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University-institution relationship, challenge of the sociology of education

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The sociology of education as a science is currently facing a series of challenges that, from the point of view of universalization, are of great importance in the educational work carried out in order to achieve the training of a comprehensive general professional that respond to the new needs and contradictions posed by society.

It is important to point out that among the problems and great challenges posed to the sociology of education at the present time is that the design of the investigative labor component is included in the curriculum of the universalization study plans in an integrative way With the aim of providing students with a more comprehensive training that responds to the needs posed by society, our work is aimed at making a diagnosis of the problem under study and giving it a solution so that it responds to the challenges that are raised today.


The universalization of higher education constitutes a strategic transformation that favors the integral development of all territories, in which university professionals multiply in order to achieve a more developed society and a highly qualified human capital flow for this purpose.

As a cultural process, it is at the center of the programs aimed at making higher education available to everyone. The universalization of the university is one of the most essential and beautiful ways to achieve all social justice through culture. Taking into account that the dialectical interaction between society and education is the basis for the development of educational processes since, as B. Suchodolski ´ (1996) points out, the belief in the power of education to create new conditions of human coexistence dispenses with reality that education itself is the result of previous human relationships.

Humanity is in a particularly complex moment, today there are more and more risks that as part of the psychology of education are imposed not only in the world, but in Latin America and in Cuba in particular.

Today there is talk of a technocratic society, of an information society, the increase in competitiveness among others to name a few, Faced with this, the universalization of the University in Higher Education and its processes in the current conditions of current Cuban society has As a gradual transformation in the way that it responds to political and social imperatives has become, it is obvious that for this, it is necessary to make new changes in the study plans and the curriculum that, according to Antonio de la Flor (1998): The formation of personalities, conceived in the curriculum, it is developed in society and for society, taking into consideration the prevailing political system and economic and social conditions.The curriculum has to guarantee the formation of an individual capable of solving the problems that are present in society and of transforming the latter. Among the sociological currents that have most influenced the curriculum we find: the humanistic, economistic, adaptation to the environment, and macrosociology.

It is of vital importance within the current careers of the university the link with the investigative labor component, that is, to bring the institution closer to the study center and that it comes out with a preparation according to the interests that are raised.

At this time, the investigative labor component in some careers has presented its difficulties since there are some such as the law of the workers' course that, as Juan B. López (2005) points out: Not considering the labor-investigative component nor the existence of A main integrating discipline that guarantees this practical investigative work training, logically negatively affects their comprehensive preparation, since it is limited in the practical knowledge that it must possess for the performance of its future responsibilities.

In our opinion, the professors also do not have a great command of this investigative labor component in their respective careers, which means that the professional who graduates when they go on to exercise their functions in an institution, be it legal, cultural or of another nature, does not do it with the required effectiveness and there is no effective theory-practical link.

It is indicated in the thesis for the option to the scientific degree of Master in Educational Sciences of Juan B, López (2005):

The sociology. It is the science that studies the general regularities of the development and functioning of both global and particular social systems. It studies the concatenation of the different social phenomena and the regularities in the social behavior of men.

The curricular design will take from Sociology the criteria that allow establishing the relationships between the educational institution and the other social institutions in a certain political and social perspective.

Sociology deals with Society, its phenomena, in which men and institutions are present. The curriculum is a concretion of the education of men in Society and for Society, in a certain historical-social reality.

Sociology in its narrow conception, is the science that treats human behavior as an object and its measurement in different spheres of social activity (community, work, etc.).

The curricular design will take from Sociology the criteria that allow establishing the relationships between the educational institution and the other social institutions in a certain political and social perspective.

In the case of professional training, the University, as a social institution, is permanently related to the Society that gives rise to it and which it serves.

Bearing in mind the above, it is intended to propose a methodology or system of actions that allows responding to the risks that occur in the relationships between education and social institutions in the current context. In this way, we will be training a more comprehensive professional that responds to the current imperatives demanded by the current scientific and technical revolution and the transformations that are taking place in Cuban society and at the continental and world level since By proposing strategic models for educational development in the region to from 1994, Schiefelbein and Cor¬valán, (1995; 48) highlight the following elements:

a) Articulate education with development and improvement strategies

of poverty.

b) Develop schools that stimulate peace, tolerance and democracy.

c) Articulate new alliances around education.

d) Prevent learning problems.

e) Express the curriculum in learning materials.

f) Give priority to literacy and basic mathematics.

g) Teacher training and professionalization.

h) Redefine the average level of education: general and for work.

i) It modernizes the planning and management modalities in accordance with the new role of the state.

j) Diversify new sources of financing.

Later Justo Luis Pereda (2005): poses

In our view, and regardless of whether or not the priority criterion of these strategic guidelines and their content is shared, undoubtedly their attention and study must also constitute a compulsory subject for specialists in the sociology of education in their current stage of development. development, an idea that I agree since in Latin America when one studies philosophical and sociological problems there is a true eclecticism, in our way of understanding most of these strategies are severely hampered by the application of neoliberal policies in the region and the lack of attention that are given to these problems.Cuba continues to be an example of the attention that these strategies continue to receive in the sociological field in which, as we have stated, great importance has been given to the curricular design expressed in learning materials and to the place and the demands imposed by the institutions as an element socializing outside the educational teaching process, fundamentally in the universalization, the models proposed by our country are not mere utopias or dreams within the context in which Latin America is developing, where a great predominance of the right is seen and its disastrous consequence within the field of The education.The models proposed by our country are not mere utopias or dreams within the context in which Latin America is developing, where there is a great predominance of the right wing and its disastrous consequence within the field of education.The models proposed by our country are not mere utopias or dreams within the context in which Latin America is developing, where there is a great predominance of the right wing and its disastrous consequence within the field of education.

In keeping with the curricular design and the importance of the investigative labor component within, we will develop a whole series of actions that respond to this and will result in the proposal that is developed, fulfilling its mission and subsequently putting into practice the best alternative solution, which will be the object of systematic analysis and control, which will be enriched with the dynamics of its application in practice by promoting the exchange of experiences among the participants in the process of solving the problems of science and the profession.

In this process of solving professional problems, the future professional is related to the object of the profession and with the other subjects who also participate in it, it is shaping their previous knowledge and the new demands that are placed on it and it is experiencing new needs of learning that mobilize it to its preparation as a way to obtain the knowledge it must have to solve the problem, which will bring as a result a greater satisfaction of the needs of science.


Taking into account that today extraordinary importance has been given to the universalization process in our country and to the experiences that our country has shown in international events, we have discussed in a brief synthesis the relationship between the university and the institutions and within In this framework, the investigative labor component seen from the curriculum design, as well as the strategies or challenges that have occurred in Latin America.

Education has given particular importance to these problems and the Center for the Study of Higher Education of Pinar del Río, belonging to the Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca University, stands out in these studies. I think that with the reflections expressed they constitute a starting point to carry out more complex studies about these educational challenges not only for Cuba, but for Latin America and at the same time serve as an incentive for larger companies. With the system of actions designed, it will be possible to have a better idea of ​​these problems and their impact on universalization from the sociological point of view.


1. Alvarez de Zayas, CM (1998). The school in life. Didactics. Monograph. Havana city. Cuba.

2. (1994). Towards a school of excellence. Monograph. Havana city. Cuba.

3. De la Flor Santalla, Antonio. Fundamentals of curriculum and curriculum design. Center for the Study of Higher Education Didactics, 1998.

4. Collective of authors. CEDES. (nineteen ninety six). Contemporary pedagogical trends. University of Havana. Cuba

5. Díaz Barriga, F. (1993). Methodological approaches to curriculum design. Educational Technology Magazine. Mexico.

6. Díaz Domínguez, T. (1998). Pedagogical foundations of Higher Education, GEDES. University of Pinar del Río, Cuba.

7. González Fuentes, H. (1997). Curriculum design course. Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba.

8. __________________ (1997). Didactic foundations for a participatory teaching-learning process. Eastern University. Santiago de Cuba.

9. González Pacheco, O. (1992). Curriculum planning in Cuban Higher Education. CEPES, University of Havana. Cuba.

10. López Hurtado, Josefina and others. Fundamentals of education. Havana. Editorial Pueblo and Education. 2000.

11. Pereda Rodríguez, Justo Luís and Da Costa Bezerra Neto, Cândido. Sociology, Educação e Sociología da Educação. Ed. Livro Técnico, Fortaleza, 2005.

University-institution relationship, challenge of the sociology of education