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Important points of the educational reform in Mexico

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Within this essay we will show the important points that we must know regarding the educational reform in Mexico, since it is very important to know everything relevant about the new reform proposed by President Peña Nieto.

It is necessary to recognize the benefits that it will bring us since not everything is bad in said reform, there are many points that have caused great controversy and have upset society, but nevertheless there are several points in favor that will focus on the changes that will be made in The education.


According to the report during the period of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1988-1994). I point out that part of the modernization that the government will need to improve basic education; since the educational lag was worrying at that time, especially in rural areas, in this way the text by Josefina Zoraida Vázquez also affirms. (Vázquez, 2003).

The most important points of the educational reform in Mexico.

Educational modernization (1988-1994), the diagnosis was 4.2 million illiterate people over 15 years of age and 20.2 million adults without completing primary school.

As for History, I affirm Raúl Rojas (Alias ​​«El Rul»). Monday, December 1, 2008 that teaching is a "National History" to reinforce the nationalist spirit.

Educational reform is a very important factor within society since children and young people who are of school age at this time are the future of Mexico and progress in our country depends on them.

In 1970, the Secretary of Public Education improved and systematized the collection of information for statistics referring to national education.

From this approach, two forms of evaluation were revealed

The first evaluation of learning that was made was during the six-year term of 1976-1982 with samples of students with national representation.

The second evaluation was carried out between the years 1990-2002, in which an evaluation was developed with different purposes, mainly in basic education. These initiatives were implemented in Mexico's first participations in international learning tests.

At the beginning of the third period, it is identified in the years 2002. Here it is characterized by two important aspects: politically, a strategic concept is given to the evaluation of education and at the institutional level, institutions in charge of evaluation are restructured., through the creation of the National Institute for the Evaluation of Education (INEE).

What does the PISA problem affirm?

The purpose of PISA is to show the level of ability that students have acquired, it also measures whether students have the ability to apply everything they have learned, and see if they are capable of analyzing, reasoning and projecting their knowledge.


In this present essay we will show all the approaches that educational reform seeks to achieve.

As a first point we will start with the proposal of the President of Mexico.

Enrique Peña Nieto proposed a reform of the third constitutional article, to establish the professional bases of the teaching career so that the state can regain leadership over national education.

Mexico's educational reform will include the creation of a National Educational Evaluation System. In this way, there will no longer be lifetime and hereditary places in the national educational system.

Will the educational reform affect society?

Many citizens affirm that the new educational reform will affect society, however they are not clear about what the educational reform aims to achieve with its new changes.

One of the five agreements of the educational reform is the creation of a society of rights and freedoms, which in turn contains an agreement for quality education and equity that would be promoted through the presentation of a legal reform in educational matters with three objectives:

  • Increase the quality of basic education, reflecting this in the results of international evaluations such as PISA Increase enrollment and the quality of upper secondary and higher education Recover the leadership of the Mexican State in the national educational system

Now, what does the educational reform aim to achieve in Mexico?

We must recognize that year after year efforts are intensified to increase the terminal efficiency index at the secondary and higher education level. But there is still a long way to go, and it is precisely on this that the educational reform presented by President Peña Nieto is focused.


It is intended to create the Professional Teacher Service System, which will be made up of income competitions for teachers and for promotion to positions with management and supervision functions in basic and upper secondary education. With this creation, the terms for entry, promotion and permanence in the service would be set. The criteria to determine the promotion or the recognition system will correspond exclusively to the merit and preparation of each teacher. As is known, this scheme is today managed by the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), which determines places, salaries, positions, and so on. The National Institute for the Evaluation of Education (INEE) will have attributions to evaluate the performance and results of the National Educational System.


It is intended that the teacher evaluation, in the first place, is not optional or voluntary, but mandatory for all teachers; that the evaluation is not pactable; and that has legal consequences, that is, the teacher who fails the evaluation will have to leave. Worthy schools and full-time schools will be created with criteria of quality, equity and autonomy.


The Educational Information and Management System is created. The purpose of this is to carry out a census of schools, teachers and students, in order to corroborate data, because incredible as it may seem, it is not known exactly how many schools, students, or teachers there are in the Mexican educational system.


They want to boost the supply of nutritious food and prohibit food that is not conducive to the health of students. The food that will be provided will have to comply with the official regulations of the Ministry of Health. In addition, by constitutional mandate it seeks to prohibit 'junk' food. Without a doubt, once approved, this will be one of the largest and most historic reforms in Mexico. (Economic dose)

Analyzing the issue of educational reform; There are good and bad points within the good ones, there are changes that will be beneficial for society, since education in Mexico is currently ineffective, because in the first place the knowledge that is taught in public schools does not lead the individual to achieve their professional goals.

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world" (Nelson, 1918).


In conclusion, the change in Mexican education, as a product of the reform, is an open process. Its effectiveness depends on the commitment of social and political actors with the primary goal of all educational action: human development.


  • García Álvarez Diego, HR (October 4, 2012). Evaluations in Mexico: ENLACE and PISA. Mexico: Santillán García Erika Seminario.
Important points of the educational reform in Mexico