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What does workplace mobbing mean?

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Mobbing is the constant harassment, Against someone and with intention that a person suffers when being attacked with reason or without reason by one or more of their co-workers, disqualifying their abilities, work commitment or honesty (Mazzo, 2000).

This phenomenon begins when the person is criticized for the way they do their work. At first, bullied people don't want to be offended and they don't take hints or harassment seriously. However, the situation is strange for the victim because she does not understand what is happening and has difficulty in organizing her defense conceptually (Rivas, 2003).

Mobbing can be defined as follows:

  • It is a situation that arises in a company, when groups or people apply some type of harassment to another. In it the quality of teamwork is disabled. There are personal interests above the common good. There is manipulation to discredit a person.

Iñaki Piñuel, an expert in workplace harassment in his publication of the book 'Mobbing: how to survive psychological harassment at work' (Piñuel & Zabala, 2001) . Explain the 42 keys to workplace harassment in Piñuel considers that if the employee feels psychological harassment for a period of six months with a frequency of twice a week, then he is a victim of harassment.

  1. My superior refuses to communicate, speak or meet with me. They ignore me, exclude me, or make me empty, pretend not to see me, do not return my greeting, or make me "invisible." They yell at me or yell at me, or raise their voices to intimidate me. They constantly interrupt me, preventing myself from expressing myself, and forbidding my colleagues or colleagues from talking to me. They make up and spread rumors and slander about me in a malicious way. They systematically undervalue and ruin my work no matter what I do. They accuse me unjustifiably or falsely of breaches,vague and vague errors, or failures, that have no consistency or real entity. I maliciously attribute illicit or unethical conduct against the company or clients to damage my image and reputation. I receive criticism and reproach for anything I do or decision I make in my work with a view to paralyzing and destabilizing me. Small mistakes or trifles are maliciously amplified and dramatized to upset me. They threaten to use disciplinary instruments(termination of the contract, non-renewal, disciplinary proceedings, dismissal, forced transfers, etc…) They devalue my professional effort, detracting from its value, or attributing it to other factors 14. They persistently try to demoralize me through all kinds of tricks. They maliciously use various stratagems to make me incur professional errors and then accuse me of them. They maliciously control, supervise or monitor my workto try to “catch me in some resignation.” They systematically evaluate my work and performance in a negative way in an unequal or biased way. They leave me with no work to do, not even on my own initiative, and then accuse me of doing nothing or being lazy They constantly assign me new tasks or jobs, without letting me finish the previous ones, and accuse me of not finishing anything. They assign me absurd or meaningless tasks or jobs . I am assigned tasks or jobs below my professional capacity or competence to humiliate or overwhelm me. I am forced to do work that goes against my principles, or my ethics, to force my ethical criteria by participating in "flushes." I am assigned routine tasks or without value or interest.They assign me tasks that endanger my physical integrity or my health on purpose. They prevent me from taking the necessary security measures to perform my work safely. Expenses are incurred with the intention of harming me financially. They humiliate, despise or undervalue me in public in front of other colleagues or third parties. They try to isolate me from my colleagues by giving me jobs or tasks that physically distance me from them. They maliciously distort what I say or do in my work, taking "the radish by the leaves". Yes and trying to tickle me to "make me explode."They poison people around me by telling them all kinds of slander or falsehoods, putting them against me in a malicious way They make fun of me or joke trying to ridicule my way of talking, walking, or give me nicknames I receive fierce and unfair criticism or ridicule about aspects of my personal life I receive verbal threats or intimidating gestures. I receive threats in writing or by phone at my address. They shake me, push me to intimidate me They make cruel and inappropriate jokes about me They deprive me of essential information necessary to do my job They maliciously limit my access to promotions, promotions, training courses or training to harm me. assign execution deadlines or cUnreasonable and unusual work loads. They modify my responsibilities or my duties without notifying me. They throw direct or indirect sexual advances or propositions at me.


  • Aggression towards the family Increase in conflict with the family Increase in children's illnesses and school problems Withdrawal of the victim from family and friends Abandonment of friends and rejection by the victim's environment, tired of the "obsession" with the work problem. Lack of support from family members in the face of the victim's attempts to cope with the situation, legally or psychologically. Social stigmatization in nearby work sectors.

The usual outcome of a workplace harassment situation usually means that the victim leaves the organization voluntarily or forcibly. Other consequences can be transfer, or even a situation of permanent disability. The final recovery of the victim usually lasts years and, in extreme cases, the ability to work is never recovered (Leather, 1990).


Mobbing can be presented in different ways, it can be from a psychological harassment directly with words to a more direct harassment with physical contact or aggression as well as of a sexual nature.

I believe that mobbing is a way of expressing people with their insecurities that can even ruin the lives of others because we are talking about a formal work environment that, for many, it is difficult to abandon for these reasons since they need it

The writer Iñaki raises his 42 ways of perceiving mobbing but the reality is that there is not only mobbing of those 42 ways, people manage to make less of their collaborators and there is always a pattern of those chosen, many times due to their personality characteristics. Especially the potential victims of mobbing are bright and charismatic people who make them annoying and competitive for the work group, those who suffer from a physical handicap, the vulnerable due to their depressive nature, effective preparations and workers among others.

And among the stalkers we find personalities such as The mediocre, one of the most dangerous and aggressive in their attacks are individuals with little intellectual and moral information, The one in need of permanent adulation, this protagonist needs adulation from his subordinates his intentions are based on forming a sycophants court, The paranoid, He tells battles among other names. If true, all of them have characteristics of low self-esteem and mediocrity. As well as accomplices since a stalker never acts alone.

Those responsible for companies must be aware of this type of practice so as not to lose the calm work environment in their company, as well as to get rid of toxic people who can harm the organization by putting these psychoterror activities into practice.

Despite the fact that mobbing has arisen for many years, it is currently a latent problem in society, and the causes are unknown, CONCLUSION

Mobbing is a conscious, systematic, repetitive social practice that has been getting worse in companies.The most common practice is that of a boss to an employee (descending), but it can also occur between peers (horizontal) or even from subordinates to their bosses (ascending).

Although as we realized it can take the form of shouting and threats, one of the most common forms is manifested by isolating the victim from their work environment. They may be assigned useless tasks, expose them to high-risk or overly demanding jobs, frequently change their tasks and responsibilities, ridicule them for some reason, on the other hand, mobbing has in certain cases led to sexual harassment, mostly in women.

Although its origin is not related to the performance of the work, it can affect in an important way the development of the same, mobbing is an issue that needs a lot of attention nowadays since the practices have exceeded the limits of morality of people and collaborators who suffer from this type of harassment, to the point of destroying life.

Although there are already laws that punish harassers, this practice continues to be carried out more frequently in companies, and special attention should be paid when noticing any type of harassment.


  • Leather. (1990). violence at work. Mazzo, R. (2000). Mobbing harassment in Chile. Obtained from http://www.bcn.cl/de-que-se-habla/mobbingacoso-chilePiñuel, I., & Zabala. (2001). Mobbing how to survive mobbing at work. Rivas, SJ (2003). MOBBING.
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What does workplace mobbing mean?