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What is self-esteem, why is it important and what factors affect it

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What is self esteem?

Stanley Coopersmith (1987) defines self-esteem as “The personal judgment of worth, expressed in the attitudes that the individual takes towards himself. It is a subjective experience that is transmitted by verbal reports or overt behavior ”.

David D. Burns (2004) defines self-esteem as “the set of attitudes of the individual towards himself”, an attitude is understood as a more or less stable and coherent pattern of perception, thought, evaluation, feeling and action directed towards an object, a person, an ideal.

José Antonio Alcántara (2002) defines self-esteem as “an attitude towards oneself and the habitual way of thinking, loving, feeling and behaving for oneself. It is the permanent disposition according to which we face ourselves. It is the fundamental system by which we order our experiences by referring them to our personal selves. "

We define:

We wonder then if the personality is innate, and before this we can scientifically answer ourselves, that this, although it is true, is innate in terms of the physical characters as a person we possess, the psychological and social aspects, are undoubtedly acquired, and are generated as The result of the history of each person, it is the result of a long and permanent sequence of actions and passions that appear to us in the course of our days of existence.

1.-Cognitive component

This component indicates the idea, opinion, beliefs, perception and thought of the information. We are referring to the self-defined concept, as an opinion that one has of one's own personality and behavior.

2.-Affective component

It leads to the assessment of what is positive and negative in us. It implies a feeling of the favorable and unfavorable, of the pleasant and unpleasant that we see in ourselves.

3.-Behavioral or conative component

It means intention and decision to act, to put it into practice.

Importance of self-esteem

Being aware of the importance of self-esteem is a determining factor in the efficiency and perfection that we wish to achieve in their training. The reason why self-esteem education is neglected in school objectives, schedules and activities is due to ignorance or inadvertent regarding the decisive influence it has on the entire process of personal maturation.

Aspect of the scope of self-esteem.-

  • Conditions learning Overcomes personal difficulties Establishes responsibility Supports creativity Determines personal autonomy. It enables a healthy social relationship It guarantees a future projection of the person It constitutes the core of the personality

Factors that positively affect self-esteem.-

It begins with self-awareness, the ability to reflect on oneself and our actions. Around 18 months you have the first moment of self-knowledge when the child knows himself in the mirror.

The next step is self-definition, this happens when you identify the characteristics that are considered important to describe yourself. The three-year-olds are judged mainly in external terms, their hair, their nice house, their activities. Only at approximately six or seven years of age does the child define herself in terms of who she is and who she would like to be, as she internalizes values and behavior patterns, social and personal demands.

Self-esteem develops from the basic human need: the desire to be loved and to be accepted by the people who intervene in our lives, especially parents, siblings and close friends.

Esteem language

to. Description of the Behavior: Instead of attacking or judging, we should describe the behavior. Example: I see that your clothes are dirty, your shoes are not polished, your books are lying in the room, etc. It should not be said you are sloppy, or you are messy, etc.

b.- Let us clearly communicate what we feel: Expressing our appreciation, joy, delight, not disapproval, anger, anger at what happened. Example: I think it's very good that you play with your little brother, I feel angry when I see him dirty, etc.

c.-Recognize the feelings of the child (a): It is important to recognize the motives, judgments, confusion or neglect of the child. The same ones who are behind their behavior. Example: I know you are worried because you have broken a plate.

Factors that negatively affect self-esteem:

a.-NEGATIVE EXPRESSIONS: With a qualifier we set the basic condition of the child. Example: you are a spoiled, you are a fool.

b.- REJECTION EXPRESSIONS: Without any explanation, the presence of the child is rejected. Example: DON'T BOTHER ME !, GET OUT OF HERE!

c.- FALSE GENERALIZATIONS: Underline the negative behavior and ignore the positive. Example you always do things wrong.

d.- SILENT ABUSE: Faced with inappropriate behavior, parents refuse to talk to you and even to look at the child, leaving him or her with no alternatives to improve the offense.

e.- VAGUE OR VIOLENT THREATS: Example. Do it again and you'll see what happens to you, I'm going to kill you.

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What is self-esteem, why is it important and what factors affect it