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Religion and globalization


The new boom of globalization has not left out one of the most important and controversial aspects of human life, religion. Since the emergence and development of science, the science-religion battle has raged without respite; Both parties with arguments and explanations, successes and mistakes.

Today this battle has gone further and the scenarios and protagonists have changed, it is no longer a discussion between priests and scientists, but each person experiences their own dilemma. Globalization has contributed to this happening and to each of us being more aware of what we want to experience and believe.

But can we say that religion is globalized? I think yes, nowadays the different religions of the world are changing along with the thought and feeling of man, in order to attract him or keep him in their ranks, the different religions are adopting new styles in which the priority is to please and show faith in a fresh and simple way.

As an example of this we can see in the Catholic religion how some priests perform Eucharist in a more joyful and dynamic way, in which songs, music and even dance are the protagonists.

Technology is another aspect that is changing religion and makes it globalized, the modernization of churches and different religious temples are palpable proof of this, from the implementation of information and communication systems to the projections of images and messages through the media. digital in full celebrations are currently used.

Technology allows actions that were previously performed in unattractive ways to be performed efficiently and more interesting to man; and Catholics can pray the rosary through an audio player and headphones.

Another fundamental aspect that is changing thanks to globalization and changes of thought in the world is the relationship between religions. Recently some religions are worrying about smoothing rough edges and reducing confrontations with each other, this being a very good strategy to make each religion more attractive and keep its faithful, as well as to end unjustified confrontations that only harm each religion. V

emos as great leaders of different religions are getting closer in dialogues of tolerance that harmonize relationships and make the world leave behind the bloody religious battles that were previously lived.

But in addition to introducing changes in religions, globalization is also becoming a threat for them, mainly for the more traditional ones. The rise of information exchange and the internet allow people to obtain more knowledge about new religious and ideological currents at a higher speed, and to be more easily involved in them.

Globalization allows an exchange of culture and thought at an impressive speed and unknown beliefs and manifestations are the most attractive.

Currents such as The Church of Scientology, Mormonism, among others arose both from the new concerns of people and from the existing gaps in traditional religions and of course from the influence of globalization and the change of thought in the world.

Fashion, music and sport among others have also been aspects that have evolved and thanks to globalization they have transcended religion, we can see how young Islamic or Hindu without losing their radical beliefs have modified some of their behaviors and have ventured into these aspects with success, we can see how they develop new musical rhythms in their countries, (not exactly the most traditional ones) and enter sports that are not well regarded by them and even their outfits are sources of fashion.

Globalization became a cyclone that devastated everything in its path in the world and of course religion did not have a strong enough "strong" to face it. But not everything is bad, as we know "the market with a lot of competition is the best for the consumer."

And yes, globalization and new trends of thought inevitably modified many religions and creeds, but it also made them realize that their way of believing and thinking is not the only one.

We went from strict and quite closed religious cultures and creeds to new doctrines in which different aspects of common life take fundamental roles and make us go towards an era in which the beliefs that each of us have are based on ourselves, free and flexible. and not imposed.

Religion and globalization