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Proposals for the improvement of the Mexican educational system


The present work aims to share an analysis of the authors on the current national reality related to the problems of the Mexican educational system.

This analysis is carried out on the basis of the development of a methodological structure proposed by Dr. Eduardo Campechano, Advisor and expanded with aspects and tools provided by the authors as added value.


Based on the arguments used in the analysis, a detailed characterization of the problem was carried out, as a basis for the application of strategic change tools that would allow to base the improvement proposals provided

The methodological structure was:

Methodological Structure

Contextualization of the Problem: Start: *** At the proposal of the authors: (Jover, J. Isabel: Romano, S, Ana: Rubio, H, Oscar); and with the purpose of systemic complementation, the following were added to the Concept Map in red: lines that link additional tools to those oriented, such as: “Tree of problems” of people and system; the SWOT and Matrix of Crossed Impacts to enrich the causal analysis, the predominant strategy design and its original relationship with the solution proposals or the formulation of premises.

Presentation of Social Reality:

Mexico is an extraordinarily rich country from the natural, historical, cultural and human point of view: for its innumerable natural resources, wonderful culture, impressive history, extraordinary gastronomy, human quality of its citizens and deep-rooted nationalist customs.

In turn, it is an underdeveloped country, considered third world. However, unlike many other countries located in a similar category, the aforementioned natural wealth makes it very attractive for tourism and commerce.

It would seem then that with such natural endowments, the country could place itself on a global results pedestal; However, in the opinion of the authors, there are two main factors that negatively influence their current situation:

  1. The low level of the Mexican educational system The little solidity and lack of credibility of the political system

It is the interest of the authors of this work, given the profile of our professional performance, to focus on the first factor: The educational system and its influence on the insufficient application of professional employability skills associated with the exercise of leadership of the current Mexican professional in work contexts.

It should be clarified that the social reality that we describe in this work is the result of our own experiences and opinions as actors in this process, as well as knowledge of the opinion of the media, society and companies, by interacting professionally and personally with the themselves.

We can evaluate the social reality of the Mexican educational system as negative and inconsistent with the social and personal needs that originate it. And characterized by global disability compared to developed countries. We observe the following manifestations:

In a general sense:

  • Although the official documents flirt in a theoretical way with the words, the national educational system is not totally focused on the real development of competences neither in the teachers nor in the students, so the students receive a fundamentally theoretical education, which does not It encourages the development of essential skills such as analysis, questioning, critical judgment, argumentation, support of reasoned judgments, systematic research, causal analysis and the constant application of theory to practice, for the realization of proposals of solving problems in their respective contexts, through the application of effective methodologies and techniques. Basic education in its early years does not include failure, so students get used to an environment of indifference,participation in dynamics only of games and entertainment, which does not sufficiently stimulate the development of skills.There is a tendency of negative and excessive questioning by parents about the behaviors and conducts of teachers, which generates impunity for them and stimulates limitation of teachers in the fair evaluation and assignment of extracurricular activities to students In many academic institutions, both public and private, there is no investigative process of international and national theories, best practices, recognized authors, trends, experiences, innovations, previous to the design of study programs. In some academic institutions the programs are not updated regularly and are therefore outdated.The indiscriminate proliferation of private institutions with insufficient subsequent supervision by the Ministry of Education brings as a consequence an extreme diversity of pedagogical models, positions, approaches, "brands", programs and careers, which conspires against a necessary Mexican cultural homogeneity at the national level. academic. In some private institutions, the criteria of keeping students and parents happy to continue receiving payment of their tuition prevails; maintaining insufficient supervision of coordinators and managers, on the quality of the teaching and evaluation applied by the professors. The methodological preparation that the professors receive is insufficient, to which is added the practice of “free teaching” without supervision and feedback of results by Academic Coordinations.A considerable number of professors are not certified or trained in the methodologies of approach of competencies and problem solving. Attitude problems in some university professors, who hold positions reluctant to change and to implement the approach of competencies because they consider it very difficult. Systemic in terms of the precedence of the subjects within the study programs of the primary, secondary, pre-university, university and postgraduate levels is insufficient, so that the progression of basic knowledge in students is not sufficiently ensured before reaching the University. Social, professional and salary recognition of teachers is very low. Vandalism behaviors and behaviors in strikes and public complaints against educational evaluation, etc.A massive representation of Mexican teachers deteriorates their image and prestige in society.

Low salaries force many teachers to work simultaneously in several institutions on a daily basis, restricting their real time for research, improvement and application of modern educational methodologies and techniques, as well as the planning of personalized strategies according to the real needs of their students.

  • The work environment in many educational institutions is not adequate: communication, professional motivation and teamwork are insufficient The proliferation of reduced time schemes to study High School conspires against the quality of the basic academic preparation required to achieve an adequate assimilation of university studies

In a particular sense, we are interested in analyzing the university and postgraduate level due to its great influence on the academic preparation and performance of future professionals and leaders in the labor sector.

When conducting an in-depth analysis we perceive that:

  • Except for honorable exceptions, university education is verticalized towards the specialty of each career and is not reinforced with a general intellectual preparation It lacks a common base of professional Employability competencies that endows university students with leadership skills, effective communication, motivation, problem solving, entrepreneurship, negotiation, decision-making, etc. Most teachers develop a monothematic exercise specialized in their subject, but isolated from the comprehensive training required by students to face labor and social problems. Sufficient research is carried out to know the expectations of knowledge, skills, values ​​and behaviors sought by companies and institutions,as competency requirements for your recruiting candidates.

In many cases, the stay of university students in work centers, to carry out internships, is wasted, assigning them to perform routine and low-complexity tasks, which does not contribute to the development of skills

  • The% of university graduates who get jobs in their own specialties is low The% of companies that test candidates for real competencies in their recruitment processes are low. In many cases, the IQ index is taken into account in the recruitment processes and not the emotional intelligence of the candidate, as well as the real history of behavior in other contexts.

All this panorama of negative influences of the educational system in the training in general and in particular of university professionals, limited to develop a positive influence of leadership in solving the problems described, and in the implementation of significant social, labor and cultural changes in the country; leads us to define:

The problematic situation in the man- system currently described in Mexico: A. The problematic situation influences the man:

Man is the result of the influences of his environment and historical, social and cultural context.

If the panorama of the environment described is plagued with inadequacies, logically; their influence is directly reverted to negative or insufficiently positive human and professional behaviors of the actors.

By coming into contact with the labor reality of many Mexican companies, through our own experiences, media, readings, advisory services, training activities, research studies carried out in conjunction with our university and master's students, they have allowed us to know the effects that the described social reality produces in man.

Among the most significant effects in man we can mention:

Insufficient leadership of university graduates in labor institutions, due to lack of demonstrable skills.

  • Empirical professionals who cannot contribute skills in the application of methodologies, scientific tools and modern problem-solving techniques; so they practice the so-called trial and error, affecting organizational efficiency Reactive professionals, without their own initiative and insufficient influence in their radius of action Location of professionals in undervalued positions or below their level in organizations Demotivation of many professionals towards their Work Little creativity in the enrichment of assigned work content Insufficient participation and contribution of improvement and change strategies in their environments.Insecurity in performance caused by lack of authority and appreciation of its leaders Obsolete work methods applied by professionals Indiscipline and under taking advantage of growth opportunities

The problematic situation influences the system:

We will relate the system to the workplace where the man works:

Identifying the following as the main effects of the problematic situation described in the system:

  • Organizations where the development of human talent is not prioritized Prevalence of authoritarian methods by bosses who are not real leaders Insufficient promotion opportunities for professionals Lack of application of strategic management schemes Companionships as the prevailing criterion for the granting of jobs People in managerial and operational positions for whom not Are prepared Negative work climate and lack of change programs Lack of effective institutional communication Lack of clarity and precision in authority and job profiles Lack of focus on competencies in job descriptions No performance evaluations based on competencies No generalized results orientation High job rotation Insufficient recognition and work incentive programs forResults Unintelligent organizations to take advantage of environmental opportunities Improvisation of solutions Managerial and middle management appointments without showing skills Organizational inefficiency Low competitiveness Organizational stagnation Customer dissatisfaction

Using the “problem tree” technique, we were able to relate the effects generated by the general causes identified above, with the impacts on man and the system, to achieve a better understanding of the scope of the identified problem situation.

Realizing that there are numerous causal implications in the effects that characterize the current Mexican educational system in its dual influence on the system and on man

In graph 2 we relate the general causes with their influence on man. Source: self made

In graph 3 we relate the general causes with their influence on the analyzed system. Source: Own elaboration.

In Graph 4: We apply the SWOT / Crossed Impacts Matrix to the analysis of the stated problem:
Source: self made

In relation to the contextualization of the problem and the effects on man and the system, we identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that we outline below, applying the SWOT techniques and the Cross Impact Matrix:



O5 O6 A1 A3 A4 TO 5 A6
F1 Reflects a national public policy two 3 3 3 3 3 17 one two two 3 one two eleven
F2 Diversified educational offer 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 one 3 two two two 3 13
F3 National educational reform two two two 3 two 3 14 two 3 3 3 two 3 16
F4 Accessibility is provided to a better quality of life 3 two 3 3 3 two 16 3 3 3 3 two 3 17
F5 Compulsory studies up to the upper secondary level two one two two 3 two 12 two 3 3 two one 3 14
F6 Mandatory teacher evaluation for teachers two two two 3 3 3 fifteen one 3 3 two one 3 13
WEAKNESSES 14 13 fifteen 17 17 16 92 10 17 16 fifteen 9 17 84
D1 Insufficient development of skills in graduates two 3 3 3 3 two 16 one 3 3 one one 3 12
D2 Low salaries and teacher recognition two 3 two 3 two 3 fifteen 3 one two 3 3 3 fifteen
D3 Terrible results of Mexican students in international competitions 3 3 two 3 two 3 16 3 3 3 two two two fifteen
D4 Obsolescence in study programs Archaic educational practices two 3 3 two 3 two fifteen one 3 3 two one 3 13
D5 Insufficient national budget for education 3 two 3 3 two 3 16 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
D6 Insufficient educational feedback on competency aspirations of companies two two 3 3 3 3 16 3 3 3 two two 3 16
14 16 16 17 fifteen 16 94 14 16 17 13 12 17 89

The application of these techniques allowed us to identify the predominant strategy to solve the problem raised, reaching the conclusion through the intersection of impacts that it is advisable to develop an Adaptive or Mini-Maxi strategy, in which we will rely on the opportunities of the environment to minimize weaknesses, reinforcing strengths and the impact of threats.


Under what methodological approach can an approach to the phenomenon be achieved?

We could achieve a comprehensive approach and interpretation of this phenomenon using both the quantitative and qualitative approach

To go deeper into the theoretical framework related to the subject, we cite the Summary of: According to (Hernández Sampieri; Fernández Collado, Baptista Lucio 2010.)

Research is defined as “a set of systematic and empirical processes that are applied to the study of a phenomenon.

During the 20th century, two approaches emerged for conducting research: the quantitative approach and the qualitative approach.

Broadly speaking, the two approaches employ careful, systematic, and empirical processes to generate knowledge.

The definition of research is valid for both the quantitative and qualitative approach.

The two approaches constitute a process that, in turn, integrates various processes.

The quantitative approach is sequential and evidential.

Each stage precedes the next and we cannot "skip or skip" steps, although of course we can redefine some phase. The qualitative process is "spiral" or circular, where the stages to be carried out interact with each other and do not follow a rigorous sequence.

In the quantitative approach, the approaches to be investigated are specific and delimited from the beginning of a study. Furthermore, the hypotheses are established in advance, that is, before collecting and analyzing the data. The data collection is based on the measurement and analysis in statistical procedures.

Quantitative research should be as “objective” as possible, avoiding affecting the researcher's or other people's tendencies.

Quantitative studies follow a predictable and structured pattern (the process).

In a quantitative investigation , the aim is to generalize the results found in a group to a larger community.

The main goal of quantitative studies is the construction and demonstration of theories.

The quantitative approach uses logic or deductive reasoning.

The qualitative approach - sometimes referred to as naturalistic, phenomenological, interpretive, or ethnographic research - is a kind of "umbrella" in which a variety of non-quantitative conceptions, views, techniques, and studies are included. It is used primarily to discover and refine research questions.

In the qualitative search, instead of starting with a particular theory and then "flipping" the empirical world to confirm whether the theory is supported by facts, the researcher begins by examining the social world and in this process develops a theory "consistent" with the one that observes what happens.

In most qualitative studies , hypotheses are not tested, they are generated during the process and are refined as more data is collected or are a result of the study.

The approach is based on non-standard data collection methods. A numerical measurement is not made, therefore, the analysis is not statistical. Data collection consists of obtaining the perspectives and points of view of the participants.

The qualitative inquiry process is flexible and moves between events and their interpretation, between responses and theory development.

Its purpose is to “rebuild” reality as observed by the actors of a previously defined social system. It is often called "holistic" because it prides itself on considering the "whole", without reducing it to the study of its parts.

Qualitative inquiries are not intended to probabilistically generalize the results to larger populations.

The qualitative approach mainly seeks “dispersion or expansion” of data and information; while the quantitative one intentionally intends to “limit” the information.

Both approaches are very valuable and have made notable contributions to the advancement of knowledge.

Quantitative research gives us a great possibility of replication and a focus on specific points of the phenomena, in addition to facilitating the comparison between similar studies.

For its part, qualitative research provides depth to the data, dispersion, interpretative richness, contextualization of the environment, details and unique experiences. It also brings a "fresh, natural, and complete" view of phenomena, as well as flexibility.

The quantitative methods have been used by the science exact or natural calls.

The qualitative ones have been used rather in humanistic disciplines.

In both processes the data collection techniques can be multiple. Previously, the quantitative process was equated with the scientific method.

Today, both the quantitative and qualitative processes are considered ways of doing science and producing knowledge ”. Hernández Sampieri et al (2010)

When analyzing the interesting elements summarized by the aforementioned authors, we can conclude that we are interested in using both quantitative and qualitative approaches because, returning to its definition: "Research is defined as" a set of systematic and empirical processes that are applied to the study of a phenomenon ”That we identify as serving our purpose.

And although the nature of the deficiencies of the Mexican educational system is eminently social, we are interested in analyzing it as an integral, holistic process that reflects and studies the characteristics, local and national manifestations, the opinions and expectations of the actors and spectators, both from the sequential and probative point of view as spiral and circular, that is, from the qualitative and quantitative approaches.

From a qualitative point of view, with an empirical sense since we do not intend to formulate theories but to analyze facts.

Our objective is to analyze the reality of the Mexican educational system and with sufficient breadth we have examined the real world in accordance with our experience and expectations fundamentally, but we collect the feelings of a vast majority of national and foreign people, the media and some institutions.

On the other hand, no less important, when comparing the Mexican educational system with that of Finland, the country with the greatest advance and development in this field, by comparing available references, the handicap of the Mexican system is evident both in terms of policies, scope and results.

Although we find the analysis methodology indicated by the Advisor: Dr. Campechano very interesting to carry out the evaluative work, we were kind enough to additionally incorporate some crucial elements for this analysis; such as the identification of the general causes that originate the problem and are reflected as impacts of said problem both in man and in the system.

We specialize in the identification and interaction of their strengths and weaknesses, together with the identification of opportunities and threats in the environment that are related, from our point of view, to the problem studied.

For which we also apply the technique provided in the Seminar: "Problem tree" and add the SWOT and the Matrix of Crossed Impacts, from our harvest, giving a more comprehensive perspective to the process., This addition allowed us to find the predominant strategy to carry out the proposed solution of the problem with a more concrete sense according to its real behavior, concentrating on the crossed impacts between the identified forces (result of the group assessment in the work team).

Coming to the conclusion (as we expressed previously that the predominant strategy resulting from the analysis would be Adaptive (D, O or Mini-Maxi); with which we rely primarily on opportunities to attack weaknesses, enhance strengths without losing sight of the external impact of threats.

This foundation objectively strengthens the authors' proposal for solutions to the problem, reducing the subjectivity of improvised solutions.

But completing the analysis from a quantitative approach, we foresee the need to apply statistical research on the data to be collected, which demonstrate the scope of the social and human impacts of our problem, to check opinion trends, local manifestations, statistical comparisons with other environments. international, etc.

Although the characterization of the reality described is eminently social and therefore could suggest a qualitative analysis approach only, the statistical data that we provide in the research will broaden the comprehensive analysis of the behavior of the social phenomenon and will make it more globalized.

We complement what was raised with some graphs provided by the authors Hernández Sampieri et al (2010) that facilitate the understanding of the qualitative and quantitative approaches to apply.

Techniques and Instruments for the Collection of Information that we intend to use in the investigation

We will use various techniques and instruments:

The structured interview, the results of which are relatively quantitative, and its objective is to understand and interpret and in turn standardize the questions, to know the points of view of each of the students, teachers, academic directors, businessmen, the business sector and society. Continuing with the research process, the information obtained with the data will be carried out through the use of descriptive and relationship statistics.

The observation:

Where we will observe the phenomenon and analyze in a clear, defined and precise way, to verify the situation of the Mexican educational system, its weaknesses and possible positive experiences. Through checklists. We will also use Auxiliary Observation Resources such as files, recordings, photographs, data checklists.

Participant observation:

Through this method, data collection will be carried out, since it is typically qualitative research, where we use our senses as participants to capture the environments and their actors and know the different factors that intervene and characterize the studied processes that are related to the low level of the Mexican educational system, as well as The little solidity and lack of credibility of the system.

Documentary Analysis

Information, documents, guidelines, procedures and records will be compiled to analyze and verify, which is the level of Education, and quality of academic programs, work environment within educational institutions.

The Survey

Surveys will be conducted in different educational institutions, private and public, at the primary, secondary, high school, technical and university levels, to know and analyze the different points of view and academic deficiencies.

Deep interview

The deep interview is an unstructured and indirect way, where we will obtain the information, where the detailed knowledge of the professional will be analyzed, as well as situations in which there are strict social norms; Defining itself by its characteristics and attitudes.

Discussion Interview

A discussion group will be held is a qualitative approach where the groups will be analyzed, to know and obtain data on the perception, characteristics, opinions, attitudes, feelings or behaviors in relation to the low level of the Educational system.

The focus group (or focus group)

It is a method or way of collecting information necessary for an investigation, which consists of bringing together a small group of people (generally 6 to 12 people) in order to interview them and generate a discussion about a product, service, idea, advertising, etc.

The case study

It is a highly relevant research method for the development of the human and social sciences, which involves an inquiry process characterized by the systematic and in-depth examination of cases of social entities or unique educational entities.

The contribution and use of these mentioned techniques allow us to analyze the information, perceptions of the actors and the experience to adequately support our research.

Continuing with the research process, the information obtained with the data will be made through the use of descriptive and relationship statistics.


Proposals for improvement, solution or formulation of premises

We consider it pertinent to propose solutions that make it possible to take advantage of opportunities to attack or reduce weaknesses, without neglecting the influence of strengths and the possible impact of threats; holding the fundamental actor, the SEP and other no less relevant actors responsible for the proposed actions. Likewise, active participation in the implementation of the solutions of its direct beneficiaries was proposed. And although we do not have enough elements to detail, these actions will require material, financial and human resources; as well as time, which due to the transcendent importance of the actions must be allocated immediately.

Graph 10: Proposals for problem solving. Source: self made

# Proposals for improvement and solution of the problem Responsible Participants
one Restructure the normative documents of the educational system, expanding the foundation and methodological application of the competencies approach Education secretary. SEP Educational centers of the country
two Facilitate a constructive feedback process with the actors: teachers, principals and teacher coordinators who must apply the approach to argue need, possibilities, roles and responsibilities Education secretary. SEP Educational centers in the country Directors and teachers
3 Train the mentioned actors in the methodological application of the competencies approach. Education secretary. International and national experts Educational centers in the country Actors
4 Design a national strategic planning process that supports the training, implementation and evaluation phases of the experiences of the competencies approach in the educational system Education secretary.

Educational centers of the country


5 Carry out implementation pilots to evaluate experiences and make the pertinent corrections Education secretary. Educational centers in the country Actors
6 Implement the teacher evaluation of the Teachers according to their performance in the application of competency approaches Education secretary. Educational centers in the country Actors
7 Implement feedback activities with students to explain advantages and characteristics of the competence approach Directors and


Teachers and students
8 Study the positive experiences of other countries in this regard Ministry of Education and decentralized bodies National Research Centers, Teachers and Students
9 Take advantage of international agreements to invite experienced foreign teachers and train teachers Secretary of

Education, Secretary of


Exteriors. National Research System.


Speakers, directors and teachers
10 Send teachers who stand out in their performance to train in the competence approach in developed countries Education Sec.

Sec. Of

External relationships;

National System of


Directors, Teachers
eleven Implement debates in educational centers and the media on international scientific articles applied to the competence approach Education Sec.

Sec. Of

Culture; System

National of


Directors and Teachers
12 Take advantage of social networks in the dissemination of positive teaching experiences Areas of

Social comunication


Directors and Teachers
13 Develop awareness workshops with parents about the role of teachers and the need to support students' extracurricular activities SEP and Social Communication. Media. Social networks Parents
14 Organize improvement clubs to prepare students of different educational levels to participate in international competitions SEP Directors, Teachers and Students
fifteen Systematize international research to update educational programs at the national and institutional level SEP. Syst. Born of



Directors, Teachers
16 Increase the national budget for education Congress of the Union. Ministry of Finance and SEP Directors and Teachers and Union
17 Implement moral and salary incentives for outstanding Teachers in their teaching performance SEP and Educational Supervisors Directors and Teachers
18 Establish research on business demands and requirements for recruiting and selecting professionals SEP and National System of Researchers Business system, Educational institutions
19 Update university study programs according to business interest competencies requirements SEP. Educational institutions. Academic secretaries. Coordinators Teachers and students
twenty Establish Collaboration Agreements of academic institutions with companies to ensure the link between practices with the development of skills Academic institutions Business sector and

Academic institutions

twenty-one Organize Congresses, Forums and international presentations for the dissemination of the Tunning Model and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) among society and the actors of the Mexican educational model Universities. Syst.

Born of



Teachers and students. Local and foreign universities
22 Deliver prizes and annual incentives to the institutions that stand out in the application of the competency system and to the students who achieve the best teaching results SEP Educational institutions. Teachers Students
2. 3 Conduct opinion polls with the business sector on satisfaction with the job performance of graduates of programs with a focus on competencies SEP. Syst. I was born from



Educational institutions.

Teachers Students. Society. Business sector

24 Evaluate and disseminate the results in the application of these proposals once implemented SEP. Syst. I was born from



Educational institutions.

Teachers Students. Society. Business sector

Final Considerations.

Theoretical support that supports the development of the ideas presented.

Regarding the social phenomenon object of this analysis, which concerns the Mexican educational system, of which we contextualize and we have been able to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as the causes and effects - mostly negative or unfavorable - of a teaching predominantly focused on the learning of curricular programs and thematic contents, isolated from critical, practical aspects that guide the student to decision-making and problem solving, which in turn allow them to have the necessary and sufficient skills and tools to develop in the professional field, we take a position that is committed to an educational model based on competencies,Therefore, we support our considerations in the following theoretical references by specialists and critics in education:

He refers (Moreno, O, Tiburcio, 2010) in his article entitled “Competences in education. A critical look ” the purpose of the reforms to the Mexican educational system, given in recent decades, aimed at assessing the relevance of gradually replacing theoretical learning with a competency-based approach, as expressed:

Since the past decade, but especially so far this century, our educational system has undertaken a set of reforms that ranges from basic education, through upper secondary education, to higher education. All of them have in common the replacement of an encyclopedic curriculum, focused on teaching and prioritizing disciplinary content, by a “flexible”, interdisciplinary, learning-centered curriculum model with a focus on competencies, among other distinctive features or attributes.. This wave of reforms responds to both external and internal demands, but above all to demands from international organizations, which are the ones promoting this new training model.The two most important proposals in the world that promote education by competencies arise in Europe, first the Tunning Project, promoted by the European Union and later the DeSeCo Project (Definition and Selection of Competences) (DeSeCo, 2000 and 2005), which promotes the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

It also specifies that in 1994, Mexico joined the OECD, therefore subjecting itself to the policies established by said body in education; regarding the Tunning Projectreferred to in advance, its methodology and its five main guidelines to organize the areas of knowledge are highlighted: 1.- Generic competences, 2.- Specific competences of each area, 3.- The function of ECTS as an accumulation system, 4. - Approaches to learning, teaching and evaluation, and 5.- The function of promoting quality in the educational process, making it important to specify the generic competences that Tunning operates: Instrumental competences, consisting of cognitive, methodological, technological and linguistic capacities; interpersonal competences, consisting of social skills -interaction and social cooperation-; and systemic competencies, consisting of capacities and skills related to global systems, a combination of understanding, sensitivity and knowledge.It should also be noted and concluded that the Tunning model has as its central focus the student, the guiding axis of said methodology.

In this vein of international influence, in 1997 the OECD launched the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) with the aim of monitoring how students who are at the end of compulsory schooling have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills for their full participation in society.

Indica (Briñas, T, Luis, 2010) in his article entitled "Basic skills: the new curricular paradigm in Europe"that: The main elements that motivated the elaboration of PISA have been, on the one hand, the Orientation to Policies, with methods of design and presentation of reports determined by the need of the governments to relate the lessons with the policies. On the other hand, an innovative concept of competition stands out, concerned with the

students' ability to analyze, reason, and communicate effectively as problems are presented, solved, and interpreted in a variety of areas. Likewise, it is necessary to highlight the relevance for learning for life, which does not limit PISA to assess cross-curricular competencies; They also ask to report their motivation to learn, their beliefs about themselves and their learning strategies. Finally, regularity, which allows countries to monitor their progress in reaching key learning objectives.

With the international references that already exist in the field of education aimed at the development of competences, texts and policies to which our country has already adhered, it is necessary to conclude that we are in an important trance in educational matters aimed at developing competencies, whose The repercussion in the professional fields is completely transcendent, betting on this European model as a starting point for the not only personal development of each individual, but also progressive and collective development in our society.

Even though our work was characterized by highlighting the situations and negative effects that characterize the Mexican educational system today, we consider that there is a positive and real possibility of solution, taking advantage of nationalist values, and raising awareness in a general way in all sectors, organizations and society. civil about the need and real possibility of joining forces to attack this important problem; internalizing by each one of its actors, the effects and generating comprehensive and committed solutions.

The problem is acute but its solution even if it involves difficulties; it's possible!!!!

From a practical point of view, the authors consider that the application of both quantitative and qualitative research approaches, as well as their methodologies, instruments and techniques are very useful to face the solution of problems through the use of scientific tools, which facilitate objectivity and correctness of the decisions to be proposed and implemented. They allow a more comprehensive analysis of phenomena and problems and minimize the typical improvisation that prevails in some environments. On the other hand, the possibility of interacting in action research with the actors of the events, in their own settings, notably enriches the research.

In our case, the multivariate professional composition of the team of authors: an administrative consultant, a lawyer and an engineer, and all university academics, facilitated the interpretation of the problems from a broader perspective, in the development of the assigned works.

Likewise, the authors value the exercise carried out as very positive and it would be beneficial and useful to share it with the institutions linked to this problem.

To conclude, we provide below the design of the Concept Map that summarizes the positions developed by the authors in the article:


 ---_______-– MSC. Isa Mtro. Oscar Luis Rubio Mtro. Oscar Luis Rubio Herrera


  1. Jover, J, IsabelRomano, S, Ana FlorenciaRubio, H, Oscar L.


  1. Graphics:
  • Graph 1 Campechano, E. E, (Jover, J. Isabel: Romano, S, Ana: Rubio, H, Oscar. P, 2); Concept map with addition of (in light blue color): lines that link additional tools to those oriented, such as: "Problem tree" of people and system; the SWOT and Matrix of Crossed Impacts Graph 2 Relationship between general causes and their influence on man. (Source: Own elaboration. P.10) Graph 3 Relationship general causes with their influence on the analyzed system (Source: Own elaboration. P.11) Graph 4 SWOT matrix / Crossed Impacts: Source: Own elaboration Graph 5 Concept mapSummary of known research approaches, their characteristics, process and benefits. (Hernández Sampieri et al, 2010, p.3) Graph 6 Characteristics of the quantitative research approach through a process and its phases (Hernández Sampieri et al, 2010, p.5) Graph 7 characteristics of the quantitative research approach, a through the relationship between theory, research and reality. (Hernández Sampieri et al, 2010, p.7) Graph 8 Phases of the qualitative approach. (Hernández Sampieri et al, 2010, p.8) Graph 9Interrelation of the fundamental processes of the general research process with respect to the quantitative and qualitative characteristics provided by the approaches. (Hernández Sampieri et al, 2010, p.16) Graph 10: Proposals for problem solving. (Source: Own elaboration. P 26, 29)

Bibliographic references:

  • Briñas, T, Luis, 2010 in his article entitled: Basic competences: the new curricular paradigm in Europe Hernández Sampieri, Roberto; Fernández Collado, Carlos, Baptista Lucio, Pilar in the book: Research Methodologies. 5th Edition. 2010. Editorial Mc Graw Hill. ISBN 978-607-15-0291-9 in chapter 1. Pag 2-21Jover, J. Isabel: Romano, S, Ana: Rubio, H, Oscar: “ Characterization, analysis and solution proposals to the current situation of the System Mexican educational ”. 2010. Pag 2-13Moreno, O, Tiburcio, 2010 in his article entitled “Competence in education. A critical look "

Tiburcio Moreno Olivos, “Competences in education. A critical look "

An introduction to Tunning Educational Structures in Europe. The contribution of the Universities to the Bologna process.

basic competences: the new curricular paradigm in Europe. Luis Toribio Briñas.

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Proposals for the improvement of the Mexican educational system