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Reflection on the legal thinking of josé martí

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At present and with the scientific-technical development reached in our days, the study of Law, reports extreme importance to man, since it allows him to explain the relationships that are established between nature, society, and the economy, since it is a dynamic science that has its object of study: it deals with the regulation of social relations, each branch that integrates it, has the same purpose from its various forms and nuances, the same object of study which is the regulation of social relations.

Knowledge of law allows you to explain the origin of political societies, their evolution, establish regularities. For the achievement of the previous missions, the Law relies on a set of Methods and tasks that man, depending on the level of development achieved, must undertake.

In the teaching-educational process, Law plays an important role in the formation of the integral personality of the student, since it helps to understand the scientific conception of the world, by integrating political and socioeconomic knowledge, defines Marxist-Leninist positions when knowing the origin, development and evolution of Law, and Develops skills such as: Observe, describe, characterize, explain, argue, compare, value, among others.

It also teaches how to work with basic legislation, since the learning of Law is not conceived, without the use of these, brings the student closer to consulting other bibliographic sources, develops the love of research, prepares the student to undertake higher studies It strengthens the political-ideological formation when dealing with issues of national and international significance, among them those referring to the uneven development of countries, foreign debt, the arms race, international relations, the deterioration of the environment; It allows to link theory with practice, the development of logical thinking, strengthens interest in reading by using different bibliographic sources of consultation as a means of independent work, in addition to improving oral and written expression.

The Cuban Educational System in its effort to raise culture in the country to higher levels, places the validity of the Martiana Work within its priorities, as a sample of them is the excellence of Public and school Libraries, bookstores, Book Fairs and the National Martiano Program whose general objective is to articulate in society a system of actions for the study, promotion and dissemination of the thought, life and work of the Apostle in Cuba and in the world, whose efforts are coordinated by the Office of the Martiano Program of the Council of State, the Center for Marti Studies and the non-governmental organization José Martí Cultural Society, in order to contribute to the education of a general and integral culture of the people, in the conditions of the XXI century.


Possibilities for the Integration of José Martí's Legal Thought in the teaching of the General History of the State and Law.

Law classes at the university headquarters enable the comprehensive training of the student, and more so when they are combined with the teaching of the work of the most universal of Cubans.

As a result of this integration, the students are expected to know in depth The Universality of the State and the Law, its essence and nature, and to strengthen in them values ​​and attitudes aimed at a correct participation in the socialist social project that our country is building.

The study of the world and its laws was an essential task in the life of José Martí, although not the only one. "The happiness of men and peoples is in the knowledge of nature", said the apostle:

“Where I find the greatest poetry is in science books, in the life of the world, in the order of the world, at the bottom of the sea, in the truth and music of the tree; and their strength and love, high in the sky, in their families of stars, and in the unity of the universe, which contains so many different things, and is all one. "

The previous expression of José Martí, appears registered in his beautiful letter to María Mantilla, dated in Cap Haitiano, April 9, 1895, said letter is in the Complete Works and expresses his love for the sciences, seeing in them the correct and updated, explanation according to the time of world reality.

Among the sciences our National Hero showed infinite love for the Law, said the Apostle “In free peoples, the Law must be clear”.

For Martí the Law is essential; "It is an essential necessity in the struggle for free man and to live, and it refers to the spiritual essence of law, to its character of universality." His language and his reasoning are based on consistent logic. His great Legal Battle would be the homeland, Our America and Humanity. Law will be his weapon from adolescence to Dos Ríos.

The link between Martí and the Law is also appreciated in the use of images, metaphors, where he adopts objects, processes and phenomena of nature to carry out analysis, judge and issue criteria.

The literary work of the most universal of Cubans, is endowed with a wide and varied symbolic language resource used by man in his work to refer to the state, conduct, ideas, facts, emotions and spirituality of men and development of objects, phenomena and processes that operate in the surrounding reality.

Martí in the pedagogical order, referred to the need to make changes in the teaching of Universal History. The apostle expressed "Universal History is not to be built with adjustments to the partial and sectarian beliefs of the one who writes it - but as a loyal reflection of what the universe gives itself."

The apostle also expressed in a Letter to Manuel de la Cruz, New York, June 3, 1890, which appears in the Complete Works, volume 2, page 204, that "In order for it to last and to be worth inspiring and strengthening, history should be written".

José Martí affirmed that "The best way to defend our rights is to know them well"

The previous idea Martiana invites to make changes in the Pedagogical work of the General History of the State and the Law, by raising the need to teach a History of Law that explains the links or relationships between objects, processes and phenomena as far as the study You will play an important role in the search for your own knowledge.

For this man of science, philosophy, culture and love, "The law, if it wants to succeed soon, must be picturesque and artistic".

In another line of thought, through his pedagogical ideas related to the teaching of History, he valued at much higher levels the study of historical events, of which he expressed:

"The legitimately historical facts are such that when one in itself, in addition to reflecting human nature in everything, reflects especially the characteristics of the time and the nation in which it is produced."

José Martí took from Law the entire set of knowledge contributed by the science of Law of his time and reflected it in the literary field, enriching it and disseminating it through different publications, letters, oratorical prose, etc. It incorporated an orientation apparatus aimed at the formation of moral and ethical values, contained by approaches, points of view and criteria that help ideological orientation and an apparatus destined to the development of skills such as describing, narrating as appreciated in Marti's work.

The Law in it is a solid theoretical and informative support, a source of knowledge, which allows the realization of a work like the one shown in this report.


The proposed didactic strategy is projected from a renovating conception from the insertion of works by José Martí, they are developed in a participative and dynamic environment that favors the integration of Martí's legal thinking and the sample of satisfaction for the known works.


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Reflection on the legal thinking of josé martí