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Social rehabilitation in mexico

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Social rehabilitation is an unsolvable problem in all prisons in the country, there are anomalies but we do not know it in depth nor will we get to know it if we do not inform ourselves of the matter, therefore we will directly analyze some of the state of Chiapas, we will not say a all generalizing because it is not possible to see it directly, we will mention some. Of direct knowledge there are two census of Obregón municipality of Tapachula Chiapas, that of men and women, that of Cintalapa Chiapas.

As it is that within these small industries money also tends to provide comforts, the inmates are not treated equally, some have luxuries, the offenses are overlooked, they are introduced to alcohol, drugs, which the directors or police themselves facilitate access.

We will not omit to mention that rehabilitation has progressed, but in a greater or lesser percentage, because although it is true there are workshops, some work, but it is not equitable or sufficient.

In a personal way within my poor research sketch and I say poor because there is still too much to know, there is a lack of motivation programs, that although it is true that those who want to change do so without the need to promote it, much less force it, that is why they are created these centers in order to reduce crime, such as robberies, kidnappings, assaults, rapes, drug addiction, drug trafficking, etc., etc. The hard work that this implies, but the main purpose is to adapt the individual again for reintegration to the society, so that it can develop in a dignified way.

Social rehabilitation or jail

It is important to start talking from definitions of the concepts that we are concerned with talking about. To identify if the ceresos have given greater results with the change of nomenclature from prison to what we currently call ceresos.

Jail: building destined for prison, something that binds human beings tried or prosecuted for a crime who obtain the deprivation of liberty as an urgent measure, to compile the penalty imposed by the judge of the case.

Criminal: Person who commits crimes, the word is used with more emphasis when applied to people considered counterrevolutionary.

The Crime: Crime is the act or omission sanctioned by criminal laws, that is, any act that is in the penal code and that is destined to be sanctioned. All rules to mark if an action is a crime or not, is marked by law and based on rules its magnitude and its sanction are measured.

In general, crime is taken as the "bad thing" that is marked by law. I think that this problem occurs when people require a need that they have not found a way to obtain other than by taking it from other people, depriving the freedom of others, either due to personal or, generally, economic factors.

Penalties: Penalty is the punishment or deprivation for the guilty of an infringement of positive law or natural law. It is explained or justified as a restoration of the order required by justice, as a necessary expiation for the accused, as a defense of society. It is that pain or suffering that must be given to the offender for having committed a crime.

Human Rights: Human Rights (abbreviated as DD.HH.) are, according to various legal philosophies, those freedoms, powers, institutions or claims related to primary or basic goods that include every person, by the simple fact of their condition human, for warranty.

Social rehabilitation: The original concept that the constitution grants to social rehabilitation is: Guarantee for the benefit of imprisoned people in the sense of reintegration of the individual into society through work, training for it, and education. The fact so that the people sanctioned with imprisonment will return to life in freedom, so the prison system must offer inmates an experience of legal security, legality, dignified life and social ethics, whose respect for the law is a fundamental principle.


It is something that is generally omitted, in order to create an interested image, to sanctify the institution. In this sense, the first topic that must be unmasked is that prison is a system of punishment that has existed in every society and at every historical moment.

Previously they were called prisons which would be the objective of changing the nomenclature to be called centers for social rehabilitation, studies have seen that no greater results have been obtained because there have been no advances, improvements for inmates, only the improvement that can be observed is that It is not heard so denigrating for the inmates, from this towards the reality or interest that they should have pursued, no progress has been made, one could mention a stagnation of progress or the achievement of the objective being pursued. The relevant point is about psychological and moral improvements of the human being who has committed a crime and purges a penalty resulting from a violation of guarantees or citizen or social rights.

With the intervention of human rights, non-governmental institutions should have no change in the improvement of human beings belonging to this area (the inmates).

The Coordination of Prevention and Social Readaptation will be in charge of organizing and administering the Centers for the execution of sentences and the application of social rehabilitation treatments that correspond to the socioeconomic conditions of the State, the security of the community and the characteristics of the inmates.

The conditions in which the penitentiary system finds itself in a perspective in which the principles of defense and respect for fundamental rights are met. Different government bodies formed an inter-institutional working group for the study and reform of the city's prison system. But it only remains in theory and is not put into practice as it is, in particular the opinion that I give about the laws I highlight, it is not the laws that are badly written, but the way to implement justice is not the right way. ideal for execution.

Second paragraph of article 18 of the Constitution

The governments of the federation and the states will organize the penal system, in their respective jurisdictions, on the basis of work, training for it and education as means for the social rehabilitation of the offender. Women will serve their sentences in places separate from those designated for men for this purpose.

We will see as a theoretical source some precepts. Like article 18 of the constitution, the first articles of the internal regulations of the ceresos. Mainly it is intended that the sentenced inmates, or inmates have an increasingly favorable social rehabilitation, and that the recovery of the original concept that our constitution gives to the definition of the concept of social rehabilitation, I will not forget to mention that it is a guarantee that the characters Who we are talking about they have, it is usually like a poorly told story. To whom? He is not interested in the fact that crime generally reduces those of us who lead a peaceful and dignified life, with a constant and above all honest struggle to get ahead.

Articles of the regulation of the prevention and social rehabilitation centers of the state of Chiapas

Article 2.

The Coordination of Prevention and Social Readaptation will be in charge of organizing and administering the Centers for the execution of sentences and the application of social rehabilitation treatments that correspond to the socioeconomic conditions of the State, the security of the community and the characteristics of the inmates.

Article 3.

The penal establishments have the purpose of the custody of adult inmates during the period that such custody lasts, both the social rehabilitation of those sentenced and the non-adaptation of indicted, processed and detained persons. The prison organization must serve these purposes, be based on the principles of equality and dignity of man, and respect the personality and vocation of the inmates without prejudice to discipline.

Article 4.

Treatment in the Prevention and Social Rehabilitation Centers will be established on the basis of work, training for it and education as means of social rehabilitation, always seeking to re-enter the community as a more socially productive member, in accordance with the legal framework regulated by article 18 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the Law of Minimum Standards on Social Readaptation of Sentenced Persons in force in the State.

Transfer guarantee or violation

To promote social rehabilitation programs, the General Directorate for Prevention and Social Readaptation promotes throughout the Republic the transfer of inmates to other detention centers, close to the residence of their relatives, and in compliance with international conventions on the execution of sentences, carries out the transfer to Mexico of convicted nationals held in other countries, or to their places of origin to foreign nationals in ours. In my little sketch of information I can mention that during this investigation I was able to realize that transfer from one prison to another is a punishment directly without realizing the damage caused. And this undermines the proper rehabilitation of the prisoner since taking him away from the family is an emotional upset.Because take away that right when the internal regulations of these centers establish that the inmate has this right, which is essential to help with rehabilitation. That although it is true, she is a person who committed a crime but still has rights that must be respected.

The high rate of complaints that come from the detention centers, it was agreed to address the most urgent aspects of the system's problems and promote the proposals derived from the work, in accordance with the attributions and functions of each of the participating institutions in the matter that we mean. We will not deny that with some urgent cases, they tend to solve it, but hence what is the work of the centers directly, since there is no improvement as a result of the measures they implement.

Right to readjustment

Social rehabilitation is a right that every person in prison has to improve their common, family and personal well-being, the benefit is common if we analyze it from this point of view, it is beneficial for their family, friends and other interested parties directly and indirectly, so it is evil that he is not given the right belonging from the beginning or introduction to the centers in question.

From the initial part there must be a change but we know that it is impossible to give a solution if there is no interest and availability to improve this figure that corresponds to humanity in general, regardless of whether or not a family member, friend or an analyzer and researcher on the subject. it does not observe the reality or the good of humanity to improve the Mexican nation.

Although it is true there are people who change or follow an honest way of living, those who really love freedom, and above all have a family circle, which they value, it is not so much that there are programs to improve, it is the confinement that makes them change. Willpower, if we talk with people who are within these ceresos, some have guilt and accept it and swear to improve, others deny their guilt, and the innocent mourn their bad luck, some of these are revealed when they come out in the worst way they fall to crime, and those who have already committed the crimes in there enlarge their instincts and do not change, others improve and the innocent are traumatized.

Just as we speak of the accused, guilty or inmate serving a sentence for a crime committed, there is also the aggrieved party who is the one who suffers the damage directly, who or those who, faced with the indignation of being the one who suffers the action, ask for the compensation or reparation of the damage, in fact the punishment is given according to the law, in accordance with the established laws, for each type of crime, the penalty attributed to the detainee depends, It is true that there are workshops to work but there is not the right impulse for the interns to learn a job and find a true source of income, and an honest way of living. The implementation of courses, programs for motivation or psychological therapies is not adequate and it is not enough, it is true that these centers are increasing and the number of inmates is too high.

The apparent interest of the government is to teach them a job or to find a worthy means of surviving those indicted, prosecuted or detained. Which is very far from fulfilling, it is understood that the statistics are very high, we analyze something that therefore we all know, of course that just as there are guilty, there are also innocent, and the million dollar question is that as well as for the guilty they will have This ideal rehabilitation to reintegrate into society without committing a crime again will be able to obtain the objective.

There are guilty people as well as innocent people.

The innocent who have a firm culture do not fall into corruption because there are people who from the beginning to the famous social rehabilitation centers start to work and keep working as long as possible, could achieve a benefit to some condonation of the time that they charged to purge the PENA, article 96 of the code for the execution of criminal sanctions and freedom measures. It mentions that in relation to those sentenced, a social reintegration treatment must be applied with the variable use of methods, which are not carried out in adequate periods to know the progress or aptitudes that the inmate has for reintegration into society in case of having committed the crime.

Such as the fact that the human beings who are incarcerated are reintegrated to life in freedom, for which the prison system must offer inmates an experience of legal security, legality, dignified life and social ethics.

Penalties and security measures that the government uses when a crime is committed are:

1. Prison. It is simply the deprivation of liberty that can last in a short time up to life imprisonment, which refers to the deprivation of the person's total life.

2. Treatment in liberty, semi-liberty and work in favor of the community. It is to carry out an activity for the benefit of society to clean up the guilt caused by the accused.

3. Internment or treatment in freedom of unimpeachable persons and of those who have the habit or need to consume narcotic drugs or psychotropics.

4. Confinement. It consists of the obligation to reside in a certain place and not leave it.

5. Prohibition of going to a certain place.

6. Financial penalty. It is to pay for the damage that was caused with goods.

"The fine consists of the payment of an amount of money to the State, which will be set for fine days, which may not exceed a thousand, except in the cases that the law itself indicates"

7. Confiscation of instruments, objects and proceeds of crime

8. Warning. It is a warning that a judge makes so that the defendant does not perform an action similar to the crime he committed, otherwise he will be sanctioned with a greater penalty as established in the laws of the penal code

9. Warning.

10. Surety not to offend.

11. Suspension or deprivation of rights.

12. Disqualification, dismissal or suspension of functions or jobs.

13. Special publication of sentence. The special publication of the sentence consists of the total or partial insertion of it, in one or two newspapers that circulate in the locality. The judge will choose the newspapers and will decide how the publication should be done.

"The publication of the sentence will be made at the expense of the offender, the offended if he requests it or the State if the judge deems it necessary."

14. Surveillance of the authority. When the sentence determines restriction of freedom or rights, or conditional suspension of the execution of the sentence, the judge will order the supervision of the authority over the sentenced person, which will have the same duration as that corresponding to the sanction imposed.

15. Suspension or dissolution of companies.

16. Guardianship measures for minors.

17. Confiscation of property corresponding to illicit enrichment.

Already analyzing The penalties and security measures that the government uses social rehabilitation with security are not only joint, if not twins or copular, the preventive action is the end of social and legal security calling it as a subsequent state of the first two.

Ungovernability has a major influence on the security of the governed. Not only the citizen himself is the only culprit, it does not concern studying criminology to give a result of why the commission of crimes because it depends on a psychological, family and social status. Because it is clear that there are degrees of inefficiency in governance. It is not structured in a congruent way or attached to the needs of the citizens or the governed. What is more serious, the crime prevention system is not in accordance with reality since the laws are perfect. It only remains to properly route them to the medium.


Rehabilitation is an issue that concerns the entire society because crime affects us in a general way. Who has not been a victim of theft, directly or indirectly. It is clear that if crime decreases, security advances and it would not be detrimental as it is currently observed. The advance of crime is something that all of humanity knows, how many have not analyzed that, criminals repeatedly incur over and over again since their modus vivendis or way of surviving is by committing a crime, taking in a way what they cannot obtain otherwise, rather than taking from others what belongs to them. Or acquiring the money easily and quickly.


The abuses in the Social Rehabilitation Centers (Ceresos) and the toleration of criminal behavior by inmates and, even, the operation of criminal gangs in the interior, have made these prisons true "careers in criminals, it is necessary to promptly analyze government objectives in three aspects: public security, law enforcement and social rehabilitation, to correct what has to be corrected and guarantee a healthy, calm and peaceful society.

In the future I would like to enrich the topic mentioned in advance countless times, since when delving into the subject and analyzing the great irregularities it is urgent to be able to influence a change aimed at improving these centers for the well-being of the humanity under study.

Analyzing that they will obtain freedom at an early, medium or decreased season and the insertion into society is expected to be beneficial.

To be able to analyze the statistics of how many repeat offenders were for a minor crime and returned with a greater one, the number that does not return, presuming that they are successfully reinserted into society without committing a crime again.


Book «run away, man, run away. Diario de un prisoner fies », written by Xosé Tarrío González, where he narrates his prison nightmare from his entry into prison at the age of 19 in 1987 until 1996.

Larousse Dictionary

Internal regulations of the social rehabilitation centers

Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.

Social rehabilitation in mexico