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Rationalism in the management of natural resources. test

Table of contents:


"Interdisciplinary operation of human capital, manufactured and natural, from the perspective of rationalism."

brief description

"In this essay I present the influence of rationalism in the unbalanced interdisciplinary operation of human capital, manufactured capital and natural capital, and its consequences."


Interdisciplinary operation of human, manufactured and natural capital. Since the formation of planet Earth there has been a fundamental element for the existence of life, I mean nature, which in ecological terms is called natural capital, "capital is a category of political economy but the concept of" natural capital "from the perspective of the Ecological Economy" (Carlos Federico Álvarez Hincapie, Lasallian Research Magazine, 2010), man considered human capital has maintained a close interaction with natural capital since primitive times, so that it could subsist He had the need to make use of natural resources to feed himself, cover himself, defend himself, conquer etc.This binomial for many centuries maintained a balanced relationship that allowed the development of man in all senses, his intelligence being one of the most important and with the greatest impact for his own life and for the planet. He learned to cultivate the land for food, to raise and domesticate animals for consumption and transport, and to use various materials to make containers and utensils for personal use.

During the different periods of the evolution of human society, important advances have been made that have improved the living conditions of human beings, in contrast, situations have also occurred that have affected their habitat. Some regions of the planet have had to pay more than the cost of modernization, while other regions have made great strides and obtained many comforts by making life easier and in better conditions for the inhabitants.

In relation to environmental deterioration, the beginning of the industrial revolution has been considered a watershed, human society grew considerably and had to look for more satisfiers in quantity and diversity to satisfy its needs, this situation allowed the establishment of mass production of products leaving secondly, artisanal production, since then industrial garbage dumps, deposits of waste or scrap metal generated by industrial activity began to appear, it is at this time that manufactured capital is present, an element that is incorporated into the evolutionary dynamics of society As the population has grown exponentially, the impact on the environment has also grown in this way.

The great imbalance in environmental conditions has been made very acute by the unfair relationship between the countries of the North and the countries of the South in the field of environmental care. “The need for new models is more urgent in the context of global change in which we are immersed, generated mainly by the consumption patterns of the Northern countries. These, to maintain their economic metabolism, need to monopolize most of the net primary production of the planet, using the South basically as a source of raw materials and energy and as a sink for waste, largely mortgaging their possibilities for future development. (José A. González, Carlos Montes, Ignacio Santos, 2007).

The natural capital that the poor countries possess are required by the developed countries that use them for the production of the satisfiers that modern society demands and every day in greater quantities, part of this manufactured capital is sent to these countries that provided the natural capital. sometimes under unfavorable commercial conditions for them, this flow of natural capital has generated irreversible effects on nature. “It is estimated that high-income countries appropriate one to five times more than their fair share of the planet's natural capital services, while low-income countries use only a fraction of their fair share based on its population ”. (WE REES, 2007).High-income countries are characterized by having developed a consumer society that, in addition to requiring to satisfy their basic needs, have generated new needs that, although not essential for subsistence, require satisfiers that consume large amounts of natural capital in their preparation, contributing with the excessive exploitation of natural resources. “In the 1990s, ecological economists adopted the concept of natural capital as a methodological resource in their comparative analyzes with man-made capital. Under this concept they classified the different classes of assets and flows that generate all the resources and services from nature and used by the economic system ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)2000)2000)They require satisfiers that consume large amounts of natural capital in their preparation, contributing to the excessive exploitation of natural resources. “In the 1990s, ecological economists adopted the concept of natural capital as a methodological resource in their comparative analyzes with man-made capital. Under this concept they classified the different classes of assets and flows that generate all the resources and services from nature and used by the economic system ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)They require satisfiers that consume large amounts of natural capital in their preparation, contributing to the excessive exploitation of natural resources. “In the 1990s, ecological economists adopted the concept of natural capital as a methodological resource in their comparative analyzes with man-made capital. Under this concept they classified the different classes of assets and flows that generate all the resources and services from nature and used by the economic system ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)as a methodological resource in its comparative analyzes with man-made capital. Under this concept they classified the different classes of assets and flows that generate all the resources and services from nature and used by the economic system ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)as a methodological resource in its comparative analyzes with man-made capital. Under this concept they classified the different classes of assets and flows that generate all the resources and services from nature and used by the economic system ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)

I believe that based on many of the research and analysis works of the current state of the environment, it is necessary to promptly establish actions focused on generating a different relationship between human and manufactured capital with natural capital, to slow down the deterioration of the environment. environment. The North-South relationship also highlights the need for an emerging change in the culture of conservation and protection of the environment, since the countries of the North acquire large quantities of the natural resources that the countries of the South possess to process and convert them into manufactured capital. Based on important international events held in recent years such as the Rio Summit held in 1992 and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment conducted in 2001,They have made evident the dual problem Modernity versus Depletion of ecosystems, which has made many governments pay attention to this very serious problem and prioritize the allocation of economic resources to stop this phenomenon that affects the world population, currently in the countries developed, significant economic resources are allocated to counteract the environmental impact derived from industrial processes, these have been applied, among other needs, to the establishment of programs that have modified the population's attitudes to a certain extent, creating awareness among the inhabitants, which has allowed slow down environmental degradation in these regions. However, in underdeveloped countries considered in the South, the lack of economic resources in governments, as well as,The imbalance in North-South relations has meant that, in addition to the environmental impact generated in these countries by the North, there is very little activity to reduce environmental deterioration, exacerbating this ecological problem due to the over-exploitation of natural resources. "As economic production is a work process supported by a flow of energy and matter, there is an irreversible, one-dimensional flow of energy and materials of low entropy from the environment, to the economic system for its transformation and that returns to the environment in form of energy and materials not available, with high entropy ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)This ecological problem is exacerbated by the over-exploitation of natural resources. "As economic production is a work process supported by a flow of energy and matter, there is an irreversible, one-dimensional flow of energy and materials of low entropy from the environment, to the economic system for its transformation and that returns to the environment in form of energy and materials not available, with high entropy ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)This ecological problem is exacerbated by the over-exploitation of natural resources. "As economic production is a work process supported by a flow of energy and matter, there is an irreversible, one-dimensional flow of energy and materials of low entropy from the environment, to the economic system for its transformation and that returns to the environment in form of energy and materials not available, with high entropy ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)to the economic system for its transformation and which returns to the environment in the form of energy and unavailable materials, with high entropy ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)to the economic system for its transformation and which returns to the environment in the form of energy and unavailable materials, with high entropy ”. (Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000)


This concept is defined as a "philosophical doctrine whose basis is the omnipotence and independence of human reason." (RAE Dictionary). In this sense, rationalism takes on great importance within environmentalism, to relate this philosophical doctrine I return to what was mentioned at the beginning of this essay, at the beginning of civilization the human being lacked knowledge and the only thing that he attended and responded was what he observed around him and his natural instincts, little by little he was relating facts and was generating knowledge that was also instinctively related to what happened in his walk, that is why during the era of primitive man and according to the findings found, the human being worshiped nature, many of its elements were worshiped as gods,I believed that the light and the boom of lightning was produced by an omnipotent being, that is how I keep respect and worshiped water, fire, wind, etc. as gods. For example, the Mayans worshiped Ahau kin god of the Sun, Chac god of rain, for their part the Aztecs had Tlaloc god of rain, Quetzalcoatl was considered god of fertility, land and water, in other civilizations Gods related to nature were also worshiped, the Egyptians considered Anuket goddess of the Nile and water, Shu god of air and light, Tatenem god creator and of what is born under the earth, probably the fear of the unknown exerted influence on man to respect the elements of nature. As time goes by and as you develop your intelligence,Generating new knowledge and evolving in all areas is almost completely detached from these beliefs and changes its relationship with the environment, excessively abusing the use of natural capital and causing a gigantic waste of the resources provided by nature. “One of the most relevant conclusions of the MA is that the human being, in the second half of the 20th century, has altered the structure and functioning of the ecosystems of the planet more than at any previous time in history and, as a result of 15 of the 24 ecosystem services analyzed (62%) are being degraded or are being exploited in an unsustainable way ”. (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, Ecosystems and human well-being: Synthesis report, Island Press, Washington, DC, 2005).

The importance of the influence of rationalism applied to the interdisciplinary operation of human capital, manufactured and natural.

It is difficult to think that human capital will immediately change the way it operates with the other two capitals and that it will become aware of the problem that humanity is experiencing, in other words, of the serious problem it is suffering, putting the existence of life on it at risk. planet, the environmental imbalance is causing drastic changes in the climate, which has generated the formation of natural phenomena such as hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, among others, with different behaviors than usual, the frequency of these events is increasingly higher than in many cases the effects have been catastrophic. Faced with the powerlessness to face these natural phenomena or to contain them, much less to control them, perhaps then the human being will again respect nature and venerate it as in past times.


He urges to change the interdisciplinary operation of capital, the human being who is the thinking entity must focus all his developed intelligence, but now towards obtaining manufactured capital with broad respect for natural capital, it is certainly not an easy task, the human being has to convince himself that time has run out, he has to believe that he has caused irreversible damage to his habitat by this irresponsible practice where economic development has been prioritized. being and overexploitation of nature; it is the loss of the sense of existence that rational thought generates in its denial of otherness ”(Enrique Leff, 2004), he has to believe that natural resources are exhaustible,that social development must be sustained based on the ecological economy, that is, forming a new totally responsible society that believes that life can continue if it modifies its attitudes to ensure the survival of humanity. "Beliefs have an essential mediating function between values ​​and behavior because they define the kinds of people or things that are thought to be affected by environmental problems, and to what extent something can be done about them." (Díaz Coutiño Reynol, 2011). If a new paradigm can be established in the interrelation of natural, human and manufactured capital, a great step will have been taken in the evolution and development of man.form a new totally responsible society that believes that life can continue if it modifies its attitudes to ensure the survival of humanity. "Beliefs have an essential mediating function between values ​​and behavior because they define the kinds of people or things that are thought to be affected by environmental problems, and to what extent something can be done about them." (Díaz Coutiño Reynol, 2011). If a new paradigm can be established in the interrelation of natural, human and manufactured capital, a great step will have been taken in the evolution and development of man.form a new totally responsible society that believes that life can continue if it modifies its attitudes to ensure the survival of humanity. "Beliefs have an essential mediating function between values ​​and behavior because they define the kinds of people or things that are thought to be affected by environmental problems, and to what extent something can be done about them." (Díaz Coutiño Reynol, 2011). If a new paradigm can be established in the interrelation of natural, human and manufactured capital, a great step will have been taken in the evolution and development of man.and to what extent something can be done for them ”. (Díaz Coutiño Reynol, 2011). If a new paradigm can be established in the interrelation of natural, human and manufactured capital, a great step will have been taken in the evolution and development of man.and to what extent something can be done for them ”. (Díaz Coutiño Reynol, 2011). If a new paradigm can be established in the interrelation of natural, human and manufactured capital, a great step will have been taken in the evolution and development of man.


  • Reynol Díaz Coutiño, 2011, Sustainable Development, Mc Graw Hill. Enrique Leff, 2004, Environmental Rationality, The social reappropriation of nature. Siglo XXI, Editores, Carlos Federico Álvarez Hincapie, 2010, Lasallian Research Magazine José A. González, Carlos Montes, Ignacio Santos, 2007, Papeles Magazine, 2007/08 Martha Duarte De Sandoval, 2000, Model of ecological economic analysis for the sector minero.Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, Ecosystems and human well-being: Synthesis report, Island Press, Washington, DC, 2005.WE Rees, 2007, “Globalization and sustainability: conflict or convergence?”, Papeles de Cuestiones Internacionales, No. 98.
Rationalism in the management of natural resources. test