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Educational psychology


Educational psychology in conjunction with psychopedagogy can be considered as a new interdisciplinary field and a relatively recent professional space.

Aristotle and Plato, they are the main representatives within the philosophy of Education, in the three basic points such as the nature of learning, the teacher-student relationship or the teaching methods, they with their philosophy are outlined to the same psychology cognitive.

To carry out an analysis of Psychology in Education, it is important to rename some of its precursors and how the change from philosophical reflections to a more analytical theory was made, among them we can name the two most important in their origins:

PESTALOZZI (1745-1827) He proposed a profound change in teacher training, by interpreting education as a process of inner development, minimizing memory procedures.

HERBART (1776-1841) His theory of apperception and perceptual masses became the educational paradigm of the nineteenth century, profoundly renewing the educational methodology by suggesting that within the instructional process, the new must be presented in such a way that it is assimilated and becomes part of the mental content.

It is also worth noting authors who gave a great boost to Educational Psychology, but those who must be given credit for the birth of this theory are Thorndike and Judd.

THOTNDIKE (1874-1949) was the first who really deserved to be called an Educational Psychologist, he interpreted it as an application of the methods and results of psychology to educational problems.

JUDD (1833-1946) Teacher and researcher, and her four lines of research are the study of reading, the formalization and discussion of psychological problems arising from teaching, experimental work on number and social psychology.

In addition, it is also worth mentioning TERMAN (1877-1956) published various works on gifted children and the work “the measurement of intelligence”, in the same way the progressive recognition of performance tests as a measuring instrument with scientific rigor begins.

It can be said that educational psychology did not always have a great recognition with its great predecessors at the beginning, but it also had its ups and downs that in the 50's came to an end, hence its consolidation arises in 1918 where tests are applied psychological theories to the American soldiers, thus we also have the creation of new psychological theories Gestalt, Behaviorism and psychoanalysis that today in ida have a great boom, in the same way as Educational psychology.

It is important to mention that educational psychology not only looks for the solutions of how to try to teach in the classroom but also of how factors inside and outside the social sphere influence more than anything in the environment in which the individual develops.

Diversity in educational psychology

He must pay attention to the historical and natural context in which man lives and learns, which determines his conduct especially in the field of education.

Cognitive psychology: - That is, the mental processes involved in knowledge and is focused on the problem of the mind and mental processes. Its object of study is the mechanisms of knowledge elaboration, from perception, memory and learning, to the formation of concepts and logical reasoning.

The Behavioral Theory: - IVAN PETROVICH PAVLOV (1849-1936) Russian doctor who carried out different experiments with dogs, with the effect of studying the segregation of gastric juices associated with digestion.

The classical conditioning can be applied in the classroom with a great result, for this to happen will depend largely on the teacher how to apply this method Pavlov (how to organize them by groups affective behavior in class etc.) since it can have positive or negative emotional behaviors due to it occurring unconsciously.

For operant conditioning: - It is a process through which we learn to give adequate responses to obtain some benefit or avoid something unpleasant. The main precursors of this theory are Thorndike and de Skinner both carried out their experiments with animals, but what if we have seen until today that this theory is being used more today since the primary reinforcements are not learned and most of the parents of our current society use reinforcement in an excessive way. Example: - when the babysitter does not come home in the afternoon and the mother has to deliver a job, the child tells him that if he finishes doing his homework and does not do mischief while she works, he will give her $ 200.00 to go to the corner to play machines,It is where the reinforcement would no longer be operative because the child does not know how to value a reinforcement, since the intention of the mother is to leave her alone to carry out her activities, in other cases well applied these reinforcement are of great help to have better training and is not only applied to children but also to adults at work when there are good results within it. It is also worth mentioning that there are negative reinforcements.

The Psychosocial approach: - is the functional relationship between groups and individuals in the school environment trying to solve the problems raised within it, by applying psychosocial principles.

Today Howard Gardner, in his Theory of Multiple Intelligences, introduced the idea of ​​including both interpersonal intelligence (the ability to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people) and intrapersonal intelligence (the ability to understand oneself, appreciate own feelings, fears and motivations).

For Gardner, intelligence indicators, such as IQ, do not fully explain cognitive ability.3 Therefore, although the names given to the concept have varied, there is a common belief that traditional definitions of intelligence do not give an exhaustive explanation of her CARACTERISTICS.

Where he defines various intelligences as:


Intelligence Linguistic

Intelligence Spatial

Intelligence Musical

Intelligence Corporal-Kinesthetic

Intelligence Intrapersonal

Intelligence Interpersonal

Intelligence Naturalistic Intelligence


Educational Psychology:

Historical Evolution

Jesús Beltrán Llera

José A. Bueno Álvarez

Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner

"Cognitive development"

Bermejo, Vicente

Editorial synthesis, Madrid, Spain

“Educational psychology for practical teaching

González Pérez, Joaquín y del Pozo

Editorial CCS. Madrid Spain.

Educational psychology