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Reflection on the energy reform in mexico


The energy reform (energy hydrocarbons). Art. 27 and 28 of the Mexican Political Constitution

In this essay we will make a reflection or analysis of what could be two opposing points of view regarding a topic that is fashionable in our country by the current government, such as the different reforms to the constitutional articles of our Magna Carta, but in Special to articles 27 and 28 of our constitution since we will approach it from two perspectives, as we indicated in the foreword of the letter and this is specifically to the energy reform.

Although we know that our already amended constitutional article 27 says textually: The ownership of the lands and waters included within the limits of the national territory, originally corresponds to the Nation, which has had and has the right to transmit the domain of them to individuals, constituting private property, also in the fourth paragraph of the same article tells us oil and all solid, liquid or gaseous hydrogen carbides; and the space located on the national territory, in the extension and terms established by International Law as long as this is to achieve the balanced development of the country and the improvement of the living conditions of the rural and urban population,Then we will give ourselves the right to express how the energy reform would harm us but also what the benefits would be, this for you to interpret them in the way you deem appropriate, in the first place it could be said that perhaps Mexico could lose the game in the second privatization of Pemex, but let it be clear that I am neither for nor against, this analysis is carried out due to the importance of this reform for the future of the country to which we belong.This analysis is carried out due to the importance of this reform for the future of the country to which we belong.This analysis is carried out due to the importance of this reform for the future of the country to which we belong.

At this point it is considered that the energy reform goes against the interests of the nation, against the historical current of Mexico, you cannot talk about oil or gas if we do not have a national bank to support us, for example there are words that call my attention a lot like what at the beginning of the administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto was called the pact for Mexico, rather I would consider a pact against Mexico because when analyzing it we can see that there is nothing in favor of Mexico although today In modern times, most countries that have oil have sought privatization, which I consider to be a good point as long as it is with the investment of Mexican individuals and not foreigners (transnationals).

An example of this privatization is very clear to us with what is happening in Brazil where, far from giving entry to transnational companies, the government gave participation to private but national companies and this has resulted in Brazil being one of the economic powers in the world that is why we must carefully analyze whether or not privatizing is the right thing to do, since oil has been the mainstay of the Mexican economy since 1938, when President Lázaro Cárdenas snatches and expropriates oil from US companies, French, English for the benefit of all Mexicans, today oil, gas and their derivatives are the engine of the world economy and few countries in the world have these resources, that is why transnational oil companies aspire to keep our oil,Because it is considered a treasure, oil is the main source of income for our country, according to studies for every peso that the Mexican government spends, half comes from oil.

So it is understood that oil is vital for Mexico and its economy because electricity, gas and oil move the industry. So if we start to analyze this point, we can say that the current government sees our face when it tells us that renting the oil and hydrocarbon industry to foreign companies is the best option but it is clear that this will not work because we have the experience where this type privatization has failed as was the fobaproa, sugar and highway rescue and not happy now it is the turn of hydrocarbons, the government currently has relied on television companies to discredit and say that Pemex or our oil is running out and has no resources to invest in new explorations,But if there is something certain, it is that behind all this is the great corruption of the officials who have passed through the government of this country, who have allowed a refinery not to be built in our country for more than three decades, for What today we import 40% of the gasoline that we consume, because our oil, we sell it cheap but despite all these looting, Pemex continues to be the second oil company in the world in profits and the third in production, extracting a barrel costs Pemex 4 dollars, but it is sold in the international market for more than 80 dollars, perhaps this is not a good profit, that is why some politicians have been selling Pemex at auction price, since this would ensure good profits for their pockets, leaving the country in the hands of great predators, I would call this robbery of the nation.

What should be done if we want Pemex to have what it takes to invest in itself instead of seeking association with private companies that only seek to expropriate their millionaire income, we do not need transnationals in Mexico we need political will and that Mexican oil is managed in efficient hands and if you invest in what is necessary to be at the technological forefront and not only in hydrocarbons but also in other energy sources.

On the other hand, we could see the point of view or the good side of why we need an energy reform in Mexico, maybe many Mexicans could ask themselves, what does this matter to me? But while it is true that practicing this type of reform could increase our quality of life, since the cost of hydrocarbons the more our family income increases, in the same way, companies stop being competitive and efficient, therefore For this reason, they leave the country or stop investing and consequently the employment index drops and they stop being created, and this not only affects the individual in particular but the country as a whole.

There is an oil market worldwide such as the Middle East and South America that can meet the demand of countries that do not have oil, for this reason the case of our country in particular would be trying to refine oil in order to meet the demands of the countries that do not have oil. need this product and thus be able to grow economically, this because a single company is the one that contributes and carries out the expropriation of the oil, therefore all the risk falls on PEMEX to which it hurts us as taxpayers, then we can say that the Energy reform in its main strategy is to contract oil companies in the world to be able to somehow divide both expenses and profits, this contract is called Risk Contract which is signed with the state that owns the oil, although it is still the owner of the same,where these companies absorb the risk in case of losses, on this side we can say that the energy reform would be an economic solution for the country and development, as long as this approach is applied in such a way.

In conclusion, I leave you, dear readers, to consider and analyze these points of view according to your criteria.

Reflection on the energy reform in mexico