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What is human trafficking?


To begin with this topic, it is important that we go back several years and analyze how the phenomenon of human trafficking has presented itself.

We have that the violation of human rights, mainly of women and children, is born several hundred years ago. The most primitive example that is recorded is the term "slavery", where for the sake of progress or economic superiority or even for diversity of race, people were subjected to inhuman labor exploitation, without rights to protect their damages and violations that went beyond the physical, but the moral, and psychological. Even though slavery was supposedly abolished in the 19th century, over the years it has changed its name to "Human Trafficking."

Human trafficking should be considered a serious crime since it goes hand in hand with others, whose classification is serious as organized crime. The human rights of people are being violated with the spread of this crime in different regions of the world and, numerous organizations have established these violations as in the case of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNISEF), which mentions that 50% of the victims have been due to vulnerability to crime due to poverty, the existing inequality between girls and women, the lack of birth records and the high demand for sexual exploitation services and cheap labor.

Unfortunately, this crime is not an evil in which Mexico or any other region of the world is victorious due to its lack of participation in it, but on the contrary, it has been affected mainly in its border or tourist areas. Since with the dream of people to emigrate to better living conditions they become easy prey.

According to the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UNODC) and the Trafficking in Persons Report of the United States Department of America, Mexico is being listed as a source of transit and destination for trafficking in persons, mainly for sexual exploitation and forced labor, the most vulnerable groups in these crimes being children and women, because infants have an innate weakness due to their age and women are attracted as role models, hostesses, nannies, or, at the time of entering a country illegally, they become a target for this type of criminal,All kinds of documents are withdrawn from them in order to have them retained and threatened that if they are apprehended by the authority or they come of their own free will they will be deported without any kind of help and their families will pay equally for the daring, in short, they may exist thousand forms of threat to the victims and therefore the opportunities to help them should be presented to the same degree.

According to a diagnosis made by the Human Trafficking Assessment Tool that was carried out by the American Bar Association, 47 gangs dedicated to trafficking in persons in a sexual and labor way have been detected in Mexico, being the areas or states of greatest risk for this crime is committed in the Federal District, Baja California, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala and Quintana Roo. Even when we have these diagnoses, it is not possible to see the magnitude of the problem, or why it is in our own home. It can be seen at first glance that the weakness of these states is mainly because they are tourist centers and border areas, situations that increase the flow of sexual exploitation.

Due to the high rate that this crime has presented in different geographical areas of the world, each country in a particular way has taken the measures that have been agreed according to its problem, such as even though in previous years there were already international agreements signed in this matter, in Mexico it will be until 2007, when the legislative part in reference to this case begins and the Law to Prevent and Punish Trafficking in Persons and its regulations at the federal level, published in February 2009, having its last reform in 2012 where it changes its name to the General Law to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Crimes in Human Trafficking and for the Protection and Assistance to the Victims of these Crimes.Between 2007 and 2009, only twenty-two Mexican states and the Federal District enacted reforms to their criminal codes in which some forms of human trafficking were typified, and they only existed in the Federal District and Chiapas with a specific law on the matter.

It results hand in hand with the actions of the Mexican State that autonomous public bodies and non-governmental organizations carry out actions with the aim always to combat crime and to attend to all those who are victims of human trafficking. Such is the case of the National Human Rights Commission that established the National Observatory against human trafficking since 2009, and also established a National Program against this crime in 2007, here the regional committees that would attend to the crime in various regions of the country.

Unfortunately, sexual and labor exploitation are not the only crimes covered by human trafficking, so is the illegal trafficking of organs, forced marriages, the use of minors in criminal acts and illegal adoptions, to mention the most important. As you can see, it is a very broad category and for different purposes and markets, mainly based on this that the identification of criminal gangs is very complicated and the framing of the victim is difficult to define.

Ideologies in the world are very different and trying to standardize them can be complicated, for example, we have what was stated by the UN in the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in the ceremony held in the Federal District in the 2013, that for some regions of the world marital rape does not constitute an assault or crime in more than 35 countries, and that 603 million women live in nations where domestic violence is not considered a crime, only with this we can realize in the ideological discrepancy that the human beings that inhabit this blue globe have.

The task of raising awareness of the crime of trafficking in persons is not an easy task, but it is not impossible. Although the role of the authorities plays a very important role in terms of the definition of the crime and that the punishment is sufficiently consistent with the harm to the victims and their reintegration into society, it will be useless if the agencies exist, institutions, agencies and any organization they decide to create to combat crime and its consequences, if society as such does not denounce them or raise its voice.

That is why as a society we must apply four syllables in our life from now on which are E to listen, C to raise awareness, A to act and D to spread. Four simple actions that can make a lot of difference, why ?:

We are so immersed in our life that we stop seeing our neighbors, and we do not start to think that at some point in our existence we will need something from someone else, so we must LISTEN to what is happening around us, what is it that distresses the world in which we live ?, to take the necessary precautions and AWARENESS that there are people much less fortunate than us and that we can ACT in the way of our possibilities, it is not that we should be of considerable economic status or need a very high IQ. stop to understand the problem or simply pick up the phone by dialing the assistance numbers to report any anomaly that we detect. Now, the DISSEMINATION of other people's issues has always been the bread of many sectors of society, but unfortunately it has been poorly focused,since trivial issues are those that have prevailed as a means of escape from allowing us to see our surroundings and thus not consolidating the necessary actions that as a society we are obliged to carry out.

We are not looking for a utopia, simply an action, since as Newton said well, "every action corresponds to a reaction," and actions are what we need to truly stop crimes such as Human Trafficking that harm us so much.

What is human trafficking?