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Recovery of cultural heritage in city councils of Spain


The present TFG entitled "Recovery of cultural heritage and its tourist and educational use in the municipalities of Curtis, Aranga and Oza-Cesuras" aims to analyze the heritage present in the Galician municipalities of Curtis, Oza-Cesuras and Aranga, as well as their state of conservation, heritage awareness in the area and how to revalue said heritage to take advantage of it for educational and tourist purposes.


1.1-Choice of topic

To begin with, I consider it relevant to explain the reasons for the choice of the aforementioned municipalities, I have opted for Aranga, Oza-Cesuras and Curtis for various reasons, one of them is the great ignorance that exists about the heritage of the areas, not even the neighbors themselves know its existence far from it, its historical and cultural value, that contributes to its not being preserved properly, another reason is that it is not an area that is taken into account when thinking about tourism in Galicia, the main cities, such as Coruña, Vigo or Santiago, always stand out, while rural tourism could be of great attraction for visitors, since it is a way to get to know the most natural and true Galicia, to finish, another reason for which I decided on those municipalities,It is based on a personal criterion, since my maternal family is from the area, I have spent a large part of my childhood traveling their paths and seeing how the passing of the years, the neglect and the lack of patrimonial awareness affected more and more a heritage so important for Galician culture and at the same time so mistreated and undervalued.

1.2-Methodology, sources and objectives

In the first place, I consider it important to mention that this work is novel within its subject matter, because there is practically no bibliography on the heritage of the studied areas, and much less information on its importance, so the buildings themselves have been the fundamental sources together with the neighbors when preparing each of the sections.

Entering the subject of sources, for the realization of this TFG I have used books, articles, doctoral theses and tourist guides, I have also visited on several occasions each of the churches that are part of the heritage of the area to assess their status of conservation, and I have talked about them with the priests and with the workers of the tourist offices and the municipalities.

Despite the scarcity of bibliography on the heritage of the municipalities concerned, there are two books that should be highlighted, firstly, the manual "Introduction to cultural heritage", by the author Francesca Tugores, which has been the basis for this work, since it explains what heritage is and its different classifications, how it should be preserved, cataloged and disseminated, that is, it is a basic manual when starting a job or a project whose theme is cultural heritage, especially If you are not an expert on the subject, since it uses easily understandable language, without technicalities and, in addition, it includes a glossary with the main terms of the heritage field. Another very important book is "Patrimonio da Comarca das Mariñas", by the authors José María Veiga and Juan José Sobriño,In it, many of the churches studied in this work are compiled, as well as many others from the nearby territories, it talks about its history and architecture and its most outstanding artistic elements, its importance lies mainly in that it is one of the few books in which the historical-artistic value of this heritage is discussed.

Continuing with other sources, it is necessary to highlight the role of the heritage itself, since, as mentioned previously, there is practically no bibliography on the heritage assets of these areas, so the churches themselves have become the main non-existent source. written at the time of carrying out this work, to collect data about them I have had to visit them personally and observe their architecture, their artistic and ornamental elements to be able to frame them within a specific style, and above all, to check their state of conservation. The oral sources also stand out here, that is, the neighbors and the priests, who contributed everything they knew about the history of the buildings, as well as various data that allowed me to assess the level of heritage awareness of the area.

The main objective that I seek with the realization of this work is to make known and revitalize the most unknown and forgotten part of the heritage of these municipalities, as well as to raise awareness of the importance and the historical-artistic wealth of it, its use for educational purposes and Tourism is the best way to prevent it from falling more and more into oblivion and continuing to deteriorate until it disappears. I also seek to offer a different and unknown image of the more rural Galicia, there is a tendency to pay more attention to cathedrals or monasteries, while the heritage found in small villages is undervalued, when it is an equally important sample of Galician culture and must also be known, preserved and studied.

1.3-Definition and types of heritage

Before continuing, it is important to define what heritage is and what types of heritage exist. If we focus on the etymology of the word, we can say that heritage comes from the Latin patrimonium, a term derived from pater, which refers to family assets and inheritances that pass from one generation to another. It is an accurate definition in the individual framework, but not in the collective. The identity of an area is historically defined by all those aspects that represent its culture, language, values, etc. All of this would make up what is known as tangible and intangible cultural assets.

There are different definitions of what heritage is, all of them included in legislation, both Spanish and Galician. The official definition provided by UNESCO is taken as the official definition, with the corresponding qualifications that modify it to adapt it to the legislation of each Spanish autonomous community, which says:

On the other hand, the Spanish Historical Heritage Law tells us that:

As this work focuses on the heritage of three Galician municipalities, I consider it necessary to also mention the Galician Cultural Heritage Law, which establishes that:

  1. The definitive approval of the delimitation of the trace and of the historical territory of any route of the Caminos de Santiago will oblige the municipalities in whose territory it is located to incorporate it into their urban planning instruments and to establish the specific determinations for its conservation regime. The department responsible for cultural heritage will adopt measures and prepare documents or general instructions in which procedures and methodologies are described for the usual maintenance and conservation interventions in the delimited area of ​​the historic territories of the Caminos de Santiago. "

These regulations also include heritage assets located within the geographical limits of each road to Santiago, therefore, if the proposal is carried out to recover one of the old roads and join it to the current ones, the heritage present in those areas would have the protection of this law.

It should also be noted that the Camino de Santiago is a highly revered practice of great importance for many people, either for religious or sporting reasons, anyone who decides to do it is aware of its relevance since it attracts thousands of pilgrims every year coming from all countries of the world, so having a law that protects heritage is essential.

5.2.2- Recovery of the Pilgrimages

Another of the ideas that would attract tourism to these churches is to re-celebrate pilgrimages and patron saint festivities around the temples, as was done in ancient times. These types of celebrations, generally taking place during the summer months, attract the attention of tourists who are passing through the area, therefore, if instead of being done in open fields as is currently done, they were held in the vicinity of the chapels, and these remain open to the public during the festivities, visitors could enter them and contemplate in person the wealth of heritage they house. On the other hand, it is not only interesting for tourists from other areas, but also for the residents of the parishes themselves,they could recover ancient traditions and contemplate heritage in a different way than how they contemplate it when attending liturgies.

In addition, as it is held annually, the same situation occurs as that stated in the previous idea, there would be tourists but it would not be overcrowded, which is a great advantage for the conservation of heritage.

5.2.3- Guided visits

In this case, the idea is to directly advertise the heritage by offering guided tours of the temples. As options for visitors, the tourist offices of the three municipalities only offer guided tours of the Mandeo Basin and the Mariñas Region, in which only the natural heritage is shown, which, even though it is exclusive in Due to the existence of native species that are not found in other areas, the world is not the only one that can be visited, therefore, tourist visits to the temples can be offered as an option, in which the history of the same, as well as their importance in the daily life of the people of the place, and also their artistic importance.There are associations of Romanesque art fans throughout Galicia that carry out excursions in which they visit temples of that artistic style, for which reason, this would attract public from all corners of the Galician map, and it does not have to be only Romanesque, they could create different visit plans, one for each artistic style and another combining them all.

5.3- Didactic use of heritage

This section will present a series of ideas whose objective is to use the heritage of Oza-Cesuras, Curtis and Aranga with a didactic purpose.

5.3.1- Classes "in situ" of Art History

This idea consists in that, the teachers of the colleges and institutes of the municipalities, give in person some of the Art History classes in the churches, in this way the students could observe in first person everything that is being explained to them, what which would be of great help when it comes to retaining said knowledge, since seeing something live allows you to observe all the details, which is more difficult to achieve through photographs or theoretical explanations. It would also be more exciting for the students, since teaching outside the classroom is not the usual thing, and with this they would be more interested in art. It would also be a way of showing them the importance and value of heritage and educating them to preserve and respect it.

Another option is to take excursions with the same objective as face-to-face classes, it would be an alternative oriented to schools and institutes that are further away from the areas, or for students from universities, whose faculties are all quite a distance from these municipalities.

Educating the new generations in the importance of heritage, both historically and artistically, is a way to avoid repeating past mistakes, due to ignorance and lack of information, so it would be interesting that, When explaining the artistic elements of each of the churches, also talk about the damage caused by poor care and poor restorations.

5.3.2- Art History Conference

This idea is similar to the previous one, but it would be aimed at the adult population. As seen previously in this work, there is great ignorance about the value and importance of the heritage of Oza-Cesuras, Curtis and Aranga, although the neighbors respect the assets, they are not fully aware of their greatness Therefore, a series of sessions dedicated exclusively to sponsoring and publicizing the churches, as well as their history and artistic value, could be convened annually. Through visits, projections and files, attendees could learn about each of the details present in the chapels that often go unnoticed unless they have knowledge of art history. With this it would be achieved that the adult population,was aware of the importance of the monuments that surround them, and how little they value them, in addition to helping to avoid disasters such as those that occurred in the restorations of various churches, little by little a new heritage awareness would be created in the collective and they themselves would ensure that each of the existing assets was kept in good condition.

5.3.3- Use of new technologies

This idea consists of installing QR codes on the doors of the churches that, when scanned with a mobile device, would download a file or lead to a web link, which would show the basic information of each of the temples, as well as photographs. from outside as from inside. It is a way of teaching the value and importance of heritage, but in a modernized way. For this, it would be necessary to create a website or a section within the pages of the town halls, where the information on each building is collected, along with some photographs. It would be a way to bring art to all audiences, especially young people, and also, it is not very expensive nor does it spoil the exterior image of the temples.

6- Conclusions

The heritage studied in this TFG is increasingly abandoned and forgotten, which contributes to its deterioration advancing by leaps and bounds, if the appropriate measures are not taken, it could be completely lost, and with it, a large part of Galician history and culture, since, as has been seen in the various sections of this work, it presents unique elements that are not found in other places in Galicia or Spain.

The measures proposed to restore and revitalize the heritage are basic when it comes to valuing any heritage asset, carrying them out would bring only benefits both to the buildings themselves and to the municipalities in which they are located, since it would generate an important economic growth and maybe even demographic growth over time, since the areas studied have lost a large part of their population due to the economic crisis and the rural exodus, so that an increase in the economy would make them attractive places again to live.

The tourism industry is the mainstay of the economy in many places, and could also become the main source of income for Oza-Cesuras, Curtis and Aranga if its heritage is publicized and used for visitor attraction. In addition, the level of cultural and heritage attractiveness of an area is the second reason(behind the economic level) by which tourists choose their holiday destination, that is, if these places become tourist attractions, they will attract the attention of a greater number of visitors, which would have economic benefits for all hotel establishments area 33, would generate new jobs and especially, would promote the restoration, conservation and good use of heritage assets.

On the other hand, the use of heritage for educational purposes would help to better understand, and consequently, better treatment and conservation of assets, that is, the degree of heritage awareness would increase. For the preservation of heritage it is essential that the level of awareness regarding it increases, if it is to last through the years it must, mainly, receive adequate care. This is undoubtedly very necessary to attract tourism, since, if not even the inhabitants of these municipalities take care of their heritage, the number of visitors will decrease more and more, since if the monuments are in poor condition, deteriorated and with a clear mistreatment.

It should also be remembered that this is not a research work and therefore, among the bibliography used there is not, for example, the parochial documentation, since with it a more detailed cataloging of all the artistic elements would be elaborated, while the objective of this TFG is mainly to make known an unknown heritage and to take advantage of it for tourism and educational purposes, therefore the documentation used consists of generic manuals, oral testimonies and the heritage itself. Works of this style are more personal and unknown, first because the place chosen is, in part, marked by sentimental value, and second, by the scarcity of information that exists about the areas studied.

To conclude, I consider it necessary to emphasize the importance of the heritage of small villages, often forgotten, mistreated and belittled in the face of another with greater fame, with each loss of a heritage asset, part of history, art is also lost and, together with them, the cultural richness of each place, which is, in short, a fundamental part of the identity of an area, in fact “tourism based on cultural heritage favors the creation and reaffirmation of identity in the visit to places related to the past ", that is, the identity as a people and the individual, are consolidated when dealing with a heritage asset, therefore, if you want to maintain and reaffirm those things that enrich and, to a large extent, define a place, you must ensure that the good condition of them.

7- Bibliography

7.1- Books, articles and theses

CABEZA QUILES, Fernando. You name of place. Galician place names: A súa orixe eo seu meaning. Vigo. Xerais, 1992.

CARRILLO LISTA, María del Pilar. Romanesque art in the Ártabro Gulf and the Oriente Coruñés. (Doctoral thesis). Santiago de Compostela. USC, 2005.

COUNCIL OF ARANGA. General plan of municipal organization. Aranga. Council of Aranga, 2013.

ERIAS MARTÍNEZ, Alfredo. A French invasion of 1809 seen from Betanzos. Brigantino Yearbook. No. 30, 2007.

LÓPEZ SANGIL, José Luis. The foundation of the Monastery of San Salvador de Cines. Betanzos. Brigantino Yearbook. No. 24, 2001.

MACARRÓN, Ana. Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Criteria and regulations. Madrid. Synthesis, 2008.

MARTOS MOLINA, Marta. Tools for the tourist management of cultural heritage: Manual for cultural managers. Gijón. Editions Trea, 2016.

NÚÑEZ-VARELA Y LENDOIRO, José R. The sacrifices of the War of Independence in Betanzos. Betanzos. Chronicler of Betanzos, 2012.

RICO CÁNOVAS, Elisa. Cultural heritage as an argument for the renewal of consolidated tourist destinations on the coast in the province of Alicante. (Doctoral thesis). Alicante. University of Alicante, 2012.

TUGORES TRUYOL, Francesca; PLANAS FERRER, Rosa. Introduction to cultural heritage. Asturias. Editions Trea, 2006.

VARELA RUBIO, Angel. Saint Nicholas of Cis. (TFG). Oza de los Ríos. University of La Coruña, 1980.

VAILLANT CALLOL, Milagros. A look at the preventive conservation of cultural heritage. Valencia. Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2003.

VEIGA FERREIRA, Xosé; NEPHEW CEBALLOS Juan. Ermidas and missing chapels in the Mariñas region. Brigantino Yearbook. No. 37, 2014.

VEIGA FERREIRA, José; NEPHEW CEBALLOS, Juan. Heritage of the comarca das

Mariñas. Betanzos. AC Eira Vella, 2016.

VILLAVERDE SOLAR, Mª Dolores. Religious Art in the Archpriesthood of Ribadulla. (Doctoral thesis). Santiago de Compostela. Edinosa, 2000.

VV.AA. Tourist Guide of the Mandeo Basin. La Coruña. Deputation da Coruña, 2011.

VV.AA. Brigantino Yearbook. Nº24. Betanzos. Deputation of Coruña, 2001.

VV.AA. Brigantino Yearbook. Nº30. Betanzos. Deputation da Coruña, 2007.

VV.AA. Brigantino Yearbook. Nº37. Betanzos. Deputation da Coruña, 2014.

7.3- Web resources

Website: www.ine.es.

Website of: www.cronistadebetanzos.com.

Website of: www.aranga.es.

Website of: www.curtis.gal.

Website of: www.concellodeozacesuras.es.

Website of: www.cultura.gal.

Website of: www.riomandeo.com.

Website: www.boe.es.

Website of: www.lavozdegalicia.es.

Website of: www.elcaminoasantiago.com.


The photographs shown in section 3 are my own, the maps in section 2 and the annexes have been taken from the following pages:

www.curtis.gal www.viajejet.com www.wikiwand.com



Definition prepared by the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Heritage, held in Mexico in 1982. https://es.unesco.org/

BOE Law 16/1985, of June 25, of the Spanish Historical Heritage.

BOE Law 5/2016, of May 4, on the Cultural Heritage of Galicia.


TUGORES TRUYOL, Francesca; PLANAS FERRER, Rosa. Introduction to cultural heritage. Asturias. Editions Trea, 2006.


Data extracted from the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

CABEZA QUILES, Fernando. You name of place. Galician place names: A súa orixe eo seu meaning. Vigo. Xerais, 1992.

8 www.curtis.gal


World Tourism Organization.

Data taken from the official UNWTO website http://www2.unwto.org/es


Information extracted from:

-LISTA CARRILLO, María del Pilar. Romanesque art in the Ártabro Gulf and the Oriente Coruñés. (Doctoral thesis). Santiago de Compostela. USC, 2005. (Pp.426-430)

VEIGA FERREIRA, Xosé; NEPHEW CEBALLOS Juan. Ermidas and missing chapels in the Mariñas region. Brigantino Yearbook. No. 37, 2014. (Pp. 298, 299).

LÓPEZ SANGIL, José Luis. The foundation of the Monastery of San Salvador de Cines. Betanzos. Brigantino Yearbook. No. 24, 2001.

VARELA RUBIO, Angel. Saint Nicholas of Cis. (TFG). Oza de los Ríos. University of La Coruña, 1980.

VILLAVERDE SOLAR, Mª Dolores. Religious Art in the Archpriesthood of Ribadulla. (Doctoral thesis). Santiago de Compostela. Edinosa, 2000. (Pp. 1-24).


TUGORES TRUYOL, Francesca; PLANAS FERRER, Rosa. Introduction to cultural heritage. Asturias. Ediciones Trea, 2006. (Pp.: 81).

21 www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/coruna/2013/07/28/limosnas–reparar–iglesia–santaia–curtis/0003_201307H28C10991.htm

MACARRÓN, Ana. Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Criteria and regulations. Madrid. Synthesis., 2008.

TUGORES TRUYOL, Francesca; PLANAS FERRER, Rosa. Introduction to cultural heritage. Asturias. Ediciones Trea, 2006. (P.81).

BOE Law 16/1985, of June 25, of the Spanish Historical Heritage. Article 39.

MACARRÓN, Ana. Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Criteria and regulations. Asturias. Synthesis, 2008. (P. 248).

VAILLANT CALLOL, Milagros. A look at the preventive conservation of cultural heritage. Valencia. Polytechnic University of Valencia, 2003. (P. 40-63).

TUGORES TRUYOL, Francesca; PLANAS FERRER, Rosa. Introduction to cultural heritage. Asturias. Ediciones Trea, 2006. (Pp 83-92).


See Annex I

BOE Law 5/2016, of May 4, on the cultural heritage of Galicia. Article 72: Protection of the Roads of Santiago.

See Annex II.

RICO CÁNOVAS, Elisa. Cultural heritage as an argument for the renewal of consolidated tourist destinations on the coast in the province of Alicante. (Doctoral thesis). Alicante. University of Alicante, 2012. (P.69)

RICO CÁNOVAS, Elisa. Cultural heritage as an argument for the renewal of consolidated tourist destinations on the coast in the province of Alicante. (Doctoral thesis). Alicante. University of Alicante, 2012. (P.567).





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Recovery of cultural heritage in city councils of Spain