He faced slavery and fought to free America. He also presents it with humility: ¨… he is going to liberate Peru. But in Peru there was Bolívar, and San Martín gave him the glory¨. Prof. Martí returns again and again to show the way of good, truth and goodness now with these heroes of America and is establishing a whole scale of values ​​where the fundamental thing is freedom and honesty, love of the other as being. Many could be the interpretations, evaluations and criteria that are issued for that reason only a guide is proposed.As part of the independent study it is suggested: The Cuaderno Martiano II shows us Cuban heroes:

A) Proceed to reading the article Céspedes y Agramonte.

B) What are the characteristics of the moment when Martí publishes this writing.

C) Make an assessment of both figures using elements contributed by Martí and the events that you know in which they have participated.

D) What values ​​are explicit in this article? How would you lead them to your students?

E) Create a guide to lead 5th graders in reading the text.

Topic: 4 Céspedes and Agramonte.

Objective: To analyze the essential ideas of the article Céspedes and Agramonte, evaluating their attitude to promote feelings of love for our heroes. Class hours: 2 Method: Partial Search. Methodological guidelines: It is important not to lose sight of the fact that we are talking about how good men are and should be, American men, and to emphasize that Céspedes and Agramonte also comply with the elements present in Marti's ethics. Remember that the moment the article is published, Martí is immersed in the task of uniting the New Pines with the Veterans, highlighting the values ​​of the men and women who participated in the independence process as well as breaking the myth about differences Among these great men, the need is UNITY. It was the year 1888,The Island of Cuba is found in what has been called the Fertile Truce. José Martí has ​​settled in the United States since 1881 and from there he directs all his efforts to unite in pursuit of independence. Why is it a necessity to talk about Céspedes and Agramonte? The unit has been heavily hit, lack of decision and dedication, criticism emerges, for that reason Céspedes and Agramonte should be studied. Teacher: provide all the elements that are considered necessary about said personalities. It is recommended to make a paragraph by paragraph analysis as each of them refers to a historical fact that must be remembered, as well as the use of a dictionary, it is recommended to emphasize the adequate use of literary resources: Keywords: Pedantic, purification, epic, errors, apostolic, emuli, approval.Literary resources: Simile: ¨The one is like the volcano, which comes tremendous and imperfect, from the bowels of the earth; and the other is like the blue sky that crowns it ¨ ¨The one challenges with authority like a king, and with strength like the light, the other wins.¨ ¨ That a rising is like a lace, that is embroidered to the light until there is not a loose strand? Metaphor: ¨… with no other weapons than a tortoiseshell cane with a golden handle¨ ¨… That diamond with the soul of a kiss¨. When carrying out the analysis of the first paragraph, it is necessary to delve into the characteristics and values ​​that make the good Cuban admire them. The second paragraph requires that the division of emigration and the criticisms made of Céspedes be explained, so that one can understand why he had to advance the uprising and the controversies that are manifested around it.The third paragraph illustrates the contradictions around the “ideal” moment for the revolutionary outbreak and the decision taken by Céspedes is exalted. In the development of the fourth paragraph, the first combats, the taking of Bayamo and the weapons with which the Revolution was started are described. The fifth paragraph refers to mistakes made by Céspedes but from a constructive perspective, so that it is understood that at that time there was no alternative. It also addresses his intransigence, his courage and ability to accept his deposition, as well as his firmness to defend himself. The sixth paragraph requires a careful reading as it warns us once again about the need to evaluate the historical context in which the events unfold. Necessary ideas about Céspedes: ¨ From Céspedes the momentum… is like the volcano, which comes, tremendous and imperfect,from the bowels of the earth… ¨

¨It is necessary to have once thrown a town on the shoulders, to know what was the strength of which. With no other weapons than a tortoiseshell cane with a golden fist… ¨ ¨ That litigator, that master of men. And he was not bigger when he proclaimed his homeland free, but when he gathered his servants, and called them into his arms as brothers.¨ ¨ He comes down from the presidency when the country commands him and he dies firing his last bullets at the enemy, With his hand he has just written verses on a sublime theme on a rustic table. ”From the seventh paragraph on, the characterization of Agramonte begins, in this it is described that it can almost be seen, as in a photograph of the man, his values ​​as a man are addressed and young lawyer. Interesting paragraph to highlight the role of youth. The eighth paragraph makes a clear allusion to love,necessary explanation so that they do not lose sight of the fact that they are men with virtues, defects, desires, needs. With the narration of the ninth paragraph, several events appear, the new farm where he takes his family away from the Spanish forces, his fierceness in combat and the courage in the rescue of his brigadier Sanguily, he also presents himself to the lawyer who in the heat of war emerges as an excellent military. In the last paragraph he returns to the just, honest man, who complies with his ethical ideas of good. On Agramonte: ¨… that diamond with the soul of a kiss¨ ¨ It was as if where men have hearts had a star.¨ ¨ He who, with no more military science than genius, organizes the cavalry, remakes the Camagüey? I will never allow a murmur in my presence of the President of the Republic!¨ Other ideas by way of conclusion: Remember that José Martí has ​​solid values ​​and an ethic that is governed by good, truth and goodness, which is why we must insist on looking for these ideas in his works.

We cannot see that it is the Fertile Truce period and that Martí works to join forces, resources and men to continue the struggle. It is necessary to promote unity and exalt the values ​​of men and women and in this work insist on the unity of war veterans and the new pines, as well as alleviate the division and misunderstandings of emigration. Independent study: Based on the knowledge you have about Ignacio Agramonte: I.- Read the text ¨Conversation with a man of war¨ a) Write a paragraph with the values ​​presented to you by Agramonte. b) What historical events are narrated in the text? c) What was the diet of our mambises like? d) Say in which class of the Cuban History program 5th grade would you use fragments of the article, which ones and why.Considering that ¨Céspedes and Agramonte¨ has been analyzed, only 1hc can be used for ¨Conversation with a man of war¨, so it is recommended to do a seminar or class workshop, conduct orientation in this meeting: 1.- Make a characterization of Ignacio Agramonte's personality, containing the elements that in your opinion best define him. 2.- Evaluate your performance as a boss. You consider him a leader, why. 3.- What are the conditions in which it was fought in the Cuban field. 4.- Ignacio Agramonte constitutes an example to follow, argue with three elements. 5.- Evaluate using your knowledge and personal criteria the expression: ¨ What was, is the root of what will be¨. Topic: 5 Conversation with a man of war. Objective:Check the knowledge acquired about Ignacio Agramonte characterizing his personality to awaken feelings of admiration. Method: Heuristic conversation. Class hours: 2 Methodological orientations: Considering that the students have already had an approach to the personality of Ignacio Agramonte, it is suggested to make this topic a seminar for the development of the same, since the activities were oriented, other questions can be elaborated and even request activities that can be developed with the pioneers. Topic: 6 Rafael María de Mendive and José de la Luz y Caballero Objective: To argue the pedagogical influence of José de la Luz and Rafael María de Mendive in the Cuban Revolution, enhancing feelings of love for the profession. Class hours: 2 Method: Heuristic conversation Methodological orientations:It is proposed to unify these two themes to have the role of the educator as the center of attention, it is presented again to good men, who reach the most sublime of the Master's soul. This is an ideal topic to enhance feelings of love towards the profession, recognize the value of teachers in the training of young people and evaluate the importance of each of them in the Cuban independence process. Martí deeply admired his teacher to whom he made confessions of personal problems that he had to face, with whom he lived as a son and from whom he learned the greatest values ​​that accompanied him throughout his life. With the teaching of Father Varela, José de la Luz was formed. His ideas are based on the most rigorous scientific reflection and inspired by a spirituality with ethical and religious roots.It was necessary to fight for the independence of the country and the abolition of slavery to form the nation, José Agustín, Félix Varela and José de la Luz, opened from Christian ethics, a revolutionary path to Cuban scientific thought and especially to pedagogy. The class can be developed through a heuristic conversation with the support of reading in which the following questions can be used: 1.- What is the pedagogical influence that José de la Luz and Rafael María de Mendive receive? 2.- What educational methods did they use? 3.- Exemplify how they contributed to enhance feelings of love for the Homeland. 4.- What values ​​are highlighted in these writings. Exemplified.a revolutionary path to Cuban scientific thought and especially to pedagogy. The class can be developed through a heuristic conversation with the support of reading in which the following questions can be used: 1.- What is the pedagogical influence that José de la Luz and Rafael María de Mendive receive? 2.- What educational methods did they use? 3.- Exemplify how they contributed to enhance feelings of love for the Homeland. 4.- What values ​​are highlighted in these writings. Exemplified.a revolutionary path to Cuban scientific thought and especially to pedagogy. The class can be developed through a heuristic conversation with the support of reading in which the following questions can be used: 1.- What is the pedagogical influence that José de la Luz and Rafael María de Mendive receive? 2.- What educational methods did they use? 3.- Exemplify how they contributed to enhance feelings of love for the Homeland. 4.- What values ​​are highlighted in these writings. Exemplified.- What educational methods did they use? 3.- Exemplify how they contributed to enhance feelings of love for the Homeland. 4.- What values ​​are highlighted in these writings. Exemplified.- What educational methods did they use? 3.- Exemplify how they contributed to enhance feelings of love for the Homeland. 4.- What values ​​are highlighted in these writings. Exemplified.

5.- Do you consider that both pedagogues constitute a reference for current pedagogy. Why? By way of conclusions: Considered the most notable educator of the Cuban 19th century and of the New World, the philosophy and pedagogy of Luz y Caballero constitute a revolutionary method and teaching. Both pedagogues morally educated and reflected on the definitive solution of the abolition of slavery. All the efforts of José de la Luz were aimed at instilling in the young people who came to his classrooms an investigative spirit and independence in the acquisition of knowledge. He theoretically founded the explanatory method applied by Varela and extended it to primary education. His main pedagogical ideas were based on the reality and needs of the country,He stated that it was essential to ¨form ourselves a science¨ that would soak the youth ¨… in the spirit of criticism: that they study before failing, that they should not repeat or learn by heart ¨. Independent study: Read the article ¨My race¨. 1.- Who does Martí consider as racists? 2.- Why is it a necessity to face the divisions of races? 3.- What does it mean for Martí, to be Cuban? 4.- Why does Martí assure that there will never be a race war in Cuba? 5.- Using our Socialist Constitution, state how the discriminatory issue is reflected in it. 6.- In your daily practice, how do you value racial discrimination?Proceed to reading the article "My race". 1.- Who does Martí consider as racists? 2.- Why is it a necessity to face the divisions of races? 3.- What does it mean for Martí, to be Cuban? 4.- Why does Martí assure that there will never be a race war in Cuba? 5.- Using our Socialist Constitution, state how the discriminatory issue is reflected in it. 6.- In your daily practice, how do you value racial discrimination?Proceed to reading the article "My race". 1.- Who does Martí consider as racists? 2.- Why is it a necessity to face the divisions of races? 3.- What does it mean for Martí, to be Cuban? 4.- Why does Martí assure that there will never be a race war in Cuba? 5.- Using our Socialist Constitution, state how the discriminatory issue is reflected in it. 6.- In your daily practice, how do you value racial discrimination?

Conclusions: Marti's work should continue to be a benchmark in the work of educators, since it is full of ethical and aesthetic values ​​that help to train our students. The work of formation of values ​​must be coherent and cohesive, the work of Marti contributes to raising its quality.

The material presented helps to organize the work with the Martian Texts Workshop program. Recommendations: The use of the proposal leads to a better interpretation of Marti's work in the students of the Upper Middle Level Course, which should have a positive impact on the primary level students, so it is recommended to use it and enrich it with new experiences.


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3.- Collective of authors. The formation of moral values ​​through the teaching of the History of Cuba. Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana Cuba. 2007.

4.- Chávez Rodríguez, JA and others. Necessary approach to general pedagogy. Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana City, Cuba. 2005.

5.- Díaz Pendás, Horacio. Notes from Marti for the History of Cuba classes and other ideas. Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana City, Cuba. 2010.

6.- Fernández Retamar, Roberto. Introduction to José Martí. Cuban letters. Havana Cuba. 2006

8.- Fernández Retamar, Roberto and Ibrahím Hidalgo. Biographical sketch and minimal chronology. Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana Cuba. 1990.

9.- Hidalgo Paz, Ibrahím. Incursions in the work of José Martí. Editorial of Social Sciences. Havana Cuba. 1989.

10.- Lafarge Ochoa, Yamila and others. Educational work and university extension in Medical Sciences. Methodological manual. Editorial of Medical Sciences. Havana Cuba. 2009.

11.- Leal García, Haideé. Think, reflect and feel in History classes. Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana City, Cuba. 2010.

12.- Lolo Valdés, Ondina and others. Teaching social sciences. Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana Cuba. 2012.

13.- López Civeira, Francisca. 100 questions about José Martí. Editorial Gente Nueva. Havana Cuba. 2012.

14.- Luna David, Miguel. Challenges of Marxism in Cuba today. Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana Cuba. 2013.

15.- Manalich Suárez, Rosario. Didactics of the Humanities. Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana City, Cuba. 2005.

16.- Martí Pérez, José. Pedagogical Ideology (selection and introduction by Herminio Almendros). Editorial Pueblo and Education. City of Havana, Cuba. 1990.

17.- Mendoza Portales, Lissette. Culture and values ​​in José Martí. Editorial Pueblo and Education. Havana city. 2008.

18.-Ramírez García, Rafael and Nadia García Estrada. Correspondence José Martí- Máximo Gómez. Center for Marti Studies. Havana Cuba. 2005.

19.-Santos Moray, Mercedes. Pages of the Young Martí. Editorial Gente Nueva. Havana Cuba. 1984.

20.-Toledo Sande, Luis. Flame basket. Biography of José Martí. Editorial of Social Sciences. Havana Cuba. nineteen ninety six.

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Methodological proposal for the development of the Marti texts workshop program in Cuba