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What is the law of attraction

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The law of attraction is like any other of the laws that govern our planet, it is a law proven by students of quantum physics and it is that everything in our universe is of a magnetic nature managed by energies, that is why They say that we humans are like a great traveling magnet, and according to the energy that we send out is how we will attract to our life, what we focus on because everything attracts its equal, that is, negative and gray thoughts are equal to negative experiences on the other hand happy and optimistic thoughts are equal to experiences of the same type.

It is a law that governs the planet and that works day and night regardless of anything and without taking a break. To illustrate a little better how our attraction system works, I want you to imagine the following:

Suppose you are a star seller in the company where you work, but suddenly one day a problem arises with a very large order that you have and the delivery of that merchandise is delayed. You call your client to inform him that his order will not arrive on time and he becomes enraged and threatens to cancel your order in addition to charging you a percentage for delays.

What do you do?

You have two options.

Option No. 1

It would be to panic and see what happens, (surely the worst would happen) the results would be disastrous because you are focused on the problem and you will not be able to attract any good results from it "everything attracts its equal"

Option No. 2

It would be playing some nice music and doing your best to relax, convince yourself that everything is going to be okay and even tell some jokes to your colleagues at the office. (in this way you will be manipulating your feelings, since your results come from them) by being focused on something positive you will attract different results "everything attracts its equal"

If you took the second option, it is most likely that you will receive a call from someone telling you that the merchandise can be delivered on time or that your client calls you to say that he was wrong and that you have tolerance time to be able to deliver this merchandise.

Uff what a relief !!

Only a fool would think it was a coincidence right?

Another example could be that of a person who is unemployed and every day in the morning he turns on the television and watches the news, where he only hears how bad the economy has been and how difficult it is to find a job, after calls a friend on the phone who complains about how poorly paid his job is despite the fact that he has a university degree and a master's degree and cannot get by with the expenses, that they do not value him in his work and so on etc.,

How do you think this man feels when he goes out looking for work and when he goes to interviews?

What results do you think this person will have in their search?

It will have very little chance of success, right?

On the other hand, imagine that this man gets up every day in the morning and walks the curtains, smiles and thanks God for allowing him to live another day and caresses his pet for about five minutes or listens to the song of a bird sitting watching everything that surrounds you with the eyes of a person amazed by the technology that makes life more comfortable and by the magnificence of his own body that works like a work of engineering.

Later and while taking a bath and getting ready to go out to look for work, he plays some nice music and tells his Creator that today he intends to be successful and find smiling people in the streets; He also asks for guidance to find the job that is most suitable according to his talents.

How likely do you think this person is to be successful?

What impression does a happy person, full of energy and appreciation for life make on your interviewer and future employer?

Attitude has been rated by the greatest men in our world as the 99% it takes to succeed in any area of ​​our lives, but where does attitude come from? Attitude comes from thinking and manipulating our emotions.

This tactic of manipulating the emotions is also called blind faith and Jesus Christ taught a lot about this principle of faith and said that "whatever you ask of the father, do it believing (with the heart or feeling) that you will receive it" which is The same thing that we have been studying, believing that you have already received what you asked for includes, feeling the relief that you would feel if you already had it at this moment, feeling the gratitude, the joy and all that it implies.

Everything that we human beings look for or long for is with the main objective of feeling good, money, love, luxury, comforts, cars, houses, books, travel, a good job; Everything, everything is to feel good to be happy, but mistakenly we seek these things first to be able to feel happy then and we are doing everything the other way around, if we only seek happiness, all other things would be added to us.

On the other hand, I want to tell you that in my own life I have experienced the effects of faith (through the manipulation of feelings) whenever I used these types of techniques they gave me surprising results, obviously I did not know what I was doing, I was just doing the things unconsciously.

Now I know

When I was about to be operated on, I found a doctor who miraculously cured me and when I needed money to pay off a debt I got it quite quickly, when I was looking for work and despite the appearances that jobs were scarce and poorly paid, I found one much better than the previous one and in a short time, in the same way I attracted my current partner.

And obviously I have had very bad results too, several catastrophes but at that time I did not know how to manipulate my emotions in order to reach a good state of faith.

The way to magnetize yourself to attract the desired results is through "Your feelings" and once you learn how to use them you will become a magnet of prosperity, health, love, happiness and everything you want and are capable of dreaming is in learn how to use the Law of Attraction to work for you

What is the law of attraction