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Educational reform and its mobilizations in Mexico


In this essay I intend to analyze the already mentioned educational reform from my point of view, since I consider that its misinterpretation, as well as its misapplication, far from being a benefit for our country, could end up breaking the link between teachers of our country, with the government.

But talk about the new educational reform, on an issue that is currently full of bickering about whether it is as such an educational reform, for the benefit of 30 million students ranging from preschool to high school according to the INEGI or only it is an administrative reform, for the control of education workers in our country.

Since there is an urgent need to achieve higher quality in the instruction received in the classrooms by Mexican students. Since it is not surprising that our country is one of those that is not invested in education, and its educational system as such is deficient.

This reform was enacted by our federal government, and promotes the evaluation and its permanent training of teachers is of the utmost importance.

This aforementioned evaluation will be carried out by the INEE (national institute for the evaluation of education), which will be in charge of improving education through comprehensive evaluations of the quality of the educational system and the factors that determine it, as well as of transparent and timely dissemination of results to support decision-making, pedagogical improvement in schools.

Below I present the points that so far continue to cause controversy within teachers:

New rules for the allocation of places. The law establishes that the new teaching positions for public preschool, primary, secondary and upper secondary education be assigned only by competitions, which preferably will be annual. Currently, state governments automatically give places to graduates of normal schools or these are even sold by other teachers, an illegal practice, as well as inherited between relatives of our teachers.

That the profile of applicants be expanded. In the first two years after the law is in force, the opposition competitions will be exclusively for graduates of normal schools. After that period, any person who meets the profile defined by the educational authorities may compete for a place. The legislators who voted in favor of the proposal affirm that this will strengthen the educational system, because it will allow the best qualified citizens to teach regardless of whether or not they studied in a Normal School. On the other hand, the CNTE declares itself against the measure, arguing that it will reduce the chances of normalistas finding work.

Mandatory evaluation. The key point of the new law is to oblige teachers, school directors, advisers and supervisors to undergo periodic evaluations, the results of which will depend on whether they remain in office or not. The educational personnel will have up to three opportunities to pass the exams, in a period of two years in which the authorities must offer regularization programs, or else they will face cessation or a reassignment of their position.

Sanctions for those failed. New teachers who fail the three evaluations will be punished with the loss of their place (in what my opinion is too drastic a measure) if we consider that to obtain experience or knowledge about our areas, experience is necessary and not only in this scope in all, but how do we acquire the experiences if they do not deny them. Instead, teachers who are currently active will be removed from classrooms but will not be fired, but will be reassigned to another area of ​​public service (in administrative tasks, for example) or the authorities will urge them to retire. This is the issue that has caused the most annoyance among the members of the CNTE,who consider that these measures violate their labor rights because they will make them lose job stability

The results of the evaluation. The INEE will be responsible for making public the results of the teacher evaluations, although in them it will not be able to reveal the qualifications of each teacher, which will be considered personal data. Instead, it will only release results by school or by entity.

Penalties for misconduct. The law also establishes that teaching personnel who, without justification, miss work more than three days in a period of one month will be terminated. According to the promoters of the measure, this seeks to guarantee that there will be continuity in the classes. This is one of the points of which for my personal opinion is very important, since with this it can be guaranteed that the performance as well as conclude the educational program in its entirety.

Limits to union commissioners. Teachers who accept a position or commission in their union must receive their salary from the union, not from the State. The objective of this is to limit the increase of union commissioners, that is, of teachers who perform tasks for their organization but continue to charge as if they were teaching.

With the points made about our highly controversial Educational Reform, the Mexican people ask the teachers of our country a question, their struggle, which so far has only shown that they are only fighting for their own benefits.

But when do they ask for better facilities for students, more scholarships, better teaching opportunities.

A new educational plan, where the teacher teaches his student, respect for the rights of all, not only defend their rights, where the student is more aware, more responsible, where the example is the cover letter.

In this essay, my objective is not to attack the teachers, on the contrary, it is to show that citizens are also being affected by their mobilizations, since classes have not started throughout our country, and with this our rights are also being violated.

Educational reform and its mobilizations in Mexico