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What is coaching?


People often suffer from appearances. Not because they live a life of appearances, but because they experience the world in a distorted and more limited way than it really is. Coaching allows us to extend personal boundaries, allows us to achieve a more expanded vision of ourselves and our possibilities.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a personalized service that allows us to make significant changes in those perceptions that govern us and that, however, we guard so jealously about ourselves and about the world in general. Coaching is a means that facilitates and speeds up transformative processes.

Coaching is, therefore, a great opportunity and it is worth it here, to stop and remember the wisdom of the popular wisdom that says:

"Opportunities are not lost… others take advantage of them"

Among the most frequent deviations of people in need of guidance, the following are observed:

They see the world through illusions, ideas and limiting beliefs

They stiffen.

They postpone or sabotage their plans

Suffer from self-efficacy conflicts

They feel they are not deserving of success

They waste their energy fragmenting their reality and creating problems

They feel victims and blame others for their circumstance

They fear the future and sink into paralyzing worries for tomorrow

They develop a cynical spirit, acid humor, insane competition as a result of lack of faith in the world and in themselves

They develop a selfish, often destructive tendency, secretly wish others evil, suffer with the successes of others.

They present serious difficulties in disposing of their time in a creative, productive or harmonious way

They suffer from insomnia, indigestion, back pain, headaches

States of irritability, intolerance, feeling of helplessness

Sexual problems

Little or bad channeling of natural aggressiveness: stifled creativity causes aggressiveness to degenerate into aggression or (self) -destructive behaviors

Whether it is to discover one's vocation, to perfect oneself in a sport, at work, in public relations, coaching is the technique aimed at achieving valid, healthy and possible objectives, setting them within a reasonable time frame. Coaching makes the man go beyond what he thinks he is capable of. It is an essential training to interact successfully in today's world, to establish profitable and lasting relationships and to always orient yourself on the meeting points.

According to the Father of Coaching, Timothy Gallwey, success in any area involves the proper use of the mind as well as the body. Mentally preparing to improve is the foundation of the "inside game."

Coaching is not a form of therapy, it is training that allows us to detect the latent capacities that we all have and deserve to develop to the maximum.

From the coaching experience unsuspected skills are reborn even by the client himself in an awakening that produces, by a domino effect, a notable improvement of the existing skills. Coaching has stood out for being a pragmatic discipline oriented to the achievement of real goals.

The limits we impose on ourselves are our shell. Now, we have come to this world provided with everything… except a shell. When what is sought is a high level of performance while keeping motivation and joy alive, coaching is essential and marks a before and after in

people's lives

  • Are you overwhelmed by changes and do you perceive that you need help to identify the urgent of the important; what is necessary of the right thing? Do you not find real meaning in your efforts? Do you feel unstable, and do you think you need to make changes in your professional, social, work, sports, or partner life? Do you live your work as a burden and do not find motivation or global sense of your efforts? Are you afraid of making radical movements or structural changes in your life?

Coaching can help you.

In the Coaching environment the phrase is popular:

Those who intend to win win a lot, as well as those who fear losing, lose a lot

For Coaching there are two fundamental classes of personality: those who dream of achievements… and those who achieve their dreams. Therefore, it is worth wondering about what the Coach's task is and how it can help.

The task of the Coach is, first of all, a research work in order to find the latent potential in his coachee, observing his abilities, his talents, his personal aspirations, his current opportunities in the world. Using a forward-looking technique, your job is to push her to develop to the fullest.

The coach knows that you do not need to aspire to superhuman levels, but you should aspire to higher levels than you usually accept in yourself and from which you could be performing.

The coach is NOT a physical trainer, he is not a psychologist, he is not a counselor or a financial expert. He is a facilitator, an agent of change, and also the "devil's advocate" of limiting beliefs and distorted perceptions that limit behaviors. His task is similar to that of a midwife whose efforts help to give birth to unsuspected skills. But she is not the woman in labor. The coach is like an explorer or a filter opener. Necessary as a corkscrew for the big celebration. It helps you to establish your real possibilities and to set goals in short, medium and long term terms; It allows you to clarify if you fear you are wasting time in fantasies.

Due to its technique, the coach will allow you to turn the weaknesses of your personality into your strengths and into the bases of a singular learning. Coach monitoring is aimed at ensuring that your abilities are working for your benefit and not against you. The coach does not take into account past performance because she does not look to the past as a reference or data source, but rather observes the present and her projections focus on a realistic future that can be achieved through specially designed strategies and explicitly agreed with the applicant.

All people deserve to build a sense of self-confidence and high esteem on a real basis in checking their actions and appreciating their achievements.

If you need to clarify yourself when you suspect that you should dedicate yourself to something else but you don't know exactly what or where to start; If you need to calm down, if you find yourself struggling with doubt, fear, procrastination and fear that this inner struggle will weaken your life force, consume your spirit, your energies, and turn off your true potential. If you perceive that you are not performing at your maximum and that makes you feel low self-esteem or produces anger or anger, think that a coach could help you in multiple aspects such as:

Operate in the world adopting better perspectives detecting novel alternatives to solve the usual problems

Identify your true personal and achievable goals and establish them in the short, medium and long term.

Increase your motivation and self-discipline to achieve the goals that you truly pursue.

Negotiate and resolve conflicts in a positive way.

Go from idea to action.

Get back on track and self-confidence.

Detect and mitigate symptoms that are beginning to worry you. (insomnia, addiction, stress, insecurity, high blood pressure, confusional states, anguish, crisis, tantrums, lack of control, sexual impotence, general intolerance Stay focused and serene when faced with changes

Orient yourself towards your personal and professional growth and towards success, following your own idea of ​​success.

Identify your times and respect them

Break down old habits and establish new, healthier ones

Detect the image that you keep of yourself and update it by extracting precise data from your personal history and your present circumstance

Improve interpersonal relationships.

Whether you are looking to increase your earnings, move up in your job; whether you want to achieve higher levels of concentration, establish better relationships with people, feel the state of happiness, peace of mind, general well-being. Whatever goal you are trying to achieve in any area of ​​your life, we can positively help you direct your mind towards those great results you are after.

Whether you believe that you CANNOT become the main promoter of your positive changes, or if you believe that you CAN achieve it, you are right, but if you have doubts, approach this technique to train your mind because the mind is like a parachute…. it only works if it is opened.

What is coaching?