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Plant installation project and recycling program


The work contained in the following pages: “Project for the Installation of a Plant and a Recycling Program in Santo

The main Activity of the Recycling Plant will be the Separation, Compacting and packaging of cardboard, paper, metal and plastic materials.

The Registered Office of the Recycling Plant will be located in the Dairy Sector of Santo Domingo Oeste, although its specific location is still pending definition.

3.1.2 Authorized and Paid Capital:

Due to the same reasons set forth in the previous title, the definition of the authorized capital and therefore the paid one will still be pending.

3.1.3 List of Shareholders:

The Shareholders will be those detailed below:

3.1.4 Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors has not yet been formed, but because it is a project of common interest both for the residents of the Santo Domingo Oeste Municipality and for the Municipal and Government Authorities, the promoters intend that it be composed of the following personalities:

  1. The Trustee of the Municipality of Santo Domingo Oeste or a representative of his; A representative of the Chapter House of the Municipality of Santo Domingo Oeste; The Secretary of State for the Environment or his representative, A Representative of one of the Neighborhood Councils where the Recycling Program, The two promoters of the project; yThe third majority shareholder of the project.

3.2 Organizational Aspects:

This project includes both the structure of the Recycling Program and the Recycling Plant, as well as an Administrative and Financial Management and a Marketing Management, all of which will be coordinated by a General Manager who in turn will be accountable to the Council. of administration. The Internal Control Unit will also exist as Staff.

3.2.1 Management of the Recycling Program: Organization and General Functions:

The Recycling program will have the responsibility of gestating, with the residents of the different communities of the municipality, the separation of recyclables in their homes and placing them on the sidewalks on specific days. In addition, you must coordinate with the City Council the timely collection and unloading at the dock of the Recycling Plant.

The policies by which the Recycling Program will be governed will emanate from the Board of Directors and its main head will report to the

General Management and will have the title of Program Manager. Two coordinators report to this position, whose functions, in addition to the principal's function, will be defined in the Recycling Program Procedure Manual. Some of the functions of this Management will be the following:

  • The Recycling Program Management will be responsible for holding meetings with the neighborhood councils before the beginning of the Recycling Program in each community. It will be the link between the Recycling Plant and the communities where the Recycling Program operates. results of the Recycling Program based on the contributions to the plant Will prepare Proposals to the Board of Directors with pertinent recommendations for continuous improvement in the processes of Collection, Unloading and Processing of Recyclables Will coordinate with the Corresponding Institutions the execution of all the Actions that in the area of ​​the Program emanate from the Board of Directors until it is put into operation. It will keep the statistics of all functions of the program.

3.2.2 Recycling Plant: Organization and General Functions:

The Recycling Plant as well as the Recycling Program will be governed by the same Board of Directors. Its highest representative will have the title of Manager and will report to the General Management of the Institution.

The Plant Manager will be responsible for the Operational part of the Plant, for which he will be assisted by at least two supervisors who in turn will coordinate the work of the workers.

Some of the functions of the Recycling Plant Management are those listed below:

  • Receive and control the discharges of recyclables Separate recyclables into similar groups, that is, cardboard in a container, cans and other iron or metal recyclables in another container, paper in another container and plastics in the conveyor belt. Manage the bales of each recyclable group and put them in a condition to be marketed as the final product of the Recycling Plant.

3.2.3 Administrative and Financial Management:

Both administrative and financial management must be based on the established guidelines, use simple, clear and transparent administrative mechanisms and with the support of material, human, financial, technical and operational resources, promote the growth of the institution. The functions that the Administrative Management will have at a general level are detailed below:

  • Provide and control material and financial resources; and the internal and external services necessary to achieve the objectives of the institution Define and propose the administrative policy of the Institution coordinating its design, through diagnoses and specific financial studies, in order to contribute to the optimization and safeguarding of the resources Formulate budget projects, expenses and annual investment of the operational areas, as well as coordinate and monitor their compliance according to the established provisions Establish mechanisms and technical and administrative tools of the operational areas, as well as coordinate integration of the inherent reports for their approval by the superior areas Program and coordinate the payments of salaries, expenses and other expenses,in accordance with the authorized expenditure budget and based on the established control procedures, as well as timely reporting to the immediate superior area about the Flows of Funds. Promote training and exchange programs in matters of administration, development and organizational evaluation, in coordination with the General Management; in order to raise quality standards Coordinate and supervise the maintenance services of the Plant equipment and computer equipment as well as authorize the technical support that is required, in order to contribute to the control of systematic processes.Promote training and exchange programs in matters of administration, development and organizational evaluation, in coordination with the General Management; in order to raise quality standards Coordinate and supervise the maintenance services of the Plant equipment and computer equipment as well as authorize the technical support that is required, in order to contribute to the control of systematic processes.Promote training and exchange programs in matters of administration, development and organizational evaluation, in coordination with the General Management; in order to raise quality standards Coordinate and supervise the maintenance services of the Plant equipment and computer equipment as well as authorize the technical support that is required, in order to contribute to the control of systematic processes.in order to assist in the control of systematic processes.in order to assist in the control of systematic processes.

3.2.4 Marketing Management:

This management will have the responsibility of investigating exactly what are the requirements and standards under which the recyclables would acquire the entrepreneurs who, in the market study of this project, expressed their interest in buying recyclables from the Recycling Plant.

It will locate new internal and external markets to which to market recyclables.

It will market the recyclable bales, generating an invoice receivable.

It will render monthly sales reports.

It will carry out market studies to find out about new recyclables in which entrepreneurs are interested, their technical specifications and the price at which they would be willing to pay them.

It will render periodic reports to the General Management on market studies.

Marketing support to the Recycling Program Management, generating campaigns that promote and encourage residents of Santo Domingo Oeste to maintain their support for the recycling program.

3.2.5 Organization chart of the institution

3.2.6 Experience of the Project Promoters.

The promoters of this project to their credit do not yet have experience in recycling, although it should be noted that when devising this project both were well documented, both through Internet pages and textbooks, especially the "Manual de Recycling of Mc Grow Hill ”, thus, as in accordance with what was learned and with the advice of expert professionals in the area of ​​Statistics and Urban Cleaning, they designed a methodology to carry out the pertinent investigations both in the residents and in the authorities and the entrepreneurs of the Santo Domingo Oeste Municipality.

It is important to highlight that both promoters are outstanding people in their professions, which is why they can showcase their contributions to Dominican society from the positions they have held. Profile of the Promoters:

Nelli Taveras Ureña : has a degree in Accounting, graduated from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo in 1997. She also has a Specialty in Organizational Development and is in process of her Thesis to obtain a Master's degree in Administration (2005-2007). Ms. Taveras also has a Technical Degree in Computerized Systems Analysis and Design obtained from the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University in 1990 and has studied the English language since her adolescence.

Professional experience:

Regarding his professional development, he has held several positions in different institutions for which he has worked among these, we can point out his current position as Deputy Manager Enc. From the Accounting of the Dominican Social Security System in the Social Security Treasury. From January 2003 to date. In this Institution, Mrs. Taveras designed the Accounting System of the three Contribution Regimes of the SDSS. She has also had an active participation in the design of the policies and procedures of the Financial Department of the Social Security Treasury.

He has contributed to the development of technical work processes between the Social Security Treasury (TSS) with the Superintendency of

Pensions, SIPEN, the Database Processing Company (Unipago) and the Superintendency of Health and Occupational Risks (SISALRIL).

He worked on the Review of the Unified Accounting Catalog implemented by the Health Risk Administrators, ARS's by SISALRIL.

Since 1990 he has worked in various public and private entities in the accounting area. She has experience in Accounting by Funds and in the implementation of new financial and accounting tools, reaching the position of General Accountant.

Ms. Taveras is a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of the Dominican Republic, the Cooperative Fund for Agribusiness Development (FONDAGRO) and the Isabel Villas Country Club.

Maximina Cabrera Borges graduated from the School of Electromechanics of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) with the title of Electromechanical Engineer Electrical Mention in 1996.

He has the title of Specialty in Organizational Development in 2006, currently developing the thesis to obtain the title of Master of Administration 2005-2007.

Positions to Charges:

Currently in 2009 he works as Sub. Manager of Medium Voltage Networks in the distribution area of ​​the Santo Domingo area of ​​the Empresa Distribuidora de Energía del Sur (EDESUR), it should be noted that she started in 2000 as Supervisor of works, later she had several promotions among which are, Head of Network Maintenance in 2002, Head of Study in 2003.

At the end of the 1996 Engineering degree, her beginnings were in the Consorcio Electromecánico SA (CESA) where she held the position of Electrical Designer at the Industrial and Residential level.

Work experience:

Among its functions at EDESUR are the maintenance and restoration of medium voltage electrical networks in the shortest possible time, as well as the proper functioning of the equipment that compose them, Transformers, Telecontrollers (ITC), Disconnectors, Voltage regulators, Bank of Capacitors, Detectors of passage of fault, Poles, Lines of medium voltage and low voltage.

The proper functioning of Public Lighting in streets and avenues corresponding to the Santo Domingo area.

Also the execution of network architecture works that guarantees an expansion of the networks, as well as the proper functioning of the trunks of the circuits, avoiding overloading in power transformers in substations and in distribution circuits.

In (CESA) he was responsible for the execution of the lighting of the colonial zone for the Fifth Centennial project, as well as for the Remodeling of the Hotel Hamaca in 1998 in the part that includes electrical distribution of the hotel.





4- Description and Design of the Recycling Program

4.1 Characteristics:

The proposed project consists of two components, which are the creation of a Recycling Program in which the residents or residents of the Santo Domingo Oeste Municipality participate and the construction and commissioning of a Recyclable Materials Reception Plant that are collected from the participants in the Recycling Program through trucks and personnel provided by the Municipality.

4.2 Social and Economic Benefits:

The installation of a Plant and a Recycling Program will bring multiple benefits to the Dominican Republic, especially to the municipality of Santo Domingo Oeste, since recycling protects and expands jobs in the manufacturing sector, increasing the global competitiveness of the Dominican Republic..

4.2.1 Benefits of Recycling:

Recycling reduces the need for landfills and the incineration of waste.

It allows energy savings and avoids or reduces the extraction and processing of virgin materials or the importation of finished products.

Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that cause global climate change.

Helps to conserve natural resources such as water, wood and minerals.

Help preserve the environment for future generations.

Among the beneficiaries, the following can be mentioned: Residents in the Municipality:

The recycling of your solid waste will prevent it from circulating freely through the containers, preventing it from accumulating on the sidewalks accompanied by mud, bad smells and pests. Recycling will also prevent these wastes from causing clogging in the river drain filters.

Residents in low-lying areas and in the vicinity of the Guajimía gorge will see a 65-85% reduction in the probability that their houses may be flooded due to the lack of circulation of river waters.

In addition, residents of the municipality of Santo Domingo Oeste will receive special container bags to store recyclable waste that will be collected regularly. The Municipal Authorities:

The City Council of the Municipality of Santo Domingo Oeste will invest fewer resources in terms of time and money in the transport of the garbage collected by virtue of the fact that according to estimates by the Municipal Authorities, 40% of the waste collected is recyclable and therefore, as neither the Collection companies or City Council trucks will have to take them outside the municipality. The City Council may negotiate a lower fee per ton of garbage collected.

The City Council may also negotiate a reduction in its spending on the payment for discharge at the Duquesa Landfill, which according to data obtained from the City Council authorities amounts to half a million pesos per month. The Dominican Government:

The Dominican government will benefit because in the construction and installation of the Recycling Plant, resources will be invested in both capital goods and personnel expenses.

Another benefit to the government is that, as a result of recycling, imports of materials in our country will decrease, which in turn will contribute to obtaining a positive result in the trade balance and greater growth in the national economy.

The operation of the Recycling Plant will generate at least twenty direct jobs and about 60 indirect ones, in addition to the fact that this new company will pay the treasury the taxes for the benefits it generates.

In addition, the government, in a general sense, will obtain a positive international assessment in its efforts to protect the environment and reduce sources of pollution. The Project Promoters:

This project will also benefit its promoters, who will become shareholders of the Recycling Plant, having the opportunity to work in it and earn a salary compensation equal to that which would be paid to any citizen with the same abilities. They would also obtain a proportion of the benefits that this plant generates annually.

4.3 Target Population:

The installation of a Plant together with the implementation of a Recycling Program in the Santo Domingo Oeste Municipality will be destined to contribute to the environmental and economic improvement of both residents and merchants and industrialists that coexist within the limits of the Santo Domingo Municipality. West, as well as the City Hall itself.

4.4 Project Actors:

The actors in this project are: the Santo Domingo Oeste City Council, the Companies and Shops of the municipality, the resident population and the promoters.

4.4.1 The Inhabitants of the Municipality:

The municipalities will be those who collect in specialized bags the recyclable materials produced in their homes.

4.4.2 The Santo Domingo Oeste City Council:

It will grant facilities to the promoters for the acquisition of the land on which the Recycling Plant will be built.

It will provide the Trucks for the Collection of Recyclables.

It will prepare the schedules and work routes of the collection trucks and will supervise that they deposit the recyclables in the Plant in a timely manner.

4.4.3 The Project Promoters:

They will develop and widely disseminate an education program for recycling aimed at both the population and the participating companies. They will provide the plastic bags and distribute them in homes to facilitate the collection of recyclables.

They will carry out the operational function of classifying and marketing the recyclable materials that arrive at the Plant.

4.4.4 The Neighborhood Councils, the Development Committees and all the communal and religious organizations that coexist within the municipality:

These organizations will contribute to the dissemination and maintenance of the recycling program.

4.4.5 The National Industrial Companies:

They will be the preferred customers of the Recycling Plant.

4.4.6 Foreign Industrial Companies:

They will be the second instance customers of the Recycling Plant.

4.5 Resources:

The Economic Resources required for the construction and installation of the Recycling Plant and for the initial logistics of the Implementation of the Recycling Program will be obtained from the following sources:

4.5.1 The Santo Domingo Oeste City Council:

It will grant facilities to the promoters for the acquisition of the land on which the Recycling Plant will be built.

4.5.2 International Organizations:

They will provide Economic Resources and Technical Assistance for the Construction of the Plant and for the Implementation of the Recycling Program.

It will technically and logistically support the implementation of the recycling program.

4.5.3 The Project Promoters:

They will provide the necessary feasibility studies for the Installation of the Recycling Plant.

They will design the Education for Recycling program.

4.6 Coverage:

The Recycling Plant will be installed in the Dairy sector near the Caballona sector in the Southwest of the Municipality.

As for the Recycling Program, it will cover the entire geographical area of ​​the Santo Domingo Oeste Municipality, that is, the territory from the Duarte Highway to the Caribbean Sea and from Luperón Avenue to where the Los Alcarrizos Municipality and San Cristóbal Province begin.

4.7 Time:

The Recycling Plant can be built in a period of no more than one year or less than three months.

Regarding the implementation of the Recycling Program, it must be done by sector and in various stages due to the necessary integration of the municipalities. These stages include a period of education for the participating population, the establishment of schedules and routes to the trucks that will collect the recyclables and the necessary evaluation of the process.

4.8 Scope:

The scope of the Plant and the Recycling Program exclusively covers the Municipality of Santo Domingo Oeste, although given its proximity to the Municipality of Los Alcarrizos it has the vision of reaching possible agreements with its City Council in order to extend both the Recycling Program such as the Recyclable Reception operations collected in that area.

4.9 Strategies:

To achieve the full implementation of the Recycling Program and the Installation and Adequate Operation of the Recycling Plant, the following strategic lines will be considered:

The Municipal Management of the Recycling Program will be created with the function of planning and developing continuous days of Education for Recycling in coordination with the community organizations of the municipality.

Through the community organizations, plastic bags (covers) will be distributed to all households to encourage the separation of recyclables.

A presentation of this project will be made to the Municipal Authorities with a view to obtaining their support and creating the links that allow channeling the international resources necessary for the implementation of the Recycling Program and for the construction and equipping of the Recycling Plant in Santo Municipality. Sunday West.

It will be managed with the City Council that it coordinates the approximate days and hours in which the recyclables that must be taken to the Plant will be collected by sector.

It will be managed that the City Council identifies with paint the trucks that will collect the recyclables.

4.10 Design of the Recycling Program:

4.10.1 Systems for the Collection of Recyclables:

The proposed system for the Collection of recyclables would be based on a strategic alliance between the City Council of Santo

Domingo Oeste and the company responsible for the recycling plant.

Under this agreement, the Company responsible for the Recycling Plant, with the support of the municipal council, will manage through community organizations that residents and companies in each sector separately compile recyclable waste and take it out to the sidewalks on certain days. In turn, on those same days the specialized trucks designated by the City Council will collect these materials and transfer them to the Recycling Plant located within the same Santo Domingo Oeste Municipality.

This scheme assumes that the Santo Domingo Oeste Municipality City Council will be responsible for directing, coordinating and controlling the routes and schedules of the trucks specialized in the collection of recyclables, just as if they were the garbage collection trucks; The only difference with the system that currently governs is that there will be coordination with the Recycling Plant, which in turn will coordinate with the residents of the municipality so that there is a synchronization between the placement of recyclable waste in the sidewalks by those who produce them and timely collection by specialized trucks.

4.10.2 Outline of the Education Plan for Recycling:

The scheme in which Education for Recycling will be structured in the Municipality of Santo Domingo Oeste includes three aspects that are "Promotion of the Recycling Program", "Participatory Education" and "Environmental Encounters".

All the activities contemplated within this scheme entail adequate planning and a timely evaluation which will measure whether the results obtained have been in line with what is expected in the planning or whether it will be necessary to redirect said activities.

Each of the aspects contemplated within the Recycling Education Scheme of this project are detailed below: Promotion of the Recycling Program:

The Promotion of the Recycling Program will be the initial form of communication through which the municipalities of Santo Domingo Oeste will be reached.

The channel to be used to spread the message and attract the participation of the municipalities towards the Recycling Program will be based on community organizations and essentially on their leaders who will be the first to receive the guidelines and at the same time they will act as multipliers, in addition materials will be used printed. In this sense, the list of community organizations coexisting within the Santo Domingo Oeste municipality will be managed with the City Council, the representations of the Political Parties in the area and other entities.

Other channels to be used will be wall painting, radio, television, cell phone messages and the Internet.

As for the Message to be promoted, it will be coded based on the results obtained in the research carried out both in the community and in the entrepreneurs and whose essential characteristics are the brevity, precision and consistency with which the ideas are presented. Participatory Education:

In this stage of the educational scheme of the Recycling Program, the leaders of the community with better conditions will be recruited and given the opportunity to specialize in everything related to recycling activities in the municipality, with the commitment that they are links between their communities and the Directorate of the Recycling Program.

Likewise, the communities participating in the Recycling Program will receive contributions from the Recycling Plant which will serve to support part of the activities of their organizations. Environmental Meetings:

Finally, the education scheme for Recycling contemplates the organization of large-scale Events in which both the municipal authorities and community leaders will have exemplary participation. Likewise, the linking of these spaces to Environmental Encounters both on a National and International Scope will be encouraged.

The Environmental Encounters will constitute the highest scale in the Education for Recycling scheme, its fundamental characteristic will be that it will constitute the means through which the proposals of community organizations regarding Recycling and the environment of both the municipality and the the Dominican Republic and the world.

Documents that constitute proposals aimed at strengthening the public policies of Environmental Management in the Municipality of Santo Domingo Oeste must come out of these meetings, which will be delivered to both the Trustee (Mayor) of the Municipality and the Chapter House of the City Council.

For the preparation of the aforementioned documents, the commissions that are appointed will constitute the key to fulfill the proposed objectives. In this sense, both the participants and the topics that should be worked on in these Environmental Meetings and the entities that are responsible for these topics are detailed below: PARTICIPANTS:

  • Environmentalists and Representatives of Community Organizations Authorities and Officials of the Municipal City Council Officials of the Secretary of State for the Environment Representatives of the Directorate of the Recycling Program Representatives of the Recycling Plant Topics to work on: Municipal Environmental Policy:

Within the Environmental Policies, what is related to the topic "Water" will be analyzed, that is, both for human consumption and wastewater. Likewise, other topics to be dealt with continuously are “Air”, “Soil” and “Solid Waste”. Environmental Competencies:

Regarding environmental competencies, these refer to the definition of the links that each component of environmental policy has or will have with Public, Private or Non-Governmental Institutions in order to solve or follow up on existing problems or work on preventing future ills. Examples of these entities are the Santo Domingo Oeste City Council, the Santo Domingo Aqueduct and Sewer Corporation (CAASD), the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources, among others.

4.11 Cleaning and Packaging System for Recyclables:

Regarding the Recyclable Cleaning and Packaging system, the following has been provided:

4.11.1 Cleaning system:

The aspect related to the cleaning and hygiene of the recyclables that are received at the Santo Domingo Oeste Recycling Plant will depend a lot on the technical and control requirements of the purchasing companies. To this end, this study contemplates, in a second stage, conducting market research aimed at those companies that expressed their interest in acquiring the recyclable materials collected through the proposed Program.

In this investigation, it will be studied in greater detail and specifications which types and under what conditions these companies would acquire the recyclables that will be marketed from the Recycling Plant. Likewise, the quantities and frequencies in which they will be sued will also be studied.

It is obvious to note that in order to guarantee the quality of these products, it is contemplated to implement a sanitary inspection method that meets the requirements of the General Directorate of Quality Standards and Systems of the Secretariat of State for Industry and Commerce of the Dominican Republic..

4.11.2 Packaging System:

Regarding the Packaging of Recyclables designed for this project, it is closely related to the type of machinery to be used, in this sense, through the use of the Horizontal Baler with Open End and Automatic Tying all the plastic materials and others that need to be crushed, they will be compressed, crushed and packed automatically.

In this system there will be the intervention of the plant personnel who will select, from the Internal Container of the Plant, the recyclables that need to be shredded and will place them on the Corridor Conveyor which in turn will transport them to the Packaging machine so that leave them ready for shipment and marketing.

4.12 Recyclable Marketing System.

Once the collection, sanitization, shredding and / or packaging process is completed (as applicable) this Recycling Plant in Santo Domingo Oeste will have the mission of reintroducing into the productive market the materials that were initially considered garbage or waste by households and companies located in this territory. This reinsertion into the market will be done through a simple marketing system.

The methodology conceived to commercialize recyclables will be similar to that used in any industry, in this sense, it will have a portfolio of clients to whom it will sell the amounts of recyclables that they require on credit or in cash. Likewise, a route will be designed through which the orders that are received will be distributed.

Within the marketing system, a marketing campaign is contemplated that allows the achievement of a unique position for the Recycling Plant as it is the first in the Dominican Republic based on a Program that involves a community.

The bales produced at the Recycling Plant will be marketed directly to the client companies, therefore, within the Marketing System, it will not be necessary to establish any distribution channel that involves intermediaries. What will be evaluated internally will be the quality, time and cost of delivery of the bales or batches.

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Plant installation project and recycling program