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Theoretical proposal for the development of emotional skills

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Theoretical proposal of sport as a strategy for the development of emotional skills


Athletes in the training and competition processes go through various emotional situations such as: anger, euphoria, sadness, among others, often involving problems in interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. This is why it is proposed in the research as a general objective: to explain a new theoretical program of sport as a strategy for the development of emotional skills. We work with a holistic, qualitative methodology with a type of explanatory research. The research recommends incorporating training programs in emotional skills, which will allow a comprehensive development of the young person.


The human being has different capacities, including relating to others, linguistic, musical and kinesthetic skills, among others that allow him to interact with the outside world. Each one of them develops according to the context that corresponds to live.

However, the commitment of men and women is to be able to achieve their highest levels of intellectual development in any area that they perform, teacher, coach, student, administrator, engineer, graduate, cultivators, athletes, among others. Depending on whether they have social development, integration and inclusion pertinent to a transformation that our society deserves.

In the case of athletes -which is the specific topic being investigated- for their good professional work they need to develop skills such as kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal to achieve good performance in the disciplines they decide to practice.

However, most athletes are more concerned with the results of the competition at the physical level and placement in the medal table than their emotional preparation. These people forget that they are part of a society where they must be involved and emotionally located to bring a standard of living to the top of the classification of the human being. In this sense, it is noted that there are a series of difficulties in interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships in adolescent athletes.

The emotional problems of athletes and their consequences have led them to their death Goleman (1995) for not having control of the situations in the different sports scenarios, turning a defeat into an unexpected tragic exit for all, in the same way they are achieved with addictions, frustrations, weaknesses in interpersonal relationships with the coach, teammates; difficulties in intrapersonal relationships; self-esteem and motivation problems.

In this sense, the following questions are presented: How does sport influence to maximize emotional abilities? What are the causes that minimize emotional abilities in adolescent athletes? How can sport be explained as a strategy to maximize emotional abilities? emotional abilities of the adolescent athlete?

The questions raised above lead to the following research objectives:

Overall objective:

  • Explain a new theoretical program of sport as a strategy for the development of emotional skills.

Specific objectives:

  • Determine the causes that minimize the emotional abilities of the adolescent athlete Specify the influence in sport for the development of emotional abilities Establish a new program as a strategy for the development of emotional abilities.

After having raised the objectives of the research, it is required to emphasize: Why was this topic chosen? Why is that event being investigated? Why was this topic taken from so many possibilities and not another? What are the reasons for the research context? Scientific relevance? Social relevance? Institutional relevance?


In the investigative task that one has as a professional in the sports area, the process of inquiry into the emotional skills at a metacognitive and cognitive level that adolescent athletes possess is outlined; Because this issue is vital for the transformation processes that the country is currently carrying out in the matter, a man and a woman who are prepared in an integral way is required as stated by Hurtado (2006) “as being integral, its realization, its understanding lies in the harmonic and progressive realization that fosters the conjunction, the confluence of the different dimensions that constitute human nature and allow for the forging of personality ”. For this reason, the commitment to their personal growth is essential for social interaction. This event will also allow to form an ethical, responsible man,balanced that can live, interrelated with society. The new citizen leads to changes for their development and way of living in society, but above all, to have an emotional balance that is a tool of life in a more humane society, always more balanced in search of the happiness of all and all. This is how this research topic is taken and not another, that helps to get out of individualistic values ​​and that allow us to think of our country as a group that deserves to grow, develop and support itself; as well as going hand in hand to raise the standard of living. The people are responsible for their own destiny, and we are all peoples, no Venezuelan should be behind this reality, forming ourselves integrally is the order of the comrade president and it is the main task,This situation is not allowed to become a utopia, today they find emotional skills to develop and young athletes do not escape from this situation, even girls and boys.

It is up to the men and women of this new society to face a world in which various intellectual, practical and emotional challenges arise in the interaction of their work, family and social contexts, among others. So for the consolidation in these spaces with being social it is required to possess cognitive and metacognitive skills that lead to professional and personal improvement.

The aforementioned reflects the scientific relevance of the subject discussed, because it motivates the generation of a theory that strengthens the emotional aspects in sport, regarding which there are few studies developed. On the other hand, its social relevance contributes some aspects that theoretically present a solution to a human problem: emotional weaknesses in athletes.

However, despite the relevance of the research topic, there are some limitations and its scope must be defined. In the theoretical area there are some weaknesses such as the scarcity of material related to emotional intelligence and sport, in the methodological order, the analysis carried out through interviews and observations may present ambiguities in the theoretical construction, therefore innovative of the subject and because when triangulating the information, conceptual contradictions can be generated between the authors and the interviewees.

The work is theoretically based on the need to generate a process of search for information on sport and emotional intelligence that allows generating the theoretical tools that constitute its basis. It begins with antecedents that allow establishing the theoretical and methodological relationships with other authors who have developed the subject, as well as the theories that give a coherent meaning to the aspects to be studied for the deepening of the investigation. For this reason some conceptual elements are exposed below.

The author González (2010) in his doctoral work Emotional Intelligence and Motivation in Sports, the author worked on a theoretical model based on motivational elements and emotional intelligence, starting from the models found on the subject and generating an analysis of them for the creation of the same. This research is similar to work due to the relationship between thematic axes such as emotional intelligence and sport.

Emotional intelligence is conceived as the union between intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence, which together determine the ability to direct one's own emotions in order to lead a life system in a satisfactory way.

The concept of emotional intelligence has been worked on from De Thorndike's approaches to social intelligence conceptualized as the ability to understand, regulate social relationships. Subsequently, Gardner's (1993) definition of personal intelligence appears, conceptualized as the ability to understand one's own emotions and those of others. Also, Mayer and Salovey (1990). It is defined as the ability to observe both one's own emotions and feelings and those of others, discriminate between them and use this information to guide our thinking and actions (Extremera and Fernández-Berrocal, 2004).

Emotional intelligence is summarized as the ability to develop skills to interact with others, accept, value the emotions of the other, as well as the ability to understand their own emotions and control them. It leads to determine that the human being requires to develop this ability to be able to have the necessary skills for personal and professional life.

Regarding strategy, in the process of systematizing the information necessary for the analysis of the study, the concept of strategy is defined, which according to Martínez (2004), citing Mayer, states that “They are procedures that the teaching agent uses reflectively and flexible to promote the achievement of significant learning in students "Also citing Beltrán to" The strategy is a set of mental activities carried out by the subject, in a particular learning situation, to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge. In addition, Wenstein points out "They are thoughts and behaviors that a student initiates during their learning that have a decisive influence on the internal cognitive processes related to coding…".

Based on the previous definitions, it can be proposed that strategy: it is a set of activities, procedures, techniques, that are used to develop a training process and problem solving in a given area.

Regarding the conceptualization of sport, definitions of some authors are cited, to discover and complement this content in order to build a definition of the author, and thus analyze and explain the triangulation of information.

Robles, Abad, Giménez (2009), citing García, state that sport encompasses the different manifestations in various orders of our society, so that in recent years the sports industry has been spoken of as a differentiated group that offers activities of distraction, entertainment, entertainment, education, hobby and, in general, goods and services related to leisure and physical, competitive and recreational activity.


Due to the aforementioned, it is considered necessary to carry out a research process on the subject, the work will be developed under this line; Because according to Hurtado (2007) «it is a continuous and organized process through which it is intended to know an event (characteristics, processes, events or situations) either in order to find general laws or simply with the purpose of obtaining particular answers to a particular need or concern. For this reason, knowing a specific situation will be considered in order to obtain a response to the concern about emotional problems in athletes.

An explanatory research is carried out, located at a comprehensive level of the research considering that - according to Hurtado (2007) - «in explanatory research the researcher tries to find possible relationships, sometimes causal, answering the question why and how of the event studied. Explanatory research is not satisfied with detailed descriptions, it tries to discover principle laws and generate explanatory models and theories. P. 108. For this reason, the process to be carried out in the investigative work will seek to draw guidelines for a theory on emotional intelligence and sport.

Likewise, the nature of the research is from the qualitative paradigm that, as Martínez (2009) states, «The qualitative methodology… each one of which is more sensitive and appropriate than another for the investigation of a reality… is the study of a whole integrated that forms or constitutes a unit of analysis and that makes something what it is… in this way qualitative research tries to identify the deep nature of realities, their dynamic structure, that which fully accounts for their behavior and manifestations… "

On the other hand, the group that develops the work, from a qualitative, explanatory and comprehensive level orientation, is made up of people with experience and knowledge in the subject of emotional intelligence and sport; also counting on psychologists, athletes and coaches. The context with which the team works is that of adolescent athletes between the ages of 12 and 16, from the Iribarren Municipal Sports Institute (IMDERI). The techniques of participant observation, in-depth interview and to analyze the data, the content analysis technique were applied.

As a result of the study, it is appreciated that in the review of the analysis categories such as emotional perception, emotional facilitation, emotional understanding and the management of emotions, the following was found:

Regarding emotional perception, the young people stated in their interview that on most occasions they are not aware of their emotions, they pay little attention to moods, they are surprised by expressions of appreciation, and are easily surprised by states of anger of the companions, it tends sometimes to attribute the emotions of anger, rage, fear to the others.

In emotional facilitation, young people stated that they can easily change their moods, they can sometimes motivate themselves and others, in very complex situations they make themselves feel bad about themselves because of the anger that overwhelms them, reflects their feelings in their expressions and thoughts that you own according to the circumstances.

In relation to emotional understanding, they find it difficult to evaluate emotional scenarios and make a decision when faced with emotions of anger or euphoria; their perception of others is sometimes wrong because they get carried away by their temporary emotions; her behavior in emotional situations if she is irritated, is inappropriate and when she is cheerful it is usually more successful.

In relation to emotional management, in various situations he is carried away by intuition and emotions without reasoning the most appropriate response to it.


  1. Man as an integral and holistic being has to enter the social field, he must also develop the skills that allow him to interact at work, in the family, in society, that is, in all areas where he develops as a human being. the task of an athlete is to be an integral man or woman who can develop their various abilities, including their sports discipline; being emotionally skilled will allow you to achieve great professional and personal challenges for human development.


  1. Design a strategy for the development of emotional skills in athletes Systematize training for coaches and staff involved in working with athletes on emotional intelligence issues.


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Theoretical proposal for the development of emotional skills