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Training project for mothers with adolescent children of the institution barefoot feet on the beach, colombia

Table of contents:


The psychosocial intervention project training mothers for the proper development of pre-adolescents and adolescents aged 7 to 17 years, is a very important issue, because the problem between these adolescents and their family members is clearly evident, this project Its aim is to improve and solve all the needs presented.


Through this it has been observed that there is a high rate of anguish among mothers who have adolescents, there are cases of rebellion, low self-esteem, drug addiction, social problems among others, reflected in the annotations recorded by themselves.

Due to these interventions, what is sought is to eradicate this type of situation through talks, clear examples of daily life, good behavior, improvement of coexistence, good psychosocial, emotional, cultural, cognitive level among others. What will bring with it a better quality of life for the population and specifically the family nucleus.

DIAGNOSIS. Characterization of the community.

Located in the department of Atlántico, the Eduardo Santos municipality, better known by the inhabitants of its capital Barranquilla as La Playa located 5 km to the northwest of its urban area, this municipality is built on a flat and muddy terrain on the shores of the swamp of Mallorquín. La Playa has an approximate population of 21,400 inhabitants of strata 1 and 2 and displaced people and these same inhabitants dedicate themselves to agriculture, fishing and cutting firewood as sources of their daily income in order to survive and contribute to their families. (Wikimedia, 2012) La Playa has 4 schools in 2009 for example, the singer Shakira inaugurated the mega school called the Educational Institution Pies Descalzos Foundation,Alluding to its first international success and it also has the school founded by the Vincentian sisters, district school San Vicente de Paúl, our municipality also celebrates the festivities of Nuestra Señora del Carmen, exactly on July 16 of each year, as well as the festivities Resurrected Christ, in the Holy Week or Greater Week on Resurrection Sunday, also has social investments such as those provided by the Pies Descalzos Foundation to the community in general, to be more exact one of these benefits is the Mothers program Growing in Love, who are permanently trained by interns from the most prestigious universities in the department, in various topics of interest to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants, addressing issues such as healthy, safe and responsible sexuality,physical, cognitive, psychosocial and emotional development of the life cycle stages.

Information gathering techniques.

Once, we introduced ourselves as their interns and introduced the institution to the population that we are responsible for treating, we decided to find out first-hand what those socially relevant problems are for them and that at those times it was a priority to intervene urgently due to the impact it was causing to the population. The way to do it was through a Closed Questionnaire (Monografias.com) where they left their personal data, such as names, citizenship card and telephone numbers; As well as the expectations they expected of us, this technique to collect information, we like it because it leads the possible answers of the questioned, through a careful style in the question, the analyst can control the frame of reference, thus this format is the method of obtaining information about the facts.It also gave us strength as interns to take a position and form an opinion on the important aspects, which were asked of them.

Problem tree.



The human being is a social being by nature. Aristotle, Greek philosopher (384 BC - 322 BC) (Gil, 2012)

This is clearly known by the Greek philosopher Aristotle who, through the previous famous phrase and who he is, considered one of the most influential scientists of his time, when meditating on this, we can clearly digest that by inheritance we have this label "The being human is social by nature ”and that integrates us with society and with elements that recreate it such as family, friends, neighborhood, school, the country in which we are born and that these elements require us to rules of behavior and clearly implicit and explicit knowledge, which allow without fear of being wrong a better coexistence in our environment, which would bring with it a better quality of life. From the different disciplines they offer us contributions that aim to keep these issues in mind.In social and community psychology, for example, we find subtopics and theorists that give it a much deeper look, such as how well the Institutional Tradition and in its effect the Author Moscovici let us know: when he tells us that social psychology deals with how the Cultural differences prolong and reveal the development of the personality or more commonly, in the behavioral manifestations of everyday life. Different cultures contain institutions that set patterns of behavior (Blanco, 1995).when he tells us that social psychology deals with how cultural differences prolong and shine through the development of the personality or more commonly, in the behavioral manifestations of everyday life. Different cultures contain institutions that set patterns of behavior (Blanco, 1995).when he tells us that social psychology deals with how cultural differences prolong and shine through the development of the personality or more commonly, in the behavioral manifestations of everyday life. Different cultures contain institutions that set patterns of behavior (Blanco, 1995).

Behaviors that govern and categorize us and thus provide us with a character in that theater or world, as affirmed by the psychological fact of the role: the world is a great theater through which we pass as actors declaiming and playing the roles that we have been entrusted with… (Blanco, 1995) roles that must be in accordance with what is expected, also in accordance with, for example, our age and above all contributing to society, to the groups to which we belong, whether they are family, work, or society. school etc. On the other hand Ralph Dahrendorf says that the individual participates in the social process and in social groups fulfilling different functions, executing different actions, playing various roles (Blanco, 1995), thus affirming what we previously expressed.A component that we can rescue without much difficulty and that is always at hand to literally speak for us and our way of being and behaving is called the role: in laying as; the point of intersection between the individual and society, is what allows us to communicate with others, the link between the psychological and the sociological. It is not exclusive or exhaustive: the content of a role is never exhausted, the content varies over time and there is even a variation between cultures (Blanco, 1995).

Taking into account the following notion, we can say that through the role we can mark the tasks of the people and what they should do according to their role Bruce Biddle and Edwin Thomas: they affirm that the role from psychology implies a set of expected behaviors. There are a series of concepts that refer to the people involved in the role: ego, reference group; that designate the person who executes the action and the one with reference to whom said action is perpetrated and who may be another person or group. In the same way, when we speak of roles, we are relating or recognizing a set of behavior that implies a:

  • Action: behavior displayed by the person acting in a specific role Prescription: these are the guidelines, norms and social models that previously exist and that establish a form of behavior Evaluation: others and society Description: of the role to be performed Penalty: based on the norm and expectation (White, 1995)

Thus, it is expected that the characteristics of behavior are those expected and typical of age, taking into account time, space and culture, without the latter being obligatory to accept damaged conceptions. A clear and representative example is the changes that the role of the mother has had today, not only is it seen, but also it is spoken of, of a mother very different from that of older times, THE MOTHER OF THE POSTMODERN ERA. According to the sociologist Alain Ehrenberg (2000), today's society has been leaving the criteria of the first half of the century. XX based on a disciplinary model of what is allowed and what is prohibited, expanding visions, freedom of choice and promoting personal fulfillment. (Molina, 2006, Nov) Which means that in this era where innovation,Competition and personal growth have given a noticeable twist to the activities that, before and now, mothers carry out at home and abroad with their children.

Perhaps if the society where we are is requesting it, for example. The number of children decreased and the choice of work and activities outside the home increased as a matter for women and mothers. The postponement of motherhood begins to be accepted, which is evidenced in a widening of the generation gap (Burin, 1998). (Molina, 2006, Nov) The latter as one of the sequels left by the changes that the role of mothers has undergone, and following this same sequence, parenting itself begins to be considered as a collective task. (Molina, 2006, Nov) Where the obligation not only belongs to the parents but also implies the responsibility of third parties, whether they are family members or others.This complexity of conceptions around motherhood and the opening of possibilities for women begins to consider the maternal role as less positive and less attractive than in other times. Not only is it not clearly established as a role that values ​​women, but also the children themselves begin to be seen as a burden and considered as interfering in motivations for professional fulfillment and desires to have an action in society (Araya & Bitrán, 1995; Burin, 1998).rather, the children themselves begin to be seen as a burden and considered as interfering in the motivations for professional fulfillment and desires to have an action in society (Araya & Bitrán, 1995; Burin, 1998).rather, the children themselves begin to be seen as a burden and considered as interfering in the motivations for professional fulfillment and desires to have an action in society (Araya & Bitrán, 1995; Burin, 1998).

On the other hand, the new and growing problems experienced by childhood and youth today (behavioral problems, violence, drug and alcohol addictions, early sexuality, antisocial behavior, etc.), are no longer seen only as maternal failure. Somehow we return to the vision in which the child is not innocent and perhaps we return to some old traits that make the adult feel threatened, distrustful and question him between taking actions of care, delivery, provision and closeness, or defense, repression, indifference and distance (Bertoglia, 2004). (Molina, 2006, Nov) By making the parenting model more complex, more complicated, the same guidelines and models that had been used compared to these new generations remain very immersed, thus establishing a new way of doing activities,a new way of influencing children by parents and above all without neglecting the responsibilities that are always had, this becomes a new challenge of good parenting. Good parenting is a great challenge especially in our times, however, like any challenge it can be faced and overcome with dedication and effort (Echeverry, 2011) Being clear about what time we live in and what it requires of people. But our great challenge in terms of parenting is to understand that we cannot educate our children in the same way that they educated us, because today's generations have other needs and demands for which we must prepare them, providing them with valuable tools that allow them to face your own challenges.That is why we must provide them with a good and comprehensive education in which the following aspects should be included, which are the four pillars that aim to healthily develop the personality and character of every human being: (Echeverry, 2011) aspects such as the following:

  • Education in Values ​​Good self-esteem Emotional stability Healthy sexuality.

This will be achieved much easier using disciplines and theories such as developmental psychology. Well, developmental psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the behavioral and psychological changes of people, during the period that extends from their conception to their death, and in all kinds of environments, trying to describe and explain them in relation to the subject himself, as well as in relation to the differences that exist between them; in order to be able to predict behaviors and, as the life cycle theorists would say, “optimize development.” (Papalia, 2009) Without hesitation a fundamental tool to provide today's mothers, which will strengthen their rearing process. The theory of human development involves three tasks:

  • Describe changes in one or more areas of behavior or psychological activity Describe changes in the brain in relation to other areas of behavior or psychological activity Explain the course of development that has been described (Papalia, 2009)

Thus, and with the help of experts, we can contribute to generating new and different changes in behaviors and thoughts in our mothers and children.


Methodological strategies used.

“The main strategy advocated involves the use of appropriately relevant and inclusive introductory materials (ie organizers) that are very clear and stable. These organizers are introduced as a preview of the learning material itself »David Ausubel. (Palmero, 2004) Although mothers, thanks to culture, have and have been raised with some guidelines, it is important to know them, evaluate them and correct them in case they have not been the best and do it in the corresponding time, protected together with the duty to be and above all that they point to the good result. MEANINGFUL LEARNING is, according to the American theorist David Ausubel, and with which one has to work, the type of learning in which a student relates the new information with the one they already have, readjusting and reconstructing both information in this process.In other words, the structure of prior knowledge conditions new knowledge and experiences, and these, in turn, modify and restructure those (Palmero, 2004).

This concept and theory are framed within the framework of constructivist psychology. In short, although we know that people have basic notions on a certain topic, with the participation of a superior and the tools that he provides, these notions are modified, to the point that new knowledge is thus obtained that may be at hand. hand to use it in the best way. This theory presents the following ideas. Ideas we take to develop our project:

Basic ideas of meaningful learning (Palmero, 2004)

  • The previous knowledge must be related to those that are wanted to be acquired in a way that works as a base or support point for the acquisition of new knowledge. It is necessary to develop a broad metacognitive knowledge to integrate and organize the new knowledge. It is necessary that the new information is incorporated into the mental structure and becomes part of the comprehensive memory. Meaningful learning and mechanistic learning are not two opposite types of learning, but rather complement each other during the teaching process. They can occur simultaneously in the same learning task. For example, the memorization of multiplication tables is necessary and would be part of mechanistic learning, however its use in problem solving would correspond to meaningful learning.It requires an active participation of the learner where the focus is on how learning is acquired. It is intended to empower the learner to build his own learning, leading him towards autonomy through a scaffolding process. The ultimate intention of this learning is to ensure that the student acquires the competence of learning to learn. Meaningful learning can occur through the presentation of the contents by the teacher or by discovery of the student. Meaningful learning uses previous knowledge for comparison or interleaving with the new knowledge putting together a new set of knowledge.leading him towards autonomy through a scaffolding process. The ultimate intention of this learning is to ensure that the student acquires the competence of learning to learn. Meaningful learning can occur through the presentation of the contents by the teacher or by discovery of the student. Meaningful learning uses previous knowledge for comparison or interleaving with the new knowledge putting together a new set of knowledge.leading him towards autonomy through a scaffolding process. The ultimate intention of this learning is to ensure that the student acquires the competence of learning to learn. Meaningful learning can occur through the presentation of the contents by the teacher or by discovery of the student. Meaningful learning uses previous knowledge for comparison or interleaving with the new knowledge putting together a new set of knowledge.Meaningful learning uses previous knowledge to build a new set of knowledge through comparison or interleaving with new knowledge.Meaningful learning uses previous knowledge to build a new set of knowledge through comparison or interleaving with new knowledge.

And taking the previous ideas as a reference, to achieve our goals, each time a theme is presented to the population in line with the programmed; A projected space is taken to present some of the following steps to them, in order to complement the topic and to learn the central content that is being addressed. Reflections, dynamics, open interview, videos, images. This will help them to think, reflect, for example a representative image of an important event, it is a visual representation of an object through different techniques of design, painting, photography, video, which depending on the type of intelligence it will be easier to remember the theme addressed, sometimes serves to represent a feeling, helps to identify objects,real events or cases that reinforce the conceptualization of the day or scheduled activity.


OVERALL OBJECTIVE Provide tools that facilitate the proper development of the children of the Mothers Growing in Love, in the different stages of development.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1. Provide information about the physical and cognitive development process of preadolescents and adolescents 1. Empowerment and sense of belonging for the content of the project Photographs, attendance control sheets, results of activities. Absence of weekly activities, facilities occupied due to an eventuality, suspension of the project for prevailing reasons.
2. Identify each of the physical changes representative of the developmental stage.
3. Identify the level of thinking in the pre-adolescent and adolescent.
2. Strengthen knowledge on the psychosocial and emotional development of preadolescents and adolescents. 1. Appropriate moral values ​​for good coexistence with pre-adolescents and adolescents. Absence of weekly activities, facilities occupied due to an eventuality, suspension of the project for prevailing reasons.
2. Conceptualize the representative notions of the theory about human development.
3. Identify the different moods present in the adolescent to adolescent stage.
3. Appropriation of key elements about sexuality and decision-making of the pre-adolescent and adolescent. 1. Breaking old myths and riddles about sexuality in general. Absence of weekly activities, facilities occupied due to an eventuality, suspension of the project for prevailing reasons.
2. Identify the profile of the aggressor and know what to do in case of being a victim of domestic violence.
SO 1 1. Presentation of the project, the institution and the group of interns. Anti stress day. During the first day, we did the above and to motivate the mothers to attend by the content of the project; With the sponsorship of the private company, at the end, an anti-stress day was held, which consisted of offering them. Facial cleansing, hand treatment and a short massage.

2. Lecture physical changes from pre-adolescent to adolescent.

First, the theoretical content covered by this unit was explained to them, then through a case we analyzed it and ended with an activity called paper silhouette, where they divided n groups and drew a silhouette to this they had to point out the representative changes of the age.

3. Conference Cognitive development of the pre-adolescent and adolescent. The room was divided into two, they were given a guide or material, and they were also explained what a synoptic map consisted of. They had to do it with the material and then they explained the subject to us and land it with the representation of a change, per group.

09/01/2012 Classroom, board, marker, video beam, laptop, slides, white sheets, pencils.
09/08/2012 Classroom, board, 2 markers, video beam, laptop, slides, 2 sheets of newspaper, brochures.
09/15/2012 Classroom, 2 markers, 2 rulers, 2 cards, material with the printed theme.
SO 2 1. Billboard (MCA Principles) and presentation and training on the Responsible Advice Box.

They were given a billboard where the values ​​that would represent us were exposed, each one of them was explained and with real cases they were exemplified, as well as a mailbox where they had to express their questions and help and the following Saturday they were given the answer by written.

2. Talk. A look at the 4 dimensions of the human being.

The conceptualization and characterization of each of the dimensions was explained to them in a general way so that they could appropriate the theory, as well as the dynamics. Ripped paper and passes the cookie to the sound scam, to teach him the importance of what we feel, think and say.

3. Dialogue Emotional Development of the pre-adolescent and adolescent. They began with a dynamic questionnaire to get to know each other better, the content of the unit was explained to them and they were given a reading to support what they had learned.

09/22/2012 Classroom, board, marker, 1 billboard and mailbox prepared by the interns.
10/06/2012 Classroom, board, marker, blank sheets and a packet of cookies.
10/13/2012 Classroom, video beam, laptop, slides, pencils, reading copies and questionnaire delivery.
SO 3 1. Psychosocial Development Workshop for preadolescents and adolescents. Healthy, Safe and Responsible Sexuality. The psychosocial dimension was explained to them and they landed on the issue of safe and responsible healthy sexuality so that this information was multiplied among the family members, they were also given study material.

2. Video Forum. Intrafamily Violence. From the perspective of today's psychologist. The film CICATRICES was projected for them, which clearly marks the theme of domestic violence, then the intervention of the guest Dr. José M González, later the questions that the community had were developed and they were given material to reflect on.

10/20/2012 Classroom, board, marker, video beam, laptop, slides, printed material to hand out.
10/27/2012 Auditorium with capacity for 50 people, board, marker, video beam, laptop, slides, brochure with the theme to hand out, film, Certificate for the speaker, bottles of water.


Supplies Stationery, copies, markers, colors, cardstock, pencils, etc. 25,000 200,000
Transportation Required for transportation of interns.

4 interns

Transport value

Round trip per day $ 3,000

Weekly value $ 24,000

For eight weeks total value $ 192,000

24,000 192,000
Refreshments Snacks at the end of each activity.

For one person $ 2,000

For twenty people

$ 40,000

40,000 320,000
Personal For each person 15,000 60,000 480,000
Teams Video Veam and laptop rental 50,000 400,000
Infrastructure Lounge rental with chairs and air


50,000 400,000
Total 249,000 1,992,000


Supplies 30% 60,000 70% 140,000 200,000
Transportation 30% 57,600 70% 134,400 192,000
Refreshments 30% 96,000 70% 224,000 320,000
Personal 100% 480,000 480,000
Teams 100% 400,000 400,000
Infrastructure 100% 400,000 400,000
TOTAL $ 213.600 $ 1,420,000 $ 358,400 $ 1,992,000



SO 2

SO 3

ACT 1 Presentation of the project, the institution and the group of interns. Anti stress day.

The mothers of the group growing in love were welcomed, they were initially shown a video of the institution to which we belong and partly in a PowerPoint presentation, they were explained about the discipline of psychology and about the psychosocial intervention project, they were They distributed brochures about the group and also filled out information about what they expect from the project. The very attentive mothers received all the information and in their countenances they reflected feeling very comfortable with what was proposed, apart from that they actively participated in the anti-stress day that was carried out, to motivate them to continue attending. What would bring empowerment and a sense of belonging with what was proposed.

ACT 2 Lecture, physical changes from pre-adolescent to adolescent.

As the mothers had mentioned, they were in the indicated room, they received information about the physical changes from adolescent to adolescent and at the end it was evaluated with the dynamics, paper silhouette where they clearly showed what they learned, in the course of the class, Nowadays, they recognize the main physical changes that youth presents, typical of their age and apart from making them known to other mothers in the community.

ACT 3 Conference Cognitive development of the preadolescent and adolescent.

The mothers this time received exact information on how a synoptic map is made, which made them feel very comfortable, then they received the written material on the content of the dimension, later in groups they made a synoptic map on a billboard with the material and They explained it to us, clearly showing the appropriation of the subject.

ACT 4 Billboard (MCA Principles) presentation and training on the Responsible Advisory Box.

They were given a billboard with the principles that should represent them as a group that they are, and it was explained to them what each of the proposed values ​​consists of, such as:

Calm down

Listen to us



Reach agreements

Then we carry out an exercise through a case where we would put the values ​​to the test and how they help us maintain a good mood at the end of an eventuality.

We presented the group with the responsible advice mailbox, as an initiative to develop extra activities, where mothers would deposit their concerns, suggestions, questions, and requests in which they want specific support. In this way, we all managed to solve many gifts and acquire new information and enrich our knowledge.

ACT 5 Chat. A look at the 4 dimensions of the human being.

In this activity, the mothers, through a presentation, received the representative concepts of the theory as well as through the dynamics. Tearing of paper and Passing the cookie to the rhythm of sound, they understood the importance of thinking before acting and this because each stage of the human life cycle has expected behaviors typical of the age. What they recognize and teach today.


Dialogue Emotional Development of the preadolescent and adolescent.

Mothers were presented with a PowerPoint presentation on the subject of emotional development, supplemented by a reading and notions about this area of ​​development were reinforced. A dynamic was carried out where they could get to know each other better thanks to its content.


Psychosocial Development Workshop for preadolescents and adolescents. Healthy, Safe and Responsible Sexuality

The psychosocial dimension was explained to them and they landed on the issue of healthy, safe and responsible sexuality; In order for this information to be multiplied among the relatives, they were also given study material. In the course of teaching, typical myths of sexuality were broken, promoting the idea of ​​promoting but also the idea of ​​preventing.

ACT 8 Video Forum. Intrafamily Violence. From the perspective of today's psychologist.

The film CICATRICES was projected for them, which clearly marks the theme of domestic violence, then the intervention of the guest Dr. José M González, later the questions that the community had were developed and they were given material to reflect on. In this activity, they were able to learn to identify the profile of the aggressor and know what to do in the event of being a victim of domestic violence.


Our psychosocial intervention project entitled "Forming mothers for the good development of preadolescents and adolescents aged between 7 to 17 years, of the group Growing in Love, of the Educational Institution Fundación Pies Descalzos- Corregimiento la Playa" from its beginnings was oriented to develop and put into practice the necessary real and concrete knowledge to intervene in social realities in order to provoke relevant, effective and positive changes in the population object of intervention, in this case mothers of the group growing in love, who requested and expressed always support from third parties for the treatment they should adopt with their children today, pre-adolescents and adolescents,who, without the right tools, had been performing their role as mothers as their culture or oral tradition had taught them, children who, due to the precarious conditions and level of life and emotional state of their age, did not have the best behaviors in front of society. the groups to which they belong, as well as to name a few, family, educational institution, neighborhood, etc.

We have always been aiming in our intervention to provide them with the tools that will really facilitate the good development in all areas of the children of the mothers of the group Growing in Love, this through playful and theoretical activities, which they were actively doing thanks to their interest n improve.

In the middle of the project, the group of mothers, Growing in Love, was taught the different dimensions through which the human being immerses and the changes in behaviors that they bring, as well as the importance of recognizing them and knowing how to act in front of them, as well as well as the teaching of having a dignified treatment with others to improve coexistence with family members as a fundamental organ, to improve the quality of life.

The experience was very enriching for us as we had the opportunity to provide the knowledge acquired throughout the course of those studied to date and to be in contact with the social problems that people have and to be able to contribute responsibly and under supervision from a superior allowed us to feel more secure, but also to act in a careful way.

As comments and suggestions to finish, we want to say that the internship site as well is commented by the other interns, is one of the best thanks to the physical facilities, as well as the ease of audiovisual tools and supplies for carry out what is planned, but also the quality of people who work is the institution. That they continue to send interns, but also that the good image that we leave today thanks to our careful and professional work continues.


  • Corporate author: Copyright © 2010. Website name: Fundación Pies Descalzos. URL address: http://www.fundacionpiesdescalzos.com/. Year in which the consultation was carried out: 2012. Month in which the consultation was carried out: 11. Day in which the consultation was carried out: 12
  • Corporate author: Mª Luz Rodríguez Palmero. Name of the website: THE THEORY OF MEANINGFUL LEARNING. URL address: http://cmc.ihmc.us/papers/cmc2004-290.pdf. Year in which the consultation was made: 2004
  • Corporate author: Wikimedia Foundation. Name of the website: La Playa (Barranquilla). URL address: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Playa_(Barranquilla). Year in which the consultation was carried out: 2012. Month in which the consultation was carried out: 11. Day in which the consultation was carried out: 12
  • Corporate author: monografias.com. Website name: Data collection. URL address: http://www.monografias.com/trabajos12/recoldat/recoldat.shtml. Year in which the consultation was carried out: 2012. Month in which the consultation was carried out: 11. Day in which the consultation was carried out: 12
  • Corporate author: Cipriano Camarero Gil. Name of the website: The website of the biographies. URL address: http://www.mcnbiografias.com/app-bio/do/show?key=aristoteles. Year in which the consultation was carried out: 2012. Month in which the consultation was carried out: 11. Day in which the consultation was carried out: 12
  • Magazine article. Author: Molina, María Elisa. Title: Historical Cultural Transformations of the Concept of Motherhood and its Repercussions on the Identity of Women. Name of the magazine: Psykhe v.15 n. 2 Santiago. URL address: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?pid=s0718-22282006000200009&script=sci_arttext. Year in which the consultation was made: 2006, Nov. Magazine article. Author: USA, Terra. Title: A mother in the 21st century, the challenge of modern women. Name of the magazine: Terra. URL address: http://www.terra.com/mujer/articulo/html/hof55920,2.htm. Year in which the consultation was made: 2010. Author: Blanco, Amalio Title: Five Traditions of Social Psychology. Year: 1995. City: Madrid. Publisher: Morata
  • Author: Papalia, Diane E. Wendkos Olds, Sally. DuskinFeldman, Ruth. Title: Developmental psychology: from childhood to adolescence. Year: 2009. City: Mexico. Publisher: McGraw-Hill
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Training project for mothers with adolescent children of the institution barefoot feet on the beach, colombia