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Reflections on the convergence of academic skills learned at university


Each subject (SUBJECT) appeals to analytical techniques and tools that the academic leader must know. However, in order to handle a teachableness proposal, it is necessary to accept that: Knowledge does not guarantee know-how, "a university teacher can fail as an entrepreneur."

In fact, it must be recognized, with some sadness, that there are few administration professors (for example), who could manage a company, or of other specialties, who could work with practical success in subjects that they master or are academically certified.


Each subject (SUBJECT) appeals to technical and analytical tools that the academic leader should know. However, to operate a teaching approach, we must accept that: knowledge does not guarantee the know-how, a college professor can fail as an entrepreneur.

In fact, we must admit, somewhat ruefully, that few professors of management who could run a business, or other specialties who may perform work functions with practical success on issues that dominate or are certified academically.

“It is that the teaching of administration, since the time of Fayol (1916), is articulated around the so-called functions that divide the company into so many towers of Babel.

The specialized areas, production, finance, marketing, human resources, systems and others, each speak their own language and focus only on their own.

Due to this total disconnection between the functional areas, none understands the role of the others, least of all that of the company as a whole. And people tend to ignore, and even belittle, what they don't understand ”.

The above reasoning invites us to consider holding a collective event, where each teacher puts into consideration the answers to the questions that students ask in their sacred right, taking into account that many do not dare to do it in class, but that every teacher has the obligation to anticipate to answer:

  • What is this? What does it have to do with my profession? What is it for? How is it articulated with all functional areas? How do I apply it? How is it currently valid? Can I see examples applied in the felt business reality?

At the moment of truth, the "functions" of the company do not exist except in the heads of the teachers.

It is a convenient categorization of the Pedagogical Action to break it down into “facial pieces” to teach. The reality of production problems is global.

For example, if sales drop, everyone wonders what kind of problem it is and who to blame, rather than trying to solve the problem.

According to the label (marketing, finance, organization, production, logistics, technology, personnel, etc.) that they place, they look for a “commercial”, “financial”, “organizational” solution and reduce the problem to a single dimension when reality It is multidimensional or global: the reasons could be: because the product was poorly designed, the quality control is deficient, the sellers have no incentive to sell it, the competition has just introduced another product that offers a financing plan in response to ours, where logistics and support technology make a difference, etc.

The labeling of problems and their reduction to a single dimension are the most serious consequence of sectioned teaching. They train managers who know everything in their area of ​​expertise, and do not understand anything about running a business. Unfortunately, the work of the company tends to reinforce specialization, as most companies are organized by function.

At the top of the pyramid is the president, and below, the vice president of finance, marketing, production, etc.

They are managers who think and act according to their area. “If I'm a marketing manager, I don't get involved in finance, first because they don't allow me and secondly because I don't know anything about finance.

With these considerations, it is very important that teachers themselves understand the importance of each of the skills that specialists try to build in their students, and by understanding the importance and influence of each of them, they will surely find a way to make them converge as active force that builds integral excellence.

This should be a specific, permanent and profound responsibility of the "Group Leader", calling for agreements and designing proposals.

Benefits of its application:

  1. Gives a comprehensive vision of the purpose of training, more punctual Generates commitment to contribute, envisioning the final purpose Achieves communion of intention, pursuing the same formative north Fills the gaps that may exist in other disciplines, by specific specialists Encourages participation and generation of suggestions and proposals Builds Value of team strength with assertive contribution Create Perceived Value in students and competitive environment

On the other hand, it becomes one of the best and most effective tools in the strategic fight against desertion, since it generates continuous quality and allows a highly competitive development, decisively supporting the entire certification process, which encourages demand and self-control.

Inter-multidisciplinary convergence

The whole being the sum of the parts, it is essential that they retain their form and background in a faithful, synergistic and proven way, and of such a height that in its total journey it is sufficiently understood in theory and competitively applied, this is what It has been called: Competitive Competences (knowledge in productive action).

The sum of this cognitive ability, must build a final product with professional guarantee and valuable contributions in the performance of their responsibility.

It is not easy to imagine a better characteristic in the training of a professional. We would only add the special care and depth in the creation of values ​​and permanent directing of principles.

Trust building

Competitive value, which generates trust, is today a rare, elusive and elusive good. Aspects such as the economy, affection, family, marriage, education, business, government, politics, marketing, brands, etc. they depend greatly on this sophisticated concept that resides and is embedded in the psyche of the human being, when he must make decisions in the satisfaction of his basic desires.

The basic desires of the human being are: TO BE, TO HAVE, TO BE and TO DO. Given that there is more and more awareness, in the average consumer, that the acquisition of their satisfiers should be more an investment than an expense, for economic reasons, the quality requirement is increasing and the consumer can always choose the best due to the multi-offer of increasingly homogeneous products, where what is imposed is the brand, the corporate image, the design and the competitive advantages, vectors that have been creating and solidifying trust, an exercise that is not free and is very demanding and subtle.

But how do you build trust?

This is when the knowledge and values ​​of integral professionals who design, build and keep in permanent development converge: products, services, companies, processes and technologies, as satisfactory proposals of detected or visualized needs.

How could a professional do it, without training like the one we propose: "THE CONVERGENCE OF SKILLS LEARNED IN THE SUBJECTS OF THE ACADEMIC STRUCTURE OF EACH UNIVERSITY FACULTY".

It is time to work on it, the exercise on the subject of important universities, in Colombia and the world with results of excellence to show, they cannot be wrong. The perceived value that has generated confidence in the business environment guarantees the hiring of its graduates. A cursory analysis confirms it.


Integrality is a concept that is increasingly rooted in the business production process, a manager who is not Integral is no longer conceived, as Dr. Jean Paul Sallenave theorizes and teaches. In the same way, it is difficult to conceive of a university graduate (Industrial Engineer, Accountant, Lawyer, etc.), who in his training component has not made a deep immersion in each of the areas of his professional heritage, contemplated in the specific academic proposal of his profession.

I still remember with nostalgia of admiration our family doctor: a distinguished generator of confidence, successful and charismatic, heals all ills of the body and soul, but I do not deny my admiration and respect for the current specialists who do not dare to touch areas beyond his speciality.


With this affirmation, I invite university institutions to promote events and scenarios to achieve the communion of concepts that contribute to the competitive training of professionals who go out into the real world faced with an increasingly demanding competition and glued to reality. Let us remember that: "professionals exist to make processes, products and services less expensive" and that they are capable of creating Perceived Value, which is the only thing that invoices and achieves permanence in competitive development.


  • The Integral Management: Jean Paul Sallenave. Management for the future: Hammer. Management Reports Prof. Carlos Ramírez. Articles Corporación Colombia Digital.
Reflections on the convergence of academic skills learned at university